Chapter Epilogue 9 – Unrepeatable
Chapter Epilogue 9 – Unrepeatable
(Orb of Fire) <Welcome back, designation… Aesa. How have things been recently? Enjoying the vacation?>
A return to the lifeless void, the place Aesa has been countless before with just the lonesome creator Ikarus once described as ‘beauty capable of turning herself straight’. Unlike the norm, Aesa was invited to this meeting rather than forced. It’s still isn’t great but Aesa can at least stomach a certain amount of decency.
Moving towards the floating orb, Aesa can’t help but think it looks like one of Ikarus’s nuclear orbs, only bigger and paler in comparison. Distractions must be put aside for now though.
[<Greetings… creator already understands Aesa didn’t go on holiday and body is still located within the settlement. There is no such thing as a vacation when it comes to cultists>]
The one thing Aesa has never been is dense. Sometime wife and Ikarus need their own time together because Aesa knows she can be a third wheel. If they ask, Aesa will come along, but if not, Aesa can always love wife from the sidelines. Perks of having a clone and Ikarus’s mind, Aesa guesses.
<Please ignore my ignorance, this one has been distracted by punishment duties recently. The first phoenix still keeps trying to offer bribes and other amenities, a demonic consequence of what he turned himself into>
[<Aesa already knows the circumstances behind that… this creator has gotten Aesa slightly curious on the other living demon though. How is the demonic dickhead holding up?>]
<You refer to Asmodeus with Hestia? From what I gather, there is a load of arguing and infighting, then making up, in the carnal sense. This one stopped watching over them because there is only so many ways two dragons can find differing positions>
[<Aesa isn’t surprised… boredom can lead to mind going astray>]
Due to the way Aesa’s consciousness has been created, this is one of those things Aesa isn’t allowed to tell Ikarus. This time around not being down to the creators involvement, rather just the contract that was made with the Underworld Gods. The less souls know about Asmodeus’s ‘prison’, the better.
<Now, small talk aside, I ask for your opinion on something important. Hypothetically, let’s say your user were to come into knowledge regarding another prophecy, accidentally or on purpose. How do you think she would react?>
This… takes Aesa back slightly from what was a casual conversation beforehand.
[<Aesa needs more to go off than that. What prophecy is being referred to?>]
<Death, destruction, insanity, world ending… the usual. How would you think she would react hearing something big, like being foretold your own death? Would she react in haste? Become overly paranoid and or fixated? Or would she irresponsibly disregard it?>
Despite not sensing any ill-intent from this creator, Aesa isn’t really sure how to respond to this. This doesn’t mean the powers at be wouldn’t be willing to enact another prophecy just for curiosity purposes, they strive for peace but chaos always reigns supreme. It’s probably why Ikarus was invited here in the first place.
[<If the powers that be are meddling again, please note that Ikarus learns from mistakes of the past. If you really think she’ll make a mistake that huge, you may find yourselves finding an enemy you cannot contain. Aesa recommends you don’t toy with her>]
Despite not displaying any human emotion, Aesa can tell the creator is also taken back by Aesa’s honesty. Everything that was said is completely true, Ikarus lacks in some areas, but she is far from being stupid. Five years or peace or not… she will destroy anyone who dares stand in the way of her peace.
<Excellent… Aesa. This wasn’t a test per say nor did this one have any involvement, it was just more morbid curiosity from the others more than anything else…>
The words are needed to be said but Aesa still can’t help but feel uncomfortable if they start trying to mess with Ikarus. We’ve already gone through enough for a lifetime, just let us have a thousand years or so before the world goes into turmoil once more.
<Anyone with a speck of intelligence knows prophecies can be interpreted countless different ways regardless. Whether it be foretold death or destruction, everything comes to an end eventually. It’s just that so many refuse to see there’s no such thing as black and white…>
“So… we’re in agreement, Petra? This matter is settled?”
“Heh, of course, Ikarus. There’s nothing to argue about”
The sun has already settled in this famous park and the witch that relayed the terrible news to us left long ago, both of us have just been discussing what was foretold.
By the sounds of it, I guess Brooks someday will kill the both of us. Our kid is going to do the same thing that happened with Zeus and the other Gods. It’s shocking… but not all that surprising considering history likes to repeat itself over and over again. Basic human nature at its finest.
That’s if we choose to believe it though.
“So, it’s decided. We do absolutely nothing with that knowledge and forget we were ever told it. Your memory is already trash so you’re golden”
“Heh, just for that, Ikarus, you’re the bottom tonight”
“I’m always the freaking bottom! A-Ahem, just forget it… stupid loving wife”
Whether or not we think that woman is lying or telling the truth, this story has been told a thousand times before. Oppressive parents lead to oppressed child resenting them and in the case of Greek myth, extreme paranoia and cannibalism apparently. There is a lesson to be learnt here, we’re not going to fall into the same trap.
Whether or not we’re good parents is irrelevant, the one thing both of us would do is take a bullet for Brooks if it came down to it. Hopefully, we never have to, but if our future is set and he kills us, then are what we to do? Aren’t parents supposed to put their kids first anyway? Like I said, I’m not trying to become a sacrifice, that spoilt brat kinda puts things in perspective. Damned unconditional love!
“Heh, who knows Ikarus, maybe someday he’ll want the islands and we can go retire ourselves. That would be fun”
“Yeah, power is overrated anyways, let’s hope he does turn into a power-hungry fanatic! We’ve spoiled him enough so he’ll definitely pick up some bad habits down the road”
Both of us giggle as I can just imagine it, Brooks as an adult addressing a crowd of thousands chanting supreme leader! But wait, is he the king or queen? Heh, we did catch him crossdressing once. Thinking about it, teasing will probably be death of us.
‘Okay… I change my mind; he’s staying young forever! He looks creepy as an adult’
Ah right, I never mentioned why he’s currently not with us and has Eve babysitting him… even if he already knows how to take care of himself so she’s not needed. The both of us just thought this might be overwhelming for his first trip to Earth so that’s the main reason really. Besides, I know what hotels Petra’s been looking at on my phone…
“Heh… we should probably get a move on. It’s late and I’m betting you’re hungry”
“*Stomach growling*… great, looks like you’ve woken him up now!”
Still seated on the bench together, my stomach has to butt in and tell Petra she’s right. Who knows, maybe we can find that famous tavern place around here, find some world class Italian restaurant, or even grab one a slice of pizza. This city is our oyster and we can do whatever we like!
“Fancy something unhealthy, Petra? I’m in the mood for something fried…”
Unbeknown to the lovebirds, the bluebirds were having an exciting time but for all the wrong reasons…
“T-This is h-horrible! L-Let m-me d-down!”
“Uh huh… t-think I’m g-going to be s-sick”
Seeing the head of a gigantic snake, the curious prince wanted to visit the beast, only to be stuck in a cue for long over an hour. When they finally reached the end of the line, they were seated in what is called a ‘roller coaster’. Strapped in, they took a long cart ride up, then went hurtling down through the head of the snake at lightning speed…
After enjoying a delicious meal together, we head back to Zeki’s abode and talk during the long ride up the lift. However, I’m purposely trying to ignore the fact I’m starting to steam as we make our way up the countless number of floors…
“Heh, just let it go, Ikarus. You still enjoyed it, right?”
“Petra… I just can’t! That meal was an insult to the nation of my birth!”
In the end, we settled for an English style pub and my meal in particular let me down massively. The fish was battered and done nicely; that’s not the problem. Who in the hell serves thin French fries with fried fish!? The chips are supposed to be fat, chunky and fried! And don’t even get me started on what this country call gravy, it’s not even the same colour! I wanted to go Northern style, but that stuff is not gravy!
I may be pouting, but it’s not because the meal was bad, it honestly was great. It just feels like I’m betraying my roots…
Stupidity aside, the lift finally opens up… and we see something that destroys my annoyance n a heartbeat.
“Petra… am I awake? Don’t you dare pinch me because I know I am!”
“Heh, I’m seeing it too, Ikarus. It really is quite a sight”
Ahead of us like something only a parental figure and a daughter would do, Zeki is having a tea party with his butler! I’m not freaking kidding; they’ve set out fancy china and he’s even wearing a dress! Zeki must be hating life right now with the torment this butler is putting him through… this butler is one of us!
“Erk… if any of you mention this to the cow, I promise you’ll never see me again. She cannot know”
“Come on now, Mistress Ezekial. I’ve told you before it’s rude to set nicknames like that”
“Erk, just bite me, damned butler! Ria doesn’t care what I call her… it’s a thing the both of us have”
“Regardless Mistress, this isn’t the way I raised you. Live for others and show affection through kind deeds”
“Erk… shove it up your ass”
Me and Petra just stare and smile at Mistress Obnoxious, all the while he just continues to sip his tea while having a scrunched-up face only Zeki is able to pull off. He’s so angry, yet, if he really hated this, he’d be yeeting himself out the window in a instant.
“Erm… Zeki? You normally wear things like this?”
“Heh, look at your hair as well. It’s really cute”
Seeing Zeki visibly start to fume and turn red, we may be poking a hornet’s nest, but who cares! This is torture for him but happiness for us!
“Erk, you two shut up as well! This idiot always has the temperature in this place too hot and he’s got a weird fetish for hair styling!”
‘Oh Zeki… your lies won’t work on us’
“Mistress Ezekial, you seem to have forgotten you picked that dress yourself. You also know I haven’t styled your hair since the age of five”
“Erk, learn when to s-shut up, moron!”
Me and Petra just continue to stare on, full of smiles at the fact Zeki is the biggest tsundere in the entire universe. I always knew deep down he’s into this sort of stuff, just he’ll never admit to it. The fact his butler is happy to put Zeki in the same sort of situation we do just warms my cruel and bitter heart.
And then, to add even more salt onto Zeki’s wounds, the lift opens back up again.
(Ariza) “…Uh huh, that ride was scary- uhhh. Hey Zeki… having fun?”
(Prince) “Woah… Zeki’s really red, huh?”
“Erk, stop letting people up here, butler! Are you trying to make me insane!?”
“I’m not going to leave your friends waiting downstairs, am I, Mistress Ezekial? I fail to see the reason why they can’t join us for tea. I’ll make another batch if you all want some”
And of course, the bluebirds join us to witness Zeki’s misery. This day keeps getting better and better, who cares if our boy may or may not kills us? We’ve already experienced all that life has to offer.
Not needing any response, we all take a seat around the table, the butler goes to fill up the kettle and we just continue to smile at Mr Tsundere. It’s just a shame Prince is too kind hearted to understand why Zeki must suffer. Like usual, he’s in his own little world, gazing around the room.
“Heh, guess you didn’t see your honeymoon going his way, did you Ariza?”
“Uh huh, Petra. This comes close to being as good as the wedding!”
Eyes locked towards Zeki who’s even drinking the cup with his pinky out, I just can’t focus on anything else for now.
“Oi kid… out of curiosity, how do you take your tea?”
Instead of answering, I just get a face of pure anger from Zeki, I’m not sure why he’s now angry, but this is important information! Remember, the land I come from is famous for tea… I need to know this butler is doing our nation proud.
Thankfully, the butler is willing to answer for Zeki as he continues to brew as hot as that kettle in the kitchen.
“Five sugars with exactly an inch of full fat milk, obviously consumed with the tea bag removed from the cup because we aren’t barbarians”
‘Okay, I’m not into dudes, but if I was, Zeki’s butler would be at the top of the list. I don’t even like tea that much, it’s just tea should never be drunk with the bag inside the cup!’
“Hey, I only have four in mine! Zeki really likes sweet tea, huh!”
From Prince pointing that out, the table thumps as Zeki literally bangs his head on the table. Maybe we should call it quits now… or not.
‘This is shaping up to be a nice holiday… and it looks like the next batch is done. Who needs a traditional honeymoon anyways when tea with Ezekial is proving to be such a delight…’
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