Reincarnated as a Duck: A beast progression litrpg isekai


Greetings to a Rulebook/Index, where information about this one of the novels of all times resides. This is not a proper first chapter. Thanks for understanding and feel free to read through anything in this large composition.

Check the Table of Content to see what you desire.

This Rulebook's purpose is to get some sense of the things I've written so far. It has some concepts, ideas, and collections in one single form, acting as a small wiki. It is there to establish rules in a neater format than for them to remain somewhere else. My head, for example. Or nowhere for the other eyes to see. Many things in this rulebook are world-building materials that don't always concern the novel's MC. Some do. Some don't.

It goes pretty deep into the power systems, as I never went too deep into them in a novel like this because some of them are complicated to put into chapters like this. Most of what you will see will, at some point, be mentioned in the chapters, but in bits and pieces across thousands of pages. Not wholly like this.

It will contain spoilers, some of which might diminish some wonders or the reading experience. If you haven't read a single chapter, this may serve as an overview of what you will read about but be warned that it contains materials for many books and that it is quite long. It will be going over the power systems, rules, phrases, magic systems, and overall picture of a singular world in a large universe.

If you want to seek some further information about some obscure or less detailed information as you read, comment and I will add it. Some topics will have a lot of explanations due to their complexity, others not so much because of their obscurity.

Thank you. For now, I am winging it and questioning myself if it is formatted badly or enough.

Some sections will be gradually upgraded and increased due to published books.

NOTE: A lot of content of this rulebook is hidden under the spoilers. Uncover them for yourself.

Table of Content




History and world

world-building materials contain smaller unpacked stuff, to some medium detailed expansions, or explanationsPower Systems





Power Systems are big. They are by far the most wordy and convoluted, and this note table is far too small to contain some notes.





Those are important characters on a large scale of importance. Under them is their history and many remarks, including their Status Board and abilities. Murai is by far the most detailed.


This section notes word-building phrases and briefly explains them. There are various points, validity, and chaos. They are smaller in exposition.

Battleworld: It is the name of the planet this novel takes place in. It is a large world with massive continents and seas larger than the land. [More onto this in World-Building]

Old World: It is a phase describing the former Battleworld before the current godly pantheons came to this planet, establishing it into a new age.

New Beginning: It is a phrase that suggests reincarnation or a new life in general depending on context.

End: It is a word that means the death of someone or anything. It is often described as a means to kill someone, so he will meet his End.

Will of the Battleworld: It effectively acts as a ruling system in this world, giving living beings a near certain chance of getting stronger. It is a voice that can speak to the soul, or whispers, or act in other ways. Cases of how it acts are subjective to each continent in the Battleworld, as there are many forms of its manifestation.

Blessed: It is a term for beings that are reincarnated into the Battleworld under convoluted and complex manners and facts. They describe someone worthy from the Greater Skies, forcing them into the Battleworld with special status and privileges. Those include intact memories of their past life, which may be the highest advantage one could get in this world. How someone becomes Blessed is a tough secret that very few beings in the Battleworld even understand. They have a much wilder and more powerful reputation with Will of the Battleworld and their stakes are much higher too. They also get various perks that many seek out like gold.

Gifted: This sort of person can be Blessed too, but this term is more in line with the Gods and their meaningful power. They describe someone endowed by a God. That they are worthy of their interest and benefits. Anyone can be touched by their interest and granted various bonuses, blessings, and powers, becoming as forceful as Blessed.

Boost: This is an important phrase that depicts Will of the Battleworld's readings and achievements. Finishing some missions, killing, living through tough battles, or growing in any kind attracts this authorization and reading, granting powerful blessings from the world itself. Boosts can be granted to anyone or anything. It is one of the primary ways to increase attributes, abilities, and growth without being Blessed or Gifted. Boost could be power or extremely mild, almost devoid of blessings in any capacity. In such cases, its worth would be in notes alone or simple knowledge that one expands in some way.

One can also refuse Boosts, growing all alone by one's choice, causing growth to be natural and self-found. Why that is, is questionable and up to the individuals to decide, but when a Boost happens, it can't be taken back, making it cheap, yet powerful.

Blessing: It is a gift and something that one shouldn't take for granted. It has various objectifications, values, and uses. They range from Grade F to Grade SSS and could be pretty overpowered and often insanely useful. They are most often obtained from the Dungeons, special battles, missions, or Offerings straight from Gods. They are one of the rarest things one could find or get, as they describe the power of Gods.

Offering: It is a term conjunct to the Gods. They can't reach out to the mortal realms unless some unique chances are happening. Hence, to further their powers, they can take on any offer from the mortal world, providing opportunities, furthering their reputation, and gifting mortals or their subjects the means necessary for their lives. It is an exchange.

Dungeons: They depict ruins of the Old World in most cases. Most are underground, looking ancient, filled with old danger, and massive scales. Their vision and origin are shrouded in mysteries and unfathomable power that stems from the entire planet and acts with the Will of the Battleworld, or the whims of some Gods. There are various depictions of them throughout the history of this world. They are also Graded and have various sub-dungeons and other categories:

The main ones are Origin Dungeons. Those are continental and hegemonic dungeons that have various sub-dungeons. Each Origing Dungeon had its main paths, acting as the main dungeon. Their names can vary depending on the culture and the continents, but their name remains the same according to the continents such as Somalis Origin Dungeon.

Dungeons have various concepts and are often met with challenges, curses, various issues, and setbacks. It is also a place that is full of opportunities, Boosts, and when one could grow the most. Blessed figures come to such places to fight for their futures, hopes, and power. Anyone can do that, as long as their power and fate allow it. They are critically known as dangerous places, with Ends around every corner. They also form some achievements under the Will of the Battleworld, and various Dungeons are locked behind rare and special circumstances.

Beings fully focused on exploring these places are called Dungeon Delvers.

A lot of dungeons are lairs of monsters, ruins of old kingdoms or locations, lost treasures, or places lost in time. Gods view them with a certain interest and allow the Will of the Battleworld to view them as chances for mortals.

Gods: They are the rulers over the mortals and worlds, and hold powers that mortals could only dream about. They have many names, often given nicknames, though there are many of them under many Pantheons. In the Battleworld, there are many of them. Some planets have none, others few. The Sky Gods are living above the Battleworld. Then, there are Hell Gods, living under the surface in various places.

Gods are strong individuals with powers that form a rare presence over the Battleworld. One of them is a Ruler of this entire world, acting as one above all. Most Gods reside in their respective Divine Kingdoms, living off of their lives and subjects. Gods depict the closing end of one's Path and individuals seeking Greater Skies and the next, often impossibly far steps.

Gods have their differences and powers in unique visions. For them, there are 4 Ranks in unique progression. Rank 3 is the beginning of godhood when one masters the first sights of their Path and what it means, with Rank 0 describing a stage known in many worlds and cultures as Creators. Creators are beings above Gods, describing Entities with codenames and Pathway Authority. Known Entities: Afterlife

Divides: Order and Chaos divide the universe in balance and reason.

Pathway: a subject that holds authority, describing sections in Divides that are their visions and rules.

Paths: They are a section of some Pathway, giving a person a way to live and a way to handle the portion of its power and authority over the Divides. It is a way to handle power in a finite and clear way. It describes a specific power and rules to an individual, describing techniques, ways of progressions, or classes and what they achieved, can do, or will do. [Further into it goes individual Power System.]

River of Manaflow: It is an unfathomably large river of mana that spans through the universe for unknown amounts of years and distances. It is the core influence that allows certain worlds to become rich in life and full of splendid Paths.

Sky: A term used when speaking about what is beyond the ground. In most cases, they depict the Divine Kingdoms, the residencies of many gods above the Battlewolrd, or something far. In terms of Skies, the implications carry multiple worlds and something very far or wide.

Depths: A term that depicts the underground in many forms. Those include Dungeons, Hells, and even deep seas and oceans.

Surface: A term describing the grounds, continents, and what is visible to the naked eye.

Greater Skies: A lofty term that speaks of what lies beyond a planet. It describes the general universe on a greater scale, unspecified in scope, and with countless planets.

Endless Skies: A specific phrase that is rare in this novel. It is a boundary of something in the universe that is too big, filled with mysteries and power.

Life Companion: It is an attendant, aide, and friend in their finest prose, but one that is glued to someone else. Pledge, oath, or various connections parts could make honorable and important decisions. In usual terms, a Life Companion is deemed anyone willing to spend the rest of their life with someone. It could be forceful, or voluntary. Good, or bad.

In unique cases such as Blessed, they have a different vision of the Battleworld and are considered as their teaching familiars. A Blessed always has a Life Companion of a former Blessed to understand Battleworld better. They depict Blessed who met their End once again. They seek yet another life for a third time. They can have various visions, ranging from soul forms, tools, or beasts.

Blessed Companion: Those are special cases of companions of Blessed beings. They are of different breeds from Life Companions, or some friend or tool alike. They effectively put forth a connection and shackle themselves to the Blessed in hopes of helping and getting various benefits. Because of that, Blessed can get a fine tool, slaves, or helpers for dirt cheap, since the worth of being a Blessed Companion is quite large, albeit dangerous.

Powers: Those depict nations, kingdoms, empires, tribes, or similar things. They follow Tiers, ranging from F to S, and their importance plays a large topic in the lands of the Battleworld, Gods, and many other interests. The tier of power describes their military strength, achievements, and power in itself. Not necessarily Gods or something that could be granted cheaply.

Wars: They have various visions and premises.

Mortal War is about two powers acting against one another, hoping to crash or weaken the other side. Be it invasion, defense, or a war for resources or land.

Holy War is the following point where Gods are becoming interested in their stakes and religions over a Mortal Far. Before a Holy War happens, their Churches could send certain interest into the Mortal War, and effectively end it, so it would reach a much higher status. How and why? It depends on the Gods in question, how Will of the Battleworld affects it, or how politics goes. But one God is usually not enough to start a Holy War. It often affects large pieces of land and multiple powers.

Divine War is a very rare occurrence where many Gods would literary descent from their lofty place, and act with their real bodies in the mortal lands. It is a time when Ends go left and right, and it isn't a pretty or nice time. Many powers could be destroyed, and even Tier A powers would crumble apart.

Breach: A forceful snatch or cause of something away from the rules. It is a term used in many situations, including something that shouldn't happen easily, or it is forced to happen against the norm. It contains ideas and causes that better not happen.

Taboo: A situation that should never happen, for the love of what is good and bad.

History and World

There is a lot of lore. This section will be upgraded gradually as the novel advances.

Battleworld resides on the edge of the Common Skies, in an unusually barren Sector—areas in space consisting of planets, some importance, and spaces—that still has proud and well-established waves of River of Manaflow, giving it a significant source of energy for lives to flourish and Gods to find their footing.

The history of the Battleworld dates countless Chaos Cycles back, which is a known time frame that signifies the flow of mana from the origin to the edge of everything. It is said to be tens of thousands of normal planet-years long, though time is a power that is ever-constant and choking. Some consider cycles to be important due to their importance, self-interest, or power. Tens of thousands of years is basically nothing in the grand scheme of things, nor is it something important for a mortal who lives for less than a century. For some worlds or people, it is what sets many things apart.

The start of the Battleworld dates to the time when Gods from outer space came to this then-barren world, carrying over people and knowledge. The world back then was barren, with beasts running rampant, continents being less than coherent, storms storming across the seas and lands, demons being more powerful than everyone else, and some remaining races barely surviving.

No God was present back then, and the mana was fatigued, affecting the power of living beings that wanted some safety or authority to go against the Divides. Thus, new Gods went to work and one of them, Lordis, became a major figure of that time by fixing and changing this world. There have been many setbacks since then, but the world thrived ever since.

Old World—or what is considered named by the current era—is considered to be a time before the current narrative, going back even further into deep and unknown times. Many sights from that period are considered lost and barely tangible under the current timeline. Most Dungeons contain wonders and beings from that time, as they are places left from that history yet still living. That history, added to the various races and beings that lived since the start of the Battleworld, makes the current history fascinating for many scholars.

But cultures speak thousands of words, and many continents take that differently.

Many scholars consider the Old World very interesting, though old and dangerous, so many rather act with the established interest around current age, or Gods. Still, even in the current age, the Old World has many researchers and curious eyes. Nobody stops anyone from looking at that history as it no longer matters, but it hides many wonderful sights as history often repeats itself.

It is often said that Dungeons are leftovers of lost civilizations, various spaces, or treasured dens. Most Depths are bits of that time as well, with cities and a worthwhile world being under every corner of this planet. Most are in a very different vision from the current Surface of the Battleworld.

Old World had no Boosts to carry it to new heights, nor did Will of the Battleworld establish a powerful flow of information and power around the globe. It was considered more rural, brutal, and much less forgiving.

Geology is everything

Current Battleworld is made of five large continents between even bigger water landmasses of insanity and chaos. There are five continents predominantly under many watchful Gods. Those, by names alone, are: Somalis, Radagan, Noah, Zeanor, and Blitalia. Many things about them will be known throughout the novel and placed into the Rulebook/codex when they all become important. For now, this section will go through one of them.

Around these continents, politics matters like geological limits. Many seas act as lines, walls, and boundaries between the continents, making connections and travel close to being impossible. Massive storms and currents are everywhere, with deep seas full of dangerous and vast creatures, separating the continents, and giving them ancient times and specified cultures. If it wouldn't be for very well-established routes and Extremes, it would be impossible to connect or do some business between some continents.

Thus, the Depths of these seas are considered off the charts for most people, making trading fit for those who could afford such travels, or take these dangerous zones for challenge itself.

Surface consists of these continents.

Depths consist of numerous underground places, with Hells being a dominant faction under every continent, or anything under, including the seas.

Sky consists of the Divine Kingdoms of Sky Gods,

Somalis Continent

It is a place where our protagonist takes his first steps, so it is first to be known in greater detail. There are about a dozen large-scale powers in this continent and many smaller ones. Most are primarily dominated by the human population and its cultures. There isn't a large diversity on its Surface, as predominant cultures of the medieval time go well with magic. The area of the Somalis continent is large enough to house a normal world, thus distances are important, and so are the traveling routes, some cities, or places.

Around many places, Will of the Battleworld sets rather normal examples of power, giving people and nations traditional rules about Boosts. Those consist of voices most of the time, or badges known to many associations. Those are for Adventure Guild, Magic Association, and many Mercenary Groups to work with, providing an artificial sense of security that mortals bargain with.

Adventure, Magic, and Mercenary associations are under every continent, with rankings for their members consisting of Bronze, Copper, Silver, Gold, Amethyst, and Diamond Ranks. There is one above the Diamond Rank, which consists of the top dogs of these associations. They are essentially run by people of the Surface, with less godly influences, so such associations are neutral in a way.

Any race and even beast could become their member, as long as they are adequate and without issues, as there are some rules for joining. Not being a troublemaker helps a lot, and good evaluation and reputation is a key to advancements.

Boosts and various advantages are under these associations, making things easier for those seeking power.

Note: these associations are extremely common and hold massive advancements for trading resources and information, and give people a sense of unity and connections.

In the Somalis continent, there is only one nation worthy of a Tier S, the Somalis Empire, which is a de-facto protector of these lands as its oldest power. It has many Extremes and Sages, and many Gods show it favorable expressions or direct touches.

Then, there is the Centralis Kingdom, which is one of the main driving factors in this novel, though it doesn't seem like it. This kingdom has a long-lasting dynasty of Blessed kings and queens, who established their power to be quite influential and unique on the Surface. They seek expansion, making many moves and wars possible. It is a Tier A power, with many Extremes and fewer Sages. It is also a prominent believer of Blessed superiority, with thousands of them in their ranks. It is solely a human kingdom. It has a brutal racial view, with power being the most important. Its central city is the City of Chaos.

Somalis Hell is set underneath its Surface, acting as a separate realm and Dungeons, with one of the entries being the Levandis Temple, which will turn extremely important by the end of Book 2. This Hell is owned by Levandis, an important God. Her temple resides in the Seventh Death Forest—in the middle portion of the continent— where a Death Valley hides her Hell and hopes.

Note: More nations and kingdoms will be revealed as the story progresses.

Overall, Somalis is a continent filled with many conflicts, and many powers fight over its land and resources, making it chaotic and always moving.

Notable landmarks: Red Glory Forest, Tabula Lake, Towering Morghalis in Morga Region, Yuzna Mountains, Endless Plains in the north, City of Cinnar, Seventh Death Forest, Death Valley, Levandis Temple, Endless Tower in the City of Chaos.

Known Dungeons: Somalis Origin Dungeon ~ Sub-Dungeons: Acaman Tower

Important-or less important-dates

Date when Murai arrived in this world: 34,408

Current age: 34,409

Roughly 50 years since Lisa departed this world and came back.

Pillage Emperor's prime time: 14, 240 years ago

Thousands of years since the period of Rudolf the Great.

34,409 years since some Gods came to this planet and established their new age. Even longer than that since the collapse of the Old World.

Will of the Battleworld, aka The Voice.

It is described as endless in opportunities, with its Boosts and potential to cause powers to grow and rules to guide others. This thing is directly grasped by the Divine Kingdoms and Gods, with Battleworld doing the most of the lifting in a limited albeit important capacity.

It is a forceful guiding tool that meddles with all sorts of reason. It speaks and guides locations or people, or changes many conflicts to a good or terrible Fate.

How well it ends is disregarded by people or mortals, for they love the Boosts that follow Will of the Battleworld.

For some, it is seen as unsightly, and numerous mortals are against this system. But Gods are behind it, so it is hard to shame it too much, especially when the lives of mortals can no longer live without it.

Some of the Boosts of this voice are seen as self-found, acting as one's powerful accomplishment that would happen regardless. [Such as many magic-related increases.] Natural growth, teaching, and self-training give this self-found power great merits.

Then, some Boosts do nothing but grant things, directly increasing one's strength. These are Boost Blessings and consist of anything. Examples: evolution system, equipment, some attributes, evolved abilities or spells, and many others.

Levandis Temple [End of Book 2, 3, 4, and 5]

A big mysterious place in the Somalis continent. That is this temple that adheres to Lady Levandis, Rank 1 God, Lady of Thousand Graves.

This temple is one of the gateways to her Hell, consisting of 10 Gates of various flexible difficulties that could go as low as Level 10, while the upper limit is unknown. It is her backyard, formed by the former Divine Kingdom of the Sun God of the Old World, and observed by Mindarch, the spirit of this temple.

Throughout this temple, mana is insane and savage thanks to the unknown treasures in its depths. Denizens and most beings of this temple grow a Mana Essence upon their death and a certain authorization made from a Guide or a special token. Lady Levandis is the one behind this artificial essence-gathering construction, which uses living and undead as furnaces for essences.

Many Gates have many depths, people, demons, denizens, lairs, and so on.

Entry: For outsiders of this temple, there is a 3-year limitation entry. One goes inside by going into Death Valley and setting up a Welcoming Party, which is an assessment if one is worthy. Depending on the time of successful entries, difficulties vary under every try. Attempting the Welcoming Party doesn't count as a successful entry, so one might clash and try them for as long as they can. It is an Undead Army under Extreme called Thar, Undead King, with many Undead as enemies. There are waves of duels or a duel with Thar himself.

Rules: great improvements and getting stronger are attainable when undergoing this temple, which is almost like a made-up dungeon, that is hiding in the earth and deep underground.

Mindarch is the rule-maker, while the 3-year period for outsiders is about the harshest rule there is. There are essentially no limitations when one enters.

Each one of the 10 Gate is unique.

Each Challenger gets a Guide, a being from Hell to guide them in their attempt.

Hell Points is a reward system for Vaults at each Gate, giving Challengers a buying power for loot. Hell Points are granted and calculated by Mindarch. They depict how one fought or accomplished their successful Gates.

What is killed is Challenger's, including loot and essence, or the bodies.

When Challenger dies, that's it. Now, they are the property of the temple.

Some Gates might have unusual rules because of individuals who produce unique events, or their existence is akin to a Breach or Taboo itself. The count of entry is the most liable chance, however. Such a thing could be like a curse or a blessing. Example: Razmund's no-killing rule at Gate 2, or Archtouched and its mana-based increases.

Gate 1: Gate of Suffering. It is a place made of the former Sun God temple. It is a labyrinth made of many long stretching corridors that split. There is a constant Fog of Dread in the surroundings, affecting the mind, and eyes, and hindering the soul itself. Waves of enemies are teleported into the corridors.

Numbers or their levels depend on the Challenger's Level and how many times they entered it in their lifetime. It is possible to skip formalities. In the end, one visits a vast building akin to a museum and prison and finds a Guardian, the last boss of this Gate. Guardians vary in vision or power. They might be the stone statues in the museum, or sent from bellows.

The Vault consists of two buildings with various rewards. Most of them are seen as starting incentives and they aren't extensive.

Gate 2: This is not a singular Gate but numerous ones. At the end of the Gate 1, one enters a portal. Which Gate 2 they follow is up to luck or their forceful touch. It is unknown how many of them are made of the former Sun God temple, or how many of them are Levandis' doing.

Known Gate 2s: Hellwar Zone, Trail of Lottery, Islands of Greatness, and a few others.

Due to the book's nature, only Islands of Greatness have been explored so far

Islands of Greatness: A huge dug-out cave filled with water and pillars and Islands on top of them. Accomplishing 100 Islands is the goal of this Gate. One starts in a single location that will branch out until the Ending Isles at the end.

Each island has a Chaos Cage, causing the arena to be close to outside influence. Upon success, bridges to other islands are revealed and one has to choose which one to follow.

With luck, there is a chance to encounter a shop where one could spend already accomplished Hell Points.

By luck, there is a possibility to meet a foe with a Key. Keys is a system designed as a gift from the temple or Levandis herself. They are this temple's important property for denizens and Challengers. Key depicts a chance to get a Relic, Law, or Divine Artifact from special Vaults. One gains a Key only by killing the wielder of such Keys.

Murai has a unique stake in his attempt at this Gate. That is an Influence Item if he bests this Gate.

The Vault is part of the tunnel to Gate 3. There are Bronze, Silver, or Golden Rooms that depict safes of the Gate 3. There is an incredible amount of treasures there, and one would never get enough Hell Points to purchase it al. Bronze and Silver Room are regular Vaults, with Golden Room being crazy good because of the discount bonus.

Entering one of these Vaults depends on accomplishments. Golden Room is considered sacred.

Gate 3: Hellscape.

Details: big cave realm dug out by Levandis.



Power Systems

There are various ways the universe battles with power and how individuals handle it. In this novel, power has numerous faces, seeking, gathering, and establishing under one's memories, worlds, magic, or opportunities between them. Will of the Battleworld influences most of it in this novel's single world. It tries to influence, give reasons, and empower living beings like a guiding hand, but one could refuse it, opting for sole and steady visions or trials that one handles without it.

There are many ways to look at power in the Battleworld, and many beings follow what they prefer, like, or what is best for them.

Races, talents, souls, and truly anything can become some sort of power, thus a lot of things could be connected.

There are Path, Evolution, Leveling, and Magic power systems, with Leveling being the guiding tool in the Battleworld that could involve everything. The rest is broader, with Paths being vast, Evolutions are body, racial, and fleshly involving powers, and magic is closely related to Paths, with Leveling being like a system to accommodate everything.

Throughout the novel, all power systems go under the Will of the Battleworld's rules. It connects--or empowers--all power systems to act according to readable, or coherent rules, with, or within boundaries of what it could handle, or not. To a certain extent, it is a mingling cause that adheres to many principles that follow the broader universe, which then turns Battleworld into something unique, forced, or artificial.

First, let's go over the basis of power in the universe, starting with Paths which describes broadness and limitless potential.

Path System

There is a pair of main driving factors of power on a large universal scale. They depict something that follows the cosmos, so it isn't solely based on one world.

Divide Ways of Chaos and Order are the rules. Think of it as good and evil with a different representation, but it is hardly that simple in this novel.

Each of these Divides has various Pathways within them, which may or may not be angled to one of the Divides or both. They may even act to one alone, be neutral, or handle it both. Paths are under them.

Examples of Pathways are: Pathway of Magic, Pathway of Sword, or Pathway of Beast. There may be very extreme, weird, or unique Pathways with various results and weird Paths. They can vary from world to world, by species or race, or by Sectors and Skies.

Under the Pathways are individual Paths, which are something that anyone with a shred of power wants to walk in. It is the most universally accepted form of a power system and the most widely spread. Anyone could decide to walk on some since it defines the road and possibilities that they can take. They are easy to comprehend at the start, but hard to master. Their prose depends on their quality, the individual taking them, or limits established by setting, talent, or resources.

To walk through a Path means to go against the Divide Ways of Chaos and Order.

Paths are often described as infinitely varied, yet systematic in their prose. They have stages, similar to cultivation, or how numbers follow their principles with dominant logic. Well, as long as no letters come into play.

In the Battleworld, the Path System is very popular and handled by one's choice. It is followed up by Will of the Battleworld's readings of said Path, or their history. One could follow it with free will and get as far as possible by their prospects. It is widely acknowledged that the better one is, the higher their Grade is, and the greater the possibilities and heights go.

Paths have predetermined Grade from the get-go, describing their quality, power, and difficulty at the same time. There are Classes underneath them that follow each Path, with each being better than the last. The exact number of how many Classes a Path has is largely known if the Path is comprehended, or unknown, if the Path is new, ancient, or not well established. Some are known to the bone and every little trick.

Example of the Battleworld-involved Path: Path of Mage Knight is a Grade C Path. It is under the Pathway of Magic, and Divide Way of Order. It has 4 Classes that follow the general vision of levels in the Battleworld, and a general sense of progression outside of it. The Grade of the Path generally depicts its might and potential power. Those range from Grades F to SSS, and the same follows the Classes.

Levels 1 to 30 is a starting process. First Class is Apprentice Knight. It is Class F and considered a beginning. One has to follow the Path, get stronger, and be better to reach the next Class. Magic is yet to weigh on one shoulder, and if a person has a talent for it, they will go to the next stage. If not, that is the end. Sword is a priority at this stage, rather than magic.

Levels 30 to 50 depict the Second Class known as Battlemage at Class E. A more potent spell caster, enchanter, and magic will become more important. It has a certain duality that makes it suitable for armies.

Levels 50 to 70 depict the Third Class: Mage Knight, Class D. It is what describes this path, and one is a true mage and also a knight. It is a Class with a very good mixture of magic and swordsmanship.

Levels 70 to 90 mean the limits of this Path, describing a Mage King at Class C. To get this far represents a very rare and potent individual who reaches his limit.

It is almost impossible to reach level 90 and above with such a Path, and one has to either change it, reach other means of power, or completely overhaul it and turn it into something that doesn't adhere to the rules of its Pathway. That is often impossible, or dangerous, requiring luck and help. One could also create a new Path, get a potent Blessing, or simply give up and be happy with what one has. Still, being close to an Extreme in power is very impressive.

Thus, a Path can be a very limiting factor to almost all individuals, and getting further into the leveling processes could be a massive hurdle. Stronger abilities or a change of attributes couldn't necessarily help with everything, even though they would certainly give someone an edge.

There are rules, limits, and options to almost everything. Some Paths are strictly confidential to certain races, or even Blessings, or souls. It isn't uncommon for Paths to be incredibly harsh to reach some Classes, and the highest conditions are at high-grade Paths. In such cases, the number of Classes may even differ, giving Grades much more importance. Some could skip the grading scheme and become Class D after being Class F in its first stage. In such cases, the power of such a Path is very powerful, but also more difficult.

Note: Not everyone is prone to this Class system since Paths can be very complex. Some Pathways aren't following common sense either, no matter if Battleworld has a Will of the Battlworld to effectively help with all of them.

Will of the Battleworld helps with Paths like a device, handling them as one of the core features.

It is possible, but not easy, to handle two Paths at the same time, though they must correspond to some requirements, and not bother one another. The most prominent ones are some suitable dualities in magic or martial arts. Then, there are two drastically different visions like a Soul Pathway which delves into the souls, and--for example--Sword Pathway which delves into a sword. Each has its unique stake that can't collide as souls are unique. Souls are in everyone, yet everyone takes some approach to this differently. Some souls could be very powerful and handle the burden of taking some Soul

Pathway Path and handle some Magic Path aside without a single hitch, making a potent duality.

Evolution System

They are unique and weird concepts for beasts, various demonic, beast, and inhuman races. In many cases, evolution could act like a Path, as there are stages within the evolution, but it isn't exactly that either. {One could handle Evolutions and Paths at the same time, becoming powerful on different sides}. For it to happen, one has to know what one does and both of these things should be very compatible if one wants to reach some depth in both of them. If it isn't good, well, it better be good.

Outside of those factors, evolutions are a major and important piece of power for instinctual type beings. Animals could evolve, and become something stronger and better without relying on anything complex. They work extensively well because of the Will of the Battleworld that handles all cases. Race is by no means a limiting factor, as even humans can get an evolution as long as they want to depend on it, want to change, or handle different types of power systems. But it depends on their physique, luck, or how their bodies can endure such things.

Evolution is physical change; it could contain, or gift magic as well.

In most cases, evolution depicts a simple premise: race and certain beings have limited ways to follow some Paths with Classes because of lacking Will and soul, For evolution, there is a Race or a Species that matters, similar to Classes. A species is a "pathway" followed by a subspecies that is like a "Path or Class". A similar thing could be said about races and subraces, which are dominant for many humanoid races.

Evolution means power over one's flesh, body, and Bloodline. Bloodline is an endearing information. It means history within the race, family, or species, followed by progression, possibilities, and very powerful roots. It is what describes shifts in species or races. There are often many directions one's species or race can evolve into, and it has progression, similar to Paths.

Example of Battleworld-involved Evolution: When a beast is born, they are Level 0 in a stage known as Seedling.

One has to grow for one to reach the first evolution at Level 1. It requires time and eating.

The Seedling stage has 3 phases. Weak, Full, and Fed Up.

After the body is ready for a Level Up for the first time, evolutions are available. There are 3 choices for a beast to make, stemming from choices that Will of the Battleworld reads out of their potential Bloodline, but it is not always the rule. They can differ, because some species may have too many choices, while others wouldn't. Those choices often describe the limits of their Bloodlines.

Further evolution after Level 1 has drastic change. They no longer happen automatically, but eventually. A beast gets them by unlocking, accomplishing, or getting their choices through their acts and powers. To start it, one has to unlock 3 specific evolutions, with only one that could be chosen. Most beasts could have less than half a dozen evolutions in total, depending on their powers. Like Paths, the further one goes with them, the harder they get.

Will of the Battleworld grants the evolution of significant powers in the Battleworld. It grants choices if requirements for them are met, found, or granted. Those may be attributes, some magic, unique bloodlines perks, and powers that have been unlocked via various means. They are similar to the Classes in Paths. Class F sub-species are weak, and E and forward are stronger.

Beast evolution forms Sub-Species progression. There may be only a few evolutions or many depending on the species, their bloodline limits, and talents. It is usually a very powerful way to get stronger for them, as many beasts can't rely on Paths because they are dumb and lack instincts. Sub-species have various differences depending on the core of the species and could change the overall look, workings of the species, and power. Overall, it is a hard progression that has incredibly powerful weight.

After the Seedling stage, there is the Child stage. One gets it through the first evolution or simpler growth. It is often described as a juvenile stage depending on the culture of certain species. It has Risen, Clutching, and Darring phases.

After that is Adolescence, and to get there, one has to do the second evolution or grow old enough within the Child stage and first evolution. After that is an Adult and Elder. Those all act according to the age of the unique aspects of the species and could have various depictions depending on the species. Some can get pretty damn old and even high enough in power, that they can shatter Extremes and be quite powerful within this world.

Beasts are often described as unholy beings who aren't worthy of any blessings, and they have various limits since most can't get any godly status. They are different kinds of beings in the universe, with humans and "proper" races being much more blessed.

Influence Items

Influence Items are an interesting concept of power that changes many principles in evolution. It is first mentioned in Book 4. They depict elixirs, bones, bloodline elements, or carefully created treasures. They could be used as a choice and forceful tool for a figure to turn into something better. They work with Bloodlines specifically, allowing one to evolve in different ways.

There are rules about them, and one could think of an Influence Item as a full choice in 3 evolution sub-species as well. One could also influence already established evolution, or influence future evolution.

Influence Items are extremely historical and weird concepts because they could range in quality, purity, and grace. Depending on what an Influence Item is made from, it could be more precious than any Artifact. Taking one in is irreversible like Evolutions, and any beasts or races or species has to think twice before taking them in.

Thus, this is a cause for many mutations and ridiculous changes in Bloodlines and many species.

One can use them in large quantity, minor, or medium ways, with part of the influence being a choice between big or small differences. How well it goes is a gamble, and one has to consider how well one is compatible with such choices. If compatibility is great, the harshness and difficulty of an influence could help Evolution's succession, and give it immense value and strength.

Overall: Evolutions are great tools for people, but it is mostly fit for beasts and demons. They could correlate to their fleshly path, or they might be a very potent way to give some official Path a greater meaning. Beasts and demons in this case could have multiple ways to increase their power. The less stable ones rather move onward with evolutions alone. Instincts and intelligence could push it even further, giving Evolution and Path a great connection.

Divine Beast: As a term, these beasts have prosperous Bloodlines and a certain ideology closing on godhood. It is different than divinity, as beasts are about beasts, while their paths and magical potential are inferior to most other races. That has been set up by Divides themselves, acting as a limitation due to the vaster history or the current Epoch.

By connection or growing through time, some beasts evolved and changed according to the gods themselves, gaining richer Bloodlines. In the Battleworld, Divine Beasts are considered beasts with divine predecessors. Those are beasts that followed gods as companions, for example. As diluted as this Bloodline goes, some Divine Beast Bloodlines exist as an important factor to talent.

Some examples are Dragons, Raging Bulls, and who knows what else.

Leveling System

It is the heart of the Battleworld, driven solely by the Gods and Will of the Battleworld. It acts with intricate points of interest, thanks to various readings that can follow a person like an achievement, giving someone weight, reasons, and judgment, followed by rewards in the name of Boosts.

Leveling works well for Paths, magic, or evolutions, making them connected with diverse sets of personal styles, possibilities, acts, and achievements. It gives more face value, though one could also disregard it by focusing on what one has while refusing this advantage.

Taking this Leveling for a simple note is regarded as a lofty and arrogant idea, but not a wrong one. Planets without this system act without it, so they have either Paths or Magic alone, or some body-related system close to evolution.

One could also focus on Leveling very extensively, and take its choices and focus on its voice. One can influence it by trying really hard to seek advantage of this system, as it is the world itself that blesses people with it, giving them power for their efforts, achievements, and trials. Those who don't take these Boosts have a tougher time, as they are essentially a blessing in numerous capacities, to near-endless positions.

One of its central points is clarity. Everyone is prone to some level of interest within this system, giving rise to numbers and coherent stages across other power systems with various effects. It could be expressed by voice, message, physical manifestation, or via some device.

Will of the Battleworld reads being and souls, grading an individual status, which then ends up in Boosts. Some of them could be powerful blessings, or simple aftermath of learning, comprehension, change in body or power, and magic.

Some could be simple notes because some powers might be well beyond the means of blessed Boosts due to the unique circumstances or powers of an individual. In that case, one can only progress on them at their own pace, even when one follows them. Such things are some attributes, unique abilities, or some parts of the magic system.

Also, reading individuals grants new information and possibilities, and often gifts various choices to a person when one approaches some limits or progression. This might be a double-edged sword, as it could mean that a person might be forced to make a choice, which might not happen at all if one disregards this system altogether. Ease-vs-complexity is a subjective form of this system. It might be powerful and limiting at the same time.

The Boosts can change almost anything, give mild changes, or just notes that one might regard as a disgrace, or like air.

It is a widely flexible system that is dependent on one's willingness to follow it or not. It contains evolution, and both Path and Magic System, acting as an overall scheme of this world that follows almost all individuals

If someone is a talentless freak, Boosts might not do much. It is as flexible as they can get, with power and those seeking them having benefits where they could be.

[Name] is describing an individual. One could even get nicknames due to some titles, people, or gods.

[Titles] are additions and achievements that follow one's name via unique circumstances, or various accomplishments. They may or may not have some powerful effects. A Title often describes reputations that follow some Dungeons or circumstances of Paths.

[Age] is describing someone in terms of days, or years. Simple.

[Species or Race] describes the fundamental state of the body, appearances, or their aspects or perks. Species are for beasts, while races may be for devils, demons, humans, and many others.

[Sub-species or sub-race] is set for the evolution system, and its choices, changes, or growth.

[Physicality and Physique] These describe physical prowess or specific powers and benefits that one's body contains. They describe the current stage and potential of species or one's race in a physical manner. It doesn't include other things, such as magic, abilities, or so on, but they could benefit from it.

Physique is a powerful method and power that differs from physicality, as it is an actually powerful way of progression, describing techniques that benefit the body primarily. Many Martial Arts have their unique physiques, with Paths focusing on some way to get the body stronger through some strengthening or unusual techniques.

[Attributes] are a major hurdle and limiting factor of growth in the Battleworld. They stem from the Will of the Battleworld and its Boosts, describing numbers that act as readings of one's potential that follows body, soul, or magic.

There are 3 main attributes.

Strength: gives power over physicality and physique, allowing one to grow in strength. It is a rough and brutal sense of improvement as its name suggests. It increases one's powers in many ways, including muscles, the density of the body, and what the body can force or endure.

Dexterity: is a vaguer phrase, giving privileges over stability, speed, and reflexes. It contributes heavily to rightful body movement, ease of movement, and control between strength and vitality.

Vitality: is the flesh and body of everything alive. It improves age, physicality, or physique, and greatly increases the terms of living being. It is one of the most important aspects of one's power as it has the most noticeable benefit of strengthening one's very life. Low Vitality means small recovery and stamina, giving one easier time to meet their End. Getting this attribute high enough gives powerful healing factors, a stronger body depending on the race or species, and the strength necessary to handle other attributes. The main benefits of Vitality are regeneration, stamina, and lack of fatigue. One also grows in many ways upon increasing this attribute, growing physically and well.

Those main attributes depict Body Attributes. One could get attributes at a minus stage, meaning that one is even weaker than Will of the Battleworld could handle. Usually, 0 is a start, with 1000s being at the upper portions in progression.

Besides Body Attributes, there are various attributes one could be granted depending on what one's species, Path, or options allow. They could be hidden under special requirements, achievements, or comprehension. There can be Walls describing attribute limitations and points in numbers that halt a person or a beast until this Wall is obliterated. If one doesn't follow this Leveling System, Walls act as a natural depiction of talents that would happen regardless of willingness, giving a truth that Boosts and Will of the Battleworld can't create miracles.

The most common attributes besides the Body Attributes are various Magic Attributes, which contain knowledge that Boosts could send to a person via mind and memory fragments, rather than influence the body itself. These improve the usage of spells or magic, usually acting without many notable differences in powers in terms of Boosts. These attributes are more vague, giving a person understanding rather than power.

Thus, if one is within, or outside of this power system, it often doesn't matter, since mana and magic aren't unique to this world.

Wisdom: effectively upgrades and boosts one's mind, allowing comprehension of magic and quicker wits. It also has various benefits over the thought process and intellect, making a drastic difference in Body Attributes because the body can always move better with a clear mind. It is one of the key features in understanding mana and performing magic.

There are some variants of this attribute.

Then, there are Soul Attributes, which are significant and mysterious powers of all souls. One unlocks them through willpower, soul, or talent, rather than brute force them. They are true achievements and determine talents and souls.

Will: is the most notable influence over the soul, as it depicts its strength and clarity. It describes stubbornness, endurance of pressure, and potent souls. Under this attribute are various other beneficial attributes such as Soul Power and Soul Force, with all sorts of abilities that would be affected by those attributes and nothing else. A higher number means higher possibilities of getting unique and powerful abilities and having much more power over the soul. This represents the might and strength of soul-based attacks, races, or abilities.

This attribute's Boosts are harder to get and increase, similar to Soul Power or Soul Force. Those who don't take such Boosts could only offer their stubbornness to themselves and have an unwavering will.

Number one way to increase the attributes: For one to gain them, one has to fight, eat, or simply live or undergo training or massive undertakings. Dungeons and battles grant attributes the most, while Boosts are a sure way to get them going as well. Growing up can increase the attributes by itself, while Will of the Battleworld decides on the amount before the Boost gives the number a noticeable light and blessing. One doesn't upgrade them willingly, though one could find ways to farm and focus on them through some tactics, special training methods, or because their Path requires it.

One takes them without question and stops.

For those willing, Attributes are half dependent on one's training and talents. Another half describes Boosts that gifts Attributes and strengthens them.

Thus, it could be seen as artificial and forced.

When one disregards this System completely, one could still be prone to some regular reading, such as notes of numbers. But in such cases, one can't have a Boost to get a blessing of this world. One could only rely on one's time, resources, and training. Progress naturally occurs like in worlds without this system.

[Level] is the fundamental value of someone's growth and power in the Battleworld. They depict 100 Levels, ranging from Level 0 to 100, and is the numerical value depicted by the Will of the Battleworld no matter if one is against this system or not. Attributes, abilities, and overall strength contribute to the Level, so when one doesn't follow it, one might be weaker than one is, or much stronger due to lacking information.

Levels have many regulations and are one of the core influences that follow all Paths, granting many things, higher rewards, and great possibilities. A higher level often means loftier potential and what one might get in terms of attribute or ability Boosts, while numerous ways of equipment are unlocked as well.

There are a couple of stages in the Leveling processes, that may or may not be easy to manage, depending on race, species, or talent and age. One could grow old, and no longer be able to reach any further. One's talent could also reach a wall that is unable to be breached.

Beasts are born at level 0 and gain specific progression in evolutions that could be very drastic and weird, giving sudden and big increases in levels. One could gain a dozen levels in this way in a single moment, signifying a powerful change. It is a unique aspect of Beast that moves Levels to another level, but they still manage Leveling the same way as everyone else. Humans are often the same, but their aging affects the leveling process differently, while shifts in Paths could be the same and change Leveling quite drastically.

Age is restricting the Levels. A baby can't have a higher level. A human teenager is often described as a latent talent if he is over Level 30. Beasts have it differently, as some species could be more powerful from the get-go, but their slower leveling offsets it or their Bloodline does.

Levels have a couple of stages.

1 to 30 depicts newcomers to this world and a considerable number of regular mortals are in this stage. It is a stage where one decides on their Path, or where some species decide in what direction they should pursue their evolutions or body. For human races, it is often a talent that is a limit, making Levels important in reputation and possibilities one gains through Will of the Battleworld. Thus, going strong and well over this stage describes those strong enough to pursue the weight of power.

Then, there are powerful and talented individuals, and more often than not, Blessed that crash the balance apart. In Blessed cases, limits are almost meaningless, as their talent and souls could grow faster and their comprehension speed could be ridiculous.

30 to 50 depicts someone who should be getting steadier in their Path, evolutions, or overall life. If not, this stage is often their wall and end. A lack of talent pushes many behind more talented individuals.

50 to 70 is a stage where someone gains a major footing in this world. Those around this Level are individuals with good enough powers to delve into most Dungeons, accomplishing some success for their name, giving their Path, bodies, or species heavyweight.

Within this Stage, there is a major wall at the end, describing the threshold of Laws. Finding one, knowing one, and overcoming it is hard and very important. Success means a very powerful threshold in most Paths that pushes someone to be truly influential, depending on where one lives and what one does. In this stage, powerful individuals around Level 60 are taking Laws for their priorities, as seeking them is important.

70 to 90 is an aftermath of understanding at least one Law, but even then, there are some differences in consequences and what one could handle. There is a fine line between being very powerful and extremely powerful at this stage. One gains further powers over their respective Laws of their understanding or their Path. Steady progress and training under them give powerful properties.

At this stage, there is a big expansion of powerful equipment, giving them the potential to contend with the Extremes of the next stage. Such individuals at this stage are powerful enough to stand on their own, crash many Dungeons, and seek the next stage through trials and many battles.

90 is what describes an Extreme. An individual who is a prominent figure in this world and influences many Powers. Anyone at this stage is someone who is old and has lofty talent, Path, and attributes. They desire Level 100, which is a dream akin to mastering their potential and becoming a true God.

This stage officially starts at level 89, though it might not be the case as this stage depends on what one has in terms of Laws and enough weight over their life. Extreme Gates describes unique progression in this stage, giving them 10 opportunities, chances, and trials in total. Each is harder than the last. Anyone who will overcome the first Gate is then known as an Extreme and any additional Gate afterward grands major changes and reputation, major Boosts, stakes in this world, or even more powerful equipment.

Stages within these Extreme Gates are a typical hurdle that can stop someone for many years, if not to the very End. Under this stage, major Extremes can gain a special title to their power, giving them the privilege to be called Sage around the Surface, or Overlord under Hells.

Reaching Level 100 and crashing every Gate can have drastic changes in power, Path, and so on. At this stage, anything above Grade S+ becomes one's main priority, and many powerful abilities, equipment, and stakes in the world grow to one's interest. At this stage, age becomes less of an issue, and individuals can live for many centuries or a few millennia depending on their race or species.

Level up: This is a major stake in Leveling progression. Will of the Battleworld provides various benefits upon this chance, giving Boosts, and depending on race, talent, and species, various things could be unlocked by leveling up. Notable things are Boosts and attribute strengthening in this process. Those are %-based efficiency boosts that strengthen numerical attributes with a much stronger efficiency. {Note: This becomes more apparent further into the novel. I plan to explain this here down the road}

There are also various notions of granted limits, and level is important to get better abilities, or get further into the Path.

To gain a Level Up, there are prerequisites. Most are hidden behind the Will of the Battleworld. They are often unique to individuals since everyone has their stakes and benefits. The most notable ways to get a Level Up are big attributes, following the Path high enough, having stronger abilities, and simply growing to the best ability.

In essence, it is the weight of a person and their potential.

Level Up will automatically follow when Will of the Battleworld reads someone, giving one strength to keep going further. Its note is often what drives people crazy, but it is no chain. The mere point of some limiting and locked things is simple knowledge and notable ideas. Its importance over the attributes is quite strong, as Boosts of attributes could give someone strength.

It is decided by Will of the Battleworld when one gains a Level up. No one can decide it, or stop it from happening unless one's Limiter, sub-species, or Walls are in the way.

[Abilities] are the most prominent source of power management within the Leveling System, creating massive power for those who follow the rules of this system. Those who don't miss out on a lot of things. Abilities depend on Paths, magic, race, species, or even equipment, Titles, or Blessings. Attributes also play a major stake in all abilities, as they empower them. Even physique does so for some, while magic often dominates only certain abilities in terms of spells.

Abilities have their transfixed stakes, growth, and progression, and their own Level is limited to their worth, grades, and evolvement. Their levels range from level 1 to 100, with various chances to evolve them. Though, the process of Levels is not extremely important. Grade and their evolutions are.

Grade F is the worst of the bunch. Most abilities at this stage are good enough for beings below Level 20.

Grade E is next after the worst, so it is not that good either. They are for those around Level 20.

Grade D is acknowledged as a passable ability that could grow well and establish some power. They are generally good and expected under Level 40

Grade C is decent, giving an edge in many ways. Beings below Level 50 have them as their priorities.

Grade B is a nice powerful tool. It is usual for Level 50+ to have at least one or two abilities at this Grade.

Grade A is strong, asserting dominance and powerful forms that border on crashing powers. Individuals at Level 70 should have many of them.

Grade S is insanely strong and irregular, taking forms and even odd gatherings or unlocks. Levels could range from the bottom to the upper-most number, giving this Grade various touches. Some could be questionable in prose and uses, but they are often powerful enough to significate core workings of many technique names and Paths.

Grades after S are unusual, and often strange in their prose. Grade SS or SSS are rarities beyond common means, with requirements that are often extremely harsh, unique, or rare, bordering on godly powers.

Note: There are Unique Grade abilities as well, which are some very specific powers that don't require levels, typical requirements, or unlocks. They are considered outside of the system and outside of anything normal. In terms of power, they could be above Grade S or quite lower. The evolutionary system of abilities is what sets things apart, and Unique-grade abilities don't change at all.

Grades, choices, and change give power and control.

Those lacking this Power System don't have access to the guidance of WIll of the Battleworld, but it doesn't mean that everything is lost. A teacher or a good guiding book is usually enough for someone to disregard information and follow abilities steadily with an open mind. Even ability evolution is possible, but it is harder because one has to make one's choice or use everything without any chains.

Generally, within or outside of this system, evolutions of abilities and abilities themselves follow the natural selection of power, flesh, and magic. They are truths akin to Laws, so one can't simply change or shift them. Will of the Battleworld forces some truths forward, giving an advantage that is hard to forget.

Deciding on the evolved ability will force one onto the further steps while disregarding previous ability, whereas someone without this system could use almost anything if one is capable. Control and growth for such people are usually steadier or slower, with some advantages or some disadvantages. Neither side is wrong, since it is all power at the end of the day.

Ability Example: A mage with a Fire Shot with Level 1 has it at Grade F. Getting to know such spells usually depends on the magic, Flame Affinity, and mana, which will be explained later. Leveling up Fire Shot will grant the benefit of its evolution at every 20th level all the way to its level 80, with the last being until one hits Extreme Gates. Afterward, Abilities take a less steady approach, thanks to Extreme Gates which are different from the normal leveling processes.

Fire Shot will change at its level 20 into various possibilities according to one's magical Path, usable spells, or what one could hold or decide. Those depend on the mage's needs, or Will of the Battleworld could grant options to choose from. Choices could include Scorching Shot of Grade E, Fire Surge of Grade E, Fire Beam, Fire Barrage, and so on. Some of those choices could skip a Grade, becoming something greater but more difficult to level up and manage.

However, what if someone unlocks a Grade C ability at Level 1? That is entirely possible thanks to the ways Paths works and how some abilities are better than others straight from discovering them. The sauce might be their masterful creator or potent Affinity. That's where Ability Talents come into play, as some abilities could only grow so much, and their leveling could become bothersome.

Level 1 Grade F ability can achieve limited possibilities even with its evolutions. Example: 20th level can become Grade E ability in most cases. 40th would reach Grade D. 60th would get to Grade C, 80th Grade B, and 90th Grade A. The Possibility of skipping a Grade could change this concept, but it is more rarer than usual.

So, what of an ability that starts at a higher grade? It would have a vastly different power dynamic and possibilities and also significant meanings. Thus, any Level 1 ability beyond Grade D is great, since their worth is much higher and they could grow to something much better.

It is subjective if one's growth changes this in some way, or if under the surface, one already skipped something. Many abilities have their evolving trees, so if one gains a Level 1 Grade A ability, there must be some ability under such Grade, yet one has it at Level 1. That is a limiting pursuit and blessing in disguise of this system.

Abilities have a hidden Class that depicts their potential and worth at Level 1.

Grade F: Common Class.

Grade E: Decent Class.

Grade D: Rising Class.

Grade C: Rare Class.

Grade B: Epic Class.

Grade A: Superior Class.

Grade S+: Abnormal, or Unique Class.


Note 1: Grade S? Abilities and their importance due to the table above will be revealed eventually. For now, believe that the Grade is very important.

The story has been illicitly taken; should you find it on Amazon, report the infringement.

Note 2: Levels of abilities don't usually correspond to the one's overall Level.

Note 3: One could get an evolved ability from the get-go if one is at a higher Level. Comprehension, training, or talent being off the chart also improves or complicates things, either limiting certain aspects or making the leveling easier or harder because of it. These abilities are hard and rare from the acquisition to the leveling process, making them harder to get. The usual process is better when one acquires the starting states of these abilities or skills, and slowly or quickly makes them stronger.

There are styles and effects to many abilities, and how one handles or masters them sets masters from fools. Some, instead of evolving, stay with the same name but change in different capacities and much higher base power. That could mean a higher input of power or mana, or a thing called Layering.

Layering: it is a power of numbers, with many same abilities stacked on one another increasing strength. Example: Wind Slash: At Grade F, it is a simple swing of a sword that collides with the wind forward. In an evolved state, it stays the same in name, but it can be layered to increase its strength, exponentially increasing its power. The Layering adds stress, more expenditure, and power. Options to layer such abilities are up to their handlers, following the principles of numbers. One could stack them dozens if not hundreds of times. Leveling such abilities grands higher layers, easier control, higher efficiency or channeling, depending on the Grade of this Ability.

Folding: It is where multiple abilities are compatible with one another, making each stronger when added together, or charging a person with more strength. Those are buff-type abilities, unusual moves, and even some blessings or equipment effects, followed by powerful attacks to cause more harm.

Secret Bidding: It is a powerful and gamble-like system of handling Paths and Leveling System together by Will of the Battleworld. They work only when one accepts some Path. Through some achievements or unlocks, one gains a chance to get power from a completely different or close Path. That ability or skill would then change and evolve via Boost and become one with a new Path, or become some supporting power.

Secret Biddings are as versatile as they could be, and reshape some Paths through gabling. One might not be sure what one got, so one might as well ignore them, level them up until they mattered, or love them. This fact makes them various, and there could be some certain knock that could make them overpowered. This style of power is completely attached to WIll of the Battleowlrd, so if one doesn't follow it, one won't even get a chance to have it.

Leveling Abilities: Generally, they act in the same principles as normal Leveling. Training in abilities improves them, which then corresponds to Boosts in Will of the Battleworld's readings, or if one is out of this system, numbers barely matter to them. There are considerable standards for elevating rarer kinds of abilities. Upgrading Grade A ability from Level 1 is much tougher to do than Grade F's Level 1 ability which became Grade A at Level 60.

Grade A ability at level 1 becomes Grade S at level 20, and then Grade SS at level 40. Was the end at Grade SSS at level 60? That isn't exactly as easy as it sounds, however. It is almost impossible to level up Grade S abilities very high before hitting massive walls and limits. Only at the heights of some Extremes, it may be possible. But even then, it is a taxing arduous journey that could take a long time and effort.

Strictly speaking, leveling abilities isn't easy. It requires efficiency, and there is a balance in all of this because talent and knowing how to handle them are often more important than their Grade or number. Efficiency and usage are vital.

Some abilities can even achieve certain symbiosis, and fuse together to form a new ability. Those occasions are rare, and often under special circumstances. Will of the Battleworld knows where these evolution, fusions, and leveling abilities happen, as it is a gifter of such occasions, similar to the traditional evolution of species and some races.

To have Grade S ability at level 60 means 3 finished evolutions that started at Grade C. That isn't that terrible but it can take a long time and effort. One would usually reach level 80 in their own level before it happens, or even more, if possible.

Still, the power of a rare class ability is potent. Grade S Ability at Level 60 is similar in power to the Grade S Ability at Level 1. Getting them is another thing altogether. At Level 70+, this is where Grade S Abilities become one of the key points to one's strategies and priorities. To have at least one or two of them is considered a success. For someone below that level to have Grade S abilities, it is considered a great power and talent.

In Extremes, Grade S abilities appear left and right, but below 70 or lower, not so much. The leveling process for Rare Class Abilities should involve very rare and powerful Paths or species. It means more power, but harder difficulty.

Overall, Evolving abilities are one of the main growth factors, and it is one of the key points to steady one's Path or life in the Battleworld.

There are also many kinds of powers, ranging from Paths to Paths, to offensive, defensive, or utility powers. Some of them aren't even prone to regular Grades, Classes, or something specific.

Those are many Martial Arts, ranging from fighting techniques and swordsmanship to many unique powers. Martial Arts have unique stakes in progression and are often very simple, yet powerful to train and improve. Those powerful are known as Dances or simple Moves. They depict certain Paths with established and old rules. Those are often researched through ages, giving people different time and effort from magic.

In such cases, equipment, and the use of weapons are much more apparent than caring about some letters or numbers. This concept goes across the board of numerous Paths, abilities, and sources of power that can be very different in many races, or individuals. Their leveling process may also vary, similar to their evolutions, displaying manuals, specific training methods, attacks, and Layering.

Most Martial Arts stems from simple numbers of manuals. Then, these manuals consist of powers, abilities, dances, techniques, and moves. The First Dance is less powerful and complex than the Second and so on, though their improvements and aspects could change when one grows and improves in them, making them less dependent on anything else. The more Dances or Moves such manuals have, the better.[Status] are unique aspects of an individual that is neither an ability nor a Blessing. They often have some tricks, offsetting shortcomings, or nothing good, or bad. They depict insensible topics or powers outside of one's influence and don't level up or upgrade in any way. They could evolve via fusion under some very specific circumstances.

Example: The Eater: Allows one to eat things with greater efficiency. There is a chance to understand what one eats, where it came from, or what it is. There is a certainty to improve Body Attributes while consuming things. It fuels hunger.

Explorer of Dungeon: Allows discovery of close Dungeons. How or where it doesn't say.

[Blessings] are splendid gifts from Gods. They could be quite important as long as one could get them and they are good. They depict an unholy amount of luck since getting them is never easy, no matter their Grade. Gods who grant them aren't giving them willy-nilly, as it is their power that is granted. Not some cheap little thing. Someone who isn't Blessed or Gifted usually won't have any chance to get them since they require luck and enough worth to pique godly attention.

Even for many Blessed, Blessings are a rare affair, with stakes outweighing something normal. For Blessed to get some Blessing isn't unusual but it sure can be hard to get some rare ones, or the one that could truly meddle well within one's Path or needs. Their use, worth, and what they do are often up to the whim of Gods, and their acquisition is often behind their trial, high-class stakes, achievements, or luck that isn't any different from stumbling upon ancient treasure.

They range in levelless powers, with some high upside and low downside. Their Grades depict a degree of worth and potential of some God.

Smaller ones are often part of clearer missions, tasks, or involvements with Wars where Gods showed some attention. Great merits would grand some Blessings, giving mortals a gift for their services, or accomplishments. They range in many effects, grading abilities, equipment, artifacts, powers, techniques, or various other items.

[Equipment] depicts a coherent way of crafting, alchemy, and blacksmithing, describing many tools, useful items, consumables, and great treasures. It is one of few relatively open ideas in the Battleworld that has fewer handicaps or limitations. High-level stuff has its limits for good reasons, depicting ancient tools of destruction, and various crafts that are potent and fitted under the right circumstances, or special unlocking mechanisms, or tasks.

Equipment ranges in Levels alone. It has no Grade. Level describes their usefulness and overall recommendations, but even a Level 40 sword could be used by a lower-level person. How fine it is is another thing. It sure would give such a newbie a better chance at living or attracting thieves.

Good equipment could even have various effects that could stimulate one's abilities, attributes, mana, Laws, or anything. A good tool is a good tool.

A simple example: Greatsword of a Lost Idol. Level 73 Weapon. Improves Strength by 20%, affects slashing abilities and Layering in the Flame of a Lost Idol, and effectively increases Mana Flow by 30%. Conjuring is doubled, affecting the Shapers and Mana Cores in connection to this weapon, and giving higher efficiency to every outer mana technique involving this weapon. Grands a Flame Rush Ability, guiding the weapon's Flame over it and unleashing a killing move.

Such a weapon is always fit for a powerful swordsman, or someone involved in flame-based Paths around Level 70. Since it is above Level 70, it already handles some Laws.

Overall, the Equipment has various notions and includes pretty much anything from the outside perspective. Clothes, armor, weapons, talismans, or any magical equipment, ranging from various potions, tools, and treasures.

Ways to own equipment and get it operating: There are no limits to how to see such tools, but in the Battleworld, it operates via Will of the Battleworld, which always sets things straight. The moment a person gets new equipment, via a shop, dungeon, or some thievery, a person could get its benefits with a connection towards it, which is acknowledged of ownership. Then, one could use its benefits, abilities, and strengths without any limitations. If one doesn't get them, it limits the use of such tools, since Will of the Battleworld controls them.

Such acknowledgment is a requirement when it comes to some equipment. Not everything is needed to be heard, or acknowledged. For example: simple tools with physical manners, such as common swords could work well even without any authorization, while a simple potion does its job by itself. Armor is the same. Without authorization, one could only use their concept. With it, various benefits could turn weapons and armor into something even better.

Types of Equipment

Utility: Spatial Rings, Pouches, or Gems for internal storage, unique types of clothes or tools, ranging from goggles, cloaks, glasses, or various constructs.

Defense: armor, clothes, and tools with defensive proportions like barriers and so on, or effects neglecting elemental damage or physical harm.

Offense: Weapons ranging from shortwords, greatswords, claymores, rapiers, daggers, spears, and so on.

Mana and magical properties could be part of all of them, affecting attributes, certain abilities, or nothing at all.

Alchemy: unlike the rest of the equipment, items under Alchemy have Grades for potency or various other visions. Some might have Levels or not at all. Their clarity is often better for monetization and use.

Grading: Low-grade, Middle-grade, High-grade, Law-grade, Divine-grade.

Under Alchemy are various other professions, ranging from pill conducting, to farming, herbalism, and others.

Types of items under Alchemy: potions, pills, bandages, injections, and many others.

Example of Potions: Mana Potion lets quick replenishment of mana, Rejuvenation Potion replenishes Vitality, Strenght Potion increases Strenght Attribute by a set of % demanding on its Grade,

The Grade increases their potency, with Alchemists requiring more resources or luck in creation.

Artifacts: are powerful, often ancient, compelling tools. They range in utility, offense, and defense, and are essentially more powerful equipment pieces with unique benefits and great usages. There are three kinds of Artifacts: Relic Artifacts with Levels below 70, Law Artifacts that are below Extremes and handle many Laws in various visions, and Divine Artifacts that have completely detached power systems with Ranks from 0 to 9 [Those are seen as outlandish tools in this world even in the eyes of Extremes, Tier S powers, or even Divine Kingdoms. Many Gods use them, handle them, or collect them. Rank 0 is the strongest, with 9 being used even under some Extremes, though it is conditional and rare.]

Crafted items have a Level required to be accepted to a connection upon their creation. The same goes for Grades in Alchemy. If a creator doesn't accept the authorization, the item is considered dependent on its design, or limited in use or quality. Authorization is essentially a blessing of those items. Those could still be sold and worth it, as they have materials within them that are useful and good.

But Will of the Battleworld would give it more weight. How well it goes is set by the Will of the Battleworld, which makes many craftsmen depend on it since authorization is very powerful. It is worth crafting special items by using great materials that add more potent possibilities, though it is often close to luck.

Their Level contains the quality, how well they are crafted, what they are made of, what their effects are, and how well their quality affects the overall vision. The recommended level is often flexible because of it, often depending on every authorization. One usually goes upon their creation, informing what and how well one crafted things, while the others are for their proper users.

Using improper tools would only hinder the user, and the value of the equipment would be wasted. This idea is a bit questionable in many ways, creating greed and unbalanced situations. For example, defensive items aren't some sort of ridiculous power device, but something that could save someone regardless of anything. Thus, many healing items and defensive items are seen as key important items, regardless of some authorization, whereas offensive tools could be seen as bothersome things that aren't ideal to have if someone isn't properly using them.

Thus, there are many important and flexible points around equipment's clarity, usefulness, and limitations. It is up to the individuals to seek and accept how to work with everything, or how to own, use, or sell them.

[Power Level] is easy to understand, as it is a reading of one's prowess. It isn't one's level, but what one could safely force out of oneself.

Power Level gives overall readings of one's might and how much power one can wield when everything sticks together. It is often wrong since many variables can make the Power Level lower, or higher, depending on many things. Those could be strategies, secret items, using one's brain, or all kinds of powers at the same time. Magic is also highly sophisticated and unpredictable, similar to the ways of souls, further making Power Level less coherent.

Many figures don't care for the Power Level and rather use Level, or general attributes as ways to see someone's worth. Grades of abilities are another excellent idea to read someone, albeit the equipment, blessings, and statuses can be often overlooked.

[Tasks] are a major interest that Will of the Battleworld grants to many figures. They depict a mission system and something that many view as key ways to handle one's growth and actions. It makes them essential, giving purposes and goals to many clueless, or blessed individuals.

There are many kinds of them, ranging from killing things, specific groups, enemies, or even some helping items, or many other complex things. Many of them involved some specific tasks set by Gods, making them meaningful like nothing else. There are many difficulties around them, full of stakes that could involve nations and kingdoms, groups, adventures, or mercenaries. They could be individual or set to multiple people.

There are many rewards within them, set by Boosts upon completion, or they could have various sub-tasks, making them even more complicated.

There are 3 categories of Tasks. Anyone at any Level could get them.

Normal Tasks depict relatively regular stakes in their prose. Those could be missions with straightforward goals that one has to accomplish if one wants some better growth. Depending on their grade and danger, they could take a while or not that long. Will of the Battleworld handles it like many things, giving them voice, reason, time, or worth. Attributes are most likely rewards. These Tasks move within many expected Paths or evolutions, fueling them.

Significant Tasks are something that thrives in largely unique settings, purposes, rarities, and unusual acts. Their stakes vary with more risks and rewards than Normal Tasks. These sorts of tasks could be created by a person with enough authority, such as Kings, powerful Extremes, or companies such as some associations or guilds with certain stakes in Will of the Battleworld.

Major Tasks is the peak of prose, describing immense worth, and godly touches. They drive the force of this world and could change history and many people. It is where trouble brews. They hide and depict acts and stakes that influence important ideas, often influencing and creating many previous Tasks. Dangers are very apparent in them, and one doesn't get this very often. Rewards for this sort of Task are often crazy enough to force nations into despair or greed.

Tasks have certain prose and rules. Doing them might be optinable, or mandatory, often with some setbacks upon failure. How one handles them could be a problem as well, as one acts could be flexible, while some Tasks might not be. Hence, there are Punishment Acts, God's Trials, and God's Wraths, which act as dominant justice over some of them.

Punishment Act: It is one of the common and mildest causes of failure in many Tasks, or various issues. It gives Punishment for the lack of acts, which may range from not finishing some Tasks, to going against the Battleworld or Gods.

God's Trial: This is one of the crazier versions of punishments. It is a specific godly appeal, and one of the harsher realities where some God is fed up with the mortal, and decides to punish them with a Trial. This can have various practices, stakes, and no rewards whatsoever. God's Trials are often in a time-gated, and level-gated manner. Such as in a hundred days, you will meet Level 60 God's Trial. It doesn't describe what and how it will go. Just days to prepare for something one can't be sure about. This isn't all that much different from God's Wrath, but it lacks the sheer weight and symbolism of a God.

God Wrath: Don't piss off Gods. Simple. It is a rare cause of punishment where a God could punish someone without any repercussions. It could describe some politics within the Patheons and put fear amongst the mortals. It could involve the destruction of places, individuals, and beings involved in any Task. How and when it is fitting is subjective to confirming votes amongst the Divine Kingdoms.

Encounter: It is a special unique Task. It is no punishment, but something that often follows up some Major Tasks or when some Gods or unique occurrence transpires. It is one of the most intricate prospects Battleworld has to offer in terms of godly interest. It describes the influence of running this world in a certain or uncertain direction, fueled by mortals. Gods are the ones creating them alone, so they are often filled with their visions, grudges, ideas, or something that would fit their narrative.

There are Sides to the Encounters, with Origin and Reason. Something or someone starts it, be it action, clash, or a sudden shift in some politics that would elevate or impact its creation. The Reason then allows its continuation, changing the course of its Parts in acts and politics with intentions, or without much of a choice.

Encounters have huge value for many, giving chances to not only Blessed. Anyone could view Encounters with keen eyes of interest. More often than not, anyone could get involved, as long as they are brave enough, though it is a bit more sensitive. It isn't always a good idea to force some narrative, since Gods are watching.

Encounter has changing rules for each run. This could be a complicated premise depending on the politics of Gods since mortals and Sides could change things on a whim or intentionally if they are brave or powerful enough.

Start for Encounters puts those Sides against one another. Gods or themselves put them through a range of motions that might go alongside it, so they could be very difficult, and extremely flexible at the same time since the narrative could change and be forced. Mortals do it. They have to. Gods usually don't intervene with punishments around the Sides, but if someone unkept goes against them, they might punish those affecting their narrative. Usually, they let it play for as long as it is up to their benefit. That often might not happen.

Because of this, Encounter is prone to many waves of mortal interests, since the rewards and opportunities that can come out of it often outweigh the costs or dangers. It is often a chance for anyone to reach a better reputation and strength, even if someone isn't part of the Encounter. It is about reputation and getting recognition or a name for oneself, but one always has to mind politics and not do something foolish.

It is something that many nations in the Battleworld have to look at, acting accordingly to the Encounter, or against some Side if it is to their benefit.

Parts of the Encounter represent distinct visions and narratives to each Encounter, often set under some time constraints or particular steps. Each Side has one thing to do at once. If unsuccessful, it isn't the end of the world, as another Parth is next, changed, or continuing. The next Part will become harsher in that case, while success is met with invaluable rewards.

Throughout the Parts, each Side has Helpers to take under their wing, making potential Parts and the whole Encounter shift considerably. Each Side decides on them, as these Helpers are factors that could influence the Encounter's narrative, shift difficulty, or cause balancing issues, forcing themselves to one Side. They would get their respective stake, task, and something to do for their Pledged Side.

Their involvement is the dangers that Encounters usually pertain to. A Helper sets a Pledge to Origin or Reason, putting their allegiance to one of them. Anyone can become a Helper and get various benefits from it, as it describes an invaluable asset and a very potent shift in strategies and politics. When one Side picks powerful Helpers, they might or might not be picked if it is too much of a hassle, or it is not balanced right. There is a fine line in there, somewhere, where picking Helpers shatters resemblances to order. Thus, the number of Helpers is often a limiting and important factor. One might be there alone, or two or three.

Encounter is often described as a literal flow of godly will, and it is one of the most irregular motions one could meet. It is flexible enough to grow considerably, similar to how Dungeons acts. They could also have unique circumstances, and shackle the Sides under some strict rules. An example is the lack of Boosts within each Part and harsh time constraints, while the sensitivity over this Encounter gives birth to many other unwilling problems.

Magic System

Magic is a vast system around the universe, displaying the composition of many rules, living and non-living things, and rules of Divides. It is one of the core fundamentals in the Battleworld, thanks to the rich flow that the River of Manaflow provides, allowing many planets to reach higher life forms. The River of Manaflow is the source of it, pouring out many strands of energy from where it passes, blessing many worlds with concentrated energy. The further it goes from its Origin, the less potent it is.

Because of the mass of this river, magic was born a long time ago. Mana is the name for its energy, though many cultures and planets make it diverse. In this story, it is called mana. Its power has a large scope, giving this planet, people, and Paths immense influence. In a sense, mana is a fuel that empowers this world, people, and options, and could do many wonderous things as far as it, people, and Laws are concerned.

Mana is above this world, and the world and its Gods want to handle it, giving rise to Boosts and its readings while trying to influence the people with the Leveling System and various missions and benefits. It is essentially mana that allows its workings, though without Gods to handle it, it wouldn't work well, if not at all.

Leveling and Boosts connect some magical aspects, easing the comprehension process and allowing numerous benefits for individuals in the Battleworld. But mana and magic are very independent, so as long as one sees it that way, one could take Leveling and Boosts for simple notes.

The flow of mana and magic comes from many inner sources, comprehensions, and how one could handle it. Will of the Battleworld cannot stop its flow, but it tries. Throughout history, Will of the Battleworld has made many things possible and eased the course of magic in numerous ways.

The best way to improve magic isn't closely related to Boosts but from its core potential. One could grow magic without any Boosts, through training, teachers, and feelings. In such cases, some notes from Boots would give it some clarity and numbers, or if it is fitting, a Boost could empower it. How well and how depends on species and races, or how readings from Will of the Battleworld do its bidding.

When one is mastering it by himself, at least 80% of magic goes to one's endeavors, efforts, and flow of mana, while the rest is like a helping pat on the back. Those are various substances of Boosts, its Wisdom Attribute, various spells, magical abilities, and many other things that help correlate this power to the rightful route of this world. In a sense, it is kind of artificially raised to a new height, making the magic of this world very lofty if one looks at it right.

Evolutions act within it in numerous capabilities; the world long ago adapted to handling magic and made many blissful changes to its flow. Gods did it, frankly, making magic a resource one could learn and buy, or they could gift it in some way, change it, or handle it via Boosts.

A sense of magic grows coherently in one's mind, learning, and trials. Dependence on Boosts gives it a smaller force, making magic different from many other styles for power. How one handles it could cause many magic-related Paths to be more difficult to follow, in correlation to those that don't require mana. This could give many martial artists, beasts, and mana-unrelated Paths, a great advantage.

Magic and mana depend on the talent of each individual, so If one doesn't have what it takes, very few things could change it.

Notes: being a mage is rarer than being a soldier, or other similar or other numerous martial art-based prospects. Magic is seen as mystical, mixed with history and universe mysteries that have made many magical treasures, materials, and powers imaginable and growing on this planet. Those empower the mages in their paths, giving them resources and an easier time.

First comes the Shapers

Shapers are mages born with great power that stems from their family lines, talent, and Bloodline. It is possible to become a Shaper via other rare means, even if one is an absolute bottom in terms of talents. Shapers empower and employ a source of magic in their flesh and bodies, operating as their little source of mana flow. Those are Mana Cores.

[Mana Core]

It is a swirling cocoon of power that one could be born with. Someone could also awaken it under special circumstances, ranging from rare items or evolutions. Those include some Pills, Potions, or special techniques that are rare beyond common means, or Bloodlines in evolutions. Mana Core creates mana space, which is where the core resides and where mana is and empowers the mage. It is usually in the heart or chest area, though some might have it in different places like the stomach or head.

Mana Core is essentially a Mana Source of one's magic, permitting the user to perform magic on a whim. There are internal limitations to it, though if one knows what one does and knows it well, it could become an extremely powerful weapon. It is often described as the best way to handle magic since it could be developed easier.

Stages in Mana Core

They are under qualitative look, calculations, and knowledge.

[Initialization Core] is the first stage, where the user takes their first steps in this power, letting it grow by absorbing the mana around the world, or through external items and treasures.

Initialization Core often limits the success of various magical Pathways, breaking them and causing mages to be unable to progress. Even if one has been born with it, it could have its shortcomings, ranging from the low quantity of mana, or flow would be slow, making magic inefficient, spells weak, and magical abilities lacking.

That is where Will of the Battleworld often helps, as it handles mana in its readings. The Initialization Core goes up to people under Level 50. Under these stages are Successes. These are: Small Success, Middle Success, and Peak Success, with each being stronger than the last, handling more mana, more strength, flow, and density, and...other things. Each Success in this stage corresponds as if a person leveled numerous times.

[Revolving Core] is next in line, which is a much stronger version of the Initialization Core with the same Small, Middle, and Peak Success. It usually goes for those above Level 50. They are powerful in flow and could empower mana abilities and spells to a whole new level. One could also get very nice magic-related equipment and increase their power and efficiency by a large margin, as long as they were made with Shapers in mind.

[Path/Law Core] is a very important and heavy stake for all talented and powerful Shapers. In a sense, it is a manifestation of a person and part of magic and mana, turning the core into something more sophisticated, something that speaks of the Laws of mana or a Path. That makes this stage very weird indeed, as it has to follow some principles and ideas before Revolving Core changes into this. A Path is required for a Path Core. Law Core is for those who follow none, though the Laws could follow them, giving rise to their own Law Core.

It starts at level 70 and getting it, or rising it is one of the largest hurdles for a Shaper. This stage has very important issues in magic and ways to handle it. Anyone with this core is a powerful mage, person, beast, demon, or anything, really.

Path/Law Core follows a person all the way to the Extreme.

Note: There are more stages behind the Path/Law Core, but I will not speak of them as of now.

Upgrading and improving Mana Core

It involves a lot of time, comprehension, and flow. Breathing Mantras, Cycling Techniques, Manifestation Techniques, and others help the core absorb more mana. Finding and getting the best mana the River of Manaflow offers for each stage is important.

But it has its merits and weight. Too much quality and flow could end up destabilizing mana space, so one has to know what one does. It always upgrades slowly, so external tools have been created. These include rune formations that would assess and charge the worldly mana, allowing quicker absorption, or crafting increases. Treasures such as pills, potions, or all kinds of rich mana materials such as Mana Essences do their work.

Mana Essences: are manifested density of mana itself, describing regular materials that changed into something else thanks to River of Manaflow. They range in vision, looking like round balls, shards, and ores, but glowing in mana and quality.

These treasures are very pivotal in this novel, starting to appear in Book 3.

Stages in Mana Essences are treasured opportunities originating from mining, farming, killing, and other things. They are important, as they could be fused via special tools and formation, giving their Grades much more importance, and their numbers more weight.

Grading scheme: ranges from Low, Middle, and High-Grade Mana Essence. Then, the number between 9 and 0 describes their rank, sort of monetization, and worth, with Low-Grade 9 Mana Essence being the poorest.

Fusing of Mana Essences: There is an efficiency issue in this act. In the best-case scenario, Low-Grade 9 needs 3 essences to turn into a single Middle-Grade 9. Middle-Grade 9 needs between 3 and 10 to make a single High-Grade 9 essence. To make a run for Grade 8 Mana Essence, it requires more essences. 10 or more of Middle-Grade 9 essences are adequate for a single Low-Grade 8 essence.

This idea follows through the starting Grades of Mana Essences until quality changes the rules around Grade 5, where things get difficult in numbers and quality, and fusing is difficult. Nobody wants failure, thus, a number of essences required goes from dozens to hundreds, making Mana Esences one of the most prominent treasures that everyone desires.

There are many types of Mana Essences, with elements, forces, and Laws within them, making them even more precious and good. Acquisition of essences goes from unusual farming methods with mana, to regular mining in specific locations rich in mana.

Types of Mana Cores

Mana Cores have various descriptions depending on many talents because mana finds its way in and makes plenty of things possible. Be it with various Bloodlines, mysteries of Laws, bodies, or elements. Mana Cores could have their perks, unique stakes, or individuality because of the bodies which it is born into, their possessions, or natural patterns.

Mana Core is defining a core with base purity of mana, looking like an azure storm. Humanoid races have them. They are easier to maintain and improve and could be milder in power, but easier to control.

Beasts with Mana Cores have theirs described as Beast Cores. Such cores are more crude, often wilder, and harder to tame, improve, and quench, and nastier in handling. Depending on how Beasts handle such prospects, this could be troublesome, or powerful, making beasts depend on instinctual ways of mana since many of them are no mages, but simply powerful animals.

These points make beasts diverse, often seeking brutality of their natural potential and instincts which could become their main pursuit. Some beasts under this category could grow to such height, that they could become dangerous if their instincts and intellect are great at the same time.

Demons have Demon Core, with more untamed potential because demons are very weird, ancient, and old creatures with various Bloodlines, physical looks, and unhinged potential. Demon Cores are described as limitless in their looks. Some could be insane, full of life or dread, or full of Chaos.

Mana Core Affinity

It is an important set and piece of magic that often sets Shapers like a rule. They are closely related to how the core is born into someone, or how one affects it.

Fundamentally, Affinities are closely related to Laws, Paths, and the general sense of mana, giving Mana Core a sense, flavor, vision, and scent.

There are many elemental properties, ranging from naturally occurring Element Affinities to Force Affinities which are weird concepts. Shapers have them like a hue to their mana, a glimpse, or a note that follows their magic. It is like a color and direction for magic.

Affinities are something that every Shaper has the moment one is born with it.

In more typical fashion, a Shaper doesn't have anything great, so they have to get by with absorbing treasures and following techniques to awaken one with outer style. One could also follow certain clues or ways that Will of the Battlewold could provide and reach some sort of achievement via talent or take Boosts for what it could be. Core Affinities are insane treasures that need talent to gain in such cases. Usually, some Boosts don't grand them for nothing. It has to have its validation.

Examples: From the start, Shapers have their Purity. A mana without anything abnormal, looking like azure-colored mana surrounding the mana space and storming in the core. Note: Or it could be different in coloration but not purity, as aforementioned demons and beasts. Theirs could be wilder and pure in their madness or Chaos.

Following Purity could be a singular element, representing talent in a Shaper, and altering the Purity. Those are lucky ones, or one could learn or gain some element later on in life. It is rare to have more than 2 Affinities, yet at least one in ten Shapers reach such a step. Improper ones hinder magic, so compatibility matters. Most Shapers have Purity Affinity regardless, making magic simpler. Others have multiple of them, mixing them up, and using Elemental or Force Affinities when they want.

Elemental Affinity ranges from Flames, Water, Earth, Light, Brightness, and many others, changing the coloration of mana, its quality, and empowering magic related to said affinity. Such affinity rests in the Mana Core, allowing the Shaper to use it anytime.

Among them, some are not equal to the rest, while some could mix, and change mages, cores, and magic in many ways. Because of some Elemental Affinity, Shapers often have to pursue some Path within their Element. It is about compatibility, talent, and luck.

Force Affinities are weird prospects that range from natural aspects to weird concepts. Some could be almost artificial, looking weird, and hard to use in correlation to how mana has its natural rules and ways.

Sharpness is one of them, looking like whitish light that turns mana sharper and makes magic different, fundamentally changing the ways to handle mana and the course of magic for Shapers. Most Force Affinities are learned through trials and learning, with few of them being born in mages via birth, which makes them valuable assets that range from poor to god-like prose.

Other examples of these affinities are often hidden behind some Laws, having mild results, and could even surround the effects of Elemental Affinities.

Most Force Affinities have an incoherent approach, usually affecting mana, rather than changing it.

Using them well could change mana to a different level.

Note: Affinities under this category are usually learned, comprehended, and then applied to the Mana Core. Or they could be straight-up gifted by Will of the Battleworld and its Boosts, even if it is rare to meet such demand.

Examples: Chaos Affinity changes the perception of what is right and wrong. It goes against the norm and changes everything into inconceivable visions. Body, mind, soul, mana, and magic, will turn into something weird or into pieces. Less powerful examples are Speed Affinity, Brittle Affinity, Expanding Affinity, and others.

There is a term in the novel called Awakened Mana, which essentially means an Affinity that went beyond the limits and established itself as a much stronger force under the mages. Shapers or Handlers can Awaken the same, and such occurrence could pivot many choices, or limit them in many ways. Thus, handling Affinities is important, while Awakened Mana is something that occurs when one is close to Laws.

What Awakened Mana does is change mana space in Shapers and mana roots in Handlers. Depending on the Affinity, it could be intense, mild, moving established technique, or influence everything.

Example: Razmund has Awakened Sharpness, making it much stronger and pivotal under his Sword Sage Path. This makes pretty much everything else obsolete, so he is left with less flexibility which might be his strength or weakness.

Magic has many varieties, so let's talk about the fundamental rules of how to become a mage without any Path.

Without question, what influences magic for Shapers the most are these Affinities that rest in their cores. They add many layers to their arsenal, making many things matter and grow in importance.

Growing Affinity goes through the progression of Mana Core, or the use of magic alongside these affinities. That means using outer methods of progressions needs these affinities for optimal growth, such as flame-infused Mana Essence. That would improve not only the core by itself but also its flame affinity if a Shaper has it.

Note: Everything is connected. Everything matters. Training, talent, or this world, it is what it can be.

The Grade of Mana Core Affinities ranges from F to SSS, and it is similarly important as fuel to abilities since it is like an element of their mana. Any improvement generally empowers the said affinity in the core, leaving them stronger, their effects bigger, and letter changing.

Usually, these things aren't granted by Boosts but they grow gradually within a person. When it is time for an upgrade, or the threshold goes over the line, Will of the Battleworld would inform the Shaper, but wouldn't change it like a granted wish or power.

The only change is when one is granted the affinity itself due to some starting learning. Example: Murai with his experimental spark flames unlocked it thanks to his Universal Affinity and skill in handling his natural mana. Boost then granted him the base Flame Affinity without him undergoing a process of leaking these Flames into his core. Without this process, one could just send some bits of this outer mana and slowly build up the said affinity until it would fully grow and establish itself. That is considered self-found affinity.

Murai is somewhere in between these lines, half reliant on Boost and half reliant on his own skills. Sharpness is the same. Water is different due to the end of Book 1.

It is said that Affinity and Mana Cores are infinitely interconnected and necessary to pursue, followed by Laws that make up many magical properties, fueling the Divides and mana.

Note: Mana Core becomes part of one's Path at Level 70, with Law/Path Core being the basic name. It is often changed into a unique name that corresponds to their Path. Example: Sharpness Core, Blood Core, Flame Core. Whatever Law or affinity turns out to be important, its name suggests a preference, strong Path, great affinity, and Awakened Mana.

Second comes the Handlers.

Handlers are individuals unable to work with Mana Cores, or unable to have or awake it. They are by no means sorry figures, as mana is fair and magic plentiful. Handlers by choice are individuals pursuing mana like energy and choice. They are unwilling to be weak, so many ways and ages went into creating ways to handle it. So they work more than Shapers, unwilling to be weak. Due to the heavens and work, there is a power system, techniques, and talent that allows one to use magic externally.

[Handler]: It is an individual who still has a high talent to feel and shape the mana around the world, taking a pick of mana from the broader universe. They can't handle and pivot their choice as well as Shapers. Due to that, there is a much lower ceiling of power, small entry issues, but much harder management of their powers.

But even then, there are many similarities to Shapers. They handle magic and they could handle some Affinities as well.

They have what many describe as Mana Roots, which are part of the bloodstream, body, muscles, and nerves, and what slowly change due to the effects of being a Handler and using one's body as a conductor for such power. It slowly changes, becoming sturdier, affecting the body, mind, and everything related to it. It is essentially a way to transform the body into a tool for mana, but mana allows and changes it by itself.

They are directly shaping the mana of the world with their hands, fuel, use, feel, and improve mana with their entire bodies. It effectively acts as how Shapers do their magic but to a lesser degree. It is often limited, and one will have a much harder time with magic than one with a core. It is much harder to upgrade this like Mana Core, but they certainly can achieve promising Shaping if they train and handle their learning, bodies, and mana in the right way.

Their mana is often limiting, and when they aren't using it, their bodies aren't much different from regular people, unless their Mana Roots are of high quality.

Ways to handle magic

Now, let's get over the stakes and individual parts of what magic holds, which involves elements of Shapers and Handlers. Some of their aspects are the same. Others are different, or impossible because of their differences and issues.

There are magic categories, techniques, and management to seek magic. What is often described in the novel?

The fundamentals.

Mana Shaping: is one of the fundamental ways to control mana in any capacity. One learns it via mindful touch, physical hands, or unique tools. Learning mana and how it acts is a start for magic. Shaping is an activity to learn how everything with mana can work, which then turns into spells, abilities, and techniques. Affinities could change it for Shapers from their cores. Handlers have to handle it with their bodies and find a neat tricky line between pain and proper flow.

Shaping well means speed, efficiency, power, and how spells could work with it defines masters from students. Its understanding is how the magic happens, which was born in Shapers a very long time ago.

When one is Shaping right behind Conjuring, the regeneration of mana is halted. When Shaping is finished and one handles some spells, the regeneration is back.

Conjuring: is a term used when the mana starts to flow under one's control before the Shaping. For a Handler, it acts when a Handler absorbs the mana to their bodies, and then outwards before Shaping it under their ideas. For Shapers, it means letting their mana out of their core, flooding it out, and then Shape it up.

This by itself does nothing much, as this sort of mana is oftentimes without any rules. Shaping the Conjured mana is what sets things apart, creating spells of all kinds. Without a surprise, the way how a mage confronts this is important. Efficiency and delays have to be quick and deadly. Mastering it is tricky if affinities, bodies, cores, or roots and outer stations come into play. Stress could make it harder, as magic is very mindful and physical as well.

Mana Pool: is a term utilized with Shapers the most, as it describes the amount of mana under their possibilities. The amount of mana Handlers can manage goes through their Mana Roots, making some number and quantity important, but often limiting. Their care is not so different, but their approach is.

Shaping any spell costs some of the Conjured mana, and the amount of mana pool determines how long one can fight or train. Mana Replenishment, Regeneration, and similar abilities would often come under Shapers or Handlers to help them with the costs, though Handlers always have to rely well on what their minds and bodies have to endure, while Shapers rely on their cores.

Supporting techniques help regenerate lost mana, while external sources such as Mana Potions work well as well.

Mana Replenishment or similar techniques: is a natural way for Shapers to recover mana, and let flow and cycling of many between the world and mana space. It works solely for Shapers, as Handlers are unable to handle such a burden under their bodies and Shaping.

How do magic and fighting work together?

First, let's talk about the Shapers. They would Conjure mana out of their cores first, then Shape it to form specific spells before attacking. Mana abilities could form some control, be it some defense or utility. Spells are more straightforward. There are usually some delay and efficiency issues, making the misuse of mana and timing fatal. Weak or slow, it could affect the outcomes and pace.

Thus, a lot of care should be put into Conjuring and Shaping no matter what, as it defines a great mage from a mediocre one, while the gap between the masters and the rest is even wider. There are also a lot of channeling kinds of spells and some could act fast or slow depending on their power, making abilities and spells important in mastering it all.

Note: everything is connected.

For Handlers, they would have to charge their bodies with worldly mana. Then, they use said mana to form spells or abilities or long-range Shaping powers under their control. In their case, a lot of care is put into the Catalyst, which is an empowering tool for mages to increase their powers, shaping, and various spells. It could be a wand, staff, or any kind of equipment as long as part of it is under the authorization of equipment. Materials with rich mana properties ensure it, with Mana Essences being a great way to empower it, as it is a mana source. In that sense, they are like outside Mana Core and help Handlers fight much better.

Magic abilities, spells, and phrases with Battleworld's rules in mindMagic abilities are pieces of magic that need no Shaping. Instead, they have minor activations, continuous use, and don't require Conjuring, which is their main advantage. They aren't always offensive, but helpful in many ways. Magic abilities are extremely common in Shapers. Handlers have their shortcomings because of their bodies and lack constant mana.

Examples of magic abilities

Mana Shaping: As described, it is the fundamentals of magic, thus it is within the readings that Will of the Battleworld provides and acts as one of the primary ways to see control. Its Level validates one's proficiency in Shaping and its grasp. It works great with Leveling, giving a mage a note of their efficiency. It could be evolved, though rarely under many Shaping-related techniques.

Mana Replenishment: It is a self-explanatory ability that describes the continuous flow of mana to the core, causing regeneration, cycling, and small-time-related improvements. Its Level is harder to tame, as it is time-based like mana. This ability can evolve significantly, turning into a technique that could help mages immensely. Though it is a passive ability most of the time, its flow could stop when one is Shaping and Conjuring, or if one is under stress.

Mana Detection: This is a pretty useful ability, as it describes a feeling of mana and the surroundings. The use of this ability puts a changed expression under one's eyes and mind, letting one feel and notice many magical aspects.

Night Vision: It is more body-related than magic, but this ability allows one to see better. It is close to Bloodlines and affects the eyes, making it a passive ability.

Magic spells require Shaping and Conjuring, assembling diverse powers that are reliant on Affinities, many external factors, and imaginations, or talents. Shapers and Handlers all use many spells.

Examples of spells

Mana Blade: It is a perfect example of a spell. The Conjuring of mana is the start, following the Shaping of it to a proper form, Sharpness affinity, and edge. It has its leveling evolutions under various visions and styles, making glowing swords and blades with many shapes and sizes that all follow the Shaping of a mage. Sharpness isn't a requirement for its creation, but it helps giving it a much more powerful appearance and quality.

Flame Shot: It is yet another good example that has been described in Path System. After getting the flaming affinity to a core, or being born with it, a Shaper can create this spell with great proficiency and power. Handlers would make them worse, but as long as their Catalyst is fine, or their Mana Roots handles Flame well, they could be as strong. On its own, it is a basic fire spell that costs little mana, but when mastered, it could give rise to many strategies and eventually powerful spell evolutions that Battleworld supplies in numerous capacities.

Magic phrases

Core: is a magical property. It is full of marvelous powers that follow magic.

Mana Pool: is an overall quantity of mana in mana space and core added together. The Battleworld has numerical points of what a mage can endure before imploding, depleting, and over-drafting. The number is often important, depending on expenditure, regeneration, or efficiency of Shaping, Conjuring, and so on. 1000 is a considerable number. It can be easily expanded by use of Shaping, Replenishment, improvements of Cores, and seizing many mana-related treasures.

Mana Flow: depicts the quality of mana within Shapers or Handlers. It is an ability that doesn't level up, as it is seen more as an overall Grade of the mana. It flows from Grade F to SSS, with each being stronger, more quantified, and better than the last. This often follows upgrades in the Mana Cores or Roots or simple efficiency of handling mana. It is possible to have high-grade Mana Flow with Initialization Mana Core.

Spells: are magic-shaped abilities, depicting specific ways of magic. They are offensive and defensive, or supportive, depicting Shaping activities, teachings, and training. Spells can be learned much easier, while Mana Abilities are often tied to different things, such as the basics of magic, Bloodlines, or simple talents.

Note: Spells are basically the same thing as abilities under the Leveling System. They have their evolutions, Levels, and Grades in the Battleworld. One doesn't come up with spells on a whim, but they can get them by external means. Those are Mana Tomes, Blessing, or having teachers to learn from.

Mana Abilities: depict general ways of mana and often take substantial account of numerous magical pathways. They are depicted as cores of what makes magic special.

Grades and qualities of Mana Abilities are often tied to the species, races, magical talents, and experience. Skill with them is very important, rather than their Grade or Leveling.

Mana Overdraft: It is a limit that any Handler or Shaper has to understand. In case of going way past the limits of what Shaping or their Pool can do, the core or the body could even crumble apart, lose its Shaping or Conjuring for a long time, and cause massive damage. Having a destabilized source of mana inside one's body isn't good, and it is often deadly when one overdrafts mana numerous times.

Mana Tomes: Those are external forms of magic, whose attitude and worth go towards mages. They aren't considered equipment and have to be learned. They depict the accumulated history of spells, techniques, or whole Paths, so one could see them as essential if their Grade is worth it. They are learning materials that one could buy, drop from dungeons, or steal, which makes them like notes from the past, former mages, or some specific powers.

Due to these Tomes, anyone could upgrade themselves and look for something specific. Will of the Battleworld helped with this process, similar to equipment in the Leveling System but much better.

Examples: They could help with acquiring some Affinities,[if they are stored in tomes or hinted in some ways]. Most of their splendor goes to magic abilities and spells, while they often disregard some races or species. A mage could be anything as long as mana is present, so one can learn many things upon their acquisition.

Unlike Will of the Battleworld doesn't hinder Mana Tomes thanks to their vision and ideals. Getting them is, however, not easy. Many mages think of them as their lives, while getting some great Tomes is hard and full of trials, worth, or connections, almost as close to Blessings.

They are worth a lot.

Talismans: They are considered equipment, but not a Catalyst. They store spells. By letting mana into the talisman, a spell will activate without direct Shaping. It is part of the crafting processes, making Talismans more like consumable items. Depending on the talisman, their use time and uses could be considerable.

They can look like paper, a piece of wood, or metal. A Handler will effectively use magic in this manner, and even a Shaper does not need to care about Shaping when using them, thus their popularity and creations are quite widespread. They are very handy and could be very strong and effective if a mage handles them well.

Spatial Equipment: Space-type treasure. They have various visions: pouches, rings, belts, and bracelets, to some bags. They need a proper space mage to create a good enough dimension space, which needs unique space-type materials, Space Affinity, or Space Law. It is part of the crafting, and no mere blacksmith could create one. They are portrayed in cubic meters and are worth a lot.

Rune Magic: This is, for now, a sidelined system of magic that is not very popular or widespread, as it is ancient beyond belief. It isn't even something that Murai is using all that much, but he has shown he could use it, as Runes are a vision of mana itself, closing on affinities, or Laws.

Runes represent a natural selection of Divide Laws that make mana what it is, but in truth, they are mana's manifestation in a vision of symbols and language. Those have magical properties and traits that many worlds and mages performed a long time ago.

In broader terms, they put magic to the test and form runic symbols. Following certain rules and depending on spells, how mana flows and acts, or stores its mass, they could be powerful tools and weapons of destruction. When Laws are involved alongside them, they could be even more crazy.

Runes act as a separate type of magic. It has little to do with Shapers or Handlers because either side could use Rune Magic the same way. Well, the source is still good, so the Shapers have their advantage.

Rune Magic forms many magic-related professions and ideas. Those are constructing things from runes, such as many formations and buff-type equipment, or powerful weapons. Runes aren't easy to manage, but they store mana and can act on their own, as long as their sequence is well-done.

Magic constructs such as golems are a great example of how runes could empower a tool.

Laws: Well, this is a very ancient term and something close to the truth and vision of Divides. It has been mentioned numerous times in the Rulebook. Laws are like Dao. They are an undeniable truth that follows through people, worlds, and the River of Manaflow, and empowers the entire universe.

Laws are anything. Everywhere. They don't follow magic by itself, but earth, soil, blood, flesh, and all wonders known to men.

Lesser variants of Laws are Affinities and Intent, which cause Laws to be a necessary component to reach a higher level of power and flesh or overall picture of a being.

There is a limited amount of Laws, even if the universe is vast, therefore many take it as an invaluable resource that could appear suddenly, or never.

What does magic mean to the Will of the Battleworld?

Will of the Battleworld plays along with broader terms of power. Be it paths, magic, runes, or evolution, it forms great strides of interest in everything and gives it back to the world. Not one thing stands among the rest, as rules and balance are nifty.

Mana is complex enough, thus a lot of things move along the leveling and grading system like the rest. Will of the Battleworld will Boost one's magic via readings, upgrades on Paths or Classes, give Mana Abilities, or knowledge of Spells. However, it has much higher difficulty in entry and mastery than the rest of the power systems, even if they could be connected.

Characters [novel-scale]

Murai Hisagi

Murai is our protagonist. He is a Cursed One. Old One. He is the one forced to live through balance, time, and death. Why and how, it is what strifes him and forces him into an unknown future. For the End to come, he still lives and matures, lives from life to life and world to world. He endures a lot because of it, making his soul full, and purposes strange, and his time in Battleworld won't be the same.

He doesn't think it through. The Battleworld isn't welcoming to his kin.

Murai knows innumerable secrets and powers, including Paths, countless magics, and things a regular person would never get. But he ends up as a duck, so a massive amount of knowledge becomes almost burdensome, and the world around him is different. Will of the Battleworld spooks him and even if it gives him many treasures and Boosts, he is apprehensive.

He still takes its cheap advances, deciding to take the burden of one who will rely on something else than himself. But in a way, Boosts might be his doing anyway, while nothing cheap is ever great.

His Curse is a piercing, painful, and poisoned sword. It could return him to something else; to a new direction that those who cursed him want, or towards the same Fate he died at. His Cursed rules are unfilial like his living. Dying is not good. It is far too strange to call it meaningless. Living is gruesome and tiresome while dying doesn't stop because of his death. The lives are the same.

So when could it all stop? Through even more deaths?

He keeps going, thinking of a way out or some backstage, or any life that would grant him that miracle. That has been an ongoing process for more than 150 lives through unknown periods of Chaos Cycles and planets.

Through history and knowing his memories, knowing or forgetting some parts or liked places is like a dream. He often takes the best memories closer, before tossing rest to his soul of unknown depths.

His reality in the Battleworld starts on a weird note. He ends up as an Anatidea—a species of beasts in the appearance of ducks. Feet or wings or feathers and beak, you name it. He has them and they won't disappear even with evolution, Boosts, blessings of this world, or Influence Items. He doesn't like madness and mutations. He won't fare well when he is nothing.

Through steps and gruesome interest, he finds footing in a world of magic as a duck, while the world doesn't like it back.

Or the Gods do?

[After-thought note: I am kind of worried about what to include under Muria's little corner. I could just hope it will eventually be better the further this novel goes, or you will discover it in the novel and not here.]

Character Sheet up to the end of Book 4

[NAME: Murai Hisagi / Old One, Blessed]


Temporary Title: Archtouched: Grade S: Mark of Mindarch's intent in Levandis Temple. [Book 2] It grants a connection to the rules and sets up with the outer world. It is essentially an authorizing mark that allows Mindarch to influence Murai by marking him against the will of the outside world. Godmark is a similar story, even if it is a Unique Grade Status. What they affect is largely unknown, as it is Mindarch's work, rather than something that gives Murai immediate or passive benefits.

Granted Titles [Chapter 169]: Utter Monster: Body Attributes are effectively boosted by 10%. Body Abilities will be strengthened for eternity due to your beastly Bloodline and this Title grants powerful notice to the mind. Will +10. All Attributes besides Wisdom have been increased in efficiency, including the bigger threshold to Vitality that affects the Bloodline of your Species the most]

[Cause for the Title: battling, reading of your Bloodline and history, taking damage, fighting for the damned feathered life of yours, and countless tactics and shed of blood]

The One Who Knows: Wisdow's destruction grands a new attribute: Knowledge.

[Knowledge: +1, current Knowledge: 1]

[+98 Knowledge]

[A Wall has been met and due to the significance of knowledge, it has been halted]

[Effects of The One Who Knows and its reason: Due to the intellect and depth, it is the knowledge that describes wisdom. A change has been issued]

Nothing else is known. Its Grade is unknown.

[AGE: around 290 days / no time-variants, yet oldness detected]

[SPECIES: Anatidae [former ones: human, elf, demons, devil, god, leaf, stone...] Species properties are immense and vast for their size, making Anatidaes crazier than Divine Beasts. Evolutions are highly possible in this species, filled with the magic of mana and incredible vastness. Variants UNKNOWN.

[SUB-SPECIES Anatidae Panacea / Class D / Properties: Universal Affinity, body both strong and optimal for magic, but less for strength than other sub-species. Further improvements depend on the leveling and growing process, including Influence Items, accomplished, locked or unlocked evolutions, or Walls]

[Potencial Second Evolutions as of Book 4: Anatidae Aquantis, use of Influence Item: Dragon Parrot, and two others that were locked out in Chapter 169. Further intel is omitted]

[PHYSICALITY] A duck with strong wings and neck, a shiny and sharp beak, and feathers of brighter coloration. Murai is mostly gleaming blond, and brown, and a bit dirty colors are in fewer portions, including tail, or the simple way how feathers are layered. He is a strong specimen of the Anatidae Panacea with stronger physicality than base Anatidae. Change in physicality from evolutions caused a stronger inner structure of mana and gave him a terrific start.

He is currently at Child Stage: Risen [1st], and is closing on its grown limitations, or is already past that point, but something is blocking it.


Strength: 77

Dexterity: 71

Vitality: 82

Knowledge: 99

Will: 57

Soul Power: 45

Soul Force: 130

[Attribute Efficiency: unknown]



Robust Spirit: Fusion Soul Ability adhering to the Soul Pathway. Level 8. Grade SS Unique Ability with unknown requirements and growth periods.

Soul Force: 130, Regeneration: 12 a day. Unique Skills: Robust Defense [1-30s - 2 SF per second], Robust Aura [Cost 28 SF] Indomitable Strike [Cost: 45 SF]

Soul Essence and Soul Body fused with the power of Will and Murai's soul took it for a breeze. The Will of the Battleworld created an inanity. create Murai too it like nothing. Soul Essence and Soul Body were forfeited in place of the Robust Spirit.

Robust spirit has been used most often. It is a protection barrier.

Robust Will a few times agasint Ceila and Thar. A Will manifestation that makes his soul invulnerable.

Indomitable Strike is big unkown teriotory. Murai never used it from the sound alone. A godly strike that would weaken him and unleash devastation.

Soul Read: Grade S, Level 6. It is a passive ability that allows Murai to feel the souls, read them, and get them. It is a little perplexing and confusing when he is with many people. For now, he reads emotions and general feelings, but who knows what else it can do? He felt like a sponge with it and didn't want to experiment with it

Strike of the Will: Grade S, Level 1. Unleashing of his Will would shake many people. Murai barely used it because it was inadequate, or he was. Boost at Chapter 169 voiced it as incalculable

Hidden Soul Abilities due to circumstances, requirements, or locks: Soul Lock [A complete lock of the soul. It is like a bunker and similar to Robust Will.], Soul Manifestation [A rare occurrence where his Robust Spirit leaks out, manifesting outside as an insane ghostly duck-king. It is unknown what this soul manifestation could do, as it hasn't shown itself since the fight with Rain in Book 1]


Beak's Blitz: Grade B, Level 23.

Created in Boost in Chapter 116: Anatidae Bloodline and Boost shifted Beak's Fury, skipping levels and turning it into Beak's Blitz.

A highly versatile ability of the Anatidae species. It is an integral and powerful ability over the use of mana and the beak. It can be used through Shaping, Conjuring, and Affinities to further its improvements, benefits, and powers. It has minor Shaping and channeling possibilities. Its use can be constant or gradually savage when taking or hitting the foes. Training is recommended since its benefits are body and magic in one package, similar to the Peak

Boost chapter 169: A unique power move was found after Murai's numerous battles in Islands of Greatness, Book 4. It was Fatality, and it was read and explained in this Boost, while he self-found it himself.

Beak's Blitz Fatality

10 hits [deflects or attacks] = Weak Fatality

30 hits = Strong Fatality

60 hits = limitations of the fatality, flesh, and body.

The effectiveness of Fatality adheres to Blitz's leveling, so it can increase and get better.

Peak Layering: Grade B, Level 21. Evolved Beak's Peak at Chapter 169. It is a popular method of numbers. By layering the Peaks, power is guaranteed. Low Output: channeling 0.5s - 2s

Medium Output: channeling 2s - 4s

High Output: channeling 5s+

Limits of Layering= 10

Increases in leveling and efficiency, be it via boosts or by self-found training, will improve outputs and layering.

Night Vision: Grade D, Level 15. A passive ability that allows him to see in the darkness, but it isn't that encompassing.

Diving Sphere: Grade A, Level 11. A technique born out of change and opportunity before entering Acaman Tower. It envelops Murai when he dives into the water, giving him breathing and diving potential better than his body. It takes fluffiness and air of his feathers. It is considered as mana and body ability since it requires both.

Water Breathing: Grade C, Level 5. A broken ability that invalidates the Diving Sphere. Lungs turn into sponges, giving oxygen through water and allowing one to breathe. It has been granted to him in the well at the end of Book 1. It can last for a long time, but it doesn't do much besides giving him a perception that he became a useless snake or fish without any fins or bones.

Bloodrush: Grade S, Level 1. It has a similar story to Water Breathing, but this one is actually broken. By sacrificing some Vitality, one gains Bloodrush. It turns users into frenzied, hot-blooded, and vigorous rage. It almost saved Murai out of his predicament, while the loss of Vitality is worse. Murai never used it again.


Beast Core: Stage: Initialization - Small Success

Mana Pool: 1650

Heavenly Shaping: Grade Unique, Level 21, It has various useful styles and techniques that Murai will slowly discover because it crashes his Mana Shaping, thus he is essentially restarted

Mana Flow: Grade E. Quality of Murai's mana flowing through his mana space and Beast Core.

Mana Replenishment: unkown by the end of Book 4. It has a clashing interest with Levandis Temple's various mana enchantments and flows. It is essentially ruthless how it feels, and it shouldn't be far from giving him infinite mana as long as he fights well. It could also cripple someone if one isn't easy. Without anything in sight, it should be a few dozen points a minute at Grade F and Level around 10.

Mana Sonar: Grade B, Level 23. An evolved variant of Mana Detection in Chapter 116. It flashes mana forward, giving a mage quick scope of mana around them. The range is bigger and clearer than Detection, while one could be blind since it is mainly mana that moves

Sharpblade: Grade C, level 21. Evolved Proper Mana Blade in chapter 169. It is a stronger, sharper, and greater variant of mana blade.

Mana Arrow: Grade F, Level 16

Mana Spear: Grade E, Level 15

Mana Dagger: Grade F, Level 8

Flame Shot: Grade F, level 14


Flame: Grade E

Water: Grade F

Sharpness: Grade C

Universal Affinity: Unique power of his Bloodline and species, which enables him to reach elemental manifestations and learnings of many other Affinities. It gives him endless potential as long as all affinities don't interfere with each other, so one might also call it a huge curse. Murai learned his 3 Affinties because of this, which would make learning elemental magic trivial if it weren't for his issue with his most common mana that was influenced by his body regardless. Some Wilderness was there, making his mana more unkempt.

[STATUS: The Eater[when Murai eats, he has a chance to understand a little of what he ate. There is a slim chance to gain various bonuses], Explorer of Dungeon [a Status that reveals sub-dungeons in closer proximity. How much is unknown.]


Gifted: None

Temporal Blessings: Minor Celestial Blessing [Grade D]: temporal one gifted by Mindarch in Levandis Temple. [Increases mana recovery by 200%, Mana Flow by 50%, and there is a high possibility of losing control and overdrafts have increased effects.], Fear of Missing Out: Grade unknown. It is a Minor Blessing that could go up to 500% with increased mana recovery depending on the depth. Gate 1= 30%, Gate 2=unkown, Gate 3=unkown.

[EQUIPMENT: Key of Remembrance, [A key to some dungeon], Amelius Hoodie [A gift from Amelius that is hardly acceptable in Battleworld's eyes. It wasn't hindered too much though, and it is inactive at Book 4], numerous spatial pouches, and many other things in his pouches that he doesn't care about. Pachi's Gift [lost],

[LEVEL: 23]

[POWER LEVEL: below level 50]

[Tasks: Major Task: Get back Pachi's Gift [Optionable: overrule the Centralis Kingdom], Normal Task: Figth 10 Demonic opponents in Demonic Lands, God's Trial: Time left 86 days [At the time of Book 4's ending]]


Lisa is Murai's Life Companion who emerged when he underwent his first evolution. A lot of things are unknown about her due to her missing voice, arrogance, and lofty mind. But she often knows a lot more, as she is a crafty former succubus. What to do, tell, and where to lead him leaves Murai in many heights and lows. She guides Murai regardless, as she depends on him with questionable ideas.

She appears like a ghost due to her race. Sona makes her body, which is a mixture of soul and mana. Her life and soul are etched into Murai's soul, while she has her own stakes and options, she is no Blessed, and her race has its limitations.

History: She is a former Blessed. She used to be a few centuries-old Morgoth Succubus, with a Level below 90. Her former life is an unsurprising mystery, including the one before that, because she doesn't like to talk about it and rather focuses on her reality.

That is still wrong. She doesn't like to talk much about herself and what she could do with her race isn't revealed for a long time.

She died twice and wants some remedy with Murai. Thus, she relies on him while their teamwork lacks cooperation because of him and herself. The culprit is on both sides since Murai never really liked her at the beginning or portions of Books 2 and 3. Their ties are slowly entangling and assembling, and eventually, they will accept many things between them.

They are a team, albeit one is not as it seems, while the other is so much worse.

Status Board as of Book 4

[NAME: Lisa]

[AGE: 60+ days]

[Race: unknown]

[Sub-Race: Soul Render, Class: D. Properties: ghostly body, Sona, Shapable body]

[PHYSICALITY: Resembling a Fairy, ghost, succubus, and pretty woman. Her physicality is hard to tame and manage, as she can shift her body and size. She can fly, adjust her height, and become very physical if she wants to. Her evolutions should cause wonderous changes in her structure along with unknown variables that are yet to be revealed.

[ATTRIBUTES: unknown and limited due to her body. Will, Soul Power, or Soul Force is most likely under her grasp]

[ABILITIES: Memory Extract, Shaping capable of molding her sona, and some soul-based attacking capabilities akin to Banshee]

[STATUS: unknown]

[BLESSINGS: unknown]

[EQUIPMENT: a spatial ring gifted by Manager Kil by the end of Book 4]

[LEVEL: unknown]

[POWER LEVEL: unknown]


An antagonist. He drives some of the plot because he encounters Murai at the end of Book 1. He is a Falconer, a part of the knight division of Centralis Kingdom. He is a Blessed that already endured one life. It is unknown what he was like before coming to the Battleworld.

Razmund is an important person to some people in his kingdom, and he grew up most of his life there. His master is the King's brother.

He is notable Delver, a powerful swordman, and a star of his generation. He has unknown motives apart from getting stronger and stronger as far as his Path could allow. He has some mental issues, closing on heart demons, a powerful heart, and creeping ideas bound to fewer things than his mind.

He destroyed Murai to a near End by twisting his legs and wings when they met in Book 1, before tossing him to the water well. He saw Murai's soul space and it shocked him like nothing before.

After dealing with Book 1's ending sequences, he stepped back due to a poison caused by Velga and wouldn't appear until Book 3.

In Book 3, his position is revealed as Origin of an Encounter and he starts to Hunt Murai down personally. He enters Levandis Temple with his Helpers acting as backstabbing Hell Party. Razmund goes alone to the Gates, where he pursues Murai down while holding a Divine Artifact called Destiny Dice. He was hoping to quench something else than his needs while hoping to clash against Murai for good.

Status Board as of Book 4.

[NAME: Razmund Dietrich]

[AGE: 26 years]

[Race: Human]

[PHYSICALITY: human-sized]

[Physique: name unknown, effects: incredible regeneration, endurance, and strength that accommodates his Path]

[ATTRIBUTES: unknown as of Book 4]

[Path: Sword Sage]

[ABILITIES: Appraisal, unknown eye technique, Flying Steps

Secret Bidding: Raging Bull

Sword Sage Swordsmanship: One Sword: A technique where his physique and sword become close to one. Dances: First [Cleaving the Earth into Two], Second [Bolt of Sharpness], Third [Crouching Tiger that Cleaved the Heaven] Rest unknown. Moves are unknown. The grades of his powers are largely unknown, but his Paths and overall swordsmanship are incredibly strong.

[MAGIC: Mana Core: Revolving Core: unknown Success, Awakened Mana: Sharpness, Mana Pool: unknown, Mana Shaping: unknown Grade, Mana Flow: Unknown Grade. Mana Devourer: Grade B mana cycling technique.

Affinities: incredible Sharpness. Grade unknown. Rest is unknown, but he has something else than Sharpness due to the coloration of his Awekaned Mana.

Intent: Sword Intent as of Book 4

[STATUS: unknown]

[BLESSINGS: unknown]

[EQUIPMENT: numerous spatial pouches, Essence Gem, Divine Artifact: Destiny Dice, claymore, many pieces of equipment with various usages]

[LEVEL: 65]

[POWER LEVEL: capable to remain alive against those at level 80+]

[Encounter: Catch or Kill Murai. Rewards: unknown]

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