Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 457 Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

I could smell the desperation in the air as Liu Yu Zeng and I walked down the dark hall. The walls were covered in graffiti, letting us know with no uncertainty whose territory we were entering. Shouts and screams echoed all around us as the man in front ignored everything as if this was nothing.

And to him, it would be. 

But maybe I should explain how we got here…

I told the guys my plans for how to rescue the healer and to say that they weren't impressed was an understatement. 

My bright idea was that I should recreate my original kidnapping, sticking to the events that had happened in my second life. I roughly knew when the recruiter was going to be driving down that stretch of the highway toward City I, give or take a weak, and I thought that if I could get my body into the exact same as before, it would be easy peasy lemon squeezy. I would be picked up and dumped in the Reaver camp with no worries. However, given my rate of healing, I would either have to be far away from the guys, or they would need to beat the crap out of me every few minutes.@@novelbin@@

Now, I know that my plan was not the best one, but the way the guys were acting, you would think that I had asked them to kill me. A few hours of arguing later, I decided to go down a different route.

And when I say I decided, I meant the guys decided and wouldn't budge on the issue.

Wang Chao's winning idea was that if I wanted to get into the Reaver camp under the guise of a prize fighter, then I should let the guys do the fighting, and I could just be there as arm candy. That way, we would all be together and watch each other's backs.

I knew that, technically, that idea would work. There were a lot of underground fighting rings that the Reaver camp I was in recruited from. It's not like they owned the idea of fighting for money. In fact, it was one of those things that followed humans since the dawn of time. 

They, however, did perfect it. 

But the biggest issue with that idea was the fact that each match was to the death. There was no point in letting the loser use up valuable resources like food if they weren't strong enough. So, if all four of my men walked into the same fighting club, there was no guarantee that they would all be walking out. And to say that I was not happy with that idea was… only slightly accurate. 

When I pointed that out to the guys, Liu Wei suggested that we split up then and each of them go to a different arena, and hopefully, they would meet up at the right camp at the right time.

I hated that plan almost as much as I hated the one of us all being together. If it were easy to find people and we all had a working cell network, it might be a doable idea. That way, we could just call each other and meet up. However, that was not the way the new world worked, and I was not going to lose my guys for ten to twenty years because we were all being moved around the country every few weeks, and no one knew where the others were. 

There was no way that our link could act like a cell phone, either. It needed us to constantly be around each other for it to work. It would be okay a short time away, but after any extended length of time, it would fizzle and snap. Not something that I wanted to go through either, thank you very much. 

No, as far as I was concerned, that was an even worse idea than me getting my ass kicked and dumped on the side of the road. 

That led to another round of arguments, which had Liu Yu Zeng pipping up with his plan. He and I would go into an underground arena together, him as the fighter and me as his wife. That way, he would still have a backup, but not one that he would have to fight and kill.

The other three guys could just be around, watching the fights, maybe becoming a manager or something if they even had those. But the point was that we would all be together, and I would be safe.

I couldn't exactly disagree with their statement. I would be safer if I acted like a mouse and let the guys handle everything, but I wasn't the type of woman who could just sit back and let them do all the hard work. This was my plan, and I needed to actively participate in some way.

Chen Zi Han, always more in tune with my emotions than anyone else, including the psychic, suggested that while I didn't participate in the fights or try to bring attention to myself, I could act as a bodyguard, making sure that whoever I was paired up with, didn't get attacked from behind. I could still play the role of a dutiful, quiet wife around outsiders but be the guys' hidden weapon when needed. 

Honestly, with all the plans being thrown back and forth, I like this one the best. We would be together, I wouldn't have to have any of them out of my sight, and they still felt in control of the situation.

The hardest part was to decide who was the lucky man going to fight for his life every night in the ring.

Once again, this ended up being a lot more of a fight than I had anticipated. Everyone wanted to be the one fighting if it meant that I would be beside them. 

However, Liu Yu Zeng turned out to be the winner simply because I promised him on the beach years ago that I would never leave his side. 

And they say that women have a really good long-term memory.

So, that was how Liu Yu Zeng and I ended up in one of the best underground fight clubs in City I, walking to our doom with only the jeers of the current fighters to accompany us.

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