Pokemon Trainer Vicky

Chapter 20

We didn’t break camp.

In fact Chansey, Arcanine and I went on a looong walk not too long after. Dragonite had apparently decided to test out her new body.

Milotic approved.

We came back to camp long after night fell. I cooked a large meal for everyone, getting a feel for Dragonites new tastes. I would probably need to find out her new nutritional needs as well. But that was it. Dragonite was tuckered out, and her and Milotic were all curled up together for the night.

The next day again I pushed back any thought of leaving.

"Drag, Dragonite!"

"Yeah it’s like this." I gesture showing a punch which she was watching and trying to replicate. It took a few tries before she had the basics of it down.


"Punches are very strong, and they open up a lot of options, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Mega Punch. See you get a lot of options!" I told her ticking off my fingers, which utterly fascinated her for a moment as she realized she could do the same thing. Copying me cutely.

"Pree!" She sang out a laugh delighted in the simple act.

I mean wow. Could you imagine just not having hands, and then growing them? It must be utterly alien.

I guess I had been right. The frustration of not being able to grab something had pushed her evolution through. Did that mean anything really? Nope. I already knew Dragonair could just evolve normally in battle as well, all this had done was give me a pretty neat piece of info that wasn’t really useful for much.

Still cool though.


"Yeah we will work on all of those! We can work on your basic punches, and then just change the element on the fly. I bet it will really help out in battles."

"Pree!" She sang pleased at the idea.

"Okay so we will finish some training today, break for lunch, but then we do need to hit a Pokemon Center. I need to make sure I have your nutritional requirements right." I tell her thinking about the nutrition chart I had put together with Chansey.

Unfortunately there were a lot of guesses involved. Hopefully Nurse Joy would have a more accurate one.


"Of course I’ll make your food tasty! But we have to make sure it makes you strong too." I tell her at the unhappy noise she made about her food.

Silly Dragon.

With that I started packing up, which Dragonite slowly joined me, hesitating a bit but enjoying being able to help as she lifted things as I taught her how to pack up the camp.

It was so cute!

"Oh my God." I uttered awestruck as I realized how much of a fool I had been! A damned idiot! Moron! Idiot Sandwich!

"D-dragonite! Come here." I waved shakily at her as she looked at me curiously but did as I asked, once she drew close I settled her down opposite me and held out my hands. "Like this."


"Yeah, just like that. Okay so follow along with me. Patty-cake, Patty-cake-"


I could absolutely die happy. I was still grinning long after I returned everyone and rode Arcanine to the nearest town which ended up being Fuschia.

Being able to play Patty cake with a dragon! It was so cute, Dragonite was so utterly enthralled with the child hand eye coordination game! She was sooo cute!

I squealed as I rolled around on the Pokemon Centers bed. I couldn’t handle it! Oh!

Oh no! I’m a fool! Damned dirty fool!

"Noooo!" I couldn’t help but cry into my pillow.

I hadn’t bought a video recorder! Or even a Camera! I missed out on pictures of Dragonite being fucking adorable!

Failure! A complete failure as a Pokemon trainer! Take away my license! I cried into the pillow at my own foolishness!

But a knock interrupted my pity party. "Huh?" I chirped as I got up wiping my face to remove most of the tears.



We cheered as we met pulling each other into a hug. "I knew it was you! Someone said a girl riding an Arcanine went into the Pokemon center!"

"Yeah! Who else would it be?" I laughed, only to remember what I had just been crying about. "Ivy!" I cried as I surprise-grabbed the greenette pulling her into a tight hug as I started bawling into her shoulder. "I’m the woooooorst!"

"Wha-Vicky!? Are you crying!? Why are you crying!?"

"I’m dah woooooorst!" I cried out helplessly!

"What happened!? Vicky! Talk to me!"

"I didn’t taaaaake Pictuahhhhhhhs!" I cried out helplessly. Dragonites cute little confusion about dealing with hands! I missed it forever!


"So all of this is because you didn’t take pictures of your Dragona-Nite. Your Dragonite learning about her hands?"

"It was so cute Ivy! The most precious thing I ever saw! I missed it!"

"Vicky… Why are you like this?" Ivy asked with a sigh sounding quite put out.

But I simply shrugged. I guess it was pretty bad crying all over her, but she just didn’t understand the cuteness level. It was like a million. A million cuteness. I could have recorded it and just played the video in contests and won every Pokemon Contest forever.


"Anyway…" Ivy attempted her best to change the subject looking uncomfortable with my cuteness overload. "I’m glad I caught up with you again. I got split off from Ash and his group, and I haven’t seen them in a while… Have you seen them?"

"Nope." I shrugged. "They are probably lost in a forest somewhere or something. It happens."

"Oh." Ivy looked a little downtrodden then but I smiled.

"I did run into Zelos though."

"Oh! How is she?"

"Well her Snivy is a Serperior now. Which is awesome, but more importantly. I had to teach her how to cook."

Ivy blinked trying to process that as I waited for her reaction, my mouth struggling not to burst into a smile.

"You taught her how to cook?"

"She was completely incompetent at it!"

"No I refuse to believe Zelos the coolest girl in our year-"

"Hey, what about me? I’m cool!"

"-Doesn’t know how to cook…Vicky. No one thinks you’re cool. You just have cool Pokemon."

"Wha! They are my team that makes me cool!"

I saw Ivy’s lips twitch as she struggled not to laugh at my whining. "Afraid not. I think you have to be a little taller to be cool."

My mouth dropped! How dare she make fun of my perfectly normal height! I mean I was below the average but that was normal too! For an average to exist some people had to be below it! Just because I was well below it didn’t matter! Details! Unimportant!

"Oooh that’s it! Ivy! I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle!" I said with an evil grin as she went from teasing to an ’oh shit’ look on her face.

"No way!"

"Hehehe! When two trainers eyes meet a challenge happens!"

"That isn’t true at all!"

"It’s the law!"

"What? No it isn’t!" Ivy yelled lunging for me to either strangle me or smack me.

I yelped falling backwards off my bed ending up with an angry Greenette following me down.

Man I missed having people with me!


After Ivy spent a few minutes fixing her hair which I didn’t bother with, we left my room and headed to the cantina. The basic meals the Pokemon center offered were nice so we settled down with some tasty meals as we talked about adventure so far.

"So Ash and his group got tickets for the S. S. Anne, I didn’t, so we ended up splitting up. I was a little sad, I wanted to go on a cruise ship too. But well. I think you’re right. I hadn’t really had my own adventure. So I waved to them goodbye and set out of Vermillion city."

She took a deep breath as she exhaled.

"It was really scary at first. I ended up cuddling with Ivysaur that first night."

"I see no problem with this, I cuddle one of my Pokemon every night." I assure her earning a snort.

"That’s because you’re weird. People don’t usually travel with their Pokemon out, or hug them all the time like you do."

"That’s just a Kanto thing actually. There are lots of places all over that it’s normal to walk around with your Pokemon. Kanto is just being weird." I tell her with a firm nod as I stuff a burger into my mouth.

"I think it’s just the polite thing to do Vicky."

"Sounds like a tradition to me!" I tell her pointing with my burger.

"Gross. Don’t speak with your mouth full."

The thought did cross my mind, but sticking my tongue out full of half eaten food was a little too childish even for me.

So instead I just shrugged. "Oh how many badges did you get?"

"I defeated Fuschias Gym yesterday so I have five!" Ivy looked so happy.

"Oh! Did you go to… Saffrons Gym?" I questioned with a whisper.

Funnily enough Ivy played along looking around and leaning in. "Y-yeah. Sabrina was really scary she had this Haunter that floated around and kept making her laugh… It was really weird."

"Oh good!" I chirped much louder, startling Ivy. "That means she isn’t crazy anymore! Phew. I really didn’t want to get turned into a doll."

Ivy was left blinking at me for a moment before her eyes widened. "What do you mean turned into a Doll!?"

"Eh nothing you have to worry about now."

"Don’t just blow off saying something that scary!"

"Nope. This conversation is over. C’mon finish your food."



Stepping out of the Pokemon center with my team back on my hip, I felt much better. I still had to stop and get a video recorder, but unfortunately there wasn’t a lot of shopping in Fuschia. It was a very old sort of city. A place where everything felt older. Like I had stepped into a city that hasn’t changed since it was first built centuries ago.

It was nice.

Which of course immediately stopped being nice when I realized someone I knew was standing in front of me.

"Oooh. Hi Cousin Elizabeth. How are you?" I asked trying to hide the wince at the look I was receiving.

"Victoria." She acknowledged. Funnily she was still wearing a semi fancy Kimono. Did my Uncle’s family actually wear Kimono, and Yukata everywhere? That would be so cringey!

"Oh! You’re Vicky’s cousin, I’m Ivy, one of Vicky’s friends. It’s nice to meet you." Ivy gave a bow to the Kimono clad girl. But received only a faint nod in return. Before once more turning to me as if expecting something.

The silence stretched on for a moment, before Elizabeth seemed to realize I wasn’t following along on her script.

Mostly cause I had no idea what she wanted. Listen I don’t really do complex social interactions okay? I play in the mud with my eel, and wrestle my dog all day.

"It is custom in our Clan Victoria to bow when meeting a member of the main house. Your father may have been excommunicated, but I would have expected even you to know that."

"Nope." I say simply with a shrug. "Papa and I never really talk about the whole Clan thing. I mean neither of us are members. So can I help you Elizabeth?"

The older teen crinkled her nose before sighing. "Yes you can. Father and the Elders would like to speak with you. Please follow me."

She immediately turned and started walking off.

I didn’t move an inch. I was honestly wondering how long it would be before she realized I wasn’t moving, when as the thought crossed my mind she stalled, slumped a little and turned around.

"The please was a polite fiction. You are being summoned to the main house." She finally spoke once she reached me once again.

"Yeah no thanks. Since I’m not a member of the Clan it seems kinda weird for me to be ordered around you know?" I ask with a shrug pushing my hat off my head so it fell behind me on its strap. "I meant if someone from a different Clan walked up to you and demanded you go with them… Would you?"

I could see I was utterly pissing off my cousin.

Which… Hehehe

But also she was doing a great job of controlling herself. Even if Ivy’s curious look between the two us had been noticed and made Elizabeth twitch a bit.

"You are right. Then instead. Please join me at the Clan Compound… This is… I am not attempting to be rude Victoria, but many of the elders wish to meet with you. Excommunicated or not, you are family." She asked, keeping her voice from showing just how irritated she was.

I had a feeling getting to know me more was the absolute last thing she wanted to do.

Hence why I immediately smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "Sure sounds interesting!"

The eye twitch was great. Man teenagers were amazing to mess with. All the desire to be seen as in control like an adult, but none of the experience. Lovely. Not that adults were really that much better at not losing their cool.

"Good. Please follow me." She asked before turning and walking down the road. Ivy looked confused as she sort of danced on her feet for a moment.

"Sorry Ivy. I think this is a private family stuff, thing. Meet up at the Pokemon Center tonight?"

"Oh! Yes, that’s fine! I’ll just go… Oh the Safari Zone. I’ll go try that."

"Yeah! Have fun! Watch out for Tauros if you are trying to capture other Pokemon they have a thing about jumping in front of Pokeballs!" I call out as I finally start catching up to Elizabeth.

"So. How have you been? Are you going to fight in the Indigo League this year?"

"Possibly." She answered simply. Seemingly ending the conversation for a while as I continued walking beside.

Eventually she got sick of the silence and nodded. "Yes. If everything goes well I intend to place extremely high in the League. The Clan was very pleased with my last years position. I aim to win the entire League this year."

"Wow that’s pretty cool. It takes a lot of work to beat a League. What is your team like? I know you have a Skitty? I think Uncle Leopold said it was your starter last time?"

"Correct. Skitty is a Hoenn feline Pokemon. They don’t live here in Kanto. Father had to travel to Hoenn years ago for business he collected one. They were thankfully not a restricted Pokemon."

"That’s cool. She must be pretty strong if you take her into the League, ever thought about evolving her?" I asked earning a sudden scowl from Elizabeth.

"Of course I have! She is my partner we fought together for years but she still won’t evolve!"

I opened my mouth closed it. Then shrugged.

"That’s because Skitty doesn’t evolve through strength you need to use a… I think Moon Stone? Pretty sure Moon stone…" I mumble a bit. I couldn’t remember if it was Moon Stone, or Shiny Stone or something. It was one of those. Geeze. I’m really glad I remembered this junk, who would have thought Pokemon facts would come in such clutch?

"I don’t appreciate your jokes." Elizabeth said simply with a glare. "You’ve never even seen a Skitty before, how would you know what they need to evolve."

"I don’t know… I guess it just makes sense." I offer purposefully keeping my smirk at the lie on the inside.

"Tch." My Cousin made a noise of utter doneness at my flippant response.

Now I was just wondering if she would actually try it. Oh man, even if she doesn’t do it, this will be hilarious! Either she tries it, and it works in which case all the bad things she is thinking about me right now were totally wrong.

Or she keeps that arrogance and ends up with a Skitty when she could have a Delcatty. Evil grin tugging away at my lips I followed the dark haired teenager. We walked down the street for a bit, turning onto a much smaller road that after a small way stopped at a gate. It took me a few moments to realize it was actually a private road.

That’s right. Uncle Leopold had set up a Clan Compound here in Fuschia. I guess I was about to see it.

"So, if Uncle Leopold set up a Clan Compound, how many families actually live here… And how many I guess don’t? I talked to Gram Gram a bit about the Ferrous Clan but she gets a little touchy about it."

"You don’t even know that?"

"Nope." I offer with a popped P. I could feel her teeth grinding behind her noblewoman facade.

"The Ferrous Clan isn’t overly large. We aren’t the Blackthorne that had its branch families create an entire city around them. Right now, the main house, our house-" She offered being very firm in saying she was of the ’main’ house.

Jokes on her, I could care less.

"Is here of course. As well as many of our cousins’ families. Grandfather had two sons. Our fathers, but he also had two brothers and two sisters. Many of their descendants live here. The Compound is growing well."

"But Why?"

"Why what?" She asked testy.

"Why do they live with you? I mean, I am pretty sure housing prices aren’t that high."

"Protection, and convenience mostly. How do you not know this?"

"I don’t know. Answer my question and I will at least know enough to answer your question." I told her. Earning only a confused look and a sigh as we continued walking down the gravel road. The forest growing right up to the road the chirps of birds sang along our way.

"The Ferrous Clan are Pokemon Breeders! We are easy targets for anyone looking to steal away Pokemon. If you steal an egg, then when that Pokemon hatches, it isn’t going to care who it actually belongs to. So the family has always stuck close to each other. The main branch of the family takes on the job of protecting the rest… It is why your father was excommunicated. Not only did he take on a dog, but he abandoned his duty."

I took that in for a while. I guess it made sense. This world had police sure, but when everyone walked around with a Pokemon capable of smashing a person into paste.. Or at least most people did. Then you probably didn’t have time for the Police to show up if you were attacked.

So the family stayed close, protection in numbers, and the ’Main’ family took on the duty of securing the rest of the families.

"Is that why Uncle Leopold kept talking you up as being a strong battler to Gram Gram way back?"

"That’s right! Father is aiming for the position of Clan Head so I am showing the entire Clan that my battling skill is great enough to protect them into the next generation!"

"Oh. Uncle Leopold isn’t the Clan head?" Clan politics was so confusing.

"Not yet!" She snapped glaring. "He will be! There is no one else who can do it! Your father is not in the running!"

"Right because he was excommunicated. I remember."

"Good, don’t let it slip your mind. Father will be the Clan Head. No one else."

Since I could totally tell Uncle Leopold’s lock on the title of Clan Head didn’t seem as secure as Elizabeth was trying to hint that it was, I let it drop with a smile and a nod.

Besides, we had come up to another gate. This one was an entrance to an old Kantonian style compound. Large walls with cute little tile roofs on them ran all around.

The gate was open but there were Pokemon resting on the wooden doors.

Cat Pokemon.

An old Persian that was definitely related to Gram Grams prized Breeder cause they had the same eyes. And a much younger Meowth.

I guess that made sense. If you had Pokemon they could act as guards even better than a human, and since the Ferrous Clan was all about cats… Well it made sense.

"Good morning Persian." Elizabeth called out giving a bow to the older Persian that was resting on what should be a little lamp pillar, just inside the gate, but it had instead been converted into a little kitty bed. He had a little roof over his head!

Fucking adorbs.

My feet of course moved before I was thinking, taking me closer but before I could get close enough to offer some scratches to the old cat, a hand grabbed my arm and dragged me away.

I pouted as I was dragged away from the old Persian, I knew his scary face was just how he was born, he wanted scratches and attention! I know it! I grew up around Gram Gram! I know the secrets of Persians!

"Don’t bother Persian he will cut your head off."

"Doubt." I muttered, wishing I could push X as hard as possible.

"Welcome to the Ferrous Clan compound." She offered directing me down the old style path that ran straight between a row of old style Kantonian houses.

It wouldn’t have been out of place in some old Hisuian Isekai adventure. Just with everything being stone or concrete, and better kept. It was a mix of old and new.

It was quaint.

But seriously guys. I think this may be too many cats. Like… Even I’m saying that?

Everywhere I looked a cat Pokemon was hanging out. Persian and Meowth were the most common, although I did see a few Purrloin as well. Which impressed me. Someone must have traveled to Unova.

"I think I’m starting to see why my Papa catching a Growlithe was such a big deal…" I muttered vividly imagining Papa coming home with Growly for the first time.

Man talk about a ’cat’astrophe.

Giggling to myself I followed after Elizabeth, waving to people as I passed. Many of them had at least one feature I recognized from my own. Although none were Blonde, or blue eyed. Those were traits I picked up from Mama after all.

I did stick out a bit being the only blonde in a sea of Black hair.

But I was kind of surprised at how many people there were. Men, women, old grannies, and old Grandpa’s. Kids as well. Plenty of them were looking curiously at me from beside Meowths that were obviously attached to them.


But Elizabeth didn’t stop and no one stopped her. A few bows in her direction as she walked which she returned and on we went, down the road that was wide enough for cars but felt much smaller with all the homes having large porches full of sleeping cats, or kids playing in the middle.

Honestly? I kinda get the whole living in a Compound now. It seemed really fun and cute.

Unfortunately there weren’t enough Berry Trees. So that’s a no from me. Where would Milotic climb? What would I gather in the morning to feed Arcanine a treat? I hadn’t been at home long enough for Dragonite to slot into the berry tree formula, but I went to Dragonite island. I saw those lazy dragons sitting under a berry tree and literally just shaking it with one arm until berries fell on them.

There at the end of the street was a mansion. It really was. Larger by a full story over every other home on the street. Three stories instead of two at most. It loomed large at the end of the street.

It even had little Persian statues on each side of the steps leading up. Those were usually Arcanine, but I guess my extended family was a little cat crazy.

"Come inside. The elders are waiting for you." Elizabeth called pulling me away from taking in the sights. I hurried forward catching up to her at the large front doors which she pushed open.

A fucking maid was there. I blinked. As she gave a little bow. "Welcome home Miss Ferrous. Your Father and the elders are awaiting you in the meeting hall."

"Excellent. Come along Vicky."

"Weird. Thank you." I tell the maid as we walk past The house was in an older style, but it was new. I could see signs of modern touches everywhere. As we walked through the house, I could practically see the Meowth watching me glowing eyes in the dark spaces.

Jokes on them, if they try anything I’ll pull out a heckin’ big doggo that would love to play with them.

The thought put a smile on my lips once again as I followed Elizabeth through the warm halls and into a large room. A long floor table resided in the middle but to my surprise there were seating all around the edges of the room. Like it was meant for lots of people to gather together.

"Elders. Father. I have returned."

"You brought the girl." Uncle Leopold said simply informing the room.

The chairs along the outskirts of the room were empty, but along the large flat table on comfortable looking cushions sat an array of old men and women.

"Excellent. Come in come in." One of the older men called out waving me inside. So I stepped forward. If they thought I would act like a normal ten year old they were about to be mistaken.

"Hiya. I’m Vicky. Nice to meet all of you!" I chirped out as I walked over to the table and promptly plopped into an empty seat.

I studiously ran my eyes over the crowd watching the emotions play over their face.

Some immediately grew angry at my faux pas some amused.

I made a note of all of them. The amused ones could be fun.

"Niece… It is impolite to sit before you have been invited." Uncle Leopold spoke chidingly, but to my amusement he only said that after he swallowed back the anger my action had caused.

"Sorry about that." I answered simply, but certainly didn’t make any move to actually get up. That earned a few frowns, but the elder that called me in simply continued.

"I believe as this is the first time our young Grandchild of the Clan has joined us, we should be polite. I am your Grand Uncle, Your Grandmother is my elder sister. Feel free to call me Grandpa Roy. Many of the youngins do." He offered with a grin that literally looked like the one Papa would often give me

I returned it happily.

The other Elders all introduced themselves, some with more cheer than others.

When it was finished I decided to get to the heart of the matter.

"While I am enjoying meeting all of you, and seeing the Compound which is super homey. Why did you ask me to be here, or I guess I should say why did you try and order me to show up? Papa was excommunicated so I’m sorta in a weird spot."

"Indeed. That is true. Your fathers choices forced our hands in his Clan status. But it seems times have changed." Grandpa Roy offered with a stroke of his beard. "Much to the chagrin of our current Clan Head. Me. I am an old man Victoria. Your fathers excommunication was done as a necessity at the time. At least that is what I thought." He sighed looking a little ashamed. "Victor Ferrous has made something of himself in the last few years. That is without even considering the Milotic."

"You are talking about Arcany."

"Arcany? His Arcanines Nickname?"

"Yep! He used to be Growly. I don’t even think he would respond to a normal Growlithe call. I mean. Papa works with Growlithe all day, so saying Growly was a good way to get his partners attention. It just sorta stuck." I say with a shrug, but only Grandpa Roy seemed interested. The others had a polite disinterest. Or a very obvious disinterest in Uncle Leopold.

"How nice. Now of course our interest in your fathers improvement is between us and him. But that does leave you in an interesting spot. We have very rarely ever excommunicated anyone from the Clan before. Usually for great crimes, in the past. Your father was the first to be done because of… A failure of duty."

"I get the feeling I’m being propositioned to rejoin the clan." I offer a little dryly, earning a chuckle from Grandpa Roy and a scowl that was failing to remain hidden from Uncle Leopold.

"That’s correct. While we have excommunicated people before, this is the first time we have had to consider children involved. You of course were not raised within the Clan. Either the Viridian old home that Sister Mel keeps up, or here our new Compound that the distant families have begun gathering at once again."

"That’s right this whole place is new."

"Yes. The family used to be much more spread out… Unfortunately the loss of our unique Meowths caused a splinter in the family that is only now being restored."

"Interesting. But I still don’t really get why you brought me here… Especially without one of my parents here."

"You are ten, and on your Journey. You are an adult in the eyes of Kanto." Uncle Leopold surprisingly answered. "A Journey is the path to adulthood. To see how well you can handle the real world… You trained an Arcanine. I don’t believe many would consider you still a child."

"Okay. So that explains why you wouldn’t think to mention this to say Gram Gram.. Ah Grandma Melaney." I answered since I doubted most would know who I was speaking to. "I doubt she would be okay with not being here… Or telling me about it." I say pointedly looking at Uncle Leopold.

"The Clan felt a more personal meeting between us and you was needed." Grandpa Roy offered instead.

"So you wanted me alone so you all could pressure me into giving up my Milotic flock." I say sharply, straight through the atmosphere of faux kindness. "I’m not feeling very re-assured."

"Hah! I told you this wouldn’t work as you thought. The girl is obviously still wary." One of the Elder woman spoke then a biting grin that reminded me of a cat.

Well it reminded me of Gram Grams smile too.

"We are not here to entrap the girl." Grandpa Roy spoke instantly in a sharp tone looking straight at Uncle Leopold. He sighed then turning to me. "Yes Victoria. We wanted to get a measure of you. And offer you to become a member of the Clan as you should have been in truth. And yes. We are concerned about the Milotic. As you know my elder Sister used our Clan contacts to set up the investments in your name. The returns on which are quite astounding."

"Yeah Gram Gram showed me the books when I asked."

"Then you should know that it is the largest investment the Clan has seen since our Meowths stopped being born as Galarian variants. Much of the family has been returning, we have seen a massive increase in our unity and growth. This Compound wasn’t nearly as nice even just a few years ago."

"Okay, but the Flock are doing fine."

"We thought the same during the last War. We lost family members then." Uncle Leopold said. "Mother is too stubborn to ever leave the Viridian home, even when many of the Clan left during the start of the last war. It was the first home of our family. She grew up there and won’t leave. But Viridian is close to Johto. If a war flares up again. Viridian is in the red zone… Close enough to the border it will likely be struck full force before a response could be gathered."

"We worry about the source of our family’s wealth. We simply want to ensure that a surprise accident can’t send us once more spiraling." Grandpa Roy offered.

"I’m not sure I can help you." I tell them. "My Flock lives at my home. Where they are happy. I’m happy there too. And I honestly don’t really know if I want to join a Clan." I answer with a shrug. "I’ve never been in a Clan, never needed one before."

"Understandable." Grandpa Roy spoke up instantly, silencing a few of the group who looked like they were going to say something. "As I said Victoria, this wasn’t meant to trap you. Know that you are welcome here in the Compound. That we are family. Even if you don’t wish to rejoin the Clan you are still family, and this compound was built to house family." He offered with a smile.

I felt my back untensing a bit. I had been worried about how they would react to a negative.

"I’m glad you didn’t start yelling or something." I couldn’t help but admit, earning a chuckle from the old man.

"I don’t yell much anymore. Now in my youth, I tanned your fathers hide more than once." He offered with a wink which I couldn’t help but laugh at that reveal.

"Papa is pretty reliable, so that surprises me."

"Oh he may be reliable now. But he was a troublemaker as a child. Should I bring up the Krabby incident Leopold?" The old man offered with an utter shit eating grin, as Uncle Leopold went instantly red looking quite unhappy at that reminder.

"I doubt ancient history needs to be brought up right now Elder." He nearly hissed before turning to me. "Let me be blunt then, since the Elders wish to remain gentle. What will it take to have the Milotic brought to Fuchsia?"

"Last time I thought you said you refused to work with Papa’s Spawn?"

He twitched a little before nodding. "The Clans’ future is more important than my pride. The income stream must be protected… I spoke out of anger, last time. There is many years of history between your Father and I. Things you are assuredly not aware of. I do not hate you Victoria. You are simply attached to someone that I retain only bad memories of."

Huh. That was actually surprisingly reasonable. But then again Gram Gram wasn’t here. So I guess it wasn’t as bad.

I groaned a little as I rubbed my forehead. I hated this sort of stuff. Reasonable people worrying about reasonable problems.

But especially when I just… Didn’t want to do it. I wanted my comfy farm life. With poking Milotic out of Berry trees, and river races.

"I can’t give you any satisfactory answer right now." I say sitting back up straight. "I can understand your worries. Even if, bluntly, it isn’t really my problem. But you are family, and I’m not entirely unsympathetic to your concerns." I stand up startling most of the room.

"I will have to talk to my parents, and think about what you brought up."

"Then please take all the time you need. Move at the speed you are comfortable with Victoria." Grandpa Roy offered kindly. "But do remember, regardless, you are welcome to come home. To this home. I am sure we can find a place for you if you would like a room as well."

"I’ll think about it. Thank you." I told him before deciding I didn’t want to be here anymore.

It was making me anxious. I would have to apologize to Ivy I decided as I headed just outside the main house between the two Persian statues. I really wasn’t in the mood for hanging around. So I grabbed a Pokeball.

"Dragon! Dragonite!" She called out to me as she stretched a bit looking around curiously at the people and Pokemon around her.

All of whom were looking at her in shock and surprise.

"Hey Dragonite. I need to get home. Do you want to fly to Viridian city with me?" I ask only for her to jerk towards me and practically dance on her new legs.

"Great. So it will be that waaaaa-" I was cut off as my Dragon happily reached over and grabbed me in a slightly too tight grip still and burst into the air.

I am pretty sure she even burst into Extreme Speed there for a moment before the next thing I could see was the beautiful sky.

And then she was off. Luckily I kept my goggles around my forehead for emergency Arcanine runs whenever she had the zoomies.

So I slipped them down and was able to see.

The sky was so beautiful up here. The ground was disappearing beneath us as she raced towards home. I only had to help her adjust her course a few times on the way home.

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