Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 27 – Standstill

Chapter 27 – Standstill

“Ah Ikarus, you’re back”

“Prince, we need to talk”

This time around, I’ve bumped into the smiling prince within the palace while being taken to his study, we’re in one of hallways right now. Both my party members are with me as well.

It took us two weeks again to get back from the north and I’m liking it back down here already, you can never truly appreciate warm weather till you’ve been butt naked in the freezing snow changing clothes. Seriously, try it if you think I’m being over dramatic.

The trip back was also uninspiring but that was down to my impatience at wanting to get back, that dungeon and dragon encounter took more out of me than I realize. I really need a break from all this right now.

“That’s fine, let’s walk and talk to a visitor room and I’ll get you something to eat or drink, I have some news to share but it’s not all that good”

Is this the first time he’s actually offered me something like that? I think he’s trying to butter me up for the bad news incoming. That’s not going to help with my impatience.

“No, I’d rather we just get this done now, you start”

“Fair enough, I have some good and bad news to share, what would you like first?”

“Just do both together, I dislike that type of thing”

“Fine then, the good news is that we’ve found another dungeon and it actually happens to be a fighting dungeon as well…”

There’s clearly a problem with it so I’m not getting excited about this.

“… The bad news is that it’s impossible to get to right now”

Thought so, this is why I didn’t get excited. I would have been interested in it since it’s a fighting dungeon but I know my luck isn’t that good, I’m going to ask about it though.

“Why is it impossible to get to anyway?”

The prince face turn’s serious and his smile disappears.


What is good for?… I really just couldn’t help myself; war never changes… I’ll stop now.


“Yes, a part of the empire has been looking for independence for a while, we’ve been in constant conflict with them for close to ten years now”

Wait, this country is at war and for that long? Why have I only just heard of this now?

“You’re at war? You make it sound like it’s barely anything”

His smile may have dropped but he still doesn’t sound like it’s that serious, he makes sound like it’s just a mild inconvenience.

“Because it is just a rebellion based on outdated policies like bringing back slavery and reverting the empire back into its warmonger days. It’s just unfortunate that they have gained a sizeable following and have taken a large part of the land across the lake”

“Across the lake?”

Once again, it seems like I’m supposed to know about this world. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to start doing some research about this continent, it would cut down these long-drawn-out conversations. Might buy some books to read during my travels, can read them while I’m eating.

"Ah sorry, I know you're unsure on the noticeable landmarks on this continent, should have given you a map of the continent when you left earlier. Lake Garde is small country sized lake that sits in the centre of the empire and has a large river that flows into the eastern ocean. The rebels hold grounds across the south side of the river"

“What does this have to do with the dungeon though?”

“Specifically, prisoners of war are to do with the dungeon, some have escaped and have returned with information of a dungeon being used as a prison camp”

Prison camps, let’s not pry too much into it. Earth has a very dark history regarding that topic.

“They send the prisoners into a dungeon?”

“It’s called forced labour if you understand that term. The prisoners work killing the creatures that fill the dungeon and return with the crystals they drop”

It actually is a one hundred percent normal isekai dungeon then, it just sucks that it has such a sinister side to it. Why can’t they just invade the country though? This empire clearly has enough powerful people.

“Why just not send Char- no, why just not send the sadistic mage to deal with the rebels?”

I was about to make the suggestion to just send the priestess but I already know she would be against killing people like that, she only fights against criminals or for self-defence like with the dragon, I doubt she’d kill soldiers in war.

The prince gets a little annoyed from my questioning though.

“Were looking for peace Ikarus, not a genocide. Head-to-head combat on a battlefield is one thing, sieging a city full of civilians is something Leone should NEVER be considered for, you definitely know this. You’ve been travelling with Lotte for a short while, you must understand what wielding too much power is capable off?”


Okay, I get the empire’s reasoning. They want to regain control of the rebel lands, not turn it into a graveyard. As much as I’m not against killing, it would feel a little bad wiping out thousands of civilians. The way he said never though, he also understands what Leone is really like.

I can't believe he actually agreed for her to teach me though, it seems baffling knowing that even he knows what she's like. If I was more of a nasty person, this could've ended really badly for the empire. They're lucky I'm willing to put up with most of her shit since it provided some benefit to me, I do have a breaking point though.

Wait, just a little bit bad? That’s my response to thinking about killing thousands? I’ve really got to control this phoenix-dragon carefree attitude when it comes to killing, I’ll end up like my parents at this rate.

The idea of trying to go undercover and sneak into the dungeon did cross my mind but in all honestly, that’s a stupid idea. The fact that the prince hasn’t suggested that as well proves it’s not a great idea.

“Well… this is probably a good thing in all honesty, I’m putting dungeon hunting on hold for a little while and seeing that we can’t access this one, it’s probably a sign”

“Why Ikarus?”


Oh, these two were still here, they’ve been quiet for a while, thought they left us. They were just observing our conversation.

“I need to lev- no, I need to get more powerful, I’m way too weak right now. The issue is, there’s only one way I can get stronger really quickly”

(Alistair) “What is it Ikarus? The empire will help in any way it can”

“Killing humans”

I knew I’d get an awkward response like this; I’ll try and explain it a little better.

“I should probably specify; I only want to kill bandits. When I kill humans, me and the voice grow stronger very quickly. Bandits, or people who are being put to death like criminal perhaps?”

I kinda like the idea of killing people on death row, I could get a boatload of EXP really quickly. Ikarus! Judge, jury, executioner…

“Well, the execution thing… hiring you as an executioner might be a terrible idea”

“Why’s that?”

“We don’t use the death penalty in the empire”

For fuck sake, that’s really pissed me off. What medieval style empire doesn’t use the death penalty? I could’ve gotten so much free EXP right there, have to go back onto bandits now.

His smile returns once he said that as well, I’m starting to think he can’t control his face muscles. Was me becoming an executioner funny to him?

“What about bandits then? Where can I go to find large amounts of them?”

As I say that, a maid walks towards the four of us but the prince stops her passing.

“Maid, can you get me a tea ready for my study once I’m finished here?…”

She nods at him and then walks past us. Is he being rude doing that while speaking to me?

“… back onto bandits. If you’re looking to go hunting, it would make sense to head to the areas surrounding the frontline. They can prove problematic when flanking the enemy and can sometimes roam into civilian territory attacking caravans as well”

He wants me to go near the battlefield? I guess it does make sense, you do get more bandits around warzones. At least, that’s what I’ve heard anyway. I’m not opposed to this.

“Sounds good, I-”

Before I have a chance to continue, he starts speaking to my party members. He might be in a little bit of a rude mood today.

“Lotte, you won’t have an issue with that? They aren’t opposing knights or soldiers”

Oh, I was right about the priestess not wanting to kill soldiers.

“Me and the Lord would be most willing to kill any heathens that target innocents”

“Good, what about you Nathan? You willing to keep following Ikarus as well?”

“I’ll never disobey any of your highness’s orders”

The prince gives a look of tiredness from Nathan’s response, that wasn’t what he wanted.

“This isn’t an order though Nathan, I’m asking if you want to continue”

“Travelling with Ikarus has been perfectly adequate your highness”

Adequate? I want to call him a dick for saying that, just say it’s been good or fun, don’t say adequate. The prince then looks back towards me.

“That’s all good then, was there anything else you wanted to discuss or ask Ikarus?”

Is there anything I need to ask? Don’t think so, think that pretty much covers everything. We’re hunting bandits and if things turn bad, Charlotte’s cheat powers will just come and save us I bet.

“Nah, all good”

“Okay then Ikarus, there is something I would like to ask though about the dungeon in the north, what ended up happening up there anyway?”

He waits to the end of the conversation to ask that? Is he trying to be annoying today?

“Urgh, can one of you two help me here? I haven’t got the patience to go into detail on that again”

After both Charlotte and Nathan explain the stupid situation that unfolded with the confusion dungeon and the ice dragon, the prince continues on again.

“Wow… to complete the dungeon and help Lotte massively with the dragon, I’m really impressed. You should be proud of yourself”

“Why’re you praising me? Do you want something?”

“Am I not allowed to praise you for a job well done?”

He asks this is a slightly sarcastic way, I’m unsure if it’s on purpose or not.

Thing is, this prince is a lot more intelligent than he lets on, if he’s praising me like that, it’s probably because he wants something. His kindness is fake, it’s very obvious once you spend enough time around him.

“Not when I know your agenda”

“Ikarus… if I wanted anything, I would have just come out and asked. What your father has offe-”

Boring unknown reward again, I’m ignoring him talking. He still talking about it… ah, now he’s moved on.

“… While you’re gone getting stronger, I’ll keep the search running for more dungeons. For all we know once you get back, we might have even found several more… ah, Leone is back”

The prince notices the mage returning through one of the windows looking outside, I need to run, quickly!

“I’m leaving!”

The prince and both my party members give a little chuckle at my misery, I need to leave the palace now! Fuck.


“Phew… praise whichever God is up there, I managed to avoid that bitch”

“You do know Ikarus-sama that Leone would’ve been able to detect you”

We're currently just outside the grounds of palace walking into the city proper.

“Yeah but not having to speak with her is more than enough”

(Nathan) “She can’t be that bad Ikarus, she seemed kind to me and the captain”

Oh, captain Jekyll, forgot about him, haven’t seen him in quite some time. He’s probably off fighting the rebels right now.

“That’s because Nathan, you haven’t seen the sadistic side of her. She’s only ever that nasty to me”

Wait, the mage doesn’t treat me like that because she likes me, right? She’s actually a sadistic tsundere?

Ahahahahaha… no chance, she’s into that captain, I’m sure of it. Even if she was, I’d never be into nasty piece of work like her. She one hundred percent isn’t my type and never will be, I’d seriously consider going out with a man then dating her.

Okay, I should stop this now. For some reason, I feel like I’m being watched every time I think or talk about her behind her back. It might be paranoia but with her, it’s justified.

“Before we leave though, I need to go shopping for a bit”

(Charlotte) “Where do we need to go?”

(Nathan) “There’s a few things I could get”

This reminds me of the time I learnt I’m going to lay eggs, just me being questioned this time instead of the priestess.

“It’s better if I go alone, it’ll be easier that way”



The second I say that, two faces of disappointment appear on their faces, why do people always assume I’m dirty minded?

“Hey! This isn’t anything perverted, alright? I need to go alone because I’ve got to clear some stuff out of storage, I have way too much crap littered about”

I’m seriously not going to buy anything perverted, I swear! The main thing I wanted to buy was some books and maps, it might help learning about some stuff so I don’t have to keep sitting through insanely long conversations about crap. I want to learn about the lore of this world but at my own pace, I always get too long or too short explanations.

The reason for going alone is more embarrassment than anything else, I’ve already forgotten a lot of what I’ve bought, I need to have a serious clear out.

At this point, I am basically a hoarder, that’s the reason for my embarrassment. There is nothing perverted in my storage, I think? Well, except that stupid bikini and there might be one or two… ahem, yeah, it is a good idea to send those two away.

“Let’s meet up tomorrow morning by the south-eastern gate, that’s a good meeting point”

“Ikarus-sama, it’s our job to protect you. Leaving you alone isn’t ideal”

“Lotte’s right Ikarus, his highness wouldn’t be happy with it”

This isn’t protection, I’m sure these two just want to know what I’ve got hidden away in my storage, I’m sure of it.

“Fineee! Just when I’m taking stuff in and out, don’t be looking, yeah?”


They did up looking and more faces of disappointment followed, probably more out of confusion than anything else. If you’ve got money to spare, then why not spend it? That’s my motto, I think the disappointment might have been from the several hundred empty alcohol bottles though, I might have a little bit of a problem. I could have just left them in the wild but littering isn’t okay, alright? It definitely wasn’t because I’ve been hiding my drinking around the priestess and that the bottles were evidence.

I did have to go outside the city temporally and make a bonfire to burn most of the waste I have, that’s just how bad it was. At least it’s a lot better now.

After sorting the majority of my storage out, I also bought some maps and books about the continent and also can’t forget about purchasing essentials like cake and booze, I’m now looking around the capital for shops I haven’t come across yet.

While doing this with my party, I notice a tiny store on the corner of one of the main streets in the capital with a sign that looks similar to a glass bottle.

“Is that… an alchemist’s?”

Okay, it’s time for completely oblivious Ikarus to return. How did I forget about potions? I literally got drugged in the forest when I got captured and it’s taking me until now to actually realize there’s potions in this world. There better be some that refill magicka.

“Are these rare or am I just oblivious to my surroundings?”

“They are rare Ikarus-sama especially in the capital. I believe there’s only two places that sell potions out here”

At least that makes me feel slightly better, potion shops are rare then, bet there expensive as well if that’s the case. That’s not my problem though, that’s my parents hehe.

“I’m heading inside”

“Me and Nat should probably wait outside, it’s a little crowded inside”

“Okay Lotte”

Has she been in there before? Ah, I really don’t care.

Heading to the compact little potion store, I can’t help but notice how many things are around the place. The shelves in front of the counter are filled with ingredients, cabinets on the walls are stocked high filled with potions and the amount of clutter around the place is most impressive. It doesn’t look dirty or anything like that, just full of items to sell.

“H-Hello! Welcome to my s-store! If there is a-anything I can do for you, p-please ask!”

I’m greeted by an excitable small woman behind a counter in the little store. She seems to stutter because she speaks to fast.

‘Huh, her hair looks similar to cotton candy. That can’t be natural… it’s actually making me hungry as well’

I can’t help but notice her appearance as well, her hair is light pink and has a side pony tail across her shoulder. Her eyes are also pink and she wears a pair of circle glasses. There’s even something else as well, she is also an elf, the pointy ears are a massive indicator. I’ve seen a few of them around the capital but I’ve never been up this close to one yet.

“Is there a-anything I can help you w-with Ma’am?”

Oh, I haven’t responded yet, I probably should start speaking.

“I’m curious on what types of potions you sell”

“I’m sorry Ma’am but you m-might need to be more s-specific, there are h-hundreds of different types of potions, I c-could be here all day telling you about t-them all. Any idea on what you’re l-looking for?”

“Specific types… do you have anything that can recover health, stamina or magicka then?”

The small alchemist pushes her glasses up and goes into a professional explanation mode, it’s almost as if she’s turned robotic giving the explanation.

“There is n-nothing that recovers health but there is s-something that stops wounds rapidly called a healent, that is really the only potion that can be used for a-anything health related. You do not want to d-drink that though, it must be applied to the w-wound full for effect, it also really hurts once a-applied as well…”

‘Damn, this girl speaks really fast. She’s giving her all in this explanation as well’

“… As for s-stamina, your best bet would be a love potion. It m-massively improves both you and your lover’s stamina v-very quickly, I can personally recommend such a t-thing as me and my ex used to use the potion a lot. Magic recovery, that’s easy, t-there’s loads of different types of magic recovery potions all with d-different colours and flavours, mine personally is strawberry red”

It takes my brain a second the actually realize what she’s just said. That was a lot to get through. She also just gave of some intimate details about her life but I don’t think she cares or even noticed it.

“Wait a second, love potion? I meant recover stamina; I don’t want something like that”

“W-Wasn’t that what you meant? What’s the point in r-recovering stamina if it doesn’t have the a-aphrodisiac effect?”

This girl is going to be exhausting to deal with long term, I’m finding the other alchemist shop next time. I also don’t want that type of side effect every time I top my stamina up.

“*Sigh*, do you have something that recovers stamina without the aphrodisiac effect?”

“No, s-stamina potions aren’t a thing. L-Love potions are though”

“Okay, can you just give me ten healent and ten of your strongest magic recovery pots then? Ah, one stam- no, one love potion as well”

Once I get out of here, I want to give both the healent and magicka potions a test. Aesa will be able to confirm if they actually have any effect or not. If they don’t, I’m suing this place. I’m not testing the stamina one unless I desperately have to use it.

While she’s getting the potions from the shelves, I can’t help but check her out. Not in that way, just her status of course.


[Name: Betty   |   Species: Elf   |   Level: 10]

[Health    200/200]

[Stamina 494/800]

[Magicka          0/0]

‘Wow, a strong gust of wind might actually kill her. I guess the stereotype about elves being great magicians is a myth, them being tall as well is wrong’

She brings the bottles of potions to the counter and then tells me the price.

“That’ll be e-eighteen thousand coin”

“HOW MUCH!?!...”

She’s not joking, my shouting has made me cough as well.

“*Cough cough cough*… that’s like the price of two houses, why is it so much?”

“I’m sorry Ma’am b-but that’s how much potions are, all p-prices are set by the empire and cannot be c-changed. I have no say in it”

At least she’s able to remain professional from my little outburst, I just can’t understand how a few potions is like the same price as a house.

“Okay, well you can put most of it back then. What’s the prices individually?”

“Seven-fifty per h-healent, five hundred for love p-potion and a thousand for strongest m-magic recovery potion”

Looks like I’m not buying a stupid number of potions, I actually will run out of money if I do that. I have no idea why there so expensive though, if I can remember to ask the prince next time I visit, I’ll ask him why potions are so expensive. I will still buy a few though.

“Two healents, one stamina and three magicka, that should be five thousand, right?”@@novelbin@@


After I buy the potions, I head back out the store and am greeted by my party once more.

“All done Ikarus-sama?”

“Finished Ikarus??”

“I feel like I’ve just been mugged off. Ah forget it, they’ll still provide some use regardless…”

I can’t help but let off a small grin after that, it’s time to start levelling.

“… Now that everything is sorted, it’s time to hunt some bandits. This is going to be some fun”

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