Reincarnated as a Duck: A beast progression litrpg isekai

Chapter 1: I am a WHAT?

The world of commoners was never a delightful place. Instead, it was always a place filled with ego, power, and a past preceding the word weak. Gods and those above them were at the center of the beginnings, yet who was kind and who was a slave to their power? It was an old belief, filled with history so ancient, yet untold by many and remembered by few.

Now, many mighty beings found ways to fulfill their wishes and desires. In many manners, they succeeded, but at what cost, or what for? Chaos and Order always reigned over the mortals without concern, poising as an immortal rule that followed every Sky.

It was all connected. But so infinitely far away from the low plains and many realms, that only a few could handle that. And someone was there—somewhere—bearing witness to the Truth. A God she used to be, an utmost beauty to behold was taking a stroll down the river made of countless strands of little dots. Those were the souls that saw their End, making the river the End itself.

Overseen by her alone, it was her place even if it was older than the universe. She wore only a thin layer of silk robe over her bare body; it was far too loose and long, but it wasn't a hindrance. Not for her flesh, wrapped with silk flowing like smoke. It wasn't quite enough to conceal her confidence and maturity.

Nothing was living here, so walking without shame made sense.

The souls were honest, moving at a steady pace onward before disappearing to the unknowns of the Afterlife. From where? Where did they go? She knew it, of course, but she didn't need to feel that way since she was Afterlife—a figure who held authority over the souls on a path beyond common sense. She had the power that fundamentally made the universe what it was, is, and will be, albeit in a limited way than one would guess.

Any souls that came her way through the way of reincarnation were her finest and most precious subjects. It worked without her knowledge, and some questioning was inappropriate. Those moving souls akin to a storming, yet calm river were making their way toward their New Beginnings, right after their End. That was all Afterlife needed. Two factors. A pair of truths. No lies.

Through insane distances and times, be it unknown planets, or plains even weirder than a globe, they all came here as witnesses of a greater rule. It was the simplest answer to the fact that the universe was still working, showing how some things should never change.

This river of souls stretched far too long, that even she couldn't see the end of it. There was nothing but her body that was walking through this river. Her face and body language looked relaxed; her eyes serious and almost frowning when she was taking this stroll. The souls moved out of her way, leaving her journey mostly uninterrupted, but her mind was elsewhere.

After many cycles in this environment, one could become indifferent to both new and old views.

Afterlife seemed to look for something, notable by her moving eyes and—if one paid close enough attention—itching brows. These little facts made her piercing gaze quite a menace for some souls. Some quivered, dancing around the river, and hoping to escape further into the river.

Her eyes were of deep colorful spirals, filled with stars of azure color and mysteries that none would question. She possessed Everlasting Eyes, allowing her to see past, present, and future. She gazed upon the countless souls comprising the river, hoping to spot the one she was meant to take care of.

Why, again? Was it even fine?

That question didn't appear in her mind. She had to do so since that time arrived again. Finding that ridiculous soul that met its End was never an easy affair. She hoped it wouldn't create another problem for anyone, including herself.

To her well-founded worry, finding it seemed to be a pain. So after a long stretch of time that she couldn't perceive anyway, she found her desirable soul after a lot of looking and more sensing. Her palm shoved downward, going deep into the river that appeared to be quite deep. Her slender and pale hand retracted only after her focused gaze and work bore their results. Only a single soul between her two fingers emerged.

“Still got it, you hiding little weasel! Now, are you upset like the last time? No wonder...” She said softly, sounding like the voice of rules that shivered the existence of souls all around her. However, the soul between her fingers didn't care.

She looked at it with her mesmerizing eyes and a smirk of success appeared on her face. She flicked her long strands of azure hair out of her face, positioned them behind her ear, and gazed at this soul closer. The soul seemed to wince, trying to escape her gaze even though it had only the basics of its instincts left.

The soul itself was unlike the rest that flowed through the river. It had a black border and a white center. A fog of cursed energy and Chaos surrounded it, making it seem strange, yet more alive and powerful. Its center was definitely something one wasn't seeing every day.

It failed in its attempt to do the impossible. In Afterlife's hands, no souls shall escape. She walked out of this long river, making her way towards the starry sky that was all over the horizons. Like a cocoon, this wasn't a place, after all, but a place nonetheless. It may be strange to call it something since no mortals knew of this, while even Gods could never walk here. It was her office, detached from reality, though still part of everything.

Walking out of the river, Afterlife wasn't walking on any ground, nor did her bare feet touch anything substantial. She simply walked on nothing. It was also stranger than floating in the airless space, as it seemed she was walking on something. Her physical body was solid, in contrast to the ghostly, translucent souls that comprised their core existence.

Around the surrounding river, for no eyes apart from Afterlife's, countless stars and galaxies were everywhere. They were as clear as a sight of a swirling river from the top of the mountain, or seeing the sun in the cloudless morning. Densely packed, the bright and colorful stars created a nice aura to everything.

But something was more absurd than her stride in Nowhere. Down, up, or left and right, there was no ceiling or a wall. It was an insane abyss, constantly shifting as if one wasn't aware of where one was going. A chasm that had the river of no beginning or the end.

Apart from the river itself, it was a mesmerizing sight that had no admirers—Afterlife didn't even glance at this sight. She saw it far too much.

Not far from her was the only section of a proper land, flowing in no place in particular, and acting like a fortress. Flat and round, sturdy rocky formations acted as shelter and her home. There were even some trees with some dirt that seemed strange and mysterious—considering the lack of water, or oxygen in this space—housing a few small and shiny fruits.

There was also a house right past them, with a single floor and an open terrace at the front, and the only living soul in her sight. A dog wagged its tail at the open entrance, eagerly awaiting Afterlife like a good boy.

As Afterlife went to the entrance, the dog welcomed her, jumping at her dress, and barking at the soul in her arm. For the life of her, she couldn't recall the dog's name. Snapping the soul in her grasp away, she held her purpose dearer to her heart. Patting the dog with a smile on her face, she saw the tail wiggle in delight, and the dog's jaw twitched in a smile.

“Good boy,” she said, walking past the dog towards the detached backyard way back behind the house. There was a backyard filled with trees, flowers, and bushes, acting as an opposite world from the outside. The stars and galaxies were still visible if one looked upwards. The dog followed her steps happily, as that was the nature of these joyful creatures.

The backyard—surrounded by foliage and basking in the warmth of the galaxies from above—was her favorite spot for special activities. There was a comfortable chair in the middle of her office. Around the chair were hundreds of empty vases; each at least half a meter tall and all and looking the same. They brought a certain problem to this spacious location, which ended up crowned because of them.

For Afterlife and her endeavors, this was her place.

Sitting down, she gazed deeply at the soul within her grasp, while the dog kept its watchful eyes on it from the side.

“What a peculiar one this is,” Afterlife mumbled, playing with the soul within her grasp that seemed to want to escape ever since she got it. She even wondered what it would do if it would escape. Would it dissipate? No. She knew it wouldn't, which was a strange idea when one saw the depth of this place. This soul would have to float aimlessly through the Nowhere, Void, or however called it was. With no guarantee of finding anything, it was a choice of suffering.

So yes. Perhaps she should let go of it.

She stopped her hands from releasing it immediately, knowing that they wouldn't allow it.

The soul resembled an underwater jellyfish without the long strands of tendrils and vivid colors. It was dark, yet bright white in its center, making it unique.

“It is so sinful, with no grief, a speck of shame, or feelings of nervousness... Is this the reincarnation of that person? I suppose it is, considering what I can see within it. Oh... It's shameful. Even when things went that way?” She wondered out loud, looking towards no empty vase in particular.

This soul was not destined for an ordinary route, as its revival or End was not her decision. But the road ahead was. The matter of its reincarnation was old; older than her presence here. What to do with the purpose of this soul was something even her predecessor didn't know. Perhaps they decided to forget it to make things simple and unbiased. It was the usual process with this kind of thing.

Afterlife didn't know the details and wouldn't care for them even if she knew. She had work to do. A regular route wasn't for the sinners. Was this.... a sinner? She paused as the soul struggled to no avail, knowing that she wasn't an Underworld boss who never even existed.

What was in her hand wasn't simply bad or good. It wasn't a sinner—just an unfortunate tool of a bunch of fools.

She wondered if she was a soul like this one in her hand, or different, or weaker. A mysterious essence made an individual whole, and it even followed them to their End. If so, her End must have happened a long time ago. Now, it was more like a dream or a distant memory that flowed through her mind once in a millennium.

Afterlife pondered about a road she should give this soul this time around. Should it be a meaningful one? Where to start? Which Sector or the Sky? One that can cherish its premise, or do something about its... problems? What problem? A road that can lead to salvation on a fundamental level sounded like a pain. Should it be calmness? Balance of some sort? She heard that word a lot of times for some reason.

Chance? Should I even give it? Why? What for? Afterlife thought It could be something big or small, yet the results might be the opposite.

Salvation. That word also appeared in her mind. How often had she thought about that? It was the same with her predecessor, but regardless of anything, she couldn't keep this in her hand forever. It made her uncomfortable.

“Where? For how long... What to take it for?” She leaned on her chair, picked up a strand of a random flower from the ground, and asked three questions. She took a deep breath, cherishing its lovely smell. The scent was so enticing that it vitalized even the most astute mind, provided a sense of peace, and increased the efficiency of thoughts.

The pollen from it entered her nose and made her nose rather itchy. A loud sneeze echoed in the silent space, surprising her. Afterward, there was no longer a soul in her hand. It fell to some open vase; she couldn't tell which. One would even wonder, why they weren't closed. That would make sense, lest there would be a mistake like sending a soul to somewhere where it didn't belong.

“Oh shit!” Afterlife slapped her forehead, clutching her cheeks and her hair fluttered around her head. She forgot she was allergic to that flower in particular. It caused a huge mistake she couldn't foresee. Her Everlasting Eyes didn't look inward, so she didn't see herself at all.

Clutching her hands, she shattered the flower into tiny particles, forcing them to flow to Nowhere. It wasn't enough to ease her spirit, so she glared at others of its kind, eyeing their existence and why they were here. She wasn't happy. They were pretty to the eyes, but touching, or smelling them closely always ended up in disaster.

Alas, a blunder already happened. What could she do about it? There was no way she could touch or overrule the Reincarnation Vases that led to the many sections of the Skies. Variety was the key, thus most were known by the name of Godly Domains. Lower plains, or higher, the vases held unique internals, opposite to their appearances.

Changing her mind was inappropriate, given her role as the Afterlife.

Even if she could touch them and speak of her blunder, she would omit her mistake. It would be too silly to excuse herself because of some flowers and a sneeze. Right, this wasn't some random chance. It was her choice. She will act as if it was her intention from the beginning, which should not raise any suspicion.


Maybe someone will ask her about it soon. A couple of times in the past, they did ask about the Cursed One.

Biting her nails, she mumbled. “Yes. Yes... That's the case. No worries. I don't need to worry about that one. That's what I am supposed to do anyway. Send it toward something new, but this time... I had no choice in deciding the details, nor did I get any specific requests. It seems like the decision will be based solely on where it ends up. I will watch it and see what it will do over there. Perhaps it will work in the hands of this random chance? Well... for the start, I need to see where it ended up... How annoying.” She sighed and lied to herself.

She sat up, no longer clutching her face. Fixing her hair in a couple of motions, she glanced with her sight around. She found her target immediately. Tears A couple of small tears rolled from her eyes and her back crouched, as she fell to the ground. She didn't cry. She wasn't sure what she was doing.

Before she knew it, a dog's head poked her bare legs. When mistakes befall the people and Gods alike, a friend of this fluffy caliber helped even Afterlife in need. Patting the dog, she calmed down instantly.

“I think... I made a terrible mistake of picking that flower,” she mumbled.

The dog woofed to her face, licked her tears, and snuggled closer. Afterlife lay there on the ground, speechless and accepting her Fate.

The journey of the cursed and unlucky soul was a bit strange this time around. A simple sneeze almost shook its essence, yet it changed its Fate for sure. In the End, all souls were numb to everything, moving towards the next New Beginning.

Alas, as always for this one, its purpose, feelings, instincts, and origin weren't wiped out like for most souls. Not at all. Everything about its source of life and identity was intact, ready to awake for the sake of Reincarnation Vases of hundreds of Goddly Domains.

It died in its past life, and now, a new life was anchoring to it once again. Memories will be intact, but a new place, body, or experience shall change. Perhaps for the better, but Afterlife didn't know the hearts that well, let alone what Gods of the various Skies would do.

Soul's destination was the issue. Sometimes, living was gradual and firm; almost equal to the Curse it had to deal with.

It won't be an expected journey, as the source of it was nothing but a sneeze and random chance—if it was even right to call it like that.

Falling towards the darkness, the Cursed One slipped through space and time itself, yet it didn't go straight to a New Beginning.

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Its journey began with many shimmering voices and countless striking noises in the middle of Nowhere. It was like scrapping leaves, shards of glass exploding, and a clutter of whispers pouring onto senseless ideas. The space was filled with chaotic sounds, but it was unclear where they were coming from, and what was causing them. The Cursed One wasn't finding it fine, yet it was there, sounding, or hitting its soul.

[Report has not been found.] the noise said, forcing a bunch of unnerving force onto the little soul. [Weird. Beginning reconsiderations, finding news. A change of pace of Cu... Cursed One? Wait!]

[Starting the recognition process...for now. Reincarnation Vase of the Sector Belittle located. Peculiar one, I see. That time came? Variant 24: Case 173. I see, and not. I can't but I shall] A voice that spoke thousands of voices and noises spoke, but the awareness of the Cursed One was dull and stale.

It was not paying attention as it had not yet left the layered dimensional space where many decisions followed. Was it closing, or had it closed before the New Beginning a long time ago? Something strange was happening. Did it hear this every time? The Cursed One realized that a decision was there, even though it was unaware of repercussions.

[Culculating the possible reasons...] The noises spoke again, pondering.

[Oh... God!]

[That sounds and looks awful. Oh well, what is there then?]

[Sector is...Questionable and impossible. Now, what to think? The timing is... too soon and far too detached. But... It can come.]

[Following the calculation of reincarnations... Variable causes are wild and complex. Almost inevitable. Weird.] The noise paused for an unknown amount of time, before restarting. [New Beginning is required. Restart is implausible, nor the Rules were... overruled? The Breach has been issued and resolved.]

[A New Beginning is a mandatory prelude to solving the foremost problems. Possible subjects of interest in the Sector are...12. That... is a million times less than average. How peculiar and improper for this sort of Domain. As expected of Cursed One.]

[Now, rolling the dice!]

[Out of 12, which it will be?] The noise talked to itself, shimmering noises ached as if something happened.

[3] A number rang in the middle of nothing.




[3??! That is... R-rerolls?! Re... I can't... Hey!]

[Damned Craven...] The noise cursed and continued [Itterations none. Curses? Some... Possibilities? Endl... Some. Variant 24: Choice 3. Case? Cursed One. Domain: Battleworld. Sector: Belittle. A problematic planet, but it is what it is. We are curious but welcoming the change...and challenge!] the noise forcefully said.

[Inilitalizating rebirth.]

[Finding the passable body.]

[Locked on.]

[Starting... Oh, don't fight back! It will only hurt you.]

[Get going, you cursed thing! We—or those above—won't lose against you.]

Then, the noise stopped and speed, time, whispers, and all annoyances ceased to exist. The Cursed One was left alone, drifting into the sudden light.

Unknown time later

What was that noise? It spoke and shouted again like a chirping monkey. A laughably weak, dull, yet steady voice spoke in the darkness. Wait... Monkeys don't chirp. What was that for again? Have I become schizophrenic after all these times? How annoying. It's dark... Where Am I? It feels.... like I slept for a long time. Is it another messy start? That is strange no matter how many times I feel it. What am I this time? Who, even?

The soul's awareness was awake, but there was nothing around. Souls couldn't just open their eyes. There was confusion and darkness that was fundamentally just feeling alone. It wasn't physical, unless... this was a guess. Cursed One could be something else than its essence. After becoming aware of another life, finding clarity about what was going on was the first step.

It should all click together, yet it felt like something was wrong for some reason. It had been a while since it felt any sense. How long? It couldn't tell. It struggled to differentiate poor ideas from normal thoughts.

The previous noises hadn't helped with that. The confusion seemed to be the norm anyway. Cursed One could be reborn in many ways, bodies, or choices. Rarely did such a level of dullness occur. And if it did, it was often the worst possible outcome.

Sousl held memories, thus, it made sense to feel confused after enduring memories of 174 lives. It was no wonder. The New Beginning was not meant to be filled with memories from past lives, let alone those of others. However, Cursed One was forced onto this path. It couldn't decided.

Anyhow, is there a new body for me, or is it just my soul? What is there? Where am I!? I mean... It is good that my awareness is shining, but where is the rest? It should be there; outside of my senses for now. What do I have? Memories... They are there, in my mind. Good. My awareness is intact and so are my memory fragments. Untouched. Right. My name is Murai Hisagi. A world-class assassin in my previous life, bearer of speed and daggers of justice. Well, the last part is a joke. What a run! I was a damn powerful figure in other lives too! What a life that was before. I have no regrets about ending it on a high note. Murai thought, laughing in his mind for a long, long time.

Alas, his laughter came to a stop, as there was a limit to his past perspectives. Unlike most of his past reincarnations, this one was a bit messed up from the start. It was dull, void of anything physical, and felt like nothing. That was a drastic change from the past where the lives jolted his memories, or memories jolted the lives, allowing him to live like a great person of many races.

But then, he also remembered a few weird cases, which were quite terrible and similar to this one: dull, weird, and suspicious.

This life might have awakened his awareness earlier because of some problems like that noise from before. For some reason, Murai couldn't recall those noises. He swore he heard messages and some conversation. Pretty important ones too.

Well, he wasn't sure. Being a baby wasn't very often under his memories. It was hardly something he liked anyway, nor it was important in the previous cases of his humanoid lives. Were there any rules, or was it made so he wouldn't have to be a baby? How generous, was what Murai should think?

No! He would disagree with all of his possible remarks and the power of his voice.

What is wrong with this? Is this... a new kind of place, or body? I feel something is wrong. I can't move at all. Am I confined since birth, or do I have a certain deficit such as blindness or... No... Don't tell me it's like that time! No! Please! I am not ready to have another dull life! It wouldn't be the first time to be like this, so I don't give a crap about this. I need some sense first... Silence...Change. I need some sense of my situation. He decided to not fall into a depression, but couldn't help but be bothered about this situation.

He could only muster thoughts and his memories, forcing his awareness to gradually awaken. Like waking up after a deep sleep, many thoughts and memories were coming to his mind, fueling his already impressive soul. It took a long time because he held so much within himself that wanted to get out.

The following time felt like days passing, or perhaps even weeks. Murai preferred to spend time with a series of naps, recollections, and awakenings that he thought would one day change, but they didn't. It was always the same sense in the darkness, where he couldn't give anything a physicality. It was like dreaming and being aware of everything, yet the dream was only an eternal abyss.

He couldn't figure out what he was, or what to do. It was a dull and empty living, so he hoped it would one day change. It was a questionable naivety. Apart from his soul awareness, he had no connection to anything. No body was under his control. Was this a mistake, or did a complete disaster befall him?

More time akin to weeks passed. Then—as suddenly as thunder basking the empty sky—this emptiness and boring existence exploded. A streak of voice and noise jolted his sleeping mind, awakening him with pain and confusion that was like a stabbing motion of a knife.

A soul strike? What in the world is happening!? Does someone want to seek my soul? Fuck OFF! Murai cried in his mind, aware that something entered his soul. There was something in there called Soul Space from his memory. It was supposed to be a fairly important piece of something he had awakened not that man lives ago. It was supposed to be a massive help, or so someone said. Who? Murai didn't have time to hinder his ideas.

And this thing that stung him—whatever it was—felt like a worm. But instead of like a worm, it felt like an encompassing anaconda. He couldn't do anything about it but try to seek it out with his awareness, though it was like trying to stop a bullet with a pillow.

He felt weak after waking up to nothing spectacular. Whatever was here, it touched his most important possession and core as a whole. His soul. It made him angry, yet that was about all he could muster. He couldn't protect himself or strike back.

He found his tries to force his barely incompetent soul to be utterly useless. Any of his previous powers were gone, like usual, yet at least some forms of Soul Space still existed under his brief knocks. Weakness and poor power. That was a restart from his previous life, a time when he tried to reach the top of the world.

That idea put his mind at ease. Remembering being on the top... yet knowing it could end. Indeed. It felt comforting to him, even if the current reality wasn't that.

Thinking of that in a second, he forgot it when he felt a stinging pain crashing against his mind next. He felt as though something foreign was penetrating his soul, putting him in danger or establishing a connection into something massive.

Then the pain changed, and a mechanical genderless voice spoke in his mind after an hour of pain.

[Greetings Murai Hisagi. Battleworld greets our new addition. It is a surprising change of pace, but a welcomed one regardless of circumstances and uniqueness]

[We hope you will have a safe journey and the yearning to travel the world to the best of your abilities. Live the life that was brought to you like a gift from the Gods. A true Blessing! Find the life you never had, as a former someone with a name and memories to take. A new chance in life is a chance like winning a lottery. Congratulations!]

Murai wished to grunt, but couldn't force it out of his soul.

[Following your new life, a series of adjustments are here for your life]

[For the start, you are in a Low Sector Domain—the name isn't needed—and on the planet called Battleworld. Your starts will act according to the Will of the Battleworld, which will improve and inform you of your progress and possibilities]

[Battleworld is a vicious place filled with danger]

[Law of the jungle and power rules this world. Thus, Will of the Battleworld will speak when it needs to, giving you hints and a great time ahead. More on that later]

[Soon enough, the soul of the World shall accompany you as well, giving you the addition of a Life Companionship that will give you the privilege to live as a Blessed, dear Citizen]

[Blessed are neat beings, so think of it as a worthy Title for your soul, Old One]

[In the meantime, adjust yourself to your life and start learning about it in your own way. The adjustments will be done shortly, allowing your footsteps to be ready in a harsh and unsteady Battleworld. We wish you the best of luck]

The explanation was clear, but the delivery was unsettling. Murai wanted to retort, but a series of information jolted his mind like a wet cloth over one's head. It wasn't only there. Like the speaking voice, it also entered his soul, shaking it in the process.

It was a series of information put into chaotic order, yet under some vision, it made some sense.

[NAME: Murai Hisagi / no nicknames, no Titles detected]

[AGE: 20 days / no time-variants, yet oldness detected]

[SPECIES: Anatidae [former ones: human, elf, demons, devil, god, leaf, stone...] / Species properties or specialties yet to be detected. Evolutions are highly possible in this demonic beast species] Variants UNKNOWN.

[SUBSPECIES: None / Class E duckling, Seedling Stage contained, Grade, or hidden properties UNKNOWN]

[PHYSICALITY: Duck/duckling of the Anatidae species with no change in physicality from evolutions or growth.Almost like a chick]


[Strenght: -10]

[Dexterity: -10]

[Vitality: 0]

[Wisdom: 100]




[LEVEL: 0]

[POWER LEVEL: Less than a pebble on the road, but a pebble nonetheless]

[TASK: Get out of the eggshell / REWARD: Accomplished freedom! Additional status rundown and elevated attributes]

Murai's mind calmed down after a long stretch of figuring out the words in his head. It wasn't a lot, but his mind was more shocked by this content than he was willing to admit. It wasn't about the Battleworld, where he did end up, or even the reasoning behind this soul invasion. He found out what he was.

This... This is a motherfucking DUCK! He freaked out. I got a flying, running, diving, swimming, and quacking duck this time?! How? Why? What in the actual fuckery is this, you lunatics?! Is it some joke that you came up with as your last resort to shackle my heart?! You damn wished! A stone a few dozen or so times ago, and now this? Forget a leaf of an immortal tree, I don't want to be a duck. Why not a wolf... or something cooler?

Murai could scowl in his mind however he wanted, but it wasn't as if he could stop it. He knew the truth of his living. He couldn't change what was already given.

He knew it. This was his new life since he couldn't defy the rules of reincarnation or his curse.

He wished he could.

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