ReLife Player

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

[Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!]

Who the hell is big sister and who is litle brother.

After returning from kindergarten, Euna bothered Eunha all over the place.

Shes so fierce that when you ignore her, she throws a tantrum.

Eventually, Eunha had to play along to keep her from crying.

Before he knew it, it was evening.

Kids, lets have dinner~


Finally, I was free.

I didnt worry about monsters, so I didnt think Id have to worry about Euna.

Anyway, I should get some rest now.

Ill crawl to the master bedroom.

Euna, Eunha, and my honey, Daddys home!

It was hard to stay quiet.

Eunha looked at his father, who had covered the few steps from the front door to the living room, and lamented that another day had passed.


Awww, you little guy!

I told him to stop rubbing his chin stubble.

But despite his desperate protests, his father didnt back down.

In fact, he even tried to grab Euna, who was trying to sneak away from him.

Ugh, Dad, it stings~

Sorry, sorry.

You said you were coming in a little late. Are you done with your work?

I put off everything until tomorrow!

You too, why dont you change your clothes and come over, its shabu shabu* today. (a delicious dish! There is an image below, so check it if you want to.)

Im glad I came in early!

Father hands Mother his coat. He quickly changed into a simple outfit and ran into the bathroom to wash up.


Yes, Its shabu-shabu today.

Shabu shabu!?

Yep, its bushabushabusha today.

Why are you saying it backwards?

Sigh, Mother is just going along with it.

Eunha sighed secretly as he watched the two of them play, squeezing and unclenching their hands.

Is this bushabusha?

Yes, if you put the meat in the broth like this it cooks quickly, right?

Its faster to show than tell.

My mother stirred the meat with chopsticks, and the thin meat suddenly turned a delicious color.

Wow, this is delicious.

My toothless body was pained. I wanted to punch the ground when I realized that I couldnt eat the meat dripping with broth right in front of me.

Mama, ah~!

Oh no, Eunha, not yet.

Even though Eunha sat on her mothers lap, he never managed to get the meat into his mouth. He could only stare at the meat that went into Eunas mouth.

Delicious! The meat is so tender!

Oh, it smells good.

Euna, dip it in soy sauce. Eunha, you should be still.

You should eat it too, not just the kids.

Yes, yes. You eat it too.

Why cant I eat the meat in front of me?

Why is my body so young?

If I were a year older, I wouldnt be sitting there watching.

I will never forget this day.

I realize that the longing of someone who cannot eat meat runs deeper than the ocean.

At that moment, a sense of urgency hit Eunha. It was an instinct that was deeply ingrained in his body from looking after Euna.

A bowl of soy sauce sat at the head of the table.

Euna, whose mind was focused on chewing, didnt even realize her elbow was right next to the soy sauce.

It was obvious that the soy sauce would fall to the floor if her elbow hit it.

No, it was bad enough as it was.

Noona! (is a term used by a male to refer to his older sister)


Eunha exclaimed as his father quickly caught the falling bowl.


Euna gulped down the meat in her mouth, still not realizing what had happened.

Whoa, be careful, Euna, you almost dropped the soy sauce.

Okay, thank you, Dad!

Haha! Dad really likes Euna!

Hey, hey, hey, hey. This is the kind of thing that needs a good scolding.

I dont want her to be an idiot.

By the way, didnt Eunha just call you big sister?

Didnt you know? Eunhas been calling her noona for days.


Dad was right to be surprised.

The baby who was crawling not long ago was now calling her sister Nana.

Their mother was just as surprised when she first heard it. When she asked seriously, Are you a genius, our Eunha? he couldnt even respond.

It was a recent achievement for Eunha, who had been frustrated by the lack of communication with his family.

At first, he couldnt even pronounce anything close, but now he can say a few words.

For example,




He can even refer to his family members.

Oh my god did you just say you really like your dad!?


Why and why again.

Why do conversations get harder when you learn to speak.

I cant tell you how happy I was when I was called mama.

Eunha called me noona first!

Euna brags, raising her fork above her head.

Awww, you took away Eunhas first babble!

Dad, dont be childishly competitive with your daughter.

I dont know if theres one kid in this family or two.

What did Euna do at preschool today?

I danced with all my friends!

What kind of dance was it?

Head, shoulders, knees, feet, knees~

Teacher posted a video of the band

Her mothers smartphone was showing a video of kids Eunas age dancing to a song.

Suddenly, his father leaned in close and said, I cant believe I can see this precious thing. Did I mention hes a new teacher this year? hes very good. He was engrossed in the video.

Euna seemed to like the song she learned today.

Before she knew it, she was humming along to the song playing on her phone.

She quickly drained her juice and started dancing to the beat.

Head, shoulders, knees, feet, knees, feet~

Wow, our Euna is a good dancer~

Mother claps her hands and praises her.

And the father, not to be outdone, pulls out his smartphone.

My daughter is a fairy.

Today, father once again gained a great realization from his daughter.

But I too couldnt deny it.

Watching her dance happily, even when the beat was off, made me feel happy.

Shes my sister, but you have to admit shes cute.

Eunha was agreeing with his father, albeit a little.

Eunha, lets sing together!

Noona, thats not possible.

No, hes too young.

Then we can call him after one nights sleep?

No, he cant sing until he sleeps more.

How much?

I dont know, it will take a lot of sleep.

A lot?

Yes, ah~ a lot.

I want to sing along, but.

Throwing a fit is useless.

I still have a long way to go before I grow up.


Eunha patted her on the back to soothe her.

Maybe this would make her feel better but

His older sister still hasnt given up.

Ah! I can do that! Wait for me~!

Euna stopped eating, got up, and ran to her room.

As she ran down the hall, she brought back a helmet and a silver pot.

She put the helmet on her head and placed the silver pot on Eunhas struggling head.

Were going to do this at the school assembly.


Dad held up his camera and snapped a picture of Euna with excitement.

Euna posed for the camera.

Their mother, who knew what she was doing, had already played the music.

[Ready~ Go~!]

Euna takes a pumping posture.

As soon as the lyrics Jumping! came on, she bent her body up and down.

This is how I do it!

Then she stopped jumping as soon as the lyrics Together! started and started a new dance.

What is this weirdness?

Eunha watched her dance in a daze, unaware that milk was leaking from the corner of his mouth.

Eunha, come on!

Noona, I cant even do head-shoulders-knees.

Eunhas grumbling was defeated.

His mother slipped her arm under his shoulder and pulled him up and down during the jumping part of the song.


Im not doing it! I hate this!

Pump it up happily! Balararam-bing, bing-bing-bing

Pump it up joyfully! Balararam-bing, bing-bing-bing

Before I knew it, Euna and his mother were humming the song.

There was no way out. Half-heartedly, he joined in the rhythm, telling himself to let things be.

It was an addictive song.

Ive heard that song before.

It didnt take him long to remember.

It was the same song Baekryeon had been humming and dancing to.

Before his regression, when he was away from the front lines.

Fairy Im Gaeul had ordered him to escort Baekryeon, meaning to clear his head for a while.

An order that came out of nowhere to take care of a child.

Of course, he, who used to kill monsters or enemies, had no intention of obeying Fairy Im Gaeuls command. He was ready to kill her on the spot, and the situation was escalating to the point where his aides were aiming their swords at each other.

It was then that she glared at him and spoke in a cold tone.

You clean up your own shit.


Did she say shit?

He was dumbfounded and speechless.

Despite forgetting to defend himself while trying to rebut, she said:

Since you picked it up, you have to raise it. If not, then what?

She was not the head of a nation for nothing.

But also an actress who was famous in South Korea before becoming a leader.

She controlled the timing of her lines and the flow of the atmosphere. By the time he realized it, he was already on the board she had set up


Eventually, Eunha was semi-forced to step back from the front and take care of a kid 12 years younger than him.

At first, he had doubts about what he was doing.

Little did he know that he would end up performing the role of protecting the next fairy candidate. It was a job that could be considered a promotion rather than a demotion.

E/N: heres the picture of the yummy shabu shabu, suddenly Im hungry

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