Rise To Stardom

Chapter 25: Boy Bands Are Cool!

Chapter 25: Boy Bands Are Cool!

After the performance of Lily's band set a high bar for every other group performing after, the only group that truly came close to topping it, was Katie and Helena's group.

Considering they had also made some changes to their assigned song that really elevated it, they were proud of how it was received.

The parts especially that had gained them a rousing reaction from the audience, were the parts where Helena and Katie sang in different languages (French and Hindi respectively) that somehow, unexpectedly and unbelievably, elevated the song even further!!

Other bands too had performed quite well but so far, none of the boy bands had really been able to deliver as great of a performance as the two girl bands, with only Paxton's band giving a good performance.

Now, as the last boy band before theirs was performing, Kyle's group watched on, already warming up for their own turn.

Finally, after the band had finished performing, and sadly, not really giving a particularly great show too, the guys were called up for their turn a few minutes after.

Now standing on the currently darkened stage, enough to ensure that neither the judges nor the audience couldn't see them until they began performing, the guys spread themselves out as they had practiced.

And then, with no further ado, the tune of the song began.

Starting off the song with a tune that felt quite distant but gradually got louder as it continued playing, the song instantly shifted to an attention-grabbing, electric guitar riff that instantly set a lively and energetic tone.

Instantly, the stage lighted up as Kyle's surprisingly loud and energetic voice, a sharp contrast to his usual melodic one, entered the narrative of the high energy pop-rock tune while the other guys sang while adding flair in the background!

🎸🎵🥁 🎶🎤

Suddenly I'm in a trance! (Ow!)

She took my heart along for a joyride!

Watched as the spotlight shined on her! (Ow!)

Grabbed me by the collar and whispered!


Feeling as energy instantly coursed through their entire being the moment Kyle had finished the unexpected high-energy feel to the song, Ryan's voice sang the pre-chorus.


She said keep your eyes on me boy,

Blink even once and you'll miss it!

🎸🎵🥁 🎶 🎤

Picking up from Ryan, Joe instantly sang the chorus while the other guys joined in.


Then she twirled around,

Dazzled me with her smile!

Came over and dragged me,

All the way to the floor!

She's bewitched me with a spell,

Now I'm dancin' on the edge!@@novelbin@@


At this point, the audience and the judges were genuinely shocked by the insane changes that had been made to the original song but at the same time, they were so thrilled by the high-energy feel the song had to it that the crowd was already going wild!

It almost felt like they were at a rock concert as the sound of guitar instrumentals were followed up with a driving beat and an upbeat rhythm that just kept adding to the overall sense of excitement!

But even then, Kyle's group had really just started as they still had so much more to give because just after the chorus ended, Steven started the second verse with the same youthful energy, the others adding flair in the background.


Met her in a club in L.A! (Ow!)

Had an uptown vibe about her!

Told me she wanted to have fun, (Ow!)

I never thought she meant with me!


Instantly on cue, Ryan sang the second pre-chorus.


I doubt I can escape from her,

'Cause she just, stole my heart!


And then, once again, Joe started the anthemic and catchy chorus while everyone joined in. This time though, all the guys bounced over to different parts of the stage to meet the rousing crowd!


Then she twirled around,

Dazzled me with her smile!

Came over and dragged me,

All the way to the floor!

She's bewitched me with a spell,

Now I'm dancin' on the edge!


Moving over to the bridge as the high-energy tempo of the electrifying pop-rock tune slowed down a bit, Steven sang the part while Kyle, Joe and Ryan sang in the background as they all moved over, back to the middle of the stage.


This better not be a dream (No, no, no),

And if it is let me stay asleep (Yeah yeah yeah…),

I don't wanna forget her (No, no, no),

I hope she doesn't forget me… (Yeah yeah yeah…)


And then in an unexpected turn of events, Kyle suddenly began a loud countdown mid-tune!

"One! One, Two, Three, Go!"

Instantly, at the exact same time as the song picked up its energetic pop-rock tune again, Ryan and Joe, much to the crowd's electrifying excitement and euphoria, performed a no-hand backflip that caused the crowd to go even wilder!

The moment they landed, the boys all began the chorus together while performing the dance moves they had all choreographed, Kyle singing in the background this time!


Cause she twirled around on her heels (She twirled around…),

Dazzled me with her bewitching smile! (Dazzled me with her smile…),

Dragged me to the dance floor (She dragged me along…),

And now I've danced off the edge (Completely fallen for her…)


The chorus, obviously modified by Kyle to elevate the song even further, just had the judges looking on in utter disbelief, wide grins plastered on their faces with Kiara clapping and grooving to the song.

And then, as they pulled off the leg shuffle, the song coming to an end, Joe and Ryan stepped forward a bit as they sang the song's outro.

This was another modification Kyle had added in and both individuals sang it with soft vocals that mirrored the gradual decline in the song's upbeat tempo, Joe's voice accentuating Ryan's.


Dancin' off the edge, (I hope this lasts forever…)

Just dancin' off the edge ('Cause it's been such a fever dream…)


With that, the song came to an end as all the guys had their chest heave up and down, sweat dripping down their faces.

The crowd was currently still going wild with cheers, whistles and screams while the judges had stood up from their chairs to give their band a standing ovation.

Even Chris was doing the same.

As all four stared at the amazing scene before them, excitement still coursing through their very beings from their performance, they were truly glad they gave it their all.

What they were currently experiencing, was worth all the time and energy they had put into delivering a sensational performance.

Backstage, in the filming studio, all the other contestants were unable to even say a word and were just as thoroughly impressed as the judges and the audience.

But at the same time, a lot of them already knew they would be getting eliminated today because factually, no band reached the level of performance that the boys did.

'Even though we truly gave it our all too, there's no doubting that they completely trumped our performance' Lily on the other hand, thought to herself with a small sigh.

In the production studio though, if the staff members were individually alone, they would practically be dancing their asses off right now at how high the ratings would soar this season, Howard especially.

He just couldn't believe just how extremely talented each and every contestant was this year and the collation of those talents into one team had resulted in something like this.

Steven, along with his beautiful voice, who seemed to be lost in the song whenever he sang, Kyle who was unbelievably getting better and better with each performance, Joe whose voice brought an inherent harmony whenever they had sung the chorus and Ryan who no one even knew was such a sensational dancer.

It all melded perfectly to create a truly memorable performance.

And not just that, the changes made to the original song was so unexpected yet it had completely changed the song for the better, making the original seem very lackluster in comparison.

'I can't wait for this episode to air!' Howard inwardly exclaimed in excitement.

At exact same time, as the audience and their cheers finally died down, all the groups were called back on-stage by the judges.

The guys, along with Lily and Helena's group weren't even anxious in the least because they already knew without fail, that they would definitely be making it to the next rounds.

* * *

"That was such an electrifying performance from you guys. How're you feeling currently?" Chris asked, interviewing Kyle's band.

He had already interviewed the other bands and now it was time for theirs.

"Truth be told, I'm still feeling quite giddy from the adrenaline I felt" Joe was the first to answer with an excited smile.

"Yeah. It still feels quite surreal. I mean, I know we gave it everything we got but still, it's just amazing when everything comes together so perfectly." Steven added happily.

"And honestly, we couldn't have done it without this guy here!" Ryan patted Kyle's shoulder while sporting a wide grin.

"I just really wanted all of us to individually shine while also delivering a great performance" Kyle responded with a thin smile.

"You have to own up to your achievements man! Take pride in it!" Ryan advised while the others nodded in agreement.

Considering Kyle was quite weak to compliments he felt were really genuine, he subtly lowered his head in bashful appreciation.

"I guess I will… Thanks guys"

To this, the guys chuckled in mild amusement.

Nodding his head in approval though, Chris continued the interview while asking another question, a wave of excitement in his tone.

"The backflip!? Whose idea was it?!"

In response, the guys just pointed to Kyle with wide grins, all while the young man himself, instantly clarified!

"I'd really only just said it as a passing idea! I actually didn't expect Ryan and Joe to be so willing to go through with it!"

Listening to that, the rest of the guys along with the host shared a small laughter.

Like that, the interview proceeded on with the host asking questions about how the parts were assigned, one Kyle explained as best as he could.

Then after that, another question, this time regarding the stellar dance choreography itself came up and Ryan took great pride in answering that.

After a few more minutes, the interview ended and all four left the interview room to head over to the bus that would take them back to their hotel.

"You know, even after the show is all over, we should still perform as a band every once in a while" Ryan offered.

"Hmmm. That'll be quite hard but it's not a bad idea" Steven nodded.

"I'm fine with it" Joe said and then Kyle added.

"Well, we'd better come up with a band name then…"

"But we can leave that for when we actually do get the chance to perform together again" he then concluded.

To that, the guys all agreed and then made their way out of the filming studio while discussing about other mundane things.

* * *

| You have successfully given a great performance with your bandmates! |

| You have obtained a huge amount of exp. points! |

| Due to elevating [Dancin' On The Edge] to 97%, a big bonus will be applied! |

'97%!' Kyle's eyes widened in immense disbelief at that!

Considering he had only expected around a probable 80 to 85% increase, the percentage elevation really came as a shock to him but he patiently read the other notifications that just went on.

| [Resonance] has increased from Grade E to Grade D! |

| New low-grade passive skill [Charisma] has been awarded! |

| 2000 exp. points have been awarded! |

| Total exp. points available (5770) |

| You are close to breaking through from Singing level 8 to Level 9! |

| You are close to breaking through from Composing level 9 to level 10! |

| Keep singing and composing to improve your skills! |


{Kyle Kestis} – Exp. Points (5770)


| [Soulful Vocals (P)], [Growth Spurt (P)], [Appraisal(A)], [Resonance (P)] – {D}], [Charisma (P)]…

* Exp. Points can be used to create skills.


| Singing › Level 8

| Acting › Level 6

| Composing › Level 9

| Dancing › Level 6

| Instrument Mastery (Piano/Guitar) › Level 7/6

* Levels will increase in accordance to your growth.


'What the?!'

Currently on his bed after the events of the day, the young man couldn't help but be quite shocked by what he was seeing.

Unable to believe that he was suddenly close to leveling up again from both singing and composing, especially since he had genuinely felt like it would take him a month at most to level up again, Kyle was understandably surprised.

What had him really surprised though was how [Resonance] had suddenly gone up by a grade and how he was even awarded a new skill by the system.

'All because I made those big changes to the song…' he mused.

Exhaling a deep breath, the raven-haired man just accepted the rewards with gratitude.

'I'll ensure to make the best use of it' he smiled, very much looking forward to the next round.

Paralyzed by Big Time Rush!

(Click to read more...)

Boy bands are the coolest! Yes, I have a strong bias towards them. Bite me! <( ̄︶ ̄)>

That aside though, thank you for the powerstones, gifts and golden tickets! Truly appreciate it!

Also, I had a burst of inspiration and motivation yesterday and I was able to write three more chapters.

I could simply release them, yes... but I wanna be a bit shameless so let's play a game.

Drop a honest review about the novel (be brutal if need be, I can take it), and I will release a chapter in accordance tomorrow.

Alongside tomorrow's new chapter, you can get a total of four chapters this way! Woo!

\( ^▽^ )/

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.