Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 460 A New Deal

"I am pretty sure that I already told you my last offer," smirked Liu Yu Zeng, looking over his shoulder but not once stopping. There must have been a sign or something that I didn't see, but all of a sudden, there were two bouncers standing in our way.

While they towered over me, they were the same height as Liu Yu Zeng, just a lot bulkier. 

"There is no way that I am going to accept 80/20 when most of the fighters are only getting 5% profit off of their fights and kissing my feet for giving them that much. I think you need to learn a small lesson on how the world now works. People like you are no longer in control. I am," sneered the Boss, and I could hear his feet echoing as he descended the last few steps. 

I turned around to look at him and, at the same time, to watch Liu Yu Zeng's back. I knew that he was itching for a fight, so I didn't want to stop him, but I also knew that he wouldn't do anything that would put me in danger at the same time. 

"Go have fun," I said with a smile on my face. Looking at the Boss, I saw the reason why he stayed on the stairs this whole time. Looking him in the eyes, I couldn't hold back my laughter. "I see men still suffer from a Napoleon complex, huh?" I asked. The big, tough Boss of the number one underground fight club was 5 foot 3 inches tall, including the shoes he was wearing with a bit of a heel.

Now, don't get me wrong. I had nothing against short guys. In fact, I felt their pain more often than not. However, when they were clearly so uncomfortable with their height, I couldn't hold back. Whether you are short or tall, own it, and no one can make you feel less.

But I digress. Shorty stood there, his chin tipped up, and signaled for two more guards. 

Feeling better now that we were surrounded and 'at his mercy', Shorty walked forward and stood right in front of me, his two new guards on either side.

"You good, Sweetness?" asked Liu Yu Zeng, briefly turning around to look at me.

"Right as rain. And don't worry, I have a backup plan in my head, so if you end up killing everyone here, it won't be that big of a deal," I assured him, calling on my blue flame. I wouldn't get involved, but that didn't mean that I wouldn't be prepared if I needed to be. 

But as shit was hitting the fan, a backup plan did come to me. And the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.

"You know what? Kill everyone that stands in your way," I told Liu Yu Zeng, never once turning my attention away from Shorty.

The Boss sneered at me and, once again, waved his two fingers. This time, there was a loud roar before two zombies came stumbling out from the back room. 

"Are you really bringing zombies to a fistfight?" I asked with a chuckle. There was a brief look of surprise on Shorty's face before his face twisted into a sneer. 

"I always get my way," he replied, standing up straight. 

"Then I guess it is time to introduce you to the new world," I shot back, remembering what he had told my man. If anyone was going to control the world at the end of the day, it was going to be me. I think I needed to start letting people know.

Tilting back my head, I let out an earth-shattering roar of my own, one that was answered by at least 60 zombies somewhere in the building. 

Shorty turned pale as he turned around to see a whole horde of zombies filing out of the door behind him.

"What are you doing?" he demanded. "How can you do that?"

"Ah, see, that is the greatest thing about zombies. They follow the one that is the most powerful. And, unfortunately for you, that is me," I answered, watching a single zombie glide forward in front of the others. 

"You called?" she asked softly. I would have to admit this was the first time I had ever seen a female Alpha. Good for her. 

"I did. Feel free to kill them all," I replied, walking over to sit down in one of the booths. The red lights would really have to go once I took over.  @@novelbin@@

"Have deal," she hissed in reply.

"We can make a new deal," I answered with a wave of my hand.  She cocked her head to the side and came to sit down in the chair across from me. 

"What deal?" she asked, her beady eyes never looking away from my own. 

"What is your current deal?" 

"We eat the dead," she answered with a shrug like it was no big deal. However, I knew how much zombies hated to eat already dead flesh. 

"I will let you eat the living," I counteroffered. "I will also free you to be able to wander around anywhere in the city."

She shook her head, "No, stronger Alpha, doesn't like others in his territory." 

I froze when I heard her words. Looking towards the horde, I saw something that I had never noticed before. "You are all female."

"Yes," she hissed. "Safer."

"Then how about I kill the Alpha for you? Will that help?"

"You kill Alpha?"

"It's not like it is the first time I have done it, and it definitely won't be the last time," I responded with a chuckle. "It's kind of what I do."

"You kill Alpha, then we have deal," hissed the female Alpha in front of me. 

"Until then?" I asked, tilting my head toward the scene in front of us where Liu Yu Zeng was surrounded by both human and zombie bouncers. 

"Until then, we stay out of it," she answered before letting out a low, commanding growl. The two zombies that stood on either side of Shorty turned around and walked back to their horde.

"Thank you," I nodded to her before turning my attention back to my man.

"Go have fun, Sweetie. I'll wait here for you."

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