Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 419: – Morning Life at Home

Chapter 419: – Morning Life at Home

"Are you certain you'll be fine with Aurora for today, Husband?" Yue frowned and said, "Though I have work, it isn't necessary for me to be in the office all day..."

John hugged Aurora against his chest and smiled. "No worries, Wifey. It's been a while since I've had some daddy-daughter time with Rory, so I don't mind at all."

It was 5:30 AM in the Smith family home in Kichijoji. Yue had just gotten up to prepare for her work as the Headmistress at Hoshigawa Academy, and John had just returned after sorting through his schedule for the week. Right now, the husband and wife, along with their sleeping infant daughter, were standing in the living room.

John shifted Aurora so that she would be more comfortable. After that, he looked up at Yue and said, "Besides, we've both got to set good examples for our kids, right? Can't have them laze around all day and waste their talents."

Yue raised an eyebrow and said, "You say that, Husband. But I recall that in the Three Realms-"

"Legacy of a misspent youth. And something I'm trying my best to talk Meggie out of." Seriously, his second youngest was spending way too much time gaming recently. And she hadn't noticed yet, but she was also definitely starting to get a bit pudgy... Well. She'd learn soon enough.

Yue waved her hand and said, "Let Meggie enjoy herself a bit more. She's spent too much of her childhood already training and studying. Besides, I heard she recently made some new friends?"

"Fine, fine... And yeah. I think her school life might be a bit eventful coming up though..." Especially around the school festival time.

Yue straightened her suit and then grabbed her bag. After that, she nodded and said, "Well, you live and you learn. Meggie should experience it for herself."

"...Are you saying that because of how crazy your life ended up after meeting me, or...?"

"Is it not obvious?"

John coughed.

Yue smiled and then started walking off. "Tell Meggie that I wish her a happy day at school. And also wake her up if she hasn't come down a half hour before 7."

"Got it, Wifey."

Yue waved and then walked out the door. Shortly after, the sound of a car revved up and faded in the distance.

John hummed and then started looking around the room.

Today was Wednesday, so there wouldn't be much excitement going on since it was the middle of the week. Meggie wouldn't be up for another hour or so. And John didn't have much to do either in terms of Myth Inc. CEO.

He wanted to go exploring Tokyo with Rory strapped to his chest and do some IRL streaming, but it was still way too early in the morning to do that. And the only other people up at this hour were workaholics...

So the question became whether he just napped with Rory or tried doing something to kill time (figuratively).

John hummed and looked around the living room.

It was neat and organized, with a big open area in front of a large TV. Various game consoles were slotted in a shelf next to the TV, all hooked up. There were a few snack trays laid out... mostly for Meggie, since Alphy and Betty just visited and didn't live with them.

"...Meh. Why not?" John walked over to the sofa in front of the TV and then grabbed a controller in one hand before booting up the latest Fony game console.

Aurora yawned and then opened sleepy eyes to look at John.

He smiled back at her and said, "No need to get up yet, Rory. Just enjoy the ASMR fighting game sounds."

Aurora blinked a few times and then closed her eyes. And after that, Zekken 8 booted up on the TV.

John sat down and then smiled. Now, to see if he could still troll as Yoshimit- Er, the generic samurai guy with crazy stances...


Meggie scooped a bunch of Re's peanut butter puffs from her bowl of cereal and then gave a blank stare at her father sitting on the couch.

"Hah! Flea stance still trolls!"


"That's right, Rory! Hi-five!"

Could you like... try to be a responsible Dad...?

It was 6:40 AM. Meggie wanted to sleep in a bit, but she was woken up by the sounds of fighting games and button mashing.

At first, she thought that Alphy had snuck back to smurf on Meggie's game consoles again. But instead, it turned out her responsible father was spending his spare time trolling people online while holding her baby sister in his arms.

Considering how happy Aurora seemed to be, it wasn't really 'bad.'

But considering how young Aurora was, Meggie wondered if it was a good idea to be exposing her to video games so young. Then again, Meggie herself had been exposed to martial arts when she was young and spent way too much time working herself to the bone to master it, so maybe this was somewhat healthier?

Either way, it was a bit ridiculous.

But Meggie had her yummy cereal, so she was able to just take it in without being too bothered.

"And that's another tourney won." John laughed and then dropped his controller to tickle Aurora's chin. "Isn't Dad the greatest, Rory?"

"Da! Beh!"

"That's right! I'm the best!"

Aurora giggled and then reached up to pat John's face.

He smiled back and then rubbed his cheek against Aurora's, causing her to giggle.

Meggie gave them a blank stare and continued eating. Just ignore the cringey way Dad was acting and remember how cool he used to be instead.

John stood up, still holding Aurora, and then twisted around to crack his spine. After that, he let out a satisfied sigh and looked over at Meggie. "You doing good over there, Meggie? Is cereal fine, or did you want me to cook you something proper?"

"It's fine. Today's ramen day for lunch, so I don't want anything heavy."

"Ramen day, huh?" John let out a wistful sigh and said, "Yue's really treating you guys good. Back in my day, we just had like ugly brown pasta noodles with a ketchupy tomato sauce and fake meatballs."


John laughed. "That's right, Rory. It was pretty bleh."

Meggie frowned and said, "Do you even remember 'back in your day' Dad? Aren't you older than space dust at this point?"

"Hey!" John put on a fake angry look and said, "Don't talk that way about your father, Missy!"

"...You have way too much free time." Meggie sighed.

John smiled and said, "That's because I do my best to make it look like I do. On a more serious note... Do you want me to drive you to school today?"

Meggie finished her bowl of cereal and then shook her head. "Nah. Tsuki and I are gonna walk there today. She wants to talk to me about something." Probably Perry, but hopefully not. She'd really like to avoid getting into conversations about how cool a guy was and stuff when they weren't even a billionth of what Dad was.

"I see, I see..."

Meggie walked over to wash her bowl and said, "If you follow us, I'll hate you forever."

John gasped and said, "I'd never do that! Besides, I know that you're more than capable of murdering any lolicon who tries to mess with you girls."


John coughed. "A-Anyway..." He set Aurora down in a cradle and then started rummaging in his Heavenly Space. "I'm just going to spend the day hanging out with Rory, so if you need anything just let me know."

Meggie set her washed bowl and spoon on the dishrack and said, "Yeah, yeah." After that, she walked over to scoop up her bag and said, "I'm heading off to meet Tsuki then."

"Hm?" John raised an eyebrow and said, "She's not meeting you here?"

"Tsuki got grounded by Kai after he found out she was skipping hanging out with me to try and flirt with guys."


Meggie slipped on her bag and said, "I blame the shoujo manga she keeps reading. Honestly, it's not like any of those kids are cute or anything too. They're just annoying."

"...Right." John gave Meggie a sharp look and said, "So I won't have to start pulling out the traditional shotgun to threaten your boyfriend anytime soon?"

Meggie rolled her eyes and said, "You know Mom's going to scare him before you even get close if that ever happens."

John paused and said, "True. Your mother knows how much it'll ruin your life to chase after the wrong guy..."

"...Should you be talking about yourself like that, Dad?"

"I'm just being objectively honest. It worked out, but I can guarantee that 99.9999999999% it wouldn't have. Do you know how many princesses threw away their lives for a 'heavenly-sent genius' only to end up becoming window decoration or worse?" John puffed out his chest and said, "I'm one of the infinitesimal few who believes in a faithful committed relationship and true love!"

"...All while turning down so many women that you have a reputation for being the biggest idiot in the Three Realms, past, present, and future?"

John shrugged and said, "What can I say? I'm a fool for your mother."

"Ba!" Aurora cheered.

John walked over and knelt on the ground to tickle her chin. "That's right! Loveydovey Mommy and Daddy!"

"..." Meggie felt like her brain was starting to rot more than the weird stuff Tsuki kept sending in her DMs. So before things could get worse, she waved and said, "I'm off, Dad."

John waved. "Bye Meggie! Go and be safe! Try not to murder anyone, figuratively or literally! And don't stuff your face too much! It's getting pudgy!"

Meggie felt her face heat up and she said, "It's not!"

"If you say so!"

Meggie huffed and then ran out the door. But after she walked outside, she pulled out her phone to take a look at herself. "...I'm not getting fat. Am I?"

It didn't seem like it.

...Maybe Dad was just doing Dad things. She wasn't a 'human' anyway, so it wasn't like she could get fat. Plus, she inherited a lot from Mom!

...Who actually did get a bit fat when she was pregnant with Rory.

...Okay. Maybe she should join a school club after all...


John watched Meggie leave and then reached up to stretch. "Well... there's the morning stuff done for the day."

Work was squared away. Rin wouldn't be streaming until she got off from school at 3 PM. Meggie wouldn't come home until around the same time too. Alphy was living her best life with Asako right now...

"Which means I'm free to do whatever today."

"Bah!" Aurora spoke up from her cradle.

John walked over and then knelt down. "Sorry Rory, *we're* free to do whatever today."

"Ba bah!" Aurora nodded.

John smiled and then pulled out a vest baby carrier. Kneeling in front of the cradle, he said, "I guess we should have some fun then, Rory. How do you feel about exploring Tokyo with Daddy today?"

"Bah! Bobyo!"

John chuckled and then started strapping Aurora into the vest. "Alright. Then it's Daddy and Baby against the world! Let's go!"


"...Okay, I still don't know if you're just like copying me or if you really understand, but it's cute. Keep doing that, Rory."


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