Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 37 – Undead

Chapter 37 – Undead

(Nathan) “How many levels have we gone through now?”

(Petra) “That should be thirty-two”

“Petra-sama is correct”

I’m purposely remaining silent right now since if I speak, it’ll only be moaning.

Yeah, I know, it’s sucks that I’ve skipped so many dungeon levels in the blink of an eye but I’m more than justified. Like so much in this world, everything is overpowered or underpowered, it really needs a God to start patching things up and release a hotfix balancing everything.

I really did have to skip ahead though; it’s been so freaking easy and boring. There’s only been two things that have changed since we entered.

The first is that the enemies get slightly faster and maybe a little bit more intelligent per level, the intelligence point is up for debate though. I say that because these creatures are so stupid, even trying to make them more perceptive or intelligent is pointless, adding a single point of intelligence to stupid still doesn’t fix the stupid in someone or something.

I could probably deal with all of these myself using my pinky finger, I wish I was exaggerating, that’s the issue right now. Mind-numbing boringly easy, at least it should get a little harder eventually but this isn’t giving me good signs right now.

The second thing that has changed is that skeletons have started showing up, roughly around the sixteenth room. They are just as weak, brittle and dumb as the zombies, only difference is that they can’t be stabbed, they must be whacked, beaten or smashed. One hit still takes everything down though.

The last floor in particular only consisted of skeletons, all four of us are currently standing over a large pile of bones that we have all just created.

(Petra) “Ikarus, you don’t have to look so unhappy about this, relaxing fights don’t always come around that often”

 “Eh, I guess you’re right, I just get restless if I don’t have something to keep me constantly entertained”

That honestly makes me sound like a child, I think I might be improving though, I haven’t been complaining out loud for the last thirty-one floors, just been keeping it trapped within my stupid bird brain, or human brain at the moment.

It’s time to stop moaning internally and continue on now. At the very least, I can figure out where I need to improve and better myself, I don’t know if that means I’m able to though.

(Petra) “I have some shiny keys that you can distract yourself with if that might help”

She is just taking the piss; I’m not responding to that tease despite it being pretty funny. I’m ignoring her stupid smile as well.

(Nathan) “Shall we continue on then?”

“I’m ready Nat”

(Petra) “Ready as well knight”

(Ikarus) “Yeah yeah”

Before we actually leave though, we all take a look into the next room and all us get slightly surprised from the next level. The look of the room is the same but unlike the other thirty-two, it is a hell of a lot bigger and a rusty throne sits in the middle of the room. Sitting upon that throne looks to be a skeleton type creature wearing a black robe covering most of its body.

“Yes! It’s a freaking sub-boss!”

“What’s that Ikarus-sama?”

“Yeah, what’s that?”


I think Petra has an idea but she’ll allow me to answer this time, think that’s why she didn’t say anything.

“Long story short, it’s a much more powerful enemy that might appear every certain number of floors. Since that one is thirty-three, there might be another on sixty-six and so on”

(Petra) “I’m unsure if it will continue that sporadically like that Ikarus but you’re definitely right on that creature being a sub-boss”

Then a thought came to mind. If this isn’t a normal enemy, then it might be viewable.

‘If it’s a sub-boss, I wonder… status’

The range might be a little far but it might work.

[Name: ________   |   Species: Lich   |   Level: 150]

[Health         7,500/7,500]

[Stamina      7,500/7,500]

[Magicka 15,000/15,000]

‘He’s a lich!? That’s even better’

[<-User- should be warned, species lich has 1.5x stat distribution and is unknown enemy. Caution is advised>]

‘I am cautious when I need to be, our stats do seem to be quite similar thinking about it’

Oh yeah, I normally don’t have to worry about other species stat points but it doesn’t hurt to give a recap on some of the only three I can remember.

The main three are humans, dragons and me, a phoenix. Humans are 1x, dragons are 2.5x and phoenixes are 5x stats per level, keep having to tell myself otherwise I’ll forget. I can only really level up by cold blooded murder and even that doesn’t always work, just look at the confusion dungeon for example with all those bandits, no one in that was real. I’m just repeating myself now though.

Back on to what I was thinking about, I’m pretty sure our stats are around the same level, I’ll take a look at mine as well.


[Name: Ikarus   |   Species: Phoenix   |   Level: 54]

[Health    14,878/15,000]

[Stamina 4,121/5,000]

[Magicka 5,000/5,000]

[You currently have 2000 unused points]

‘I was right, he only has five-thousand more than me and my health shits all over his, I bet I can stand against him, I’ve even got my potions as well’

That does really sum it up though, I haven’t had to use a single bit of magicka since coming here, I wasn’t exaggerating on the easiness on this dungeon. Still, looking at this lich guy on that throne, the difficulty in this place must come from sub-bosses.

While I was doing this and my party were discussing how we should approach this upcoming battle, I can’t help but think there’s an opportunity here.

“Hey, I know it might be a little risky but can I try and take that guy on myself?”

I immediately get looks of confusion from the knight and priestess but Petra is surprisingly the first to answer.

“It’s a lich Ikarus, you sure it’s such a good idea to fight an unknown enemy yourself?”

Oh, did she use her status as well? Her eyes do have a glint of blue but it’s literally just faded, she must have used it. As for what she just said, I’ve always got these lot to back me up if things get spicy, it should be good, I’m just putting trust in my party after all.

“Thing is, I’m pretty sure liches summon stuff as well to fight around them, that’s if we’re basing this of my limited knowledge anyway. Can I at least have a chance to fight one on one against that guy while you lot cover me? It’ll be good training for me, obviously get involved if I’m getting destroyed”

I know it’s asking a lot but still, this dungeon difficulty has been crap, shouldn’t this fight follow that curve? I’ve just red flagged myself, I still want to do this though.

“I don’t know Ikarus-sama”

“It does seem a little risky”

“Fine then”

Both Charlotte and Nathan are worried about my plan but it seems Petra is now onside, probably because she doesn’t have the weight of the empire on her shoulders aiming to keep me safe.

“Look, it’s as I just said, you lot will be more than enough to protect me. I think someone will have to take it on otherwise it might keep summoning endless enemies, of course this is all speculation. If I can’t handle it, I’ll run with my tail between my legs”

I most definitely don’t want to hog the boss enemy, any other boss fight in this place will be a lot more difficult so I’ve got to take my chances now.

“We won’t argue with you Ikarus”

“Fine Ikarus-sama”

“You two don’t need to worry, have something to use if Ikarus finds herself in a bad situation, would prefer to use my own hands though”

I’m calling bullshit, both of them look perfectly fine after Petra says she has something. I guess I should feel safer but still, I’m not happy with the other two’s lack of confidence in me.

“There is one thing though, I’m going to be keeping an eye guarding your back. No complaints?”

“No complaints”

I’d rather have Petra guarding me than the others anyway, she is a lot more intelligent than the rest of us.

As I’m leading our prepared and readied group into the room all holding our weapons of choice in our hands, I can’t help but speak.

“Is that skeleton going to wake-, oh, there you go”

In the middle of me speaking, the lich wearing a black robe wakes up from his slumber on the throne, stands and speaks towards us in a menacing and rough tone.

“Arhrat ma combate”

None of us have a clue what it just said. I need to ask Aesa about it.

‘Erm, shouldn’t I be able to translate that?’

[<Species lich cannot be translated since targeted species do not speak intelligible language>]

‘It sounds like a language though; I’ll just take your word for it’

It goes to speak once again but this time, it bends down and touches the ground with its finger.

“Combate dem yurae”

Once it says that, the ground shakes like how every other floor has and undead skeletons all start rising from the dirt.

(Petra) “Ikarus, he’s yours”

“We’ll be near you Ikarus-sama”

(Nathan) “Just call if you need backup”

“Yeah yeah”

I leave my party and head close towards the lich with sword in hand and ready to fight. Once I’ve closed the distance, I’m immediately greeted by him speaking and magically summoning a staff.

“Artuc tem eda-”

Without giving him the chance to finish his summon, I swing my blade towards him but he immediately senses this and jumps backwards. I’m clearly unable to stop him summoning his battle staff but that’s perfectly okay though, I didn’t want it to be that easy.

‘Hmph, this could be fun’

The lich now armed decides that it’s his turn to attack swinging his staff sideways towards me.

I have to jump to the side to avoid it due to the length of the wooden weapon, I’m honestly a little surprised, I was expecting him to maybe use magic with it but he’s used it like a long blunt weapon.

He then follows it up with a downwards swing but this time, I easily block it with my blade stopping it from making contact. Somehow, that was easy.

I quickly come to a realization, he’s actually not that skilled with armed combat. Just remember, I’m saying that and I’m really not that good with a weapon, I guess the stupidity of the undead effects the boss’s abilities as well.

So, as he’s trying to pull away his staff from the attack I just countered, I pull out my war crime weapon and release my flame using my spare hand peppering him with the flamethrower, he immediately jumps back in agony from the fiery attack.


A scream that could pierce the heavens comes from the crying lich’s mouth; I think even the Gods might have heard that.

I did put a fair amount of power in that continuous magic attack but still, it shouldn’t have been that bad, this guy might just be a little bit soft to pain.

‘Aesa, magicka’


‘Status next’

[Name: ________   |   Species: Lich   |   Level: 150]

[Health         5,739/7,500]

[Stamina      7,497/7,500]

[Magicka 15,000/15,000]

‘Wow, that did cook him a bit, I guess it’s quite a fair amount’

While I’ve still got a second, I take a glance around me and quickly realize I don’t have to worry about being ambushed, all three of my party members are running around dealing with any threat that even looks towards my direction.

Ah, the perks of using OP people. Thankfully, this lich seems more than happy to be bullied and just keeps his focus on me while ignoring everyone else, I guess his skeleton minions are fighting for him as well.

However, the lich does something different next.

“Fareth tum derea!”

While he speaks again, he points his staff towards me and a spark of electricity lights the end of the spear, then suddenly zaps into me without giving me the chance to react or move.

“Is that… it?”

Ever had that pins and needles feeling in your body? It literally feels like an even more minor version of that, what the hell was the point in that attack?

[Name: Ikarus   |   Species: Phoenix   |   Level: 54]

[Health    14,778/15,000]

[Stamina 4,119/5,000]

[Magicka 3,600/5,000]

[You currently have 2000 unused points]

‘I didn’t receive another curse or something did I?’


‘The only use that guy’s attack might be dangerous towards is someone who has a heart condition, can’t believe it only did a hundred damage. Aesa, am I missing something?’

[<Negative, species lich specializes in summoning skeletons, species must have extreme inefficiency to combat or magicka attacks, Aesa can only assume though>]

‘So, this lich is basically just an over glorified skeleton, I don’t know whether to feel happy or sad now’

“Everything okay Ikarus-sama?”

(Nathan) “Yeah Ikarus?”

“All good over here, this guy is a lot weaker than expected”

(Petra) “Then please stop toying with him and finish it, the skeletons are still rising on our sides”

I guess I’m not really paying attention to the battle around me so getting slightly told of by Petra makes sense seeing that they are fighting the infinite hordes of rising skeletons, it’s still isn’t providing them any issue though. I’ll just get on with my fight then.

The lich tries another electricity-based attack from the staff but before he gets the chance, I start to cook him with my hand flamethrower again and he provides another scream as bad as last time once I’ve exhausted it all. I actually feel a little sorry for him listening to his scream.



[Name: ________   |   Species: Lich   |   Level: 150]

[Health         1,469/7,500]

[Stamina      7,497/7,500]

[Magicka 14,500/15,000]

‘I wonder why his magic only goes down with his spells, shouldn’t it keep draining because of the skeletons? Forget it, not the time’

Before he has the chance to ready himself from the barbeque attack that just assaulted his body, I’m swinging my blade towards him and unlike the first swing, it makes contact slicing into his neck.


“Damn, it’s now stuck”

The lich falls over onto the ground with my blade in his neck obviously now drained of HP, this fight is over and all the remaining skeletons that haven’t been taken care of by my party all collapse as well now. The room is literally covered in piles of bones everywhere.

I can’t help but give a little thought towards it.

‘That one hit finished him? I know it made contact with his neck but still, that seemed a little too easy’

(Nathan) “All finished now?”


While the priestess is speaking, she unsummons her sword and the knight also sheaths his sword also. They both walk towards me as well.

“I really don’t know what to think, that fight was easy”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit Ikarus. For someone who claims their terrible with a sword, that wasn’t that bad of a display”

Petra has now joined and has put her weapon away as well, why is she praising me though?

Wait, does that mean I'm secretly over- no, I've asked that question before and that isn't the case. That guy was just surprisingly weak.

“Yeah yeah, you’re just being kind”

“You should have more confidence in yourself. Considering you said your swordplay is terrible, it didn’t seem that bad from where I was standing. If anything, it seemed quite decent”

I’m just going to shrug this off the smiling blind woman, I’m more than happy to praise myself but praise from others makes me a little uncomfortable, I’m unsure why though.

“I really didn’t know what you saw but that guy was utter dogshit, that was down to him being weak”

“Heh, you should really have more confidence in yourself”

More confidence? I know I have slightly narcissistic tendencies to my own body but I feel like she might be being trying to improve my mood, it’s not working though. I’m still feeling a little unsure about that fight.

“Shall we move on?”

Petra instantly shuts me down from my stupid suggestion, it makes a lot of sense why though.

“That’s not a good idea Ikarus, we should rest till your magic has recovered seeing that you basically exhausted it all, too much unnecessary risk”

Eh, I guess she’s right, a break right now would be good, the other two seem to be in agreement with her as well. Thinking about it, I’m busting for a toilet as well now, I’m not sure where I can go though other than in a corner.

“Erm… can you lot not look over here for a little bit?”

“We’ll turn away Ikarus-sama”

(Nathan) “Yeah”


Every level we complete, the previous door closes behind us so trying to get a bit of privacy right now is impossible. This isn’t embarrassing at all.

“Ahem… I hate these places”


After that stupid thing is done and I’ve washed my hands using some stored water from my storage, got to keep basic hygiene up despite how stupid it is especially down here. Once done, I head back to my party who are all chilling and relaxing on the floor in the middle of the room. They’ve moved most of the bones from where their sitting and I sit down to join them on the dirt floor.

“Ikarus-sama, can we have cake?”

Of course, it’s another cake fiasco. I need to learn to start sharing more.

“Fine fine then. Considering your God doesn’t like pleasures such as alcohol, shouldn’t this be a bad pleasure as well?”

While I’m saying that, I get out a cheesecake from storage and place it down on floor in the middle of us four.

“My Lord encourages such pleasures that don’t effect the mind, alcohol is a step to far though”

“Anything that effects the mind? I’m guessing he would hate you drinking a love potion then”

Petra found my little joke funny, she had to slightly cough since she had a mouthful of cake though.

“Actually… he keeps trying to encourage me on that, I don’t listen to everything he says though”

Ha! Once again, I was right on her God trying to meddle and set her and Nathan up, I think that’s what he’s trying to do anyway. She also blushes slightly while saying that as well, I’m sure it’s because of the knight as well.

I quickly move on since I don’t need to meddle seeing that she has a voice inside her head doing the exact same goal I’m trying to achieve. I might give him a hand if I’m able to though.

“I really need to have words with him one day, I’d love to share a drin- no, just a chat will do”

I feel like he’d be an interesting guy to speak with, he seems crazy so I bet he’d be good company.

After my little chat with Charlotte is over, Petra gets curious on something.

“Where did you get that storage ring from anyway?”

While we’re all stuffing out faces from the cake, Petra asks about my ring. She doesn’t have a storage ability so I can understand why she might be curious on how I obtained such an item.

“A gift from my parents, I think they said it was from old mage I think”

She very quickly gives a little chuckle and smile from what I just said.

“Heh, your parents got that for you? Guess it’s fitting, that old guy always had a fascination for dragons. It’s only fitting he ended up being eaten by one”

“Wait, did you know that mage? And I don’t think dragons actually eat humans”

She obviously would know that my parents are dragons if she’s been around phoenixes before so no point even questioning that.

“Yeah, was making a joke about being eaten. Guess he would’ve been an old friend. Thing is, he did always have an unhealthy fascination with dragons so it makes sense that’s how he died”

She doesn’t seem depressed about him being dead, maybe it was more of an acquaintance than a friend. She continues on again though.

“Make sure you never lose that ring Ikarus, storage abilities are some of the rarest and hardest items to come across”

“Is it really that valuable?”

“Yes, I’ve only ever seen three in the long life I’ve been living. They are priceless”

Wow, I’m surprised no one in the empire ever said anything about it, I haven’t exactly been discreet about using it so I’m unsure why it’s never come up till now, maybe they have something similar or they just don’t care, I really don’t know.

Once we’ve all had some food, I probably should be resting to recover my magicka faster but I cannot help but be impatient when I have a perfectly good solution at hand, one I can only use every twenty-four hours or so. I have my party to protect me if things go wrong.

“Screw it, I’m drinking a magic pot and we’re heading off”

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