Chapter 38 Healing glow
"Really?" (Muku)
"Yes" (Skinny man)
"....If you say so" (Muku)
"I mean so!!" (Skinny man)
The skinny man finally couldn't help but scream out in frustration. This brat was so infuriating, he was arguing with him about his own damn age!. Of he wasn't a thousand percent sure he'd be beaten up, he might have wanted to fight it out on the scene.
"Heheh...Arg!". The bulky man the skinny man was helping stand couldn't help but laugh at their exchange then groaned in pain.
"Brother!, let me get you inside". The skinny man said to the bulky man before trying to walk forward. But the bulky man refused to move.
"Sir, I'm Tom and this is my younger brother Dom, I'm sorry for his rude behaviour of not introducing himself sooner. And we really can't thank you enough for what you have done for us". The bulky man...or Tom rather, spoke in one breathe while holding back groans of pain he surely wanted to make.
"Oh, Tom and Dom huh...what a lazy naming sense the author has... Anyway, I'm Muku and wait a bit, the rest of my group are coming soon and there's someone who should be able to help your situation". Muku spoke, the group of seven waited, not like there has anywhere better to be. And they were curious about who this helper he mentioned was and how would they be able to help them.
Less than five minutes later Layla, Hope and Adam's group came after being called by hope.
"Leader!, you're alive, thank God!". Adam screamed as he ran toward Tom and stood in front of him with sparkling eyes like a fan meeting his idol.
"Oh, it's Adam, I'm glad you made it back, you even brought back such capable friends". This time it was Dom who spoke as Tom really couldn't speak anymore.
"Hope, trying healing the man, your healing power should have gotten better with your control right?, test it out on that guy who looks like he's gonna drop dead at any moment". As soon as Muku stopped talking, Hope unhesitatingly walked toward Tom, who couldn't help but het a twitchy eye from what Muku said about him and how this little girl clearly agreed with him. Although he was in a lot of pain, could barely talk, had a broken arm, he wasn't close to death okay!.
"Mr, can you put him down so that I can try healing him?". Hope said while looking at Dom who hesitantly complied after Tom nodded at him to do it.
"Healing glow". Hope softly called out after Tom was sat on the ground. A yellowish gold glow covered Tom's whole body, but was most concentrated on his torso. This was so that she took care of the internal injuries of the torso first, since those can easily endanger human life. Everyone was awed when they saw Tom's visibly pale and pained face becoming less tense and the small cuts on his body were also closing up, not even leaving scars. Even Muku's group was awed, they had never really gotten injured after all.
"Wait, wait, that's enough, go heal the others, he's good enough for now". Muku said when he noticed that Hope was about to move to his arm after the torso. The others were a bit dumbstruck but when they realised that Tom wasn't the only one who had internal injuries and Hope's mana wasn't bottomless they understood. It was better to heal everyone to a point that at least their lives would be guaranteed.
Around twenty minutes later Hope was finally done. Her face had gotten a bit pale from all the expended mana. In contrast, the injured seven from before looked a lot rosier, though if course Tom's hand was still broken, like Muku thought, she didn't have the mana to heal the seven and his arm all at once. In fact she hadn't healed then completely, only guaranteed their lives and lifted off most of the pain. But since they weren't paying anything, they couldn't exactly complain about it. They were quite grateful instead even.
"Ms Hope, thank you for your timely assistance. And Mr Muku, I can't even remember how many times I've had to thank you today, it's so many times that I don't know how to repay you. All I can say is that from this day and until my death, my life is forever in your hands and I would fight to the death for you. If you hadn't shown up, this stadium would have definitely turned into hell for everyone here and us seven would have definitely suffered". Tom spoke, other than pain from his hand he could handle, he was now mostly fine and....seemed to be quite the chatter box. He thanked Hope first who shyly hid behind Muku before poking her head out and nodding, she wasn't good with strangers. Even when she was healing the seven, she was always looking down or anywhere else, them being grown ups and understanding what was happening, didn't make things difficult for her by speaking.
"It's okay Uncle Tom, we're all human here, and it's only natural to help each other". Muku replied with a smile.
"Ah, actually I'm only 31". This time it was Tom's time to catch the twitch lip syndrome after hearing Muku calling him uncle. His brother, Dom on the side couldn't help but smile smugly since Tom had laughed when he was called old.
" two should consider sleeping a bit more". Muku said with a straight face. His statement made both Tom and Dom's expressions turn dark while everyone else couldn't help but snicker. Everyone couldn't help but think that if Muku wasn't so strong, he really might have been beat up by the two brothers.
"Anyway Unc...Mr Tom, what are you planning to do with these twenty?". Muku asked with no particular expression on his face.
"These fiends, I'll make sure they rot in jai.." Tom suddenly stopped speaking when he realised that the concept of prisons was basically gone now. So sending them to jail was out of the question and even if it was an option, they'd definitely be able to get out easily. And so he was at a loss for words, not knowing what to do. In fact his whole group(Adam's included) didn't know how to handle the situation.
Even Muku's girls didn't know what to do, Layla's eyes flashed with some sinister light for a second before she shook her head. She likely thought of something but didn't think the others would agree, so remained quiet. What she didn't know was Muku noticed her though, and he internally gave her nod of appreciation.
{At least one of the girls is on the right track to developing the correct mindset for this apocalypse were there's no law shielding us}. Muku thought.
"Why don't I take care of them for you then?". Muku said to Tom with a smile.
"But how will y..". Tom was asking before he was interrupted.
"Don't worry about that" Muku said interrupting Tom.
His vagueness confused everyone, the girls included, thorough Layla seemed to have an idea of what he wanted to do as she looked at him with suspicion.
"Okay, I'll be back in a while, please help the girls settle in". Muku spoke without waiting for Tom to respond to his previous statement. Then the eighteen unconscious people and two corpses, suddenly floated up and toward each other, forming a floating human ball. Muku turned around and started walking towards the exit as the human ball floated behind him and following where he went.
"Sir..". Emily called out before she was interrupted.
"Don't worry, just settle in, I'll be back in a little while, I don't need help for this one!". Muku interrupted her and shouted back as he continued walking away.
Emily wanted to say something more but Layla grabbed her shoulder. When Emily looked back at her, Layla shook her head. And with that Emily could only stop herself from saying anything. Though she was still worried, they had basically always been together since the apocalypse began after all, and he had become the one she depended on most. And with her feelings for him, if anything were to happen to him she might just she'd definitely break.
"Umm, young ladies, let me show you to your room, you can wait for the young sir there. I'm sure he'll be back soon". Dom said after being pushed forward by Tom.
Layla nodded and led the way, following behind Dom. The other girls followed behind her after looking in the direction Muku left from for a bit more. Adam's group was led away by Tom and the rest in another direction. They would likely be asked to spill all the information they knew about Muku's group.
"Umm, Layla, there's a lady who's been looking in our direction ever since you came, with tears in her. I wasn't sure before who she was looking at since it could have been Mr Adam's group. But now I'm sure she's looking at you. Look there.". Jade suddenly said to Layla as they walked behind Dom. Layla looked in the direction Jade pointed with confusion then...
"What!?". She said in a shocked voice as her eyes widened to the max.
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