Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 98 Tea Party And Gossip!

Chapter 65.5: Tea party and gossip!

Narrator's POV

There were six figures in the garden. Three princesses, a knight, a maid and a child.

The knight and the first princess planned all that they could and conversed, coming to a halt realizing that they worked really well together and they never realized. Strategists do flock together like wild ducks.

It was a weird comparison but nonetheless, the knight smiled looking at the sister of her beloved. "Princess Cecilia, I'm glad to see you're feeling fine despite the rumors of your sickness."

The princess could only laugh looking at her lower half. "In good condition mentally but physically wise I'm afraid my legs have become numb and I don't know how long till my whole body gives up." she tells her old friend honestly and the maid behind her frowns.

"Not to worry however, the cure would be on the way." with her assuring voice, Kazari became determined to join Kein's party and make it back home in one piece.

The knight also felt determined to do all her best to save the first princess. "We'll do everything that we can after all we're still friends right?" she looked at the girl who softly laughed.

"You and my sister are alike." she tells the night with happiness with the way she said it. "I cannot believe you would take me in kindly after all my ignoring you as well. I did so many bad things and here you are, naive as my sister."

"I still view you as a friend even now. Even when you stopped inviting me over, I thought we were friends and hoped you felt the same way after..." (Kein) stops taking a look at her maid already knowing they had something going on. "Well now that you've moved on."

Kazari looks away with a slight blush on her pale white skin. The first princess just smiled, not letting her happiness leak out some more. "Truly forgive me for our past. I will continue fixing things as I go with how I am right now. The only thing I could ever be proud of myself, is bringing the two of you back together despite the... sacrifices I have to make."

You mean Vincent's sleeping schedule but sure.

"Remember you owe Vincent one." (Kein) nagged and reminded the first princess who nodded listening to the knight in front of her as the afternoon settled with the sun almost down.

It was time to go home.

Kein Hills picked up her little child of responsibility from the third princess who was giving her a sad look. From just one day the mute princess has gotten attached, she signed to Kein.

'Can we keep her for a bit? Just for a night? Perhaps a week? A month even?' she pleaded with Kein who gave her a sorry smile.

"I'm sorry, your highness but she must be with me." (Kein) replied but the little girl in her arms shook her head and yelled. "Nwo! Mommy! Nwooo!" with an angry face she tried sprinting while still being held.

The little girl didn't want to be separated from her other mother. Oh my! Now we know who's the favorite parent is and Kein laughed nervously looking at Rose who gave her a triumphant smile.

Kein felt her competing personality slipping out and furrowed her eyebrows towards the girl.

"Vivienne." (Rose) walks forward cupping the little girl's cheeks to calm her down before caressing her head softly. "You stay with Mama for now. Mommy will visit you after alright? I'll have one of my servants send her a letter when I'm to be expected."

"Mommy nwo... nwo... Vwivienne... nwo..." she reached out for the princess and Rose felt in utter pain not being able to hold her.

"Kein- she's starting to cry, let me hold her." (Rose) bites her lips seeing Vivienne in a verge of tears from her beloved's arms. "Come on, give her to me, quickly!"

"You know if you hold her, she won't let you go and will cry even more after." (Kein) warns the princess, while trying to console the little girl pouting in her arms by lifting her up and down. "You'll see Mommy in a few days right? She'll visit right? Won't you?"

"Mommy..." (Vivienne) sniffled a little, really looking sad.

Don't get her wrong, Mama Kein is great but Mommy Rose has a softer pillow she can rest on. Truly it was a hard choice but the child had to calculate which one is the better pillow and the winner was Rose.

Rose nods quickly to appease the girl's crying. "Yes! I will visit often so don't cry!"

The couple continued on their rambling with their child while the other three just watched in amazement of how the three of them really looked like a family.

Catherine looked so amazed and took notes for her inspiration on her novels.

Cecilia looks at them longingly while Kazari leans over the princess and thinks... would her highness want the same thing or- um... she doesn't like kids so maybe... she's replacing Vivienne with a pet they could hold together?

Really, Cecilia would love a cat or two while drinking her tea in peace and reading books.

Dogs are cute- but the only dog she feels like patting right now is her own darling maid.

"Alright you two lovebirds. Let the Commander go and Rose just say your final goodbyes before I have my maid escort her out to the gates." (Cecilia) feeling tired, yawns and her sister gets the message even though she doesn't want to part with the two.

"I'll visit you tomorrow to see Vivienne." (Rose) boops the little one's nose and giggles when Vivienne grabs her finger to shake it slightly.

"How about your girlfriend?" (Kein) pouts feeling upset that she was forgotten but that was mostly a tease and the other party enjoyed every word of her sentence.

"Why, of course. Her as well." (Rose) gives Kein a little peck on the cheek, minding to not kiss Kein in the lips, remembering that there were still several people still watching her and she will face the consequences of her sibling's teasing later.

For now...

"Y-You... ahem... I... will um... I'll see you tomorrow." (Kein) covers half of her face looking away, feeling her cheeks to be reddened like tomatoes.

Catherine felt like dying at the scene. Writing all of it down- who knew her sister has become this bold! Perhaps even bolder!

Cecilia was now just really tempted to know- just how far have those two gone?!

Kazari was respectfully closing her eyes at the moment, because she is a gentlewoman and she felt like it would be best to act like a wall according to such a touching scene.

"Kazari, will you please escort the Commander while I take my sister now? We have other things to discuss." (Cecilia) grins motioning to her maid who curtsies at the order of her princess.

"Certainly." (Kazari) walks towards Kein who sighs, waving her last goodbye to her girlfriend with a dreamy expression on her face. Apparently, just by that one kiss her whole body went weak and filled with happy hormones while Vivienne was just crying and wailing.

"Mommy! Mommy! Nwo! Hngh!!!" she tries escaping but no luck so she just decided to copy her other mother and just wave sadly in her direction, while sniffing. "Sniff... Mommy... bai.. bai..." (Vivienne) weakly waved her hand and finally they were gone.

Rose was just clutching her chest looking at the two disappearing figures ahead.

"Oh... I hope Vivienne will be okay... and Kein shouldn't forget to eat as well." (Rose) worriedly mutters while her sisters comforted her by patting the side of her shoulders.

"A princess escorting her out while you're engaged would raise some flags around here. So it would be best not to, sister." (Cecilia) tries to comfort her but her twin sister's shoulder slumps even further. She wasn't really the best at comforting anyways.

Catherine signed languages to her with a soft understanding smile, 'Don't be sad! We can catch up on the things we've missed for the past two weeks! Like how did you two get together and such?'

When she read what Catherine's sign language meant she definitely felt a bit better, wanting to tell someone about how the two of them made-up and her little sister was always there to listen to her when she needed to gush out her feelings towards Kein.

"W-Well... we um... I think we should go somewhere private if you want to know." (Rose) tells both of her sisters and Cecilia grins.

"I have already made someone prepare some pillows and snacks inside of your room. Now will you both be a dear and push my wheelchair towards your room? We plan to gossip all night today." (Cecilia) planned all of this three steps ahead and was glad Catherine initiated the opportunity to bring it up.

"Alright... you both really seem eager to know how it fared." (Rose) takes the wheelchair handle and begins pushing it smoothly.

'I need inspiration for writing.' (Catherine) used her excuse because she was honestly running out of plots and twists on her current works. She needs something spicy to add. Her first book is already taking off very well in [Sprivanto].

A new work request has been ordered by her publisher and she needs to make something fast

"And I just want information. You know how much I love intel and that includes your love life. It's like my personal theater show now." (Cecilia) chuckles, earning a groan from her sister behind.


When all of them arrived, the place was neatly arranged into a small fort with a blanket made as a small roof. It was utterly a beautiful setup they have never seen before. It looked like a small tent and when they peered inside, there were small lamps dangling from the ceiling.

"Did Kazari do this?" (Rose) asks her sister who was just as surprised as everyone else.

"I suppose I ordered her to set your room into something proper fun but... this is really cozy looking to be in." (Cecilia) peers through inside and sees a tea set waiting for her. "Oh... she even took out my favorite tea cups for the occasion."

Her smile went even wider for her considerate maid.

'Your maid is really nice.' (Catherine) signs to Cecilia who agrees wholeheartedly, her heart feeling full at the effort her maid did just to make them feel comfortable and at ease.

"Indeed she is. I sometimes think I don't even deserve someone wonderful like Kazari." (Cecilia) mutters and her twin hears her feeling the same way about a certain Knight who just left a few moments ago.

"I feel the same way about Kein."

For a moment the sisters had a peace of silence not until their youngest clapped her hands together, gaining their attention and motioned for them to get in the tent that was made out of their blankets hanging from the ceiling. 'I know the both of you are making me feel loveless at the moment but at least talk about it inside. My feet were getting numb from standing.' she complained.

"Right, sorry Catherine. Would you mind helping me get inside, Rosarie?" (Cecilia) turns to Rose who nods happily, carefully carrying her sister inside the tent laying her body into one of the soft pillows.

"There you go." (Rose)

Cecilia slumps down on one of the pillows near the tea set that was in the corner of the room. "Thank you, sister." She gave her thanks while waiting for her to come inside.

"So we have agreed to gossip tonight and I would like to focus on our dearest middle child on the topic." (Cecilia) turns to Rose who just sat down.

"Pardon?" (Rose) asks, a little taken aback.

"Don't act like a fool. You promised to tell us about how your significant other got along on the trip. Now don't spare a single detail of it." (Cecilia) leans in closer, nudging her sides while Catherine literally takes an empty book and pen out of her [Storage Ring] prepared to take some even more notes she can use as inspiration.

Her eyes and ears waited patiently for her sister to tell the story.

Cecilia noticed her sister's actions and laughed upon her actions. "Look at Catherine, aren't you laying it out for far too long on us? We're your sisters, we'll be here to judge you accordingly if she did horrible in bed."

"W-Wait... By bed do you mean-" (Rose) holds both of her cheeks turning red. She remembered specifically the couch, the both of them almost going too wild on it on the [Winshern Kingdom] and the fact that she was still engaged!

She was mostly leading Kein on!

Kissing her neck- leaving a mark of her possession.

"Eep! I-I don't know what you're talking about. If you meant bed rest I slept alone! She had another room in the castle!" (Rose) yells over the two sisters enjoying the scene in front of them. How fun it was to tease the middle child and Cecilia even has laid a trap for her dearest sister.

One question that Kein couldn't answer however... if it's this easy fool.

"How far have you two you know... do possible things together in bed? Don't be shy, we're all adults here now. Even Catherine is eager to hear the details." (Cecilia) pushes on some more and for the final one. "Kein and I were talking, she told me how she led you on and how you were utterly helpless in bed. She was basically doing it all for you but nonetheless she still loves you."

It was a lie.

She actually doesn't know what happened but she needs to lie to get the truth.

And Rose took the bait. With her even more reddened face she yelled, "That's a lie! I was the one leading her on! How dare she take such credit and besides! W-We only left marks on each other we... haven't done it yet."

She takes a nearby pillow and buries her face in it in shame.

It... was so embarrassing to admit! In front of my family as well!

Cecilia raises her eyebrows in surprise and her smile even grows wider. Catherine on the other hand was now looking at Cecilia with her palm open looking so smug.

Oh drats, she has forgotten they have made a bet before.

Catherine signs, 'You owe me some coins after this, eldest sister. I told you they won't do it, they're too chicken to do it and add the fact that she's engaged. The Commander Kein didn't struck me as the type who would have sex with an engaged woman.'

"And I pegged her for the type to do it. Perhaps I didn't know Kein as much as I should have." (Cecilia) sighs disappointedly at her sister while Rose looks so utterly confused as she throws the pillow at Cecilia.

Then proceeds to grab another one for Catherine. "I can't believe the two of you placed bets on us if we would do it or not!" She scolds them both but they don't feel guilty. Not even an inch of guilt could be seen from their faces.

Catherine couldn't dodge the pillow and hit her face but Cecilia managed to catch the pillow that was thrown mostly because Rose made sure that it was a weak throw knowing how weak her sister's condition was right now.

Rose crosses her arms and pouts. "Thanks for the vote of confidence though."

"And I apologize for lying. Kein didn't actually say all those things. I only did that to lead you on telling the truth, mostly because I asked Kein and she refuses to answer such a question." (Cecilia) reaches for the tea set and pours herself a hot cup of tea.

"Jeez you shouldn't do that to your family. Lying to each other would give me trust issues and she has a right to not answer you know, those stuff you do in the bedroom- it should be private." (Rose) puts her knees together and hugs it protectively.

"I can't believe you're living at the palace and you would expect that everyone would tell you the truth. As always you've been too naive." (Cecilia) defends herself because she cannot forget the heavy consequences of being a princess. Not trusting anyone has always been her motto, and lying has become a second nature feeling to her.

The second princess has not been too involved with politics and such arrangements.

Cecilia made sure of keeping her innocence safe but that came at a cost that she will trust anyone blindly and she blames herself dearly for it. "However, I do agree on your private matters in the bedroom. I apologize for my nosiness, I'm just rather curious on how you two would've done it."

Cecilia takes a sip of her tea while Rose thought of a great reply to avenge herself from her sister. "Why? So you can use my techniques on your very nice maid?"

Now it was her turn to nudge her sister's side. Rose was expecting her sister's face to turn red like a tomato as well but to her surprise she didn't.

So much for her plan on revenge.

"Yes. That is why I was asking, seeing that you've never done it meaning you have no experience. I will no longer ask so do not fret." (Cecilia) calmly sets down her tea, such honesty!

No shame!

'No shame at all!' (Catherine) hand signs and Rosarie nods quickly in agreement.

"I-I can't believe you said that with a straight face on." (Rose) tells Cecilia who scoffs at them both.

"I am not ashamed to say I have been thirsting over my maid. Besides, giving you the satisfaction of seeing a flustered reaction would only cause further teasing. I'll just be honest and say it proudly-"

Little did she know... someone teleported in front of the tent already doing her curtsy.

Catherine was the first to notice and was sign language her sister to stop before she does something that she'll regret!

Rose, on the other hand, became the chaotic sibling and took her sister's hand in place, not letting her warn the other calm figure who was exposing herself right out in the open. This is revenge for baiting her for lying! How dare she say Kein did most of the job leading her on!

"I would like to pin my maid down, kiss her all over, make her scream my name until she's hoarse and make sure she won't be getting out of bed till sunrise." (Cecilia) takes another sip without a care in the world.

Catherine looked horrified but then accepted that she couldn't help her sister on this one.

"Bwuahahaha! No take backs! You better make sure you do that alright?" (Rose) laughs holding her stomach so unladylike that it certainly pissed Cecilia off and began correcting her decorum on how to act.

"Don't laugh like a pig. And I intend to really do it when I'm fully cured." (Cecilia) does a little 'hmph' before rolling her eyes.

"Now that you mention it. You never told us how far you've gone with her, sister." (Rose) asks.

"I will be taking one of your quotes for the occasion. Bedroom matters are private so I will not answer that." (Cecilia) grins looking at her sister triumphantly not realizing her maid was right behind her covering her face not knowing if she should tell her that she's already been here this entire time!

"..." (Kazari)

What a hypocrite, Rose thought.

"Is that so? If you won't answer then I do hope Kazari won't mind sharing how far the two of you have gone into that area yet." (Rose) points her gaze behind Cecilia who drops her favorite cup in the ground thankfully, it was empty.


It made a sound and it seemed that Cecilia was indeed in trouble.

"She's right behind me isn't she?"

The two sisters slowly nod in reply to her question. Cecilia calmly takes deep breaths before looking behind her, sweating. "Dear- um... how much did you hear of my useless ramblings?" she asks the girl with the most beautiful long black hair and pale white skin.

Foreign figure of face and slender body.

"Y-Your highness. I would like to be relieved of duty from tonight... I think I need to um... I need to go now, pardon me. [Teleport]." (Kazari) excuses herself, her whole body teleporting to her room and could be seen slumping on her bed kicking her feet everywhere.

Cecilia felt like her soul was leaving out of her body.

She can't cry. She can't do anything but take the cup out of the ground and hold it tightly with all that she can still smile. "She heard everything from the start. From me wanting to pin her down. This was all a trap wasn't it?" (Cecilia) asks, it seems that behind her was a flame raging like a tsunami.

Catherine, who was now free from Rose's hold, told her that she was trying to warn her the whole time.

Cecilia takes a pillow from her side and throws it at Rose who was laughing secretly behind her back. "You could be such a fox when you want to, I just wish you used that when you needed it, not when you needed to humiliate me in front of- my maid!"

After some more pillow throwing their topic was now turned into Catherine.

'I have no love life to speak of, I will probably get married off in an arranged marriage but as long as I can keep writing my books I'm alright.'

Oh this sweet summer child who hasn't found love yet but who knows... soon the goddess high up in the air might give the third princess someone to yearn for.

"So if you do have a choice. What would be your type of lover to look into?" (Cecilia) asks curiously on her youngest sister's preferences and she nervously signs.

'Well... mysterious! Mean at first! But he's actually kind when you get to know them and soft on the inside. I actually wrote the man of my dreams like that in the first book I ever made.' (Catherine) smiles remembering the drawing that the Commander even gave her while her manuscript got stuck in a tree back when they were children.

The son of the evil witch, who professed his love for the princess who was kidnapped, was put in an inescapable place.

Dark hair, brooding aura, green eyes and he would only smile when he was near the person he liked. If she could ever find someone like that... perhaps she would really indeed fall head over heels.

Meanwhile... Somewhere in [Winshern].

"So are you ready? We'll be taking our leave for [Puronia] and I expect you to play the perfect fiancé you will ever be and if you fail. I'll have you executed along with your mother."

The lonesome figure stood tall and serious, they could only follow their father's commands.

"Yes father. I will do what is needed and I won't let you down." the figure responded, clenching their fists in anger.


Meanwhile... the next morning after the night party of gossip. The maid hastily got in when she was summoned only to find out she was needed to tease the second princess about something the Commander and her talked about yesterday.

"Oh yes, Kazari. Ahem you know the thing Kein told me not to tell my sister? She didn't tell me that you can't tell her of it."

"Tell me what?"

Kazari nods slowly, understanding the mission. "The Commander told her highness specifically not to tell you that she feels incredibly happy when the child is with you both, you emit the proper aura of a real family and I think the commander is considering tying the knot when things are alright now."

"She did?" (Rose)

"Yes but she told me not to say it to you so... Thank you Kazari you're helpful as always but about last night- you heard-" (Cecilia)

"I think I left my stove on with the hot boiling water for your tea, I would like to be excused." (Kazari) practically runs to the door while hiding half of her face. She doesn't think she can face the princess for a little while after what she heard last night.

Thank you to my *******!


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