Chapter 379 In the race to become murderers.
Things took a turn when suddenly, Edward picked up a steel sword from down and laid it on the table with a slam. He did it with a lot of strength that the glass table cracked.
"I will have his head for dishonoring my child." he declared, in a very serious voice.
Phoebe's eyes widened in surprise; her eyes shifted from the sword to her father. [Wait, what!! Is my dad crazy? Who beheads someone in this day and age? Someone should tell him that its crazy.]
Phoebe looked around for another person that thought Edward was crazy, but they were nodding.
"I will do it dad," Andre volunteered, "A brother defends his sister's honor, it was the old way. Just like Collin, I am not afraid of prison."
The look on his face strangely reminded Phoebe of one his characters, a villainous alien lord, he looked just like he had done in that movie, terrifying.
Luke who was the only calm person in the room stood up, he had heard enough of the self-sacrifices. "None of that will be necessary, put away the sword dad. I will do it and make it look like a ghost did it, not one of us needs to go to prison. As a doctor, I know which areas to target without anyone noticing and besides killing him off swiftly would be a gift to him, I want to make him suffer first, very slowly. When he dies, it should be in agony, great agony that he begs for death to come quickly." His voice was carefully measured.
Unlike everyone else that acted on their impulses, he liked to plan meticulously which made him the most dangerous one out of all the Mayfair brothers. A thing that Phoebe was just coming to realize and suddenly it hit her; no wonder he was a great match for Luna.
"That is if I do not poison him first." Grandma Mayfair had already laid out a plan of her own, there was no way she was going to let Dickson roam around freely while Phoebe was haunted by the memories of what he had done to her. It was either he died or every bone in his body was broken, leaving him a paraplegic and was refused from their society.
Aunt Maureen patted her mother's shoulder. "Count me in mother, we do not even have to look so hard to get rid of him. We can put a contract on him, that is the Elithera business, and we have one in our pocket so word will never get out that we put out the contract." She went on to squeeze the shoulder reassuringly.
"He is a Saxon, it will cost us, but we can afford it." Jennie stopped her crying and contributed to the conversation. "How much do you think it will cost, I know that Luna will not do it personally to avoid suspicion, she might send one of the highest unknown lieutenants from their gang. I would like to pay for this one personally."
"I can pay, if this is ever traced back to us, I will take the fall and I still want to participate, he should know who wants him dead and why." Collin said through clenched teeth.
Phoebe wanted to pull all of her hair out because she had never witnessed anything more amazing..or disturbing, she could not decide which. Her family was sitting around the table, discussing how to murder someone, had they turned into the Elithera's?
"Ah-ah-ah....." Phoebe crossed her hands and shook her head. "This is one of the reasons as to why I told grandma not to say anything, you are all now in a bid to become murders and I am not going to allow that happen, nobody is killing anyone." Phoebe's voice cut through the tension.
Andre's fist thumped his thigh, he had run out of tears since he had been crying from the time, he heard the news and all that was left in him was rage. "Can you blame us? Father asked you earlier about how it happened, when did that beast put his hands on you?" He paused to think. "Hold on, does that mean that you and Dickson knew each other before you became a Mayfair or did he molest you after you became one." His mind sifted through the pieces of the story, but it was a jigsaw puzzle with missing fragments.
Silence covered the entire room, they all stared at her waiting for her to say something. "Yes, sweetheart was this before? I doubt he has the nerve to do that to a Mayfair, he is too cowardly to even try." Stern curiosity lingered in Edward's eye.
In that moment Phoebe felt the room grow smaller which was suffocating, she wished that the ground would open up and swallow her. How was she supposed to explain this? Just how?
[This happened in my past life, one in which you all never met me thanks to Ruth's plots, I can't explain, It's complicated]
The Mayfair's had their eyes on Phoebe, but they were waiting for subtitles from her inner thoughts because they knew she would probably not say a word.
Luck was on their side, but what they saw was not what they expected, they did not get an explanation, just more confusion. Grandma Mayfair was more expressive than others, she gasped in shock, her face mirroring the confusion of the rest of the family members. However, no one dared to ask a thing.
Aunt Maureen took the initiative to speak. "Listen everyone, I do not think that we should press Phoebe for answers. She will reveal everything to us when she is comfortable." Her narrowed eyes remained fixed on Phoebe's forehead just in case she dropped another bombshell.
Letting out a small exhalation of pent-up breath, Phoebe gratefully smiled at her aunt for coming to her rescue. "Aunt is right, I do not want to talk about this, and I do not think that I ever will. I will handle Dickson, none of you should get blood on their hands." Her low tone turned dismissive as if to lightly warn anyone that would want to bring up the topic again.
"That is not a decision only you can make, I personally want to know what that prick did so that I can have it done to him." Countered Collin.
Phoebe glowered at him slightly before responding with undisguised unhappiness in her voice. "Collin, I don't know how to put this softly but among the people here, I expect you to understand me the most especially after what Ruth tried to do to you. If I remember correctly, you never wanted to talk about that incident, and we all respected that so, please respect my decision too."
Aunt Maureen's eyes opened slightly wider. "What did Ruth do to Collin?" Her eyes pierced her brother Edward for answers.
Her question earned her side glances from multiple people in the room.
"Nothing." Came a collective response.
Edward's fingers drummed dramatically; it dawned on him that even the CPD would not be able to get any information out of Phoebe if she did not want to disclose what happened. Things were even more mysterious with this past life that she had thought about.
"It's okay let's respect Phoebe's wishes." His eyes drifted to Phoebe. "Forget about me leaving Dickson alone, he has to pay the price whether you and David have your plans or not. If only there was a piece of evidence against him that could get him locked up for life, no matter how small."
It was either death or prison, and as it stood now, all the Mayfair's had voted death.
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