Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 102: Dragon Meteor

Chapter 102: Dragon Meteor

Yesterday I had a wonderful date with Amy.

I'm sure with this our relationship has improved more.

I was in the hotel bed, next to me was Amy sleeping peacefully while Leila lay on the floor.

She was wearing a sheet so she had no problem with the cold.

I was more concerned about her drool flooding the floor though...

After Amy woke up we went to breakfast.

They brought us each a plate of scrambled eggs with bacon, orange juice and toast.

In Leila's case it was fried meat.

As Leila devoured her food, I said to Amy.

"What should we do today?"

"Tomorrow we have to go back to the empire."

"Umm, I'd like to stay here a little longer. But if you really want to leave..."

Again she broke out of her big sister character to become a whimsical little sister.

With her, Lily and Eli already have competition in wanting to be spoiled.

I replied with a smile.

"We'll be back in the morning."

She brightened up and said with a big smile.


"Yes. More important is my time with you than classes, I can tolerate nagging from them later."

Amy came over and hugged me.

"I'm really happy."

Her affectionate hug showed how much she wanted to spend time with me.

Me too, Amy is important to me.

"Hey, did you hear the news yesterday."

"Yeah. Someone's missing again."

"I'm starting to get scared, this might stop the customers from coming."

"They say they go near the forest and a monster devours them."

"This has never happened before. I hope someone puts an end to that monster."

There seems to be trouble, seriously, call the county knights who are the closest.

Problems with monsters must be solved as soon as possible.

Who knows what misfortunes they might cause.

Some unexpected people came to Weissland Village.

"What a tiring trip, isn't it Chris?"

"Princess, you forced me to carry you all the way here."

Livie and Christina came to this place for a reason.

"It's because of those rumors going around the hotel, access to this place is impossible for now. I really wanted to try that giant snail soup."


Christina wanted to vomit when she heard that name.

She hates mollusk monsters. It's because years ago for some strange reason a tentacle monster started groping her.

She killed it instantly.

But she was left with that nasty feeling all over her body.

Livie helped her to her feet and they went to a hotel.

Even if there were no rooms free, the princess of the empire is top priority.

Livie began to whistle as she walked.

Suddenly, behind her that was the forest, a strange phenomenon began to occur.

"Boss, there's a problem."

Judal was reporting to Linhard who was wiping blood from his gloves.

"What is it?"

"The barrier showed signs of trying to break."

"I beg your pardon?"

Linhard remembered what Olgren had told him.

"That damned liar. He revealed the secret to more people, it would be problematic if anyone in the empire found out."

"Judal, go get the one responsible for it. I'll turn him into an amorphous creature."

"Aye, aye."

Judal immediately left the castle heading for Weissland Village. The two were in the same territory because of the castle that was part of the properties of his that he bought years ago.

The reason the village was called that was because years ago when a village began to form for the servants, not having a name, they named it after the lord of this land.

But everyone gave him up for dead so it only has a mayor now.

"Mmh, how tasty this is."


Livie and Christina were having lunch in a small park.

It was because Livie wanted to eat like this was a picnic.

Christina had no choice but to indulge the princess's whims.

But at the same time, she was resting.

The palace didn't give her a vacation, she was barely given days off for rest only because the prime minister demanded it.

(Despite being a little brat. She's not a bad girl, she's even very pleasant company).

Christina usually spent her time alone at work.

Even though she had her own battalion, and many of them were women.

She could not socialize with them.

This is because Christina herself has an intimidating aura.

The women in her battalion believe that she is a serious woman and that she despises all weaklings, that's why they never say more than necessary.

But the reality is different, Christina makes that grumpy face when she has a bad day or is reminded that she is single.

She once got so upset when she overheard one of her subordinates rejoicing because her boyfriend gave her a ring.

If a purebred elf like her were to be graded on a human age.

She would be in her late thirties.

That made her angry.

But by coming to this place that stress was being lowered and she was able to have a nice relaxing time with Livie.

Even when she watched Razel with his women having fun, that night she managed to reach the peak of her happiness due to her hand.

As a result, her mood has improved.

She asked Livie.

"Princess, where is that tune from? I never heard it."

"Ah, this one?"

Livie whistled and behind her, just like a vanishing mirage, the forest barrier disappeared.

"It's something I heard as a child."

(It's actually one of the musical tones in the game.)

(It was my favorite as it was similar to Beethoven's moonlight sonata.)

Livie munched on her food, it was a welcome moment of peace.

"You know, Chris. Despite the fact that I forced you to come and we came with other people."

She looked at her companion.

"It's been a wonderful vacation. I'd like to have one just like it again."

Christina smiled.

"Same to me, princess."

"It's nice to eat like this sometimes."

"Right? Why don't we go later"

"Sorry to interrupt you."

Someone interrupted Livie.

"But I have to get my work done."

It was Judal who came up behind them.

Christina reacted late.

She didn't have a gun with her.

(How did she get here?)

(I couldn't sense his presence.)

(I must protect the prince)

Before she could do something, Judal's hand moved very fast, striking the back of Christina's head.

This caused her brain to shut down momentarily falling unconscious.


Livie shouted, but her fate was the same.

Judal used a slight movement and her consciousness shut down as well.


Judal gently picked up Livie's body, but before he left, he stared at Christina.

"I feel like I've seen her aura before, but I don't remember it."

Judal went straight into the woods.

It was midday, we were walking around looking for where to eat.

I was wearing casual clothes like Leila, only Amy was the only one wearing a beautiful long dress for the occasion along with the butterfly shaped headband I gave her some time ago.

Amy asked me.

"Razel-sama, what would you like to eat?"

"Umm, I don't know. We already ate a lot of seafood yesterday, so maybe meat."

"Come to think of it. Amy, aren't you a vegetarian?"

"Why do you ask that?"

She looked at me as if I had asked her the strangest question in the world.

I replied.

"Really? I was asking since I've seen you eat animal meat and seafood, as far as I know, elves are vegetarians."

"I don't really have a distaste for meat. Since I've always eaten animals, but I don't remember how I know that."

Amy's memories of when she was a child is forgotten, I'd like to help her retrieve them, but I don't know how to do it.

"Then forget it, let's better see where"


Leila interrupted me and grabbed my shirt.

"What's wrong, do you want to go to the bathroom?"

"It's not that! Smell something familiar."

"Over here!"


Leila's nose remembered smells so it's possible the girls came.

Maybe they're worried about my sudden disappearance.

I followed Leila.

After a while we came to a park located behind some houses.

There I found something unexpected.


Christina was lying on the ground, I picked her up and checked her vital signs.

She was breathing, but unresponsive.

"What could have happened?"


Leila pointed me to the forest.

"There's another familiar smell and it's drifting away very quickly."

"Familiar smell?... Livie!"

Christina was the princess's companion and Livie isn't here.

That only means one thing.

"Livie has been kidnapped!"

This is bad and the reason for this is...

"The emperor will kill me if anything happens to his daughter!"

Before we left, the emperor said this to me "I entrust you with my daughter" with those simple words, he stated this in a better context "If anything happens to my daughter, I will kill you in the most painful way possible".

There is no doubt that man would say that.

The emperor is terrifying when he is angry.

I have seen him only twice and I did in my pants on the way home.

I said to the two of them.

"We must rescue Livie, my head depends on her living."

"Leila, where is the kidnapper headed?"

"It's following long... ah, disappeared."

"Disappeared? Into the woods?"

"Y-Yes... I don't feel the familiar smell anymore..."

Leila who had droopy ears was lifted her spirits because of Amy.

"Leila, don't worry. If they've disappeared it's not that something weird happened to them, it means they've used magic to hide their presence."

Amy stepped forward a little and raised her hand.

"I don't care about that girl, but if Razel-sama's life, my beloved is in danger. I will save that girl."

"Ah. Can't I just kill the emperor and that's it?"

"No. Don't kill the emperor, I want to live here and not run away to another country."

"We can create a new country."

"Creating a country needs support! We don't know how to run one!"


"You just did 'Tch' didn't you? Amy, you just clicked your teeth in an annoying way didn't you?"

"Trace On."

Amy ignored me and used her magic.

For a short time, she froze.

"I see."

She suddenly spoke.

"Two kilometers from here is a blank space. There's no way that's a hole."

"That's where Livie's kidnapper is."

"Yeah... but seeing as someone went to the trouble of creating a barrier. It's not someone wimpy."


I asked curiously.

"I couldn't detect it when we arrived. There's even a barrier in this forest, if it wasn't for the kidnapping, I would never have detected this."

"The enemy is someone who must know high level magic. Maybe it's at the same level as me."

"On the same level as Amy..."

That's bad.

But we must rescue Amy.

My life depends on her being alive!

Linhard was waiting for Judal at the reception.

He prepared tea and cookies for himself.

Judal entered quietly, Linhard did not notice his presence.

"Warn him at least when you arrive."

"Sorry. The order's here."

Judal showed Livie to him, Linhard stared at her for a moment.

"She'll be fine."

"For what?"

"For what I have planned. By the way, do you know who she is?"

"No, and I doubt I'd be interested in that."

"You should. This girl is the first princess of the empire."

A bead of cold sweat trickled down Judal's cheek.

"... Really? It's not bad to have kidnapped her?"

"No. What I have planned for her is a good thing... for me."


They were walking straight into a subway room, totally different from where Olgren was.

"I was thinking of using her as part of the subjects I'll use to create my new philosopher's stone, but I have a better idea... I'll transplant part of my brain into hers."

Judal paused.

"... Huh? Professor, I don't think that's a good idea."

"I don't care about the lives of those I kill since they are murderers or criminals, but I'm still part of one of the Empire's knights and doing this would get my head put on the chopping block."

"That's why we must make this quick and put her back where she was, did she have company?"

"... Yes, a woman."

"An escort it seems."

"We'll make this quick, then you'll give that woman a sedative to keep her unconscious by the time she can walk normally when the operation is over."

They arrived in a huge room and put Livie in a chair.

"Okay, I'll quickly start the operation when I bring the"


"What's going on?"

"Enemy attack."

Linhard teased.

"Go finish off the intruders!"

"... But, I don't know how many there are?"

"You have called yourself as the most silent of all assassins."

"Get off your ass. I'm going to protect myself, no one will stop me from achieving a goal I set out to achieve."

"All those who interfere with my investigations will die!"

Judal just bowed his head and disappeared.

He bit his fingernail as he heard explosions upstairs.

"Damn them. I don't know who it is, but you're not getting out of here alive."

-Five minutes earlier-

Razel and the girls were flying because of Amy's magic.

"Do you already know how we'll get in?"

"Sure. It's something you can only use once."

"I see."

A race against time to rescue Livie.

They reached the location where the castle was.

But a sea of trees deceived them.

Razel asked.

"How do we get in?"

"Like this."

Amy snapped her fingers and from the sky a magic circle manifested.

"Emm, Amy-san... what are you doing?"

"There's no time to decipher the formula if we want to save her."


Razel began to sweat.

"For that reason we'll use force."


"Level four magic!"


"Lightning Magic: Dragon Meteor!"

From the sky, an angry purple dragon roared and fell from the sky.

"Hold on!"


"Hahaha, what fun."

The three grabbed each other and the dragon slammed into something, it was a powerful barrier.

It used its jaws to bite into it and after a few moments the barrier was destroyed.

The castle was visible.

Then, the dragon exploded into pieces.

"Amy! Why the hell did you do this?"

"It was the only way to do it."

"Don't lie! I'm sure there was another way."

"You're using this opportunity to kill Livie and pick a fight with the palace to kill the emperor!"


"I'm not."

"That pause says quite the opposite!"

Razel and the girls broke apart in remnants of dragon energy falling like a meteor shower destroying the castle.

"What will you do if you kill Livie?"

"She won't die. The magic barrier was high level, I managed to destroy it using little magic power, but even a low level spell of mine is very powerful."

"I really am very strong."

Amy touched her cheek as she bragged about her abilities.

The three of them were getting farther and farther away. She said to them.

"Even if we get separated our destiny is the same. Rescue the girl and take down the kidnapper(s)."

"I'm going to kill a lot of enemies."

"I hope she didn't die here."

The three fell in different directions.

Starting with Leila, she fell into a room which shattered into pieces after making contact.

While Amy was stopped in mid-air by her magic, the energy beam impacted and destroyed several floors.

While Razel...


He fell into a room which was shattered. Since he no longer had the energy beam covering his body, he was hit by the falling speed as he went down some stairs.

"Why does the worst always happen to me!"

He fell comically all the way to the bottom.

He got up and proceeded to dust himself off.

"What the hell is this place?"

Razel had no idea where he was, but proceeded to run around looking for Livie.

"He... lp..."

He heard a faint voice coming from somewhere nearby.

He approached that voice expecting the worst.

There he found a person with tubes coming out of his body.

His skin was almost gray.

Razel was startled at the sight of him, but was more surprised to find out who it was.


Olgren was on that metal table.

Razel dropped his frightened face and showed him a terrifying face.

"So you can see what karma does. This is what you get for being an idiot, hahaha."

"I don't know how you ended up here. But you certainly won't make it out alive."

He walked away leaving Olgren annoyed, but...


Something inside Olgren began to beat.


This caused him to speak to Razel in fury.

"You miserable little shit brat..."


Razel didn't turn to look at him, just sneered at him.

"A loser dog like you should stay in his place. Just die already like the crawling insect you are."



Olgren ripped off his tubes and with all his might tried to stand up.

"If it wasn't for you, I... who was on top... who had it all..."




Razel sighed and turned to look at him.

"Like I said, just die"

Razel was shocked by what he saw.

Olgren stood up, but that wasn't the weird part.

His stature was small, but he began to grow suddenly.

His muscles were widening and his limbs were lengthening.

Many veins were marked on his body.

"If it wasn't for you, I... I... I... Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Olgren became so angry that he released magical power, this caused everything around him to fly away.

Olgren had grown so big that he was about 8 feet tall.

His muscles were so large that his short hands now looked like trunks.

His skin was gray and his head merged with his shoulders.

He had become a monster.

Razel's mouth hung open at the sight of him.

While Olgren...

"I'm going to kill you and all the Rosenbergs! I'll kill everyone in this country!"

"I'll show them that no one plays with Garrett! Marquis Olgren is not their toy!"

He became a national menace.

The battle to save Livie began.

How will this end?

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