Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 79: Home

Chapter 79: Home

"Gael you bastard" Gael was startled when he heard Knight's voice but when he looked at the ear to ear grin on Knight's face he relaxed.

"My lord" seeing Knight walking towards him Gael bowed his head in respect as Knight put his front paw on his shoulder and patted him a few times.

"Lose that mask Gael, with your mind-blowing acting skills I could mistake you for the real King Hedor"

After using the scroll that was designed by Ken, Gael was teleported back to Dragon King's castle using the bright light which the explosion produced as a cover. Just until Knight said Gael didn't realize he was still wearing King Hedor's face and clothes. Fortunately, Gael had a vial of healing potion to heal himself from the injuries that Warren caused him.

Taking off the mask, King Hedor's features disappeared as Gael's original face became visible. Gael let out a long breath of sigh looking at the mask on his hand.

"Keep the mask as a bonus and here's your reward" as Knight said he retrieved a wooden box from his space ring and handed it over to Gael who is now standing before Knight with sparkling eyes in excitement.

"Thank you thank you very much, my lord" just by seeing the delicately made wooden box Gael's excitement hit the peak.

Just when Gael opened the box he felt a sudden cold and scorching heat at the same time as he saw one fiery red and an ice blue dagger delicately placed in the box.

The daggers were short, thick, serrated blades made of which looked like high-end steel and held by a grip wrapped in lavish, bronze skin of an animal. Because it's sharp on both its edges this weapon will slice, dice, stab, and jab your enemies and shred whatever's left of them.

The daggers had a narrow, curled cross-guard, creating the ideal weight balance to allow for smooth and accurate swings. The cross-guard had a decorative miniature sword on each side, this weapon wasn't created by just any blacksmith or Gael thought.

A fairly small pommel is decorated with a rare gem, which is to be expected from such an elegant weapon.

The blade itself is engraved with some mysterious writings. On the red dagger, a phoenix has been artistically etched into the blade as the ice blue one had a snake etched into it. Just by seeing the daggers, Gael knew these daggers are no ordinary blades, that much is clear to him.

"Now go and get some rest you deserve one"

Gael bowed again and started to walk towards his chamber leaving Knight behind. Even though Gael wanted nothing but lay on his bed and close his eyes, he wanted to roam around the kingdom and see what has been changed since he left.

First Gael wanted to look at his favorite place in the castle, the training room. While walking to the training room, Gael could hear weapon clashing and miniature explosions coming from the training room. When he opened the room Gael was welcomed by a sudden surprise as the number of people training inside grew compared to when he left the castle.

At the far side of the room, Elron was training his archery and his speed of hitting the target amazed Gael as he could barely see Elrond picking an arrow from his quiver and hitting the target. Behind Elrond, there were some of the elven and dwarven children looking at him with sparkling eyes as some of them picked up some arrows and discussed among themself.

Few meters away from Elrond, the elves including some new recruits practicing archery but their training was slightly different from Elrond, and Gael could see the bound energy fluctuations radiating from them. Their movement speed and techniques flawless as they made Emir's army like a bunch of children playing soldiers.

The dwarves on the other side were training using shields and axes with a group of humans who were previously rescued from the slave traders. Just by looking at the shields and axes, Gael was able to guess their monstrous mass, the shields looked like it could simply stop a heavy swing from long swords and some minor spells from mages as the axes reflected the light so clearly indicating their sharpness which could easily split a log of wood let alone a soldier made of flesh and blood.

Aside from the elves, dwarves, and a group of humans, the demi-humans were also training but their training seemed very different from the rest of them as their training seemed more focused on close combat and assassinations and some of them even practicing spell casting. Seeing the training room Gael guessed at least there were two hundred and fifty people in the army of Everlight which made him very excited to see them battle with another kingdom's army.

After seeing the training room Gael was very excited to see what else has been changed as his legs moved without his conscious with a smirk on his face. While wandering around the castle Gael noticed Benedict and Arya working on the Apex as Ken was also building something which looked like a long tube of metal from a few feet away from the duo. Gael wanted to go talk to them but seeing their frowned faces he decided not to disturb them.

"Hey Gael, Welcome back" as he started to walk away Gael saw Amaryll walking towards him with a big happy smile on her face holding a tray of foods.

"Hi Amaryll, how's everything?" seeing his friend after a long time Gael couldn't help but greet her with a happy smile.

"Here eat this, I'm sure you missed my cooking while playing king huh?" without waiting for Gael's answer, Amaryll handed him over the tray containing various meats and vegetables.

"These vegetables are grown by us, can you believe this? those bulky dwarves sure can farm" seeing Amaryll behaving like a child made Gael smile even more as he started to munch on the food.

"Alright don't forget to eat all the vegetables I'm going to meet with Don bye" Amaryll gave him a peck on the cheek and started to run towards the teleportation room while Gael made his way towards outside.

"maal look by mei ovar grown elf"

(hey look at this overgrown elf)

After a few moments of walking, Gael saw two goblins wandering and looking at him and saying something which Gael had no idea what they were saying@@novelbin@@

"absc sot be eg lets trav tam sep kitchen"

(leave him be Eg lets go to the kitchen)

Gael saw one of the goblins kicking his friend's feet and turning away to run from him or he thought.

Eventually after bumping into some demi-humans and few humans as well as dwarven men and women. Seeing Gael some of them tried to avoid them cautiously by hiding in the corridors or pretending to be discussing something among themselves while some others smiled at him as some others greeted him happily.

Finally, Gael reached the doors to the outside and pushed the door to step outside. The moment Gael stepped outside he was surprised beyond words as his mouth and eyes opened wide without his control.

What was just a grassland now turned into like a small village but it was more elegant and grand than a normal village. Most of the houses looked complete as a group of people were still building the remaining houses.

From the outside, the completed houses looked magnificent. Gael could see they had been built with white bricks and had cypress wooden decorations and Gael had no idea where the dwarves got all the materials. Tall, half-rounded windows brighten up the house and have been added to the house in a fairly symmetrical pattern.

Every building was shaped like an L. The extension extended into wooden overhanging panels circling around half the house.

The second floor looked bigger than the first, which created several overhanging parts on one side of the house.

The roof seemed high and square-shaped and had brown roof tiles. There were no chimneys but several large windows let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof.

Each house itself was surrounded by a well-kept garden as Gael saw some elven girls grooming the bushes and planting flower plants. Grass, flower patches, and trees have been placed in a stylish way which gave the houses a luxurious feel.

While Gael was taking in all the shock he laid his eyes on a place that seemed different from the houses and when he looked closely he saw a couple of dwarves placing a name board on the top of the building.

"The Steel Chick" Gael couldn't help but chuckle when he read the board and saw the grin on the dwarves' faces.

Far away from the Steel Chick and the houses, there was a building with armors and weapons lying around. Inside of the building Gael saw a shirtless dwarf forging some kind of weapons or armor.

"do nae just stand there! give us a hand pretty boy" Gael was brought back out of his daydream by the shout of a dwarf working on the construction of a building.

"It's good to be home" Gael smiled as he started to walk towards the dwarf.

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