Rebirth: King to Superstar

Chapter 6 - Goal


"It's way better than dramas. The viewers have so much better now experience and it also looks better than a drama. One mishap on a live drama by an actor can destroy the whole performance but movie? They can reshoot the same thing from different angles until they are completely satisfied. Such high level performance." He continued to murmur to himself while closing his eyes on the bench, ignoring everything around him.

After a few more minutes he slowly stood up and noticed it was already 4. Keeping both his hands inside his pockets, he walked back home, as he walked all his thoughts were still on the movie he watched. He thought the movie was not that good but was also not that bad. It was a one time watcher. What interested him was the way the movie was taken.

Dramas could only be seen from one angle and everything depends on the actors. But in movies, the actors did at most only 60 percent of the total work. Even if an actor was bad at acting the movie crew could use other means to make it look good and this fascinated him.

It didn't take him long to reach his apartment. He quickly got inside removed the mask and hung it at the same spot as before. He got himself a quick glass of water before sitting on the couch.

"Hmm, from the memories of that guy, we can watch movies even on T.V, using internet? Let's try it out. I want to watch some of the famous ones rather than the small one I just saw."

He quickly turned on the T.V before slowly connecting it to the internet in the house. It took him quite some time before he got it right. As he did he exhaled in relief and quickly watched the most popular movie which came out a few years back called 'Dominator'. It was the most widely acknowledged best movie of the country by the media and public

Setting up everything right, he started the movie. The movie was about a fight between an alien who stumbled upon the planet and tried to overtake it with it's massive power. The hero would then defeat it after a long fight. But what made the story good was the journey the hero went through to gain power enough to defeat the alien and die, sacrificing himself.

Kim Joon-won was very impressed by this film. Compared to the movie he saw before, this film was better by a very long distance. Whether it came to the effects used or the story line or even the acting involved.

"The hero, Dongbang Jae, is really a master at acting. Way better than even me. Seems like there are people who can act like this. There is so much that even I am yet to improve. Hmm, it seems like this guy is also called as the Heavenly king of the previous generation. He retired last year from acting?" Remembering a few more things about the hero.

Zen Su was never arrogant and could accept his weakness before trying to improve further on it. That was one of the reasons he became a good king. Seeing that Dongbang Jae was better than him in that film, he only wanted to improve his own skills to surpass that level.

"Hmm, seems like heavenly king is rather a rank given to the most successful and famous actor of every generation. All of them seem like great actors. In this generation it seems like there are only 3 of such people. I'll prove myself to be the fourth." With a slight smirk on his face.

He finally made his first large goal after coming into this world. Goals were important to become successful as it gives him a clear goal. He decided on his ultimate goal long ago, it was to be the most famous actor in this world. Compared to his past life goal which was performing for the royal family, he decided to go bigger.

Becoming a Heavenly King was only a checkpoint to his goal because Heavenly kings were only famous within the country he was currently living. Out there were other actors and bigger countries.

"Well it's already 7 let's finish dinner quickly and watch another good movie before sleeping. It seems like I need to go school tomorrow. A school for art? This is going to be interesting, my first time to a school in both my lives." Standing up he went into the kitchen and scoped up the rest of the food into a plate before sitting on the couch once again.

Zen Su never went to a proper school even back in his old world. Being an orphan and poor, he couldn't afford such a luxury and had to work everyday before acting to get some food inside his body. The first thing he did after becomg a King was to open free schools to poor people , it was one of the reasons people loved him the most.

He never thought he would have a chance to go to a school like a normal person, now that he got the chance he wanted to experience it properly.

After finishing the left over a food from lunch he cleaned up the dishes and sat on the couch with the remote in his hand once again, trying to find more good movies from his memories to watch.

As he was, he found his phone vibrating in his pocket. Taking it out he finally saw the most used device by humans in the modern era.

"Hmm, why is it vibrating. Wait, someone is calling? Dad?" Seeing the name and picture on the call he felt confused.

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