Chapter 3: Initializing the 2x Isekai System…..
Chapter 3: Initializing the 2x Isekai System…..
Seeing his crying face, Professor Han thought Xin didn't know the answer, crying to make an excuse. He was getting ready to put on his ruler in action when Xin suddenly hugged him and began to cry out loud.
Professor Han didn't know what to do there. Earlier, he was of the idea that Xin was making excuses to escape from punishment, but judging from his expression, he became sure that wasn't the case there.
After contemplating for some time, he decided to comfort Xin and put his hands around him.
"Mr. Karlos, what happened?" He asked in a low voice.
Xin heard his voice and snapped out of his contemplation. He looked around and found the professor comforting him. He gently wiped his tears and asked the professor to release him from his grab.
Professor backed off and asked, "You fine now?"
"Yes, I am fine," Xin replied in a low voice and gazed towards the question on the green board. It was just a simple binary search question, having multiple loops to make it look like a complex program. For people like Xin, who used to have the Rank 2 programming title, such questions were nothing more than a child's play.
He snatched the chalk from Professor Han's hand and went towards the green board. Since it was the first day of high school and many new students had taken admission, everybody was pretty much a stranger to each other.
When other students saw him crying like that upon getting asked to solve the question, they thought Xin was poor at studies and making a dramatic scene as an excuse for not answering the question.
Everyone's eyes were set on the tall, handsome figure walking towards the board. Black eyes, black hair, and fair skin added with his slim tall built Xin was no less than a model in the class.
Xin went near the board, stared at the question for one minute, turned around, and said, "Done!!"
Everyone in the class frowned on his statement and started making an evaluation of whether he was bluffing or not. Professor Han went near and saw the programming on the green board.
It was untouched, completely untouched. Not a single thing was changed on it. He asked Xin what extra thing he had done there.
Xin pointed out the third loop in the question and showed that he had changed the value from the constant number 5 to a variable X that will make the program run smoothly without any error.
Professor Han took his time and pondered over it. But no matter how he thinks, he couldn't figure out how the program will work with a variable X rather than the constant 5.
Since the professor was keeping his quiet, the rest of the students were also keeping their calm. Some were typing out the programming on their devices to check out the validity of Xin's correction. While the rest were just waiting for a chance to tarnish Xin to make a bluff and waste class time.
"Done, done," two voices echoed one after another, attracting the professors and the entire class's attention. The first voice belonged to Xin, while the second was made by one of the girls sitting on the first row.
Professor Han turned around and saw Xin holding his laptop. He took it from his hand and clicked on the "Compile & Run" option to make it run and check out the result.
Came a notification, and the program began to run as it should have been. Professor looked towards Xin and complemented, "Good job, Mr. Xin."
Xin nodded head in appreciation and turned towards the girl who typed out the hundred twenty-lined program with the same speed as him.
Blue eyes, short dark grey hair with blue shades accompanied by her diamond-shaped beautiful face. A top-notch beauty queen. No one in the class knew her name, except the two persons standing near the green board.
Professor Han knew her name as he was the one who helped her in her registration work, and for Xin, he knew her from his previous life on magical earth.
"Aoi Kawazaki, right?"
"Yes. How did you know my name?" asked the blue-eyed girl.
Xin was in trouble now. He remembered they hadn't held the introduction session yet, and in his new life, he hadn't talk with her before. Xin began to look here and there for an answer.
Suddenly, his eyes fell on her desk. Her name was written clearly on one of her notebooks.
Xin pointed his hand towards the desk and said earlier he had a look at her notebook.
"Oh~~~!!" exclaimed Aoi and handed over her laptop to Xin to show its success.
Xin looked at the program and thanked her for typing out the codes for him. She shook her head with appreciation and sat on her seat again.
Back to Professor Han, he was still amazed by Xin's answer. The answer he had in mind involved adding ten more programming lines, but the answer that Xin showed was quite simple. He just had to change a value then done!!
He still couldn't believe that a high school student could solve that question. To clarify his suspicion, he wrote down another question on the green board and asked Xin to solve it.
Xin looked at the question for a while, then indulged himself in solving the problem. Such questions were child's play for him, and he was having fun while warming up with them.
"Done!!" Xin exclaimed with a smile on his face and turned around towards the professor.
Upon turning back, he saw something strange whose reason was out of his thinking capability.
Everyone in the class had fallen asleep on their desks. Even Professor Han was seen to be sleeping in a standing position.
Before he does something about it, a mysterious wave hits Xin and sent him flying towards the green board. He lost his sense and closed his eyes with confusion.
After an unknown amount of time, a voice echoed in his mind.
Magiculus Particles detected
Initializing the 2x Isekai System..
Generating a name for the system
Name Generated, Daisy!!
Master Identification Xin Karlos!!
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