Reincarnated as Shino from Naruto but I’m a Girl?

70. Introducing Naruko, Part 2

“One more shot in the dark,” I say to regain her attention, “Have you imagined ‘Naruko’ having sex with a woman… like Sakura-chan, for example?”

“I-I mean, w-what guy hasn’t fantasized about being a lesbian?”

Ooph. I feel like I’m tapping on a very thin eggshell. “Buddy, pal, friend, I’m not going to say that’s case-closed on its own but, um, that right there is a big flag. A real big flag.”


Naruto always was slow on the uptake, and it seems Naruko is no different.

“Have you thought about what happens tomorrow?” I ask as another apparent non-sequitur.

“What do you mean?”

That’s a no. I sigh. “Alright, think about what’s going on over there. I imagine the Naruto-kun’s are fucking some of the guys, and the Naruko-chan’s are getting railed by the others. Choji-kun is probably showing you his proficiency with the Partial Expansion Jutsu while Kiba-kun goes full Beast Mimicry mode on your ass.”

Her brow furrows as if hit by a wave of post-nut clarity, “Choji-kun and Kiba-kun? Did I really just Transform and throw myself at the fat guy and the dude who smells like wet dog?”

“Hey! Choji-kun is dedicated to his ninjutsu, and Kiba-kun is actually very sweet!” *Cough, not that I’ve sucked both their cocks or anything, Cough!* “Ahem.” After making sure the Pheromones are on full-throttle (the die has already been cast with those pairings, and I’m not leaving them hanging by cutting off the party-drugs partway through), I continue, “Don’t worry about that now; there’ll be time for self-reflection tomorrow. I want you to imagine for a second that things go great with everybody! You’re shocked by how much you enjoyed the sex, even with Kiba-kun and Choji-kun, and they had an amazing evening as well. Then some of the guys ask you out on a date! But they want you alone, not because they won’t share; rather, they just want some romantic privacy. What now?”

Naruko muddles through the scenario. “Well, if I have a bunch of baddies I need to beat, I just make a ton of Shadow Clones, and that usually does the job, dattebayo! Isn’t this the same? Can I go on a one-on-one date with everybody?” A frown interrupts her elation as she struggles with a new thought. “Hold on, wait, wouldn’t that be super complicated? There’d be too much going on to keep track of at once, right?”

I recall much later in the Anime, far into the distant future, Naruto is able to ‘network’ the clones and monitor them all at once. That isn’t what I’m interested in here.

“You don’t need to do that, though. It can be much simpler.”

“Eh? But if I’m meeting up with one person at one place and another somewhere else at the same time, I’m definitely going to get confused, dattebayo!”

Trying to explain what’s obvious to me is more difficult than I thought. Hmm, battle metaphor. Simple language. “When you summon a lot of clones and each attack someone at once from a bunch of angles; how do you coordinate them all at once?”

“Huh?” she cutely cocks her head to the side in confusion, tossing her bouncy twintails, “That’s easy. I—er, they all know what we’re doing and can see each other to keep from getting in each other’s way.”

“Alright. Multiple dates at once are like sending your clones to chase enemies that fled in multiple directions. Your clones are all ‘you,’ so depend on them to do the job right. No worries.”

“But how will I know how all my dates went?” A look of major conflict crosses her face, “How do I decide who to go with?”

I sigh again. “Naruko, you’re going on all the dates. There’s no decision to be made.”

“Hmmmm… I don’t get it.” She slumps in defeat when I break her brain.

It’s okay. Kakashi already figured out how to explain this to Naruto in the Shippuden Anime, and I can blatantly steal from that. “Let’s play a game. First, we both make clones.”

Body Double!

Naruko makes a copy of herself. (Yep, Shadow Clones can make Shadow Clones using the chakra they were invested with. It’s a totally busted and ridiculous jutsu that’s 100% canon.)

My Body Double points at one clone and says, “Let’s go over there!”

Naruko B and my Body Double disappear into the mist. Since my inferior version isn’t a complete mental copy of me, I gave it the following basic instructions. One, lead away a Naruko. Two, tell her that I’ll treat her to ramen for lunch tomorrow if the cloned Naruko kisses me and then disperses herself. Three, disperse itself. Step four, profit.

I’m not able to observe this myself, and I don’t get my Body Double’s memories, but I assume everything went to plan because, a few seconds later, Naruko pumps her fist in the air, “Woohoo! Ramen for lunch!” In the distance, I can hear the other Naruto’s and Naruko’s celebrating as well—much to the confusion of their sexual partners.

“Now, do you understand?”

Naruko looks at me then and blushes, remembering our kiss (or rather, her kissing my Body Double). “I think so. Okay, I know what my clone agreed to; I get that now. But what if I forget something and someone doesn’t get a clone that day and I miss a date!?!”

“Alright then, just don’t dispel your clones. All your partners get a dedicated Naruto-kun or Naruko-chan.”

She blinks at me, stunned. “I’ve never just left them lying around before. Um, won’t they—er, I run out of chakra eventually?”

“Not really. The key is that, when a clone is dispersed, its memories and chakra get spread throughout the network. As an aside, the two are intertwined because chakra is the product of combining physical and spiritual (mental) energies. It makes sense to me that if the remaining clones are getting the memories of the dispersed clone, they’re also getting a chakra infusion.”

“Please keep it simple, dattebayo. My head hurts.”

“Just have the original Naruto mold more chakra, make a fresh Shadow Clone, and disperse it immediately every few hours. You can tweak the scheduling details after some experimentation. Maybe you need breaks or a day to yourself every week, but that’s a doable compromise you can figure out.”

She shakes her head, needing one more push to get where I want her. “What if I get stretched too thin, though? Wouldn’t having that many boyfriends be way too much to keep track of?”

I’ve got this. “Naruko-chan, think about everything that happened in the past year. Isn’t that a lot? Isn’t that way too much to hold in your mind at once? But you only remember the important bits and you don’t feel overwhelmed when you look back. Now, one after another, think about only the things you did with Iruka-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke-kun, and Sakura-chan. You can do that, right?”

She nods.

“Exactly. When all your Shadow Clones are dispelled tonight, you’ll have had gay sex with three guys (two for the first time), and you’ll have lost your vaginal virginity four times.” I’m hopeful I’m about to get lucky, especially since she doesn’t object. “You’ll remember all those experiences separately even though they happened at the same time. Having relationships with multiple partners using your clones will be like living separate lifetimes all at once.

“Of course, there are limits. A hundred boyfriends would be too many and yes, you’d get diluted in that case. But we’re only talking about eight, including a Naruko for me. Plus one more for Lee-kun—it’s not fair to leave him out because he’s stuck in the hospital.” She glares at me. “If you’re fully satisfied after fucking our friends, if you remember this conversation tomorrow, and if you still want to go through with this, then don’t forget Lee. That’s all I ask. That’s still less than ten.”

“Hmm.” The fact she’s considering my words is a good sign. She gathers her determination. “‘The strongest ninja loves everyone.’ Yes, I can do this much. Eight boyfriends. Let’s try it.”


Oh, my Deus, that’s it! Somewhere along the line, my butterfly effect gave Naruto a new mantra to live by. I really did create a monster. But, as I said before, the die is cast.

“And one girlfriend. Namely me.”

Naruko rolls her eyes. “Okay, let’s say I’m interested. Maybe. If it’s all like you say when we head for the barbecue. But I’m not stupid, dattebayo—You said you have a cock, and I know you want to use it on me! I’ll admit you’re way sexier than I used to think for being the class bug nerd, but why should I let you take this virginity?” She gestures with both hands at her pussy with a smug expression. “Maybe all the guys back over there are way better…?”

Playing hard to get?

I send my Pheromones into overdrive and grab my tits, forming cleavage and making them do interesting things as my grasp acts like a brazier. “I dare you to say that again after trying my tongue~” I loll out an oral member far in excess of human limits. The Sharingan and Anko’s tutelage netted me Orochimaru’s Snake Tongue jutsu just recently.

Naruko’s eyes bulge, darting down to her loins as if imagining me inside her, and then return my gaze. “I-I’ve never stuck anything bigger than a finger in there, dattebayo…”

“Interested?” I tease. “I promise you I’ve trained it to the satisfaction of a dozen women.” My harem and Aburame clanmates were very enthusiastic with their approvals. “Remember, if you want to be my Naruko-chan, you won’t just be a girlfriend—you’ll be one of my harem girls. And we all love to play with one another… Do you remember Tenten-chan from the Chunin Exams? She has an impressive collection of toys. Then there’s Ino-chan, a few more girls you don’t know, and that quiet girl from class, Hinata-chan. She’s a world-class beauty for sure if you ask me. Oh, and Sakura-chan! We can’t forget her.”

Defying the impossible, Naruko’s eyes open even wider, “S-S-Sakura-chan??? If I’m your g-girlfriend, y-you’d let me…” *Gulp!* “Get with Sakura-chan, dattebayo?”

“Well,” I explain, “I’d never let Naruto-kun touch any of my girls; it’s a no-boys-allowed club. If Naruko-chan joins, it’s a bit of a loophole because she’s a woman, understand? If you pass the initiation and climb the hierarchy, you can have practically any of my girls every night!”

Heh, heh, heh, the trap is baited! Come into my parlor, said the spider to the Naruko-chan!

“But I’m still a guy, right?” Naruko looks down at herself in confusion. “The Transformation jutsu doesn’t change what’s inside.” Metaphorically speaking.

I shrug, seeing it’s true what they say. You have to crack a few eggs to make omurice. “You tell me. Literally nothing is stopping you from being 100% Naruko-chan all the time.” Naruto has enough chakra that holding the Transformation indefinitely wouldn’t be a problem. I’m not saying physical change is necessary—in my opinion, having a girl’s heart is what matters most—though being cute definitely doesn’t hurt if you’re trying to get into my bed!

“I like being Naruto-kun, though.”

“Okay. Do you also like being Naruko-chan?”@@novelbin@@


“Well, my friend, you are uniquely qualified to be any number of either gender at the same time. Enjoy.”

“I can be both, dattebayo? I can just be… both?”

The way they say it sounds like an earth-shattering revelation, though it’s not news to me. I figured out I could Transform back into a man a long time ago (though I repressed that knowledge for a while), and decided to stay as fem-Shino anyway. “Um, so, are you both right now, or just a girl?” I won’t presume.

She flounces her twintails and brightly replies, “I’m Naruko-chan, and I’m a girl!” Then her eyes narrow seductively at me, “If you’ll have me, I’d like to join your harem.”

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