Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 21 – Encounter

Chapter 21 – Encounter

“You purposely kept that hidden”

“Kept what hidden?”

Back in the capital, we’ve returned to meet Alistair and are currently out in the garden discussing what happened. The prince is sitting at a table drinking tea while were standing around him.

“The dungeon, you never said it was such a perverted place”

“You never cared to ask for specific details like such”

This guy is irritating, he knew exactly what types of things that dungeon would ask for, him smiling isn’t helping either. I think I’m looking a bit sulky as well.

“You can keep complaining Ikarus but at the end of the day, we’re one step closer to removing your curse”

“His highness does have a point”

“It wasn’t the most enjoyable experience but the Lord did help get us through it after all”

He’s right but having the other two back him up doesn’t help. I’ll just forget about it.

“I do have some good news for you though, we know where another dungeon is”

Wow, that was quick, no rest for the wicked or whatever that expression was.

“You’ve already found another one?”

He takes a sip of his tea before answering.

“You can thank Leone for this information, she’s the one who’s been looking through old history books… Up, in the far north of the continent, there’s an island which were pretty sure holds an uncompleted dungeon”

“You’re pretty sure?”

I’m skeptical because of last dungeon, this better not be an ‘easy’ dungeon that turns out to be more irritating than anything else.

“I put emphasis on uncompleted, we are unsure if it’s been finished or not. People have been sent to complete it but none have returned…”

Ah good, this might be a challenge then.

“… I can see the look on your face Ikarus, it’s still isn’t a fighting dungeon. It sits in the same category as the previous one”

That’s another disappointment, how is he sure of that though?

“How the hell do you know that? If no one has returned, then you shouldn’t have any info on it”

“I didn’t say no one has returned, I said no one has returned who’s attempted to complete it. People have been inside the dungeon and have actually given us some information on what is looks like inside”

He finishes his cup and gives a small hand signal for a maid to get him another one after answering.

“So… what’s the inside look like then?”

“A fountain with forgotten language on it”

Is he purposely vague or does he try to be irritating?

“Is that it?”

“You wanted the description, that’s what it looks like. To attempt the dungeon though, one must drink from the water and be put into an unconscious state”

“People are drinking poisoned water from a fountain then? This place doesn’t sound like a dungeon at all”

The prince now shakes his head and sighs at me from my skepticism, I am right though.

“*Sigh*… it isn’t like that Ikarus. To access certain realms, you cannot remain conscious. You’ll understand once you get there, it should very much be a dungeon”

(Charlotte) “Alistair is right, this isn’t the only dungeon that shares this type of entrance”

(Nathan) “I have also heard of such rumours”

These two have now decided to speak again, I should probably just start going with the flow. I am mostly surrounded by people who do know what they’re doing and what they’re talking about. Even if it goes against my gut instinct at times.

“Fine then, I just believe you. I still don’t get why no one discovered what happened to the previous people though. If we go over there and find out it’s already completed, it’ll be a colossal waste of time”

“It just was never followed up. For all we know, the people who attempted it before are still unconscious by the fountain, it was several hundred years ago though. Probably find some bones instead or find that they never even tried”

Okay, this one might actually hold some danger to it then, this could turn out to be fun. I’m starting to think being a phoenix is rubbing off badly on me, I don’t know why I’m looking for a challenge so much. I hope this doesn’t get worse.

“So great then, give us a map or something so we can get going”

No point delaying any longer and besides, the longer I’m here for, the more chance I have of bumping into the mage again. I’m going to try avoiding her permanently now, I already know it won’t work though.

“You will have to make some preparations beforehand; the north is freezing cold. I’m not exaggerating, the island itself is relatively close to the northern ice fields”

Ah, some new information about the continent.

“Northern ice fields?”

“The northern ice fields Ikarus-sama are conveniently enough, in the north”

Is this priestess simple or was she being sarcastic? Where else would the northern ice fields be? In the south or west? Even the prince shakes his head from that response, I’m not the only one who noticed that stupid response.

“Lotte, that wasn’t what she wanted to know… Ikarus, the northern ice fields are gigantic mountains of ice that drift in the Unholy Sea. The island that holds the dungeon can be relatively close to them especially in the winter. Also, you won’t be able to fly there as well”

“Why not?”

“Two reasons but both of them involve wyverns. First reason is that they don’t like the cold and the second being, the island is a bit of a distance away from the coast, they couldn’t fly for that long without needing a rest. You’ll have to get a boat in the most northern settlement”

This was roughly the time a maid came back with another tea for the prince.

“I’m confused… why can’t those two just ride on my back saving us having to get a boat or something? I can fly nonstop for easily a day of two, even longer if I’m careful”

‘There’s an awkward silence, did I just say something weird? There’s nothing weird about them sitting on my back while in bird form, is there?’

[<Aesa agrees with -user->]

‘Even you agree with me, why aren’t they responding then?’

The prince ends up breaking the silence with a somewhat shocked response, he’s even ignoring the drink he just got served. Both the knight and the priestess have surprised faces as well.

“You’re actually willing to be ridden?”

“Me and the Lord are both surprised at that”

“I thought dragons hate being ridden”

“Nathan, don’t be jackass. Do I look like a dragon or look like I give a shit about being ridden? I used to have Minos ride on my back all the time, you lot would actually be hell of a lot lighter”

My response surprised all three of them even more, is there some professional pride flying creatures have about humans being on our backs? Screw pride, I want to get there as fast as possible.

“Well… that will save some time, you’ll still be better heading to the northern settlement though, it’s on the way there so you should be fine. It will still take weeks though, easily well over a month on foot alone. Oh, it might also be better not to be seen flying Ikarus, stick to the main road but don’t fly to close, just for you own sake really”

I know the reason for that, I am one of kind phoenix, people seeing me in my bird form might draw some looks or might gather some bad attention.

“That’s quite the distance and yeah, sure sure”

I say that nodding my head, it might come across a bit sarcastically but who cares?

“At least that settles it then, I’ll sort you some supplies for the trip and you can leave whenever you want. Lotte, make sure you keep a constant eye on Ikarus since she is the key to this empire’s future success”

I really should’ve taken a look at father’s scroll; I still have no idea what father has promised them for a reward. I think that’s what he means.

“Of course, me and the Lord will both be watching out for her”

“Good… and Nathan, your job is to protect her by any and all means as well remember? You witnessed firsthand what happens when dragons find a reason to dislike humans”

“I’ll never forget what happened in that city, your highness”

“Nathan… ears listening”

“Sorry again, your highness”

Ah, just another constant reminder of the past, that’s not getting boring at all now. I guess talking about dragons isn’t confidential but mentioning the city is, I don’t understand this empire.


(Charlotte) “Wow, to be this close to the heavens”

(Nathan) “It is really is something, even wyverns can’t fly this high”

I’m currently in bird form soaring through the skies with the two humans on my back, both of them seem to enjoying the experience. I’m purposely flying extremely high so no one below can spot me.

“Ikarus, you fly so much quicker and smoother compared to the knight’s wyverns”

“Of course, I would fly faster. It should be obvious, I’m not a flying rat”

Why did I say that? Am I turning into a wyvern racist? My father is a bad influence on me.

Now that I’ve pretty much completely gotten rid of any heights fear, I can really appreciate just how beautiful everything from up here is. It really is something, sure, this empire seems to be full of forests but it’s still brilliant looking at all the ant sized trees from up here. And the mountains in the distance that seem to line the western side of the continent.

While I’m enjoying the view, something suddenly staggers me during the flight.


“Ikarus-sama, you okay?”

“What just happened?”

Thankfully, it was only a small stagger but it did unsettle me slightly

“Urgh… I don’t know what that was, it felt like someone was staring daggers at me. It didn’t hurt, just surprised me a little. You two can relax, there’s more chance of the sun falling from the sky over me dropping you”

I’m not a dick like my father.

“That wasn’t our worry Ikarus-sama”

“Yeah, Charlotte is correct”

As I was trying to ignore what just happened, system made sure not to let me.

[<Aesa may have found reason for -user’s- issue>]

‘What caused it then?’

[<Directly below -user-, source of energy released. Aesa suggests investigating but exercises extreme caution>]

‘Yeah, I agree. Even with my curiosity, I’m not that stupid’

[<Aesa slightly disagrees>]

‘Oh, come on! That was so uncalled for system and you know it!’


‘Thank you’

“Okay, were heading to the ground to investigate something. I may need your both of your helps; it could be dangerous”

“Of course, Ikarus-sama”

“No worries”


I’ve landed a slight distance away in the forest from where the surge of energy came from. The two other party members start getting themselves ready for a potential fight and I realize I should probably change.

“You two cover me, I need to change form”

While I’m switching form and putting clothes on, both the two-party members start talking to me and I can’t help but respond.

“I can sense that energy Ikarus-sama, I know why that made you jump”

“I’m afraid I can’t help in anything magic related but I can still try to help”

“For the love of God, stop talking to me while I’m doing this!... Andddd… POOF! H-Human form Ikarus r-returns primed and ready for duty!”

Both the two of them don’t find me funny in the slightest and just find me strange. I don’t care, they’re just boring.

“Ready to go then Ikarus-sama?”

“Yeah sure, all dressed now”

It doesn’t take us too long to get close to the source of the stray magic.

(Charlotte) “That’s really strong now”

(Nathan) “Even I can feel something strange”

All three of us are now really close to where the magic is coming from and an intense aura can be seen surrounding someone. We all find a hiding spot and watch from a slight distance.

‘Is that… why is that blind woman here?’

All three of us are crouched down hiding behind some bushes observing a woman holding a sword. The woman happens to be the same person who bumped into me in the city.

“You three can come out, have no ill intention towards you, hope you share my intent”

While speaking, she shakes the blood of her blade and puts it in her holster. Her aura also rapidly disappears as well as the magic coming from her.

In a small clearing in the forest that were looking at, the blind woman is seen surrounded by roughly two dozen dead animals. Most of them are wolves but there are a couple small bears and even a tiger amongst the dead.

Last time I saw her, I really only noticed her dark hair and her blind eyes. Now looking at her, I’ve noticed a bit more. She’s dressed in white disciple style robes and is armed with a thin blade, similar to a samurai sword.

All three of us step out of the bushes and the knight and priestess rush up towards her with me behind them following.

“Apologies if I startled you, that wasn’t by choice”

(Charlotte) “Is everything alright?”

(Nathan) “That’s… a lot of animals around you”

“Ah that, just a bit of training really, no meaning behind it”

We’ve now all surrounding the blind lady speaking up close. She has a surprisingly reserved and calming manner about herself despite the massacre she’s just committed.

“Have you experienced knight training before? The fatal cuts you’ve inflicted are surprisingly effective”

“You seem very much capable for someone who has suffered such an ill fate, has the Lord shared his blessing with you too?”

“Nothing like that, this is just years of experience”

(Charlotte) “You must be a rea-”

While those three were having a conversation, I couldn’t help but want to check something.

‘Aesa, how is she able to fight when she can’t see? Is this the work of magic or something else?’

[<Aesa doesn’t detect any magic in use currently>]

‘Doubt I’ll easily be able to find out, doesn’t hurt to check that quickly though. Stat-’

Before I had the chance to activate my status screen, two fingers approached my eyes.

“Ouch! Damn it! The hell was that for?”

“Magic is casting from your eyes, sorry for that but I feel uncomfortable with stares”

This woman is like the mage, why do I keep coming across people like this? My eyes really hurt from that; I can’t stop rubbing them.

“There was no need to blind me over it, I still want to see unlike you”

That definitely was insensitive but she seemed to take my insult pretty well and even smiled to it.

“Heh, if you really want to know more about me, just ask. Don’t spy into someone private affairs without their permission”

Does she know about my ability? Leone knew it did something but not what it specifically did. The way this blind woman speaks, it’s almost as if she knows I’m looking into her stats.

“She didn’t mean to cause any ill offense”

“Ikarus sometimes can be a little forward Miss”

“No need for apologies, I did also just do something that might be considered rude”

I’m unsure if these two are standing up for me or trying to apologize on my behalf, I don’t care for either for it so I’m speaking to system again while they keep speaking to her. My eyes still feel a little sore as well.

‘Aesa… what’s the chance she knows about or has a system? The way she speaks is making me curious’

[<High possibility>]

‘Seriously!? Why is there a high possibility?’

[<Target -Unknown- doesn’t use magic for eyesight purposes, target potentially uses system ability for sight. Chances of target possessing a form of system is 68%>]

‘That’s… not that high thinking about it, how do you even come up with the percentage chances anyway?’

[<Too complicated for -user- to understand>]

‘Forget it, I thought you’d be like that’

As I was finishing up with Aesa, I realized the blind woman had come up face to face with me and had stopped speaking with the other two.

“Why… are you staring at me?”

“I’m slightly curious on who you were talking to”

She knows. I’m sure she knows.

I’m not sharing any information to someone who just tried to blind me though, have no idea if she’s friend or foe as well yet.

“My inner demons speak to me at times telling me to do bad things, I sometimes need to calm them otherwise the entire world might burn to ashes”

“Heh, I won’t pry any further then”

At least she took the joke well, I’m really unsure how to react around this woman. It might be because I rely on system too much, I can’t tell if she’s a level one or a thousand, it’s the uncertainty that is making me nervous.

Thinking about it, none of us have even asked about that magic surge, need to do that now.

“Oi lady, what magic did you use earlier? Our wyvern’s got spooked while we were flying”

That lie works perfectly for this situation.

(Charlotte) “I’m slightly interested on what you used as well”

(Nathan) “It did spook them a little bit”

At least these two are going along with my wyvern thing, they can read between the lines as well at times.

“I guess that’s why you landed then, to investigate. My apologies about that, sometimes I’m guilty of playing with my prey”

“Playing with your prey?”

That sounds like something my parents might say, prey. She definitely isn’t a dragon though, I’m pretty sure I’d be able to tell if she was.

“The tiger, it decided to roam from the hills into the forest, I’ve been tracking it for a little while now. Used the rest of the animals as bait to lure the beast into my trap, the magic was an enhancement for the battle that just occurred. My apologies again for it”@@novelbin@@

I still don’t know what to make of this woman, the others seem fine with her though. I’m just going to try and observe from now on.

“It all turned out fine though, Ikarus had the wyverns under control”

“The Lord would’ve protected us if any harm was done so no need for such apologies”

Of course, priestess-sama can’t help herself from her God talk and the knight said my name to this woman again.

“I don’t mean to be rude but I should head off now, I’m on a strict timer as it is”

(Nathan) “No worries”

“May God give you his blessings on safe travel”

“It was also nice to meet you too, Ikarus”

“Yeah yeah”

The blind woman leaves the small clearing just leaving our party of three surrounding all the animals’ corpses.

Once she’s more than far enough away, I can’t help but get a little annoyed with the knight.

“Nathan, why did you have to give her my name? Twice as well”

“I’m sorry Ikarus, I didn’t give it any thought”

“*Sigh*… Don’t worry about it, I’m not mad at you, just disappointed”

I’m being sarcastic but still, he probably shouldn’t be giving my name out like that. Wait, does it even matter? I’m not exactly known in this world and the only thing confidential is about the destroyed city. Nah, I really don’t care anymore, they both can use my name, I’m actually not fussed about being known.

Back onto that lady though, something felt weird about the way she said my name. Not bad or good, just slightly odd. I really don’t know why though.

‘I feel like that’s not the last were going to see of her’


‘Never even got her name as well’

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