Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 39 – Completion

Chapter 39 – Completion

Once we've all rested and done everything that we've done every floor leading up to this point, we all together walk into level sixty-seven.

The next room is back to the same red button layout, the walls and the floor this time are black, similar looking to how the first labyrinth dungeon was.

All of us are ready to fight so I go up to the button. Once I press the button, a group of six dog looking creatures start magically appearing out of thin air surrounding the outsides of the room. These creatures are pure black in colour and have red eyes with sharp looking teeth, also have a slight shine to them as well.

Petra hasn't taken lead of the group yet, is she confused with these creatures as well?

"Has anyone ever faced these creatures before?"

(Petra) "Sorry Ikarus, haven't"

(Charlotte) "I haven't either"

(Nathan) "Same here"

As I finish speaking, all six of the hellhounds charge towards our group all in several directions, Petra steps forward to fire a dark fireball at one of the hounds, it doesn't stop it in its tracks but it seems Petra knew that would happen.

"Thought so, magic won't work, physical attacks only now"


[<Won't work -user->]

I thought to give the status screen a try just before our fight is about to commence but it obviously didn't work, it only seems to work on bosses down here.

All six creatures are now in close range and one of them approaches me to attack. It dives at me and I thrust and stab at it mid-air, it thankfully kills the creature but my sword gets stuck inside the damn thing.

While I was dealing with my dog, all three of my party members are in their own battle, I don't have the time to watch though, another beast has aimed for me.

(Ikarus) "Stupid dog"

As I'm pulling out my blade from the creature I just killed, the other dog jumps towards me but I still haven't pulled my sword out just yet and I cannot block or dodge this, this beast is going to get a bite out of me.

I tense up and try to block it with my other arm in anticipation of the attack but just before the creature's teeth sinks into my arm, a sword slices the head of the creature off.

"Alright Ikarus?"

Thankfully, Petra has my back covered. The fight is now over as well, all six of the dogs are now dead. I'm not the only one who just had a close call though.

The knight has taken a bite wound from one of the creatures, his arm looks pretty nasty, it wasn't his main sword arm so he should still be able to fight, maybe not perfectly though.

"I'm such an idiot, what knight can't take two dogs on at once?"

"Don't be like that Nat, they weren't easy creatures to deal with"

Me and Petra just let Charlotte sort his wound out, she will more than happily attend to him. I need to thank Petra anyway, that bite would've hurt.

"Thanks for the assist, that puppy nearly got a bite of this chicken. Well, human looking chicken right now"

"Heh, you're welcome"

Might as well make a joke out of it, the speed on those creatures is a little bit out of my comfort zone. Seriously though, if magic is pointless, then multiple of them at once is slightly too much for me, way too fast for my lacking sword skills to handle. Petra and Charlotte look to have no issue with them though.

"There you go, good as new"

"Thanks Lotte"

The priestess has now bandaged up the knight's arm, I really have no motivation to tease them right now, this situation is serious. I need to start focusing a bit more otherwise I'm going to get hurt now.

"We're definitely going to struggle from now on"

Both Charlotte and Nathan look slightly worried from my observation but Petra looks perfectly fine though.

(Petra) "No need to worry Ikarus, have something that can help make these fights easier"


We've gone through twelve more floors since that first encounter with the dogs and none of us have taken any more bites or close calls, mostly down to the fact Petra is as overpowered as Charlotte. Seriously though, she's taken responsibility and taken out more than half of the creatures we've come across just by herself.

"What do you even call that anyway?"

"It's a type of sword art that got mastered a while back"

You know that thing she said which can make these fights easier? She can control her sword with her mind. The fact that she's waited this long to use such a brilliant thing is slightly annoying, watching the blade fly about slicing and slashing at any enemy it encounters is pretty cool to be honest. Unlike with dragons misnaming things, this is actual telekinesis.

"Why save it until now though? Wouldn't it make sense to use it more?"

"There's no point revealing your capabilities all at once Ikarus, there needs to be suspense and the perfect timing for such a reveal..."

'I feel like she's just teasing right now'

"... That's more of a joke though, just prefer relying on my own two hands and try to ignore the support of the system unless I really have to"

A thought of something the bitch mage said when she was first training me came to mind when Petra said that, I know I'm too reliant on Aesa but I have to be, just because someone's right isn't an excuse for bullying behaviour. I'm going to try mentioning the mage less now, I'm dwelling onto bad memories.

Petra didn't actually say I have to be less reliant though, I think she was just giving her own personal views on the whole thing. I can still be one hundred percent reliant on my system though and I plan to be. Petra still uses her system when needed so it's fine.


'Oi, don't you start, shoo'

In all honesty, me and Nathan have basically become dead weight in this dungeon now, we can take care of one, maybe two of the hounds but nearly every floor, the numbers keep increasing. Most fights end up with both Charlotte and Petra protecting us.

This makes sense from my experience; swordplay isn't my specialty. As for the knight, you would maybe expect him to be a little better but I guess he is inexperienced as well. I think he might be improving his swordplay but I honestly have no idea.

Still, it's doesn't actually feel that bad being protected by Petra, Is that slightly weird? Charlotte is mostly protecting Nathan as well so I'm not the only one. Yeah, I think it is a little weird, let's just carry on.

I would complain about the insane difficulty spike in this dungeon but there's absolutely nothing I can do about it, I can't always just keep complaining for the sake of it, I do like the sound of my own voice but even I start boring myself sometimes.

I've just realized something else, if the current rate of sub-bosses continue, doesn't that mean level ninety-nine will contain the third sub-boss? What the hell is waiting on one hundred then?

Back onto the present situation, we've just completed the current level, eighty two and had a break and as well as about to enter the next one.

"If we're basing this of everything else, the next one should hold a new type of enemy, right?"

(Petra) "Probably Ikarus"

(Charlotte) "It does seem that way"

(Nathan) "Yeah"

The door is open like usual so I take a quick peak. Unlike all the other layouts for normal levels, the next floor doesn't have a button but in the middle of the room sits two statues. A smile quickly appears on my face but not for the reason you might be thinking of.

"I think... I know what they are"

All three of my party members join me peeking into the next room and Petra also already knows what we're about to face off against to.

"Heh, isn't that a happy surprise"

(Charlotte) "What are those two creatures then?"

(Nathan) "Yeah, what are they?"

So, me and Petra both know what creatures sits in the next room, I know because I'm a fantasy nerd and Petra's has probably come up against these before.

To describe their appearance in detail, imagine a human sized goblin that it sitting and is covered in concrete, also a small pair of tattered wings sit on upon its back.

"They're gargoyles, it would be better for you two to sit out of the next battle and just allow me and Ikarus fight"

Just us two fighting the statue looking creatures? She's also smiling about this, what's going on?

"I'm a bit unsure why you're smiling Petra, aren't they going to be harder than anything we've faced?"

She seems really confident and completely relaxed; I can't understand why. The difficulty curve has really started to spike now, shouldn't these be insanely difficult? Both Nathan and Charlotte look a little confused as well.

"Gargoyles are resistant to nearly every type of damage and take an extreme amount of force and power to break through their tough concrete like shell, there is one exception though. They have an extreme weakness to fire. So much so in fact, that even just a light flame can easily kill them"

"You're kidding right?"

"No, you're really going to enjoy yourself now Ikarus"

She's deadly serious, how can such a creature in a high level of this dungeon have such a blatant weakness? Actually, I think we may have just gotten lucky this time. Think about it, there would be no way of making a fire down here so that weakness would never be known to most people. Well, except for fire magic users and the two of us, I now can't wait to see just how weak they are.

I don't even care knowing about how she discovered this, gargoyles hate fire, fuck yeah!

'I'm going to enjoy this'

With that thought, we enter floor eighty-three.


The route up to ninety-eight was a piece of cake, no kidding at all. There was a slight difficulty increase after the first few levels of gargoyles, mostly the fact that the hellhounds started getting mixed up with the spawns of the next floors. It would've made it more difficult if the floating sword art user Petra and Charlotte weren't around giving me more than enough time to handle the gargoyles alone.

The gargoyles are pathetic to fire, I can see why Petra seemed so calm about this now. As long as we can separate the dogs, the gargoyles don't require an inch of effort. I can seriously kill one with a low magic fireball that uses one percent of my magicka, that's how weak they are.

I actually feel sorry for Nathan now, he's really getting left behind in here, there's not much he can do except cheer us on and take care of a single hellhound every now and then.

After last time, I also stopped counting how many days we've been in here now, I think it's been close to another two weeks but I haven't regularly been checking my HP lost by the curse so I'm not completely sure.

I am starting to feel this dungeon's theme isn't undead. Well, it still is undead but it seems to be more longevity based, like an endurance type dungeon perhaps? If I think about it, it wouldn't surprise me if we've been down here for a month now, this isn't even my impatience playing up this time, Petra has been keeping a rough idea and even she thinks it's been at least four weeks.

I think it's safe to say, if Petra wasn't with us down here, this would've been a terrible dungeon to complete. I'm actually unsure if we'd been able to complete it just as us three, let's not think on what if's scenarios though, seems pointless.

Something odd has happened after clearing out floor ninety-eight though, the door to the next floor hasn't opened. None of us have a clue why so we're currently just sitting around resting till we can have a peek at the next level, I would start complaining like normal but we needed a break anyway and there isn't anything we can do about the door not opening.

Might as well make some small talk since we can't even look what's upcoming in the penultimate level now, so close to finishing this time-consuming place.

"Petra, how did you even know about all the enemies' weaknesses?"

Seems like a good time to ask that question.

"The howling woods Ikarus, it's a dark, gloomy forest that sits in an unpopulated part of the elven continent that necromancers and vampires used to live in, I say used to because most of the major groups died by my hands"

I also got some more food out that both the knight and priestess are currently stuffing down while me and Petra are chatting, I really don't have an appetite right now, also might make sense to start preserving some supplies seeing that we have used at least a months' worth of food down here already.

As for what she said, I figured it would be something like that, it would have to be something related to undead obviously.

"Sounds scary, I think I'd rather avoid a place like that"

"It should have calmed down a lot now. If that map you've shown me is correct, we'll be going near that forest in search for one of the next dungeons, we should pay a visit and you can experience the beauty of that place for yourself Ikarus"

She's still willing to follow us to the elven continent? That's good then, I'm a little confused on something she just said though.

"How can a place called the howling woods be considered beautiful? You even just said it's dark and gloomy as well"

"Because there's more to it than just that, you need to see it for yourself to understand Ikarus. It really is beautiful, reminds me of someone"

Before I have the chance to ask some more questions to the smiling Petra, the door to the next level opens and a voice calls for us.


An ominous male voice echoes through the opening door and all of us clearly hear it. However, none of us do anything, heading into the next level right now would be slightly suicidal. We still need our magicka reserves to refill before carrying on.


The voice very quickly gets irritated from our reluctance to continue on though.

"If you do not enter, that level will keep refilling with undead until you enter the next level"

"Wait, is this bastard serious?"

(Petra) "He could be bluffing but it's too risky"

"The Lord can protect us if things go bad"

(Nathan) "Yeah, I guess"

I guess we're all going to do what the voice says then, I just need to pack away the remaining food and drink before we set off though. Thing is, we should be able to fight while not completely recovered yet, it's just that none of us want to rush head first into a situation that could be dangerous even despite the fact the gargoyles were shite.

"Let's just go then"

(Charlotte) "Summon"



Once everything is packed up, all of us get up and head into the next room towards the voice as well as getting our weapons ready. We enter all noticing immediately the next room is very different to any other one that we've come across in any dungeon so far.

Describing it, the floors and walls look to be made out of a marble white that makes up the long rectangular room and at the end of the room, a red and golden throne can be seen on top of a red carpet. Sitting upon that throne, is a male human that has jet black short hair and red eyes.

"I'd recommend putting your weapons away"

That actually came from Petra, why is she telling us to put them away and why has she also sheathed her sword?

(Ikarus) "What?"

"Why Petra-sama"

(Nathan) "Yeah, why?"

I'm the second person to put my weapon away. If it's Petra, then she has a good reason, I would like to know why though.

"There's no need to fight, that's why. Priestess, have you never come across a dungeon master before?"

(Charlotte) "I unfortunately haven't"

The man just sits there with a slight smirk at the four of us sheathing or unsummoning our weapons, I've got to do my regular status check right now though.


[Name: Rakesh | Species: Vampire | Level: 500]

[Health 30,000/30,000]

[Stamina 18,169/20,000]

[Magicka 50,000/50,000]

'Shit, his stats and level are really high. Aesa, what's his stat modifier?'

[<2x distribution multiplier>]

Is this Petra embracing our deaths or something? Wait a second, I'm being stupid, he's a freaking vampire... What is a vampire's biggest weakness other than silver, garlic or wooden crosses? Me and Petra are literally this guy's main weakness.

I also noticed Petra's eyes go blue while I was checking his status out, I'm not the only one who thinks ahead. Well, she is a hell of a lot more intelligent than me so that's to be expected.

"Black haired women... why is it you've ordered your comrades to stand down?"

He can't help but have a slight grin while speaking as well, it's nothing like the prince's smile or that pervert lord Blakes smile, his is a lot more unnoticeable.

"Two of us in this party use fire and one of us can use light magic, you understand what that means, vampire? I've already killed enough of your kind and would rather we find a peaceful solution"

The vampire just keeps grinning towards the confident Petra, he really doesn't seem all that concerned right now.

"So... you reckon you'd easily be able to defeat me?"

"You wouldn't last a minute"

Petra says in this most serious manner I've ever heard her speak, I'm unsure on why she doesn't want to fight but I'm not complaining, we've been in here for long enough now.

The thing is though, his reaction is completed unexpected.


He breaks out in uncontrollable laughter sitting on his throne, none of us know how to react to the laughing vampire.

"... Haha... you are right, the four of you would destroy me. I wasn't looking for a fight if that's what you expecting, I'm just here to say... congratulations for completing my dungeon!"

"We've completed your dungeon?"

Damn, I shouldn't have asked that, that pervious comment about him being a dungeon master from Petra has only now just sunk in, I forgot about that. Wait, we haven't completed it, we're only on floor ninety-nine though.

"Yes... to think in the hundreds of years and hundreds of people that have entered this place, it's taken until now for you four perky adventurers to complete it. You should be proud of yourselves!"

I think it's safe to say, me, Petra and Nathan may have a slight surprised look to how this is going down. It'd odd that even Petra didn't expect this response. Charlotte has a much different reaction though.

"If this heathen has sent many innocent people to their deaths, then it's up to us to stop him"

'She's started using heathen again, urghhhhh'

"Nun, I never invited anyone into my dungeon. If you were to just wonder into someone's home without their permission, then isn't that trespassing? The entrance isn't exactly easy to come by as well"

Heh, he just called her a nun, she does look like one I guess. He does have a slight point as well; we are trespassing at the end of the day in someone else's dungeon.

"I don't care about you reasoning heathe-"

(Ikarus) "Just shut it priestess, we're not fighting him"

I have to cut her off, I'm turning this back into a dictatorship if she's going to be insanely stupid. We've just spent the last ninety-eight floors fighting, let it go, you religious nut. He's not a bandit so stand the fuck down!

The thing is, after spending this long in this place, I'm really happy there isn't a stupidly difficult boss fight now, I'm not having the priestess create an additional battle just for the sake of her shitty beliefs.

(Petra) "What does this mean then vampire? Is your intention to try and stab us in the back when we least expect it and why did you just threaten us?"

Petra is sceptical on the guy's honesty, can't say I blame her, this situation is slightly odd.

"No no... my intention is to give you powerful adventures' a reward for completing the dungeon! That threat to refill the room was just a bluff anyway, it's impossible when living souls reside in the room. I was just getting a little impatient"

He sounds genuine but then again, I'm pretty naïve, Petra isn't.

"Don't try and take us for fools' vampire. You try anything, we will turn you to ash"

"Honestly, I mean you no harm! Look, the reward is on the last floor, I'll even guide you if you think I'm planning to ambush you, even aim your weapons at me if you're worried about anything"

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt then, lead us"

As much as I like Petra, she does have a slight bossy side to her. It's clearly needed though; I may be the party leader but I'm inexperienced as fuck and the other two of the party really are not meant for leading in the slightest. Thankfully, she seems kind all the other times though.

"Then follow me"

As we're following the vampire, I can't help but get curious on some things.

"How the hell do you even survive down here? You can't exactly drink blood to survive, can you?"

The leading vampire gives a little chuckle to my question, Petra doesn't look best pleased though, think she's still unnerved by the guy.

"There are two doors that lead to my quarters on the next floor and blood isn't a requirement I've needed for a long time, you stop getting cravings after a few years or so, you lot cannot access them since I'd rather people not see my belongings"

"Something to hide, vampire?"

Petra clearly has a strong distrust of vampires; I'm surprised she was happy to avoid combat if this is the case. Maybe I'll find out the reason some day, maybe not.

"I'm not proud to admit it but when you spend hundreds of years in solitude, you tend to ignore basic cleaning. I'd rather not have to share that embarrassment if that's okay, I will open it if you insist though"

Petra isn't pressing him any further now.

As we're walking, the vampire lifts out his arm and a door opens on command, this clearly looks the way to the next level. A memory of Leone has just come up though, something she said about dungeon masters and systems have come to mind.

"How did you just do that? Do you also have a system?"

"A system? What is that?"

He doesn't know what a system is? How does he run this place then? Do the dead just refill themselves or is it some bullshit like magic?

"You control a hundred floors of this place, right? How do you do it?"

"I don't have full control except when refilling the souls that fill the undead hosts, that I can do all within my mind when I'm inside the dungeon though. I'm unsure what you mean by system"

So, does he have a system or not then? It sounds like he might have one related to dungeon management or something.

"Ikarus, might not want to question it too much, it's different to ours"

Petra definitely seems calmer now. As for the other two-party members, I guess Charlotte still probably holds some distain to him and Nathan hasn't got a clue what to think.

"How do you know that?"

"He isn't the first dungeon master I've spoken to, our RP system is very, very different. You won't be able to make sense of what he's saying and I never could make sense of it either, you'll just frustrate yourself. Unless that's what you're looking for"

She smiled while finishing that statement, what the hell does she mean by that?

"My apologies but I'm unsure on how to answer, I still don't know what a system is"

(Ikarus) "Just forget what I said"

Well, anyway, it's onto the last level of the dungeon, it's time for a reward. Or a boss fight or even an ambush if this guy is speaking shit.

Okay, this does look slightly promising though...

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