Chapter 26: Camara’s First Hunt
Chapter 26: Camara's First Hunt
Another week flew by, with Rhefia drilling various stances and techniques into our daughter, as well as teaching her to use the bow.
Over that week, Camara had developed some muscle, her baby fats burning away as she put on a thin layer of taut muscle.
She was looking more like her dama with every passing day, and now...
Standing in front of me, my timid girl was bowing her head slightly, allowing me to kiss her brow.
She had shot up a few days ago, reaching the same height as Rhefia, meaning I needed to have her lean down to kiss her.
"Be careful now, alright Camara? Listen to your dama, and be safe! Promise me that!"
Gulping, Camara nodded, her muddy crimson eyes glistening slightly as she stared down at me.
Affectionately ruffling the hair between her budding antlers, I eventually let my daughter go, watching as she approached Rhefia.
Joining them, I glared up at my wife, raising a finger as I said "Don't force her to do something Rhefia! Keep our daughter safe alright!?"
I felt anxious about letting Camara go out and explore the world that even I had yet to see, but I had to trust my wife.
She smirked down at me, nodding.
"Of course love. Nothing will happen to her; not where we're going."
Seeing her confidence, I sighed in relief, only to yelp as she appeared before me, her hand dropping to my ass as she pulled me into her.
Slipping her tongue past my lips, Rhefia's fingers glided over my cunt, while her cock made itself known as it pressed against my pronounced bump.
Melting into her embrace, I kissed my wife back, enjoying her warmth.
When Camara let out an embarrassed cough, I pushed Rhefia away, blushing again.
I still lost myself easily to Rhefia's minty taste, which slowly became the only thing I could think about as she kissed me.
Coughing, I was beet red as I nodded to Camara, turning around and slipping back inside.
"We'll be back in an hour or two, Astra! Don't get to lonely now~"
Waving at them from the door, I watched as the two tall Deerkin vanished into the forest, leaving me alone.
Sighing, I went inside our house and sat down in my rocking chair, glancing down at my pregnant bump.
A small grin graced my features as I thought about having another child; I wasn't looking forwards to the pain obviously, but recalling all the fun I've had with Camara...
I think my heart was addicted to the rushes and warmth I got when I watched my daughter grow up, however seeing her still acting like the timid little girl who needed bedtime stories to fall asleep also made me so happy.
I have no idea what my previous self was like, but now...
Now I was thankful to the past me.
Without their idiocy, I would likely have never submitted so readily to Rhefia when she showed up; it would have likely been a give and take relationship, one of many fights.
This current me was more than happy to give Rhefia the reins; both for our daily lives and our sex life.
Really, really loved how she took the reins.
Shaking my head as I felt my snatch moisten, I got up with a groan, stepping outside again.
I don't think I could remain stationary, to with the worry running through my veins as I thought about Camara.
Sighing, I walked over to my workbench, browsing the various recipes that were available to me.
I needed to get some preparations done for when I eventually make my way out of this clearing.
A canteen, a pack, a club to harvest more from boulders...
Thinking that, I realized that I needed a way to tan and cure the pelts we got from our prey, making me turn towards the crafting station section of the workbench.
Seeing a 'Tanning Rack', I nodded to myself as I stared crafting it.
Placing it beside the bench as soon as it was ready, I grinned as some more recipes became available, with the main one being leather.
Turning some extra wolf pelts into leather, I then pursed my lips as I wondered about what I should make.
I could go with the pack and canteen now, but...
Well, seeing some leather armor available, I decided that, right now, making sure my daughter and wife were protected was of greater importance.
Sighing, I chuckled as I realized that, so far, my systems have been used entirely to support first Rhefia, both with her hunts and housing, as well as with making her feel better when she lay with me.
Then it was used to make sure Camara could have a good life, and I will continue to use it for that end.
Sitting on the steps, I waited for the armor to finish crafting, before wondering if they'll fit my two girls...
Shrugging, I slowly lost myself to thoughts about my next daughter, my mind fluttering between names and clothes for her; wondering if she would be a futa like her dama and older sister, or a pure woman like me.
Either way, I couldn't wait to meet her, just like I couldn't wait to meet Camara when she was still in my womb.
Getting the armor from the rack, I turned as I heard Rhefia's familiar laughter, while Camara's timid voice entered my ears.
"D-Dama! P-Please, don't..!"
Entering the clearing, I saw Rhefia hoisting a large wolf over her shoulders, while Camara carried their bows and spears.
Dropping the wolf before me, Rhefia slid behind me as she said "Get this, Camara here almost-"
Letting out a shout, Camara rushed forwards, her cheeks darker then usual as she tried to silence her dama.
However, Rhefia successfully dodged away, laughing as she said "Camara almost shot herself in the foot~! HAHA~!"
Barking with laughter, Rhefia continued to dodge our pouting daughter, who eventually let out a huff before approaching me.
Pulling her into an embrace, I stroked her long hair and whispered "There there... everyone makes mistake little one... and that's fine... it's how you learn from them that's important. Did you learn something?"
"Yea, that she needs to-"
Rhefia was still smirking, however, when I glared at her...
Well, she fell silent and gulped.
Turning back to my daughter, I continued to stroke her hair as she nodded, saying "I did... I know not to hold the bow like that anymore..."
Smiling gently at her, I said "Good. Now, go wash up. I'll have something for you to eat in a few moments..."
Nodding again, Camara reluctantly left my embrace and approached the pond, only to glance back and hesitantly ask "M-Mama... could I have some more milk?"
Still smiling, I nodded to her before glaring at Rhefia and entering our house.
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