RE:BORN Zombie

Chapter 77 Into The City I

‘Uhh.. I really wish I had Larry with me, seriously.’ Victor said in his mind, as he raised his hands to show that he wasn’t a threat.

Between the two decisions, Victor chose the one that would benefit him a little more, and that was cooperating with the humans. With his hands held slightly up, he looked at the humans before him, and then immediately lowered his raised hands slowly. He wasn’t sure, but if there was one thing he knew would stand in this world, it would be that the government officials would somewhat respect hunters. There was simply little need for him to cooperate 100% following all their orders. He looked around seeing the bodies that lay there, and really, he could not be bordered, after all he was the cause. At this point, Victor was the worst actor, so he didn’t even make the attempt to act like he was curious about the bodies or any of the sort, but to at alleviate the suspicion the people before him might have…

“Looks like they’ve been dead for a while, what happened here?” Victor asked in a somewhat monotonic voice, actually throwing the people before him off their game. There was silence in the air for some seconds as Victor could clearly see the reaction from those before him.

“We were hoping you would be the one to tell us that.” One of them who was closer to him said.

“If so, then I have no information concerning the events that took place here.” Victor responded. He really had no idea how this things worked, or who the people before him were, and he just could make no guesses.

The humans before him were dressed in unformed attire of black and silver colour, black being the dominant colour out of the two. It was quite evident they were some kind of division, but that was the problem, he didn’t know what division they belonged to… ‘I can smell something going wrong.’ Victor thought, just before he heard a voice from the slender looking man closest to him..

“We would need you to follow standard protocol no.228 and proceed accordingly.” The man said, and that was where shit hit the fan. Victor was not one of their citizens, he knew not of no standard protocol.

‘I really wish I left Larry outside…’




‘Negative Burst.’

At the activation of Victor’s skill, the senses of those before him flared, as they felt their lives being targeted by something ominous and their bodies stiffened trying to prepare them to flee, but alas before they could react, their bodies just fell to the ground, never to move again. The only one of them to survive was the one farthest away from the whole group, and seeing her team mates suddenly collapse to the ground might have been a little unexpected, and she couldn’t come to her senses and react in time before she felt a hand through her stomach from behind, and at the same time the man before her had also vanished, then..

‘I didn’t even need to teleport.. Heh.’ Victor sighed mentally. “And that is how I lost and informant.” Victor said, a bit sarcastically.

From what he could see, the guys he just killed seemed to have come there via some kind of craft, and he could spot it just some metres off to the side. He ignored it for the moment and turned to the human corpses. There was a reason he didn’t burn these guys. “Larry.” Victor called out as he summoned Larry. “Go through the corpses and take anything valuable. Leave nothing of value behind, not even the least.” Victor ordered. Naturally, Larry would be the most suited for taking the spoils since he was more familiar with the things of this world, he would also know which was good and useful and which was not.

Victor just approached the slender man as he laid on the ground dead and took the sword he had strapped to his waist. After closer inspection, Victor noted that the ones he had were better in quality, at least to his eyes, so he threw it back and ordered Larry to choose his most comfortable weapon from the ones there and leave the rest behind.

By the time Larry was done and presented Victor with everything he could get, Victor was just nodded after inspecting them and stashed it away in his inventory, as they disappeared instantly. From what Victor could see, whatever the era this world was in, it was a very interesting one. The humans that came to inspect what had happened here came with medieval type weapons as their weapons, and even their clothes had a bit of a suggestion, or more accurately inspiration from the medieval times. But then again, their devices were technological, and the level of said technology wasn’t low either. It wasn’t high enough to be compared to some sic-fi tech Victor knew from earth TV shows and ideas, but they were definitely more advance than what his original earth had. All in all, it was a beautiful mixture of fantasy and technology, really a dangerous weapon. And with this discovery, Victor was really starting to get some ideas about his system.

“We’re done here. What I’m looking for is not here, which means…” Victor said, as his vision trailed off towards the craft that was some metres off behind some rock that managed to block it off showing only its top parts.

Before heading towards the craft, Larry gathered all the bodies in one place and Victor using his Infernal Breath burned them to ashes, leaving dry bones behind.


“What’s taking them so long?” A female figure sitting inside what seemed to be the cockpit of a craft said. The place had various screens everywhere, and lots of components here and there. She sat there playing with her nails and her picked them and occasionally used her teeth to dig out whatever was stuck inside.

She might have been sitting here for a while now, as she was desperately waiting for her teammates to return. “Come on! I told them I had a date! And I wouldn’t want to miss this one seeing as I don’t get many to begin with!” She complained to herself. She was just in the motion to cross her hands over her chest when she noticed an intense body of fire rise into the air, only to disappear after a few seconds. Seeing the fire caused her to focus there, and her anger seemed to have been forgotten at that moment.@@novelbin@@

“Did something really happen? Arrggg!” the girl screamed in a fit of anger and scrambled about her chair for a bit. “Fine, lets get this over with as soon as possible then, I’ll give them a hand.”

Flipping a switch, the craft came on, and in mere seconds it rose into the air slowly before its nose turned towards the direction of the dungeon entrance while moving forward a bit.


“What the?… Hey Larry, can you fly that thing?”

“Well, I think? I’m not sure, but I can certainly try.” Larry responded.

Before them was the craft that landed behind the rock hovering in mid air, and just like Victor would expect from a sci-fi creation, it made just the minimal sound compared to jets and helicopters, or even small planes.

From inside the plane, the girl was shocked to find nobody near the entrance, and as it was basically still dark, she was unable to see well around the place. After enabling night vision though, she was able to clearly make out what was going on down there. Much to her dismay, after also enabling something to improve her vision, he spotted a pile of ashes and objects mixed together somewhere in the middle close to the entrance of the dungeon, and not far from it, some feet away stood two humanoid figures staring towards her direction.

“Shit.” It didn’t take her much thinking to realize that whoever these men down there were, they were hostile, and therefore something she needed to kill if possible. If the close combat experts of her team couldn’t do much against them, then she was the last person that would face them, thankfully she had the craft. Before she gave the command to fire though, the sound of something impacting the windshield of the craft caught her attention, and the moment she turned to look, a man’s figure appeared right before her very eyes, causing her to flinch a little before watching the figure slide off back to the ground.

‘That thing is slippery.’ Victor noted.

While he was falling back down, he first unsummoned Larry, then he felt the spot where he placed the mark on the craft’s windshield and then… He disappeared again, this time reappearing inside the cockpit of the craft somewhere beside the lady inside, completely frightening her. She was ok at first, but the moment Victor stretched his hand towards her, he fainted. Victor didn’t need even the system to explain to him what had happened, even it still did. It was clear that the girl had died to his skill, Undead Aura. ‘This skill…’

“Come forth Larry, take over this thing.”

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