Chapter 4 – Hunting
Chapter 4 – Hunting
"Once upon a time, there was three evil dragons and a lovely bird who all lived in a cave together. The three dragons all got on well but liked to bully the bir-"
<Ikarus! Stop telling lies to Minos>
I was going to tell him a fairy-tale since he seems to like me telling him stories but might have forgotten how it went. Trying to be a good sibling sometimes backfires, I guess.
All four of us are currently chilling in the cave right now, well I was chilling till I just got told off for no good reason.
Since the last update, I've mostly learnt how to fly and have levelled up twice again, I say mostly since I still don't like doing it.
[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 5]
[Health 1,000/1,000]
[Stamina 735/1000]
[Magicka 500/500]
I'm not proud to admit there was no strategy behind me distributing my points. I saw a chance to round out my stats and took it, okay? Look at all them zeros!
Still like usual, don't have any powers, magic or special abilities. System is still a basic bitch.
[<-User is an idiot->]
You can read these thoughts as well now?
Don't get distracted Ikarus, continue the update.
I've definitely gotten a lot bigger as well, reckon I'm the size of a young elephant now. Minos has gotten a tiny bit bigger but I don't think his growth will be nearly as quick as mine.
Ah, I also forgot something about dragon growth. Remember when I got told that strength determines the size of the dragon? That's only partially true. A dragon will grow to a certain size even if it is weak, just that it can't grow any bigger without getting stronger. Well, it's not really strength though, it's just that sweet EXP.
Apparently. father is above average in dragon size and mother's size obviously isn't comparable to anything. Even though I still can't stand this bird body, my reincarnation has been a lot more bearable considering I basically have beings as powerful as gods for parents.
After these thoughts, I wonder if Minos's level had stayed the same while he was getting bigger, no reason why it shouldn't be any different.
[Name: Minos | Species: Dragon | Level: 6]
[Health 600/600]
[Stamina 452/500]
[Magicka 400/400]
'How the hell is this fair, system? He's levelled up without killing anything'
He's somehow managed to level up passively, this system doesn't seem to know anything.
[<G.A.P agrees with -user-. Target -Minos- should not be able to level without EXP>]
Even the system is agreeing with me this time.
'System, is there any way of levelling up without killing?'
'So, to confirm. You cannot level up without killing other living creatures, right?'
'That little shit!'
I thought my brother was cute and innocent but he's been living his own little secret life. He must have been sneaking out while we were all sleeping.
I'm going to snitch, thankfully, both our parents are both here right now. Damn it, I have to get up though, there that side of the cave and I'm all the way over here. Ah screw it, it's worth it.
Once my lazy self can be bothered to get up out of the nest and traverse the enormous distance going through fire and hell itself to get to the other side of the cave near the entrance, I can finally be a little snitch.
"Mother and father… have you been hunting with Minos yet?"
<No little one>
<We haven't Ikarus. Why?>
"Remember that box I told you about? It's telling me he's been out hunting"
Immediately, a look of guilt appears on the young dragon's face. I was right, I've caught him here.
<Littlest one?>
<Minos? Is this true>
That was the saddest cu I've ever heard. I regret snitching now. My poor little brother, I'm such a bitch.
<Well done my lit-> <Minos! You kno->
Both parents speak at the same time and realize they have differing opinions on this.
<Darling, you know how dangerous the world can be. If he wants to hunt, then we should encourage him>
<That doesn't mean it's okay to for him to sneak out Dermak>
This sounds like it might lead to an argument, I'm not getting involved.
<I didn't say that. It just makes sense for both of them to learn to hunt as early as possible>
<They're not old enough yet!>
<They're capable enough, you underestimate our children. And it's not like we'll leave them alone>
<Dermak, I still don't think it's a good ide->
I left to sleep back at the nest at this point. Got tired of hearing them argue, wasn't really an argument but still. Minos followed me over as well.
While back in the nest, I had to get something of my chest, or breast.
"Sorry I told on you Minos"
I think that was him saying it's alright.
Thinking about it, I don't regret snitching that much though. Can't afford having my younger brother getting eaten by a wolf or a tiger or whatever dangers exist out there, still don't like seeing him sad though.
"Minos, if you sneak out again, I'll will kick you"
I say this because I know his stamina in the status screen is high. He has more than enough energy left to go and fly about tonight.
Another sad cu, you breaka my heart brother!
With that, we both go to sleep.
<Me and your father have decided that, starting today, we're going to teach you how to hunt>
<We'll both take you out separately to teach you how to hunt, little ones>
Hang on, did father win that argument last night? I almost feel proud for him.
"Okay then"
Surprisingly enough, I'm down for learning to hunt. After the wolf incident, I may hold a slight grudge towards them. And besides, I'm much bigger than a little wolf now, I'll just kick it to death! Minos seems extremely happy as well.
<I'm surprised you're interested little one. You're normally fearful to anything new>
<Your father has a point>
Both my parents have no belief in me, this sucks.
"Believe it or not, I'm not actually fearful of that much. Just heights"
<I doubt that>
<Ikarus, you don't have act strong>
I'm sulking now. I'm not sure how a bright orange bird looks like sulking though.
"Are you two done putting me down or can we go yet?"
We then all go towards the cave entrance together but before we set off, our parents need to ask something.
<Since we're about to leave, who's back do each of you want to ride on?>
<We don't want you to use up all your energy flying over there, little ones>
"Dibs on mother"
I give a cold glare towards father while Minos looks at mother. I'm not getting picked up by him voluntarily cause every time he picks me up, he purposely drops me. I don't care if it's taught me how to fly.
He looks sad that both his children have betrayed him though.
In the end, it was agreed that Minos would go with father and I would go with mother. Brother didn't seem to care that much, just that his preference was slightly mother. My preference in one hundred percent mother, that other dragon can step on a lego for all I care. Actually, that's way too harsh.
While mother is flying, I have to try not looking down during the flight, still unsure on heights. I only fly when I have to.
As for the forest we're flying above, it's gigantic. Wide, tall trees are all below us in every direction. Pine trees perhaps? The forest isn't that dense so you can still see the ground most of the time.
Can't forget the wolf that mother picked up on the way to. Since I'm on her back, I can just hear a growl every now and then.
<Found it>
A large sinkhole can be seen below us, obviously what mother was looking for.
<Ikarus, I'm going to put you and the wolf in the sinkhole together. If it gets too much to handle, I'll be watching and ready to help anytime>
"You worry too much mother"
<It's my job to worry but I like your confidence>
Still holding the wolf, she flies lowering herself to the ground so I can jump off. Then, once I'm off and ready, she also puts the wolf down and flies to the edge of the sinkhole.
The wolf once on the ground tries to flee from the situation it's found itself in.
The wolf keeps running around the sinkhole looking for a way out but it can't since it's unable to climb out and escape. Strangely enough, I feel no fear at all. Being a big beefy bird actually gives me some confidence here. Definitely having sharp claw talons to kick with as well helps even more.
[Name: _____ | Species: Wolf | Level: 11]
[Health 563/575]
[Stamina 211/250]
[Magicka 0/0]
'System, why is it's numbers so low compared to mine?'
I ask this because I've never actually had the chance to see the status on a wolf before, the bar always gets blocked by a massive dragon holding it down.
[<Wolfs have 0.75x distribution points>]
'Wait a second, does that mean I'm secretly overpowered!?'
[<-User- needs to stop being stupid. Phoenix species have higher numbers than wolf species>]
I'm even more confident now knowing that my numbers are bigger than his, who even cares about the stupid level anyway?
Then, a dumb idea I want to do comes to mind.
"Hehehe… In the left corner, weighing two hundred and forty-one pounds, the reigning heavyweight champion of the world, Ikarus!"
I definitely weigh more than that but I can't help that, alright?
<Ikarus! This isn't the time to muck about!>
The wolf finally realizing it's got nowhere to run from the terrifying dragon and the stupid orange bird decides now to fight.
It charges towards me and as I wait for it to be in kicking range.
I kick it with a little of my strength throwing the trapped beast off to my side.
"And the champion Ikarus strikes first kicking the wolf away to the side but wait! The wolf still has some bite left in him!"
As I'm narrating my own fight, the wolf being kicked to the ground tries to get itself backup but struggles.
Since I think I've got a second, I want to check something.
[Name: _____ | Species: Wolf | Level: 11]
[Health 329/575]
[Stamina 200/250]
[Magicka 0/0]
I wanted to check how much damage my kick did but stopping to check in the middle of a fight is idiotic.
'That di-'
Before I knew it, the wolf is jumping at one of my sides.
The bastard got a bite out of one my wings. Thankfully, it doesn't draw blood and only plucks some feathers out but it still hurt.
<Ikarus! Focus!>
Then in an over dramatic way, I decide I'm done messing about with it.
This time, I charge at the wolf and give him a brutal kick to the head. Once he's down on the ground, I don't stop though.
"The referee is trying to stop the fight but Ikarus just won't stop kicking the stupid wolf on the ground. That bite clearly pissed her off!"
I'm kicking and kicking the poor beast that just bit me over and over on the ground. Not sure for how long but it clearly died a while ago.
After I'm finally done pummelling the dead beast, I realize I might have got carried away.
'Bet my karma rating just went down a hundred points'
[<G.A.P is confused>]
'Argghhh. No-one gets my references in this stupid world'
[<-User is being stupid once more>]
'Shut up system'
<Erm… Ikarus, what was that?>
Ah, right, mother just saw that. I definitely got carried away, there's no way we can eat that wolf after how much I just kicked it now. Didn't realize I had that side to me.
"A mix of fighting, kickboxing and honestly… I have no idea. Can you find me another wolf please? I'll do it properly next time"
While mother has gone, I want to see just how much damage that bite did. It's not that bad but my wing does hurt a little.
[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 5]
[Health 976/1,000]
[Stamina 861/1,000]
[Magicka 500/500]
'Only twenty-four? That hurt way more than that'
[<User is too sensitive>]
'Can you just not, system?'
Whatever, at the very least, it's good to know that even with my level being low, I can rely on my body a lot. Just have to keep kicking.
"Urgh, this is making me sick"
<Focus Ikarus, look around for prey>
"There's trees in the way"
I'm currently on mothers back looking around for any animals to attack which is proving fruitless since we're flying above the tree line and my eyes aren't as good as a dragon. I could fly lower myself than the trees but I'd rather use mother.
As for why we are away from the sinkhole, after my second kill, mother quickly realized I needed more of a challenge than torturing a poor little wolf. I would agree except the next challenge involves flying.
<Over there!>
A large grey wolf can be just about seen running through the forest, obviously trying to get away from the huge monster flying in the sky.
<Ikarus, fly down and get it>
"Do I have to?"
<Ikarus! Do it!>
I still don't like flying and gliding but I'll do it since it's for dinner, wolfs don't taste great but it's better than starving.
Jumping off mothers back, I open my wings up and glide towards the fleeing creature. I quickly get below the trees canopy and have eyes upon the wolf.
Gliding through the air, I'm like a predator tracking its prey. I can also avoid the trees quite easily since the forest isn't all that dense.
'Do I land before killing it?'
I'm unsure because I think both my parents just swipe picking up the animal without having to land. I don't think my beak is strong and big enough to do that though.
'Oh crap, how do I land again?'
I'm still gliding getting closer to the wolf and the ground. Still got to watch out for the trees as well.
'Ah screw it, I'll use the wolf for the landing'
After that thought, I crash on top of the wolf crushing it under my weight, that must have killed it. It's definitely still edible though but it might be a little tenderized.
I shake myself trying to get all the leaves and dirt off me from the ground, the impact didn't hurt but it's definitely got me a bit messy since I kind of rolled a little after landing on the poor beast.
<Well done on your first flying kill Ikarus!>
Mother flies down to congratulate me on a job well done but I'm visibly annoyed about something.
"Ikarus you idiot! I should have used my claws to pick it up while flying like an eagle catching a mouse. That would have looked so badass!"
<You can be quite strange sometimes>
"Hmph. I won't deny it but I'm not agreeing with you either"
<We can finish up for today but before we go back, you definitely need a clea->
I haven't got a problem with having a clean, I've got a problem with how dragons clean themselves and their offspring. Think of how a mother cat cleans its kittens. Yeah, it's disgusting.
<I can't bring you back home looking like that, can I Ikarus?>
"If you can find a body of water, then I'll happily take a bath"@@novelbin@@
Thankfully, mother did know where a small pond of water was so I got cleaned up there. Had to ride all the way back on mother back since water makes it difficult to fly, it doesn't but I'll just keep telling myself that so I have an excuse to be lazy.
Back at the cave, we enter back into the cave where we see father and Minos have already returned with some of their dead prey.
<You two are finally back. Littlest one caught half of these by himself>
If it isn't obvious yet, father calls me little one and Minos littlest one. He really is terrible with names.
"I love you brother but sometimes, I really want to punch you"
<He's a natural born hunter little one. No need to be jealous>
Me and mother have only brought a couple of wolfs back. They have brought back several goats, several wolfs, a few rabbits and a black panther.
What do you think?
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