Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 40: The Decision


"I won't take your time then. You may go."

'Just like that? That's not how I remember about this Emperor from my previous life.'

For all Eclipse knew in his previous life, the Emperor wasn't a nice person but was revered to be a benevolent ruler to his Empire despite his ruthlessness when it comes to others.

Especially to his wives and children, if he recalled correctly.

He snapped from his thoughts as he didn't want to think any further and followed the First Young Master as they both left the Royal Throne room after being dismissed by the Emperor itself.

Outside of the throne room, Eclipse noticed that there was someone that seemed like waiting for them and when that person saw both of them, he hurried to went over to our side and greeted us.

"Pleasure to meet both of you, First Young Master and Third Young Master from Marquis Chevalier household! My name is Eden and I'll guide you to the Crown Prince's study room. He is waiting for the both of you, specifically, the Third Young Master."

'Is this b*stard doing things purposely?'

« Host, this Eden guy…. Be careful with him. There is something odd about him that Silver couldn't scan right away. Best course of action was to never get in contact with this person. »

Eclipse raised an eyebrow mentally at what Silver was talking about.

'What do you mean? Is there something wrong with this person?'

« Answering Host, yes, there is something wrong with that person. Silver couldn't pinpoint what that is but if Host wanted a comparison, it similar to those demonic entities from the Cultivation worldline. »

'I see. Thank you for the information. Also, can you scan the whole area like you usually do? Or you couldn't do it as of the moment?'

« Answering Host, Silver could only do a minimal portion of power to do that as Silver couldn't regenerate new energy from this worldline since the progression rate is still slow at the moment but because Host manage to unlock some tasks and had already done a little bit of minimal task, Silver has regenerated a little bit of energy that Silver can use. »

'Is that so? Don't worry Silver, you can get your powers back. For now, let's focus on this one.'

« Also, reminding of Host that Host hasn't absorbed the crystal orb that was in the Host inventory. Silver suggested that Host should absorb it as soon as possible. »

'Yes. Yes. I know. That can wait and also, I need to analyze it first before consuming it, right?'

Eclipse cut off with Silver for the meantime and the world-hopper raised an eyebrow at because he remembered what this Eden guy said to them, and he looked at his peripheral vision that most of the workers at the palace hall seems like listening to their conversation and this b*stard purposely said things out loud.

'Tsk! What a troublesome!'

He pretended to be anxious as he immediately hold the hem of the First Young Master's cloth while looking down, trembling and it looks like the older male noticed his anxiousness as Eclipse felt a hand on his shoulder while comforting him and whispered to his ears.

"Don't worry about it. Big brother is here. I'll protect you, okay?"

Eclipse just nodded while looking down but mentally, he wanted to puke because of that statement.

'Your too late to take care of this younger brother of yours, Altron. If it was back then, I would be ecstatic but right now, I no longer need those affection.'




"Do your job and lead us the way. Don't spout unnecessary things lest you want something to create a bigger trouble here. I'll report this to your master because of that behavior of yours."

Eden got startled because of what the heir apparent and the First Young Master of the Marquis Chevalier household said as he immediately stepped aside while leading the two brothers away from the main hall of the Palace.

'Geez! I thought that the main family of the Chevaliers despise this illegitimate half-noble born child? What was this? Also, why is the heir apparent treat this baby so delicately?'

Eden thought as he kept on glancing both brothers behind, especially the Third Young Master.

For once, Eden could compliment the teenager's ethereal beauty because of his rare strawberry-colored hair and only him, besides his deceased biological mother, Lady Aryna, had.

"Are we there yet?"

Eden once again startled and snapped from his trance as he noticed the First Young Master's annoyed expression, he stuttered; "A-ah, yes! W-were almost there, First Young Master!"

'Just like Marquis Chevalier, who was known for being the Iron-Blooded Swordmaster, sure his son, the heir apparent, could be also as scary as his father.'




For some reason, Altron felt irritated.

One, because of how the Emperor said those words as if stating that the Marquis Chevalier household was now siding with the Crown Prince because of the sudden invitation coming to their household, especially the one who got invited was none other than his youngest brother, Ezekiel.

Two, the palace servant from the Crown Prince's Palace, namely, Eden. His words earlier as if he wants to implicate not only the Marquis Chevalier household but also his younger brother, who was still recuperating from the recent scandal and Altron knew that his younger brother didn't want to accept this invitation but in no way to decline the crown's summons without offending them.

However, his younger brother, who doesn't want to do anything with him or his other siblings, as well as their father, requested that he will only accept the invitation if Altron was going with him.

Of course, Altron accepted it without hesitation because he could also tell that his brother needed someone, at least someone tolerable, that would go with him to the Royal Palace.

Third and last, Altron was suspicious about this whole invitation coming from the Crown Prince.

He, together with his other two siblings, had a meeting with the Crown Prince before and the three of them didn't sense any implications about him wanting to meet their youngest sibling.

Altron wasn't sure what this invitation was all about but since he was here, he would make sure that Ezekiel wouldn't be involved in whatever the Crown Prince was scheming about.

If the time his younger brother would have dragged into this political war, then, Altron would need to decide as the heir apparent and the next Marquis and Patriarch for his household for the best course of action.


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