Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 1402 Care to team up?

Chapter 1402  Care to team up?

"I am definitely not alone anymore." Liam swung around to face his new companions who had arrived at the spot in the blink of an eye. One of them was wielding daggers, one in each hand and was covered from top to bottom in black cloth. The man unmistakably was an assassin and he was capable of blurring himself and appeared like a mirage one place one second and the next place the next second. His movements were very unique and mysterious. His entire body seemed to blur and reshape, as if tethered only loosely to reality. The assassin's voice was as muffled as his features, leaking out from behind layers of dark cloth. "It's rude to hog the treasure," he said, tone light yet laced with threat.

"Funny," Liam retorted. "I'd be delighted to share…though from the look of things, your approach is more slash-and-grab than let's-talk-over-tea."

A faint shimmer rippled over the assassin's form. With a barely perceptible shift of weight, he vanished again, the air where he'd stood warping like a desert mirage. Instinctively, Liam tensed, scanning the immediate surroundings. The shadowy figure reappeared behind him in a swirl of disturbed sand, daggers held in a relaxed grip that suggested lethal expertise.

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