Reincarnated as Shino from Naruto but I’m a Girl?

68. Bonus Chapter! Hotblooded Youth Hot Spring! (M+)


Lots and lots of gay stuff


“Are you sure this is okay, Shino-chan?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Would you suspect a thing? And hey, remember, it’s Shino-kun right now.”

“That’s right! My bad, dattebayo!”

“What a drag. Shino-kun, you still haven’t explained why you need to be here in disguise.”

“What’s the problem, Shikamaru-kun? We’re here to relax! Relax!”

“That’s the spirit, Choji-kun,” I say, “But, for the record, this Suna-Konoha bonding exercise is staying under the radar, so I have to be present to take responsibility for anything that happens.”

“Hmph. Choji-kun is only here because you promised barbecue afterward. What I really don’t get is why the rest of you decided to play along,” Shikamaru says, eyeing the other participants.

It’s the day after bringing Tayuya into the fold, and I’m yet again exhausted from paperwork. After careful consideration, I decided to bribe extend an invitation to as many virile young Genin as possible to obfuscate my true objective (which should be obvious enough). The method of my madness: the Konoha Hotsprings!

If it worked twice, why not come back for thirds?!?

My current form is a Transformation into the original Shino from the Anime so I can get into the men’s baths, though everyone here just thinks I have a good imagination.

“I need to understand the source of Naruto-kun’s strength,” Gaara says with a leer at the blond ninja in question. He’s looking better (and presumably more sane) after a good night’s sleep. Either he’s ignoring Shukaku’s attempts to keep him sleep-deprived, or the One-Tailed Beast is mellowing out after that last beat-down at Naruto’s hands.

“Where my bro goes, I go,” Kankuro announces. It turns out he’s not such a bad guy once you get to know him, and the fact he’s a saintly artist making prosthetic puppet sex toys doesn’t hurt either.

“I also intend to observe. The fact Shino-kun and Naruto-kun won their fights, yet I lost, is forcing me to reconsider some things,” Neji says. I almost left him out but changed my mind at the last second. Post-time-skip Neji isn’t so bad. Maybe we can fast-track him to a better attitude.

“A hot bath promotes circulation and reduces recovery time after a workout. This is also part of getting stronger. If I’m going to bathe anyway, I may as well come along with this idiot,” Sasuke justifies himself for tagging along.

In other words, they’re all here for Naruto, which is the only reason I was able to make this happen.

The blond ninja just laughs gleefully to himself as he and Sasuke walk suspiciously close together without touching or making eye contact. I happen to have had an insect track Sasuke to Naruto’s apartment last night. They’re definitely fucking on the regular even if they’re not official boyfriends yet.

Kiba bumps shoulders with me and says, “Are you sure it’ll be alright, Shino-chan?”

“Remember, it’s Shino-kun.” Both Kiba and Naruto are numbskulls. “It’s fine. I’ll transform back once the mists are thick enough and everyone is distracted.”

The only person we’re sadly missing is Lee, who couldn’t come due to his injuries. I could’ve snuck him out of the hospital, but didn’t want to exacerbate his wounds. I’ll be sure to make it up to him later!

All nine of us enter the adult section of the men’s bath. There are young guys, fat dudes, and grandpas, and I’m not interested in any of them.

Yeah, my bisexuality is extremely limited in scope.

We find an out-of-the-way corner to relax where nobody will bother us and sink ourselves into the hot water. Nice, this feels great. Everybody loves baths!

I release my Pheromones, intent on causing mischief.

Kiba notices immediately and gives me the desperate look of a drowning man. I reassure him by reverting my Transformation, my tits reappearing beneath the surface to avoid attention. He sighs with relief, heterosexuality secure, and sidles beneath me to rub his erection against my mons while we watch the ‘magic’ happen.

It starts faster than I thought as my Pheromones seep into the water and travel through the steam to spread throughout the springs. Chalk it up to the male libido, I guess. But it also manifests in a different way than I expected.

Guys from every age and walk of life start grabbing each other—and by that, I mean wrestling: arm wrestling, horseplay, noogies, thumb wrestling, slap flights, amateur sumo, and a dozen other stupid bro games.

Some guys resist…

“Shikamaru-kun, let’s Sumo!!!”

“Not against you, Choji-kun. No way.”

Others are withdrawn…

Kankuro tries to play it cool, but I’m pretty sure without even using the Byakugan that he’s touching himself underwater.

While most give in…

“Naruto-kun, on your feet, let’s spar!” Neji says, intent on answering the question of how a match between them would’ve ended.

“Naruto-kun, it’s time for us to settle this,” Sasuke says with a put-upon emo expression that says he’s being dragged into something he wants no part of but can’t escape due to his honor or some other bullshit.@@novelbin@@

“Naruto-kun, show me your strength once more,” Gaara says as if demanding a rematch.

Wow, he sure is popular!

“Sure! Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

So, he’s splitting himself to satisfy everyone, huh?

Neji and Gaara both start pummeling Shadow Clones that Naruto continually replenishes. In the meantime, the fight with Sasuke quickly devolves into wresting, which devolves further as a Pheromone-horny Sasuke drags his Naruto into the water where he gets ‘pinned’ and starts grinding his naked ass against the clone’s crotch.

Neji is the first to notice what’s going on under the surface due to his Byakugan, as evidenced by his blush, but he doesn’t call them out. Gaara has good battlefield awareness, confusion crossing his features as he bats aside naked clone after clone without verbally challenging them either.

That’s around the time the Hotblooded Hot Springs gets taken to the next level. Things quickly escalate from ‘bro’s just being bro’s’ to full-on ‘no homo, but…’ real fast. Hands begin to wander. The ‘wrestling’ moves descend below the belt. Headlocks and holds overstay their usual welcome. It’s a slippery slope from there.

Shadow Clones overwhelm both Neji, Gaara, and Sasuke, though I don’t think any of them were putting up much resistance at this point. The scene becomes a tangle of limbs, butts, and balls as the young men cross the line, passing the point of no return that turns ‘wrestling’ into ‘foreplay.’

‘Holds’ become fondling. Punches become caresses. Legs intertwine by ‘accident.’ Then Gaara kisses one of the clones, and the jig is up. Sasuke doesn’t tolerate that for a second and immediately grabs a Naruto to start making out with. Neji isn’t far behind either as three young men and a clone army start their auditions for softcore gay porn.

“Fuck this is gay as shit,” Kiba says while rubbing his cock between my labial folds, “You said there’d be barbecue after this, right?”

I nod helplessly, wishing I’d thought to bring a sleep mask so I could catch a nap while waiting for this to shake out.

“Shikamaru-kun, what the fuck is going on?”

“I have no damn clue, Choji-kun.”

Kankuro is sitting there in the water masturbating furiously as his brother is about to get gangbanged by half a dozen blond bucks.

Because this all started as a brawl and Naruto was involved, there are way more clones than there is exposed skin to play with on Sasuke, Neji, and Gaara combined, so, naturally, the superfluous Naruto’s wander over to us.

“Hey… Naruto-kun, you seem… happy to see us,” Kiba deadpans, referring to the hardon the Naruto clones are sporting. The Inuzuka scion’s gaze can’t help falling on the array of erections before him that each make his cavendish seem more like a manzano if you know what I’m talking about.

““Yeah! I’m having a great time, and so is everybody else, dattebayo!”” Oh, Deus, they speak in stereo. Sure enough, the Hotblooded Hot Springs have gone full-orgy. I won’t even begin to describe some of the stuff these random guys are getting into. ““You’re the only guys here not having fun… We’re friends, right? Is there anything I can do?””

This Naruto seems… different from the Anime, somehow. Obviously, the bisexual awakening had a major effect, but that can’t be all. I expected Naruto to be monogamous with Sasuke after the changes I made to the plot. This, though… I think there’s been a significant change to his character. I can’t quite put my finger on it yet, so I’d better keep a close eye on him from now on.

“Yeah, no. Only into girls.” Shikamaru says.

“Nope, just waiting for the barbecue,” Choji adds.

“We’re good, thanks,” Kiba replies without getting up.

The Naruto clones’ shoulders slump in disappointment. They seem more sad than blue-balled like I’d expect from the Pheromones in the air. Then they turn to me, ““What about you, Shino-chan? You’re a girl, so maybe you’d like to…?””

They each blush tomato-red like they’re asking me out on a date instead of propositioning me to join an orgy. It’d be cute if I were into guys. I’ve come a long way since I became Shino—if it were me from when I first reincarnated, my eyes would be bleeding with all the gay sex going around—but fundamentally my brain is hardwired to only fuck girls (and the occasional trap). “Kiba-kun notwithstanding, I prefer women, Naruto-kun. I’m only here to facilitate the mending of fences and treat you all to barbecue on the Aburame clan’s Ryo.”

The Naruto’s slap their palms with a fist to signify understanding as they each mentally make the connection. ““That’s right, you’re girlfriends with Sakura-chan, Hinata-chan, Ino-chan, and Tenten-chan!”” I guess there’s no keeping it secret after everything that happened recently. Shikamaru and Choji both give me dirty looks, making me glad I’m treating them to dinner tonight or else I’d fear being cursed to death. Then the Naruto’s assume the classic ‘Thinker’ pose as their brains go into overdrive. ““But what if I…””

A lightbulb seems to go on in their heads simultaneously as they use a familiar series of hand seals, ““Sexy Jutsu: Harem Style!””

Anyone who has seen the Anime knows the Sexy Jutsu. It’s a version of the Transformation technique that Naruto uses for comedic effect several times throughout the series, impersonating a naked female version of himself to taunt and tease his opponents. The figure is well put-together, the pieces pulled from various pinup magazines assembled with care to balance bodacious curves with girlish charm. The face is clearly based on Naruto’s reflection with the main features flipped from the male persona and the male characteristics softened to a youthful femininity. She has blond hair tied in twintails by hairbands, ‘whisker’ marks on the face, piercing crystal blue eyes, and C-cup breasts.

He could’ve simply copied the appearance of any woman he found attractive but, instead, he invented this entire alternate persona. Something to think about later.

““How about now?”” the female Naruto’s—the Naruko’s—ask while cocking their hips and winking seductively.

I’m on my feet in a flash, Kiba forgotten. Both dojutsu activated to maximize my efficiency, I grab a Naruko in my arms before anyone else can blink and Body Flicker a distance away so as to minimize the ambiance of gay sex. Behind me, my Byakugan watches Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, and Kankuro all stand to take one or more Naruko partners.

Then my focus falls solely on my Naruko.

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