Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 92 A New Name.

Chapter 61: A new name.

Kein's POV

I was washing the little girl's long hair that was full of mud, roughly cleaning her strands of hair trying to remove the mud that had gone dry. "Nwo! Nwo!" she yells trying to remove my hands from her head.

"Come on, you have some more mud there. I have to clean it off." I told her while she struggled to break free from my hold, kicking the water all over the place.

Slowly with my effort, the mud started to be washed off. "Uhhh..." I stopped washing her and looked at her in confusion.

Blonde hair?

And her eyes- a pair of silver.

She kind of looks like-

"Why- do you look like a mix of us both?" I muttered to the little girl who giggled shoving more water at me. The cold water hit my face to which I had to wipe it all off while still not believing this- she looks exactly like me.

I took a towel and dried the girl's hair after finishing up her bath time. "Hold still. I can't dry your head if you keep moving like that." I struggled to have my patience while this little girl made me so confused. I wrapped her body around the towel and sighed.

Now I get the reason why she calls me 'Mama' because I look- exactly like her!

"R-Rose! I think you need to see this." I called out to her while I peered through the door frame looking conflicted. "Hmm? What is it?" I could see her tilting her head, hands working on making some temporary children's clothing while looking at me with a puzzled expression.

She stands up from the bed and follows inside the bathroom. "Did something happen- what the-" even she herself was conflicted the moment she saw the little girl that we have taken back here.

The little girl noticed Rose and raised her hands up at her while the towel kept her secure. "Mommy!" she called out to her, who was now having a panic attack and looks like she's about to faint.

Thankfully she didn't faint and just quickly raised the little girl up to carry her in her arms, bopping her nose. "She looks exactly like you!" she said happily towards me but I was the opposite.

I was worried if we had anymore missing relatives- but on my mother's side.

This can't be from my father's side because they were all dark-haired and black colored.

The blonde hair gene came from my mother- is this a lost daughter of Aunt Haren? No, then she should have either blue eyes or brown...

She could be trouble.

"Kein? Are you still there? You're making that face again." I could feel her nudging me slightly, "Hey- are you okay?" she leans in over to my face and I sigh not hiding the fact that I'm worried that this- little girl might be trouble.

"Sorry Rose. I realized that the time that she looked like me- this might be an unknown missing relative of ours." I told her and she widened her eyes but it does make sense. "I need to go back home to Aunt Haren and ask if there was anyone from the family that lived here and left their kid."

But... What if I'm just overthinking things?

"That might be possible but what are the chances that the two of you could be related?" (Rose) says and I also agreed to that as well. The both of us decided that we needed to get the little girl dressed first before further discussions-

I looked at myself in front of a mirror and I realized I was also dripping wet from bathing the kid so it seems I also need a set of clothes to change into.

I looked into my [Storage Ring] taking some of the clothes I packed and took off my top, I could feel somebody's gaze staring at me intensely when I stored the wet clothes into my ring. The scars on my whole body could be seen and the toned muscles were also visible.

"I never saw you... half naked. It's nice you should do it more often when we're alone, perhaps even with no underwear would be nice." she mutters seductively while covering the little girl's ears first as she plays around with the towel around herself.

I, on the other hand felt so hot by just that one comment and actually wanted to pin her down and tell her she can remove my clothes with her own hands if she'd like but with the kid inside the room- I can't do it!

"M-Maybe... sure." I told her the tone of my voice was a little hesitant but it was clear that I was just really flustered, the tip of my ears growing even more hot.

Rose seemed to be satisfied with my answer so she took her hands away from the little girl's ears and dressed her up with the clothes that she made a few minutes ago.

The little girl raises her hands as Rose puts the small dress over her head. "Fuah!" she lets out this cute little sound right after.

"For now... How about you give us your name, little one?" (Rose) raises up the little girl before setting her down on the bed. "Hehehe!"

I could hear the both of them giggling and the more we pressed on her name she would just laugh and not answer- as expected. "It seems that she doesn't have one." I said walking closer to them and Rose hummed in my presence.

"We could... call her something in the meantime." she suggests looking softly at the little girl who looked exactly like me. "What do you think about Kein?" she turns to me with a wide smile, excited and she's most likely thinking of many names in her head right about now.


What do I think?

"I think that... if we name her... we would get completely attached to her and-" I was cut off, Rose waving me off with a grin. "Nonsense! We would never get attached to a little cute girl like you that looks like you-"

I stop her there and grab the child to show her the eyes. "If you look at her more closely, Rose, she just looks like the mix of us both."

Rose blinks and sees the silver eyes, pairs that were just like hers. "I never noticed that her eye color was the same as mine!"

It's quite scary, this could very well might be our secret love child. "Mama!" she yelled moving over to me and cupping my cheeks, I almost pushed her away by reflex because I was surprised but-

"I wove wou!" she suddenly declared. My body relaxed and I now didn't her squishing my cheeks together.

I didn't know what to feel.

My heart seemed to have filled up with happiness when I heard... that.

Rose covered her mouth and saw the little girl walking closer to her. Now it was her turn for her cheeks to be cupped together. "Mommy! I wove wou! Mm! Mm!"

The both of us stood still at that moment getting attached to the small figure in front of us. "Ahem... so about a name. Do you have any good ones?" I asked Rose who was on the verge of tears while hugging the little blonde girl by her arms.

"Kein! How are you not affected by her cuteness?! She said I love you!" (Rose) nuzzles with her and I just bite my lip trying not to smile. "For names though... hmm..." I saw her look at the little girl and made the face she usually makes when she thought of a great idea.

"How about we try calling her the list of names we think of and see where she reacts?" (Rose) stands up, takes a chair and puts the child in it.

"Oh! Not a bad idea." I agreed with the idea. We will just suggest names and see which one she'll prefer.

The little looked confused on what we were doing but we asked her to sit down for a bit and then began the name calling.

The both of us stood on the other side of the room and cleared our throats. "Melissa." I started.

"Harriet?" (Rose) calls out to the little girl but there was no reaction.

"Patricia." I muttered enough for the child to hear but nothing either.

"Oh! How about Luisa?" (Rose) suggests to me but as expected nothing.

"No, no, how about Shalissa? I'm sure she'll like Shalissa more." I told Rose but she just told me, what kind of name is Shalisa?

Hey, it's a good name. I like it very much. "Come on, Rose, surely you can think of a few more!" I told my girlfriend who looked at me offended. "All the names I've suggested are better than the ones you gave. Come on, what kind of name is Shalissa, Kein?!"

We tried several more times but she just laughed and pointed her fingers whenever the both of us argued. "Hehehe!"

Rose and I looked at each other feeling dejected. It's been almost an hour and this girl didn't even like any of the ones we picked.

"We're running out of names. I even tried Sarah- that's a really common name too!" I complained feeling tired that the child is not taking any names.

I was about to give up and choose a random name from the list that sounded decent but-

Rose looks at me for one moment before her eyes flicker, it means she has an idea she wants to share. "W-What about your old daughter's name? You told me you had dreams of her right? Do you remember what her name might be?"

My heart ran fast at her suggestion, I can't believe she remembered.

I couldn't help but smile really widely because after all these years this was the first time she brought it up. "You... remember that?"

Rose blinked and pouted after my question, "I loved your stories of her. You told me stories of how she made you happy and with the way you're looking at me right now. You look... beautiful when you smile as always." her hands traveled to my cheek giving my lips a quick peck before turning to the little girl.

I wanted to deepen the kiss she gave me... but I had to control myself and walked a little closer to the girl.

"Go on, try calling her." she suggested and my heart pounded very hard for some unknown reason.

I know I shouldn't be nervous. I shouldn't- because there was no reason to be. It's not like she's really my past daughter- we're just testing the name out to see if she'll like it that's all.

I took a deep breath and called out to her, "Vi..."

The little girl's ears perked up and I continued with the name. "Vivienne, come here."

My hands were sweating and I tried wiping it off of my pants. A few seconds after I called her by my old daughter's name, Rose and I waited for any kind of reaction but... she sat in her chair while staring at us both.

"I guess... she doesn't like it." I laughed a little but it couldn't hide the disappointment that I had.

"I should- grab some fresh air outside." I excused myself and turned around to leave. The hope of my daughter joining me in this world was a bit far-fetched and I know it's impossible.

I already opened the door because I don't want Rose to see my crying face. "I-I'll be out for a bit-" I told Rose who had the look of worry and confusion.

I'm sorry... It's just that I miss her so much. The only family I ever had and- I want to know how she's doing right now but I can't...

Step! Step! Step!@@novelbin@@

"Kein wait!" (Rose) was about to follow after me but someone else was fast enough to get first.


"Huh?" I muttered out. I felt something grabbing my legs once more and it was the little girl who was now clinging to one of my leg and smiled with a little toothy grin. "Mama! Vwivwiene!"


I didn't realize that I was already sobbing and tears were falling out of my cheeks. My legs felt weak so I decided to bend down and hug the small blonde figure in front of me.

"Vivienne... I missed you so much." I told her in a whisper, not caring if this was my original daughter or not.

I buried my head into her shoulder and wished it was her.

"Mama! Nwo!" she was laughing while pushing me away because my long hair must've tickled her. "V-Vienne..." I sniffed having snot in my nose and that's where Vivienne thought I crossed the line.

"Mommy!" she called out to Rose who walked right over to hug us both in a warm embrace the moment she called out mommy. She rests her hand carefully on top of our heads and pulls us closer into her chest for support.

"Yes, I'm here. Isn't that nice Vivienne? You have a name now, your beautiful Mama picked it herself." (Rose) giggles and I could feel how fast her heartbeat is with my head pressed to her chest. "I love it a lot."

A few minutes afterward we stopped hugging and Vivienne seemed hungry. She pushes us a bit before saying, "Mama... Mommy... tummy?" she points at her mouth and at her stomach imitating a small growl.

I chuckled a little bit at how this girl could be so hilarious. Rose was already spoiling her so much by hugging her like crazy. "You're hungry! Of course, we can get you some food. This is an inn after all we can just order some right?"

I nod standing up and fixing my messy composure from before. "Yeah, do you both want to eat here or outside."

"I'm only wearing a shawl. If we eat outside I might get recognized." (Rose) frowns sadly and I smile to let her know it's okay. "We can eat here then. Let me just order some food for us-"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I turned to the door and wondered who it was. There weren't any peepholes to use so I didn't know who it was, "Huh. I wasn't expecting any guests in my room this evening. Hold on one moment." I told Rose who sits on the bed with Vivienne playing together.

"Take your time!"

I'm sure that it won't be a long conversation.

I opened the door, seeing a familiar blue hair and tall figure with an armor I could recognize everywhere. "Lord... Vincent."

He glared at me looking really angry before giving a polite scary smile. "I know the princess is with you. I'm here to bring her back with me."

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