Chapter 656: Homeless Vagrant
Noah stared at Revin in complete silence for a second. It had been quite some time since Revin had vanished after functionally abandoning James. A very large part of Noah had been certain they’d never meet again.
The rest of him was far less optimistic.
But it was more than surprise at Revin’s return that held Noah’s tongue. It was Revin himself. The last time they had met had been well before Noah had formed a domain. He’d had no real way to gauge the other man’s strength.
Things should have been different now. Noah was a Rank 5. He had a domain. And yet… he couldn’t sense Revin at all. His domain passed over Revin completely. There was no disruption in the world’s magical energy at all. It was like he wasn’t even there.
What the hell? I’ve felt people repress their power or make it seem like they’re weaker than they actually are… but I can’t sense him at all. What kind of trick is that? I know he’s got at least some magic. I’ve seen it. Shouldn’t this be impossible?
His thoughts were interrupted by a defeated groan. James threw his hands up into the air before slumping and burying his face within them. “Oh, no. I was just starting to have a good time. I’d really hoped you got eaten by something.”
“That’s no way to speak to your favorite godfather,” Revin said, pressing a hand to his chest and sending James an affronted look.
“You have multiple godfathers?” Emily asked as she sent James a surprised look.
He replied with a flat stare. “No. I have none.”
“So irritable,” Revin said with a shake of his head. “You’ll need to work on that if you ever want to learn how to speak to women, James. Nobody likes a mood killer.”“I’ve never asked you for romantic advice, and I’m definitely not changing that now.”
“You should. I’ve had quite the number of people come seeking me out, you know. Your godfather is a poplar man.” Revin’s eyes drifted over the small crowd surrounding him. He didn’t even blink at the mixture of humans and demons… though there was a nonzero chance he didn’t even realize there were demons present.
It’s a bit hard to tell just how much is going on in Revin’s head. He’s the one who told me about Formations in the first place, but he’s certifiably insane. Somebody definitely threw him against a wall a few dozen times when he was a child.
“What are you doing here?” Moxie asked, a weary note hanging from her words. She watched Revin warily, and Noah could tell from her posture that her magic was at the ready.
Revin might have been helpful the last time they’d met, but that was probably a good idea. If he could completely hide himself from their domains, then he was stronger than he’d implied during their previous meeting.
A lot stronger.
“I’m seeking out an old friend, of course. It’s been too long since we caught up, Vermil. I wanted to introduce you to my companions.”
Revin gestured grandiosely behind him.
To nothing.
Everyone stared at him.
James let out a defeated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers. Emily put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“There’s nobody there, mister.” Sticky said helpfully.
Revin blinked. He turned to follow her gaze, then looked back to the small demon. “Right you are.”
There were a few moments of awkward silence.
“He probably made them up,” James said, his voice muffled by his palm. “I vote we go home and sleep. Write the rest of the day off. Trust me, it’s the best thing you can possibly do when this idiot is involved.”
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“I appear to have forgotten my companions,” Revin said. “One moment, please.”
Shadows twisted up from the ground at his feet. They formed into the maw of some voracious beast and slammed shut over Revin, swallowing him whole before sinking back into the ground without a sound.
James stood up. “We should go. Quickly.”
“Who was that?” Yoru asked. “He seemed… odd.”
“A certifiably insane man,” Todd said. “Occasionally a funny one, though. I kind of like him.”
“You’re alone in that,” Isabel grumbled. “He’s off his rocker. I think I might be with James on this one. I mean, he stood up. On his own. That should be a pretty big warning in itself.”
“Is he a threat?” Violet asked, her eyes narrowing. “Will he come back?”
“I don’t think that’s the concern,” Aylin said with a shake of his head. “He was being honest as far as I can tell. That person does genuinely think of Vermil as his friend. He also seemed to believe that there were meant to be other people with him.”
“He was not human. “I suggest caution,” Yoru said. There was more than a small note of unease in her voice. Out of everyone, her words put Noah on edge the most. When a former Rank 7 was scared of someone, then only an idiot ignored their warnings.
Unfortunately, he was also pretty sure that running away from Revin was going to be functionally impossible. The man had just showed up in the middle of nowhere. He shouldn’t have had any way to know where they were — Tim definitely wouldn’t have given them up.
It might be smart to get the kids out of here, though.
“Lee, take everyone and—”
Shadows bubbled up from the ground like a churning fountain. They twisted together and rose into the air, forming into three looming figures. Magical energy poured off them in pulsating waves.
It pressed against Noah’s domain and thinned his lips. Evidently, his domain had decided to start working again. He reached for his magic — more as a precaution than anything else — and saw Moxie pulling some seeds from the pouch at her side.
Then one of the shadows let out a desperate gasp.
The darkness collapsed like a popping balloon, revealing Revin flanked by two other people. One was a man of average height with fair hair and sharp eyes. He looked to be somewhere in his lower twenties. A short sword hung from his waist and his features were noble.
Revin’s other companion other was a young woman around the age of Noah’s students. She had the brilliant silver hair of the Torrin family, but her eyes looked about ten years older than the rest of her. Exhaustion clung to her back and pulled her shoulders down like a heavy steel cloak.
She promptly doubled over, hacking in a desperate attempt to draw in air.
Why does she look vaguely familiar? Have I met this girl before?
“Tada!” Revin exclaimed, extending his arms to the sides like a conductor. “I found them! And before they choked to death, too!”
“I hate you,” the girl wheezed.
“I am beginning to become of the same sentiment,” the noble-looking man said. His features were pale, but it was hard to tell if that was his normal skin tone or a result of having to deal with Revin for a prolonged period of time. “You said that the trip would be safe.”
“I lied,” Revin said. “I do that rather often. But the trip was something far more important than safe. It was cool. You should have seen that entrance. I wish I could have. I bet it was incredible.”
“Damned Plains,” Emily whispered. “Is that Eline?”
Noah glanced from her to the other girl. Then he blinked. She was right. Evidently, Emily’s memory was a lot better than his was.
I forgot that Revin took her in. That’s… rough. Though I’m not going to take too much blame for missing that. I’m just fucking confused right now. What the hell is going on, and what does Revin want?
“Why are you here?” Noah asked. He didn’t let his guard down. Even though he was fairly certain that Revin probably wasn’t malicious, he wasn’t sure enough of that to put his students’ lives on the line.
“I told you already. I’m looking for you,” Revin replied. “I wanted to introduce you to my traveling companions. This is Eldritch.”
“I’m going to kill you in your sleep. I’ll really do it.”
“I am having a little trouble recalling her name correctly,” Revin said without missing a beat. “She is a little displeased about that, but I’m sure she’ll do something about it eventually. She is my student and egg-cooker. I believe you have met.”
“I’m so sorry,” James said.
He and Eline exchanged a look that said more than a thousand words could have — and in that moment, something struck Noah. His eyes widened.
Eline wasn’t visible to his domain either. Just like Revin, there was absolutely nothing where she should have been. It was as if she didn’t exist.
What the hell kind of technique are they using? I’ve never heard of anything like it.
“We can get to the pleasantries later,” Revin said. He gestured to the man behind him. “This is Tillian. He’s a homeless vagrant that I picked up.”
“Why do you remember his name? You’ve known him for ten minutes!” Eline complained.
Lee sniffed the air. Her brow furrowed and she squinted at Tillian as if trying to remember something.
“Inquisitor,” Tillian corrected, not sounding too bothered by Revin’s words. “I am an Inquisitor.”
“You!” Lee exclaimed abruptly, her eyes going wide with recognition as she thumbed her nose. “I know you!”
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