Chapter 102
---Homeworld, Several Weeks Later, Wedding Day---
Arriving at our mansion early in the morning, I greeted my family, future in-laws, and colleagues with a smile. Motioning for them to enter our abode, as everyone shuffled inside, they immediately noticed that the home was not decorated for the occasion. Giving them a moment to wander around and explore the home, the group gathered in our living room with anxious expressions.
“Victor, please tell me nothing happened to your engagements. My poor daughter cannot go through the heartbreak a second time.”, Clarice’s father Bernard said, with a mortified expression.
“Agreed, if this is some sort of joke none of us appreciate it.”, Angelica’s father Vince agreed.
“My apologies for the confusion, the wedding is not being held here at my residence. I had everyone gather here because it makes transporting the entire group easier. Your daughters, and Julius and Jilk’s case mother, are already onsite getting changed into their dresses.”, I explained, “I would have clarified that in the wedding invitations, but as you will soon discover, none of you would have believed me.”
Sighing with relief, everyone apologized for jumping to conclusions. Understanding their worries, given what happened in the not-so-distant past, I gave Horizon the order to teleport us aboard. Enveloping us in a brilliant light, our family and guests were temporarily blinded for a moment. Giving them a few moments to let their eyes adjust, I welcomed them aboard the Endless Horizons. Not understanding what was going on, when they turned around and saw the breathtaking view outside, everyone fell silent.
Slowly processing what they were seeing, all of them rushed to the window for a closer look. Examining what they were seeing for any signs of illusions, as the realization sank in for everyone, they looked back at me in disbelief.
“Victor…are…are we in space right now?”, my father Balcus inquired.@@novelbin@@
“As I previously said, if I had told you the truth outright none of you would have believed me.”, I chuckled, enjoying their reactions, “My fiancées and I have been exploring the universe around our region of space now for several years. We have had several crazy adventures out here, and fully intend to have countless more in the future. Throughout our travels, we have encountered many groups of people, many of whom we have become friends with to some extent. I apologize for keeping everyone in the dark, but announcing we were not alone in the universe would not have gone down well amongst our people.”
“So this is where you have been disappearing to for extended periods of time.”, the Adventurer’s Guildmaster Nicholas commented, with a smirk, “There were some crazy rumors circling around for a bit about why you were missing from the public eye. Some people thought your fiancées died in a high-ranking dungeon and you were in mourning, while others said you were doing unspeakable experiments on them in a secret dungeon beneath your mansion. Do not worry though, all those rumors disappeared when your fiancées began making public appearances again.”
Having read many reports about those rumors, they all originated from noblemen that had issues with the prosperity of my territory. Since we were living off world most of the time now, those bastards seized the opportunity to spread vile rumors about me trying to ruin my public image. Unfortunately for them, they all met their end in terrible accidents here recently, such a pity.
“Moving on, there is something everyone needs to understand before we head out. Nations out here are not measured in square miles or kilometers; they are calculated by the number of planets under their control. The reason I bring this to your attention is because we will have representatives of foreign governments in attendance today.”, I explained, casting a Linguistic Translation Spell on them, “We have gone to great lengths to hide the fact that our nation is only several million square miles in size. They believe our country consists of five hundred thousand to seven hundred and fifty thousand planets. If any of them ask you about our country or people, keep your answers broad and vague.”
Understanding the necessity of bluffing our size, everyone present agreed to my request without another word. Thanking them for their understanding, I guided the ship out of orbit and began charging the Blink Drive. Plugging in the coordinates, once it was charged, Horizon initiated the jump for me.
---Resort World---
Getting us into a stable orbit over the wedding venue, Horizon teleported us down onto the island. As we manifested on the island, a pleasant sea breeze greeted us as the waves crashed against the island’s beaches. Less than a mile in diameter, the cozy island Luxion found for me was perfectly sized for the momentous occasion. Moreover, since we were getting married at sunset, the sun would become a beautiful backdrop for our wedding photos.
“My…my word…”, Vince choked up, looking at the careful preparations and the breathtaking view, “I understand now why you took so long to set a date for marriage, Victor. This place…it…it is perfect for my beautiful daughter’s wedding. I only wish my wife were alive to see this.”
“Damn it…I…I said I would not cry!”, Bernard sniffled, wiping his tears, “Thank you, Victor, for choosing such a wonderous place for the wedding venue. Clarice will never forget this awe-inspiring view.”
“Yes, thank you Victor!”, Earl Roseblade cried, with a joyful smile, “To see my baby girl married in such a place…I…I am at a loss for words.”
“You did a splendid job, Victor!”, my mother Luce said, hugging me tightly, “I am glad you got my common sense, and not your father’s stupidity. When we got married, it was in a barn…”
“It was the best I could afford at the time…”, Balcus sighed, with an apologetic look, “Now that the territory is in a much better place, how about we renew our vows somewhere nice?”
Grinning like a cunning fox, my mother accepted his suggestion immediately. Having been poor his entire life, now that they were well off, he had yet to come to grips with his wealth. Stuck in his penny-pinching mindset, up till this point he had yet to use any of it to take the two of them on a well deserved vacation. Hoping this would help him come to terms with things, both of my parents deserved to have a bit of fun together now.
Escorting the group to the multipurpose building onsite, as we stepped inside, a wide variety of smells greeted us. Having paid for the all you can eat and drink package, we had an assortment of popular foods from the Algrand Empire and Galactic Republic spread out through the main hall. Noticing a mammoth sized bar in the back of the room, the men ran over to it while the women went to check out the beach.
“How much are the drinks?”, Balcus asked one of the Robotic Bartenders.
“The Host has paid for an open bar. There is no cost for your drinks.”, the Robotic Bartender responded, “All the bartenders here are preprogrammed with all known cocktails and mixed drinks from this region of space. Feel free to tell us what you like, and we can make something- “
“An Old Fashion, please!”, the fathers said, in almost perfect sync.
“We will take whatever beer you recommend.”, Julius stated.
“Make that a lager for me, not a beer.”, Jilk corrected his brother.
While I had my reservations about these two idiots being here, as they were Angelica and Clarice’s former fiancés, Mylene insisted they be allowed to come. Wanting one last opportunity to mend their damaged parental relationship, as she still saw them as her children, if things did not work out, she would forget about them like she had King Roland.
Ordering myself a similar drink to a Long Island Iced Tea, I left the men and headed back outside. Finding the women splashing around on the beach and searching for seashells, each of them seemed to be enjoying the gorgeous weather the planet’s owner had set things too. As I was about to wander off to a hammock and relax for a bit, the first of our other guests arrived.
“Hello, Victor.”, Valerica said, as Lydia and the Volkihar Clan appeared on the scene, “This is quite an impressive wedding venue. While it is not what I would have picked, I am certain that my daughter loves the thought of being wed here. She has always enjoyed going to new places, and this is certainly nothing like the world we come from.”
“The ceremony is set to begin at just before sunset. Till then, please partake of the food and drink inside.”, I stated, motioning to the multipurpose room, “Everything is free so please help yourselves.”
“Much appreciated.”, Valerica acknowledged, looking back her clan, “My daughter is being wed today, anyone who disrupts the celebration or festivities will face my unbridled wrath! Do I make myself crystal clear?”
Swearing on their lives not to cause a problem, the subordinate vampires shuffled inside to partake in the feasting. Heading in after them, Valerica told me she would be at the bar trying new cocktails. Telling her not to get too hammered, she assured me that would not happen as vampires had a very high tolerance for alcohol.
“Greetings, Victor.”, Lydia said, shaking my hand firmly, “You have several letters waiting for you back at the Breezehome. The other Orc Strongholds in Skyrim have requested to join your ranks, like Largashbur did. Malacath has told them that serving under you will bring him a great deal of glory and satisfaction. In addition to them, two unusual people stopped by looking for you. One was a Dark Elf woman claiming to be with the Thieves Guild and the other was a jester who claimed he was with the Dark Brotherhood. While I can believe the Dark Elf, I am uncertain about the jester. He seems a bit to unhinged for a guild full of stealthy assassins.”
“I understand, I will stop by after my honeymoon to speak with them.”, I chuckled, “And for the record, that jester is not to be underestimated. He plays the part of a fool, but he is a seriously talented assassin that uses twin daggers to tear his victims apart.”
“Duly noted…”, Lydia remarked, with a nervous expression, “Hopefully I did not upset him when I sent him away…”
Heading inside, she walked up to the bar and placed an order for a large tankard of mead. Chugging the whole thing down in a matter of moments, Lydia ordered another almost immediately. Wondering what she said to Cicero, I hoped it was nothing terrible as that jester was a quarter turn away from being insane.
“You picked quite a nice world to host your wedding on, Victor.”, Obi-Wan said, as the Galactic Republic’s party arrived, “Quite a memorable place indeed.”
“I am glad everyone could make it.”, I replied, shaking Anakin, Ahsoka, and his hands, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Senator Amidala. I have heard a great deal about you from Anakin and Ahsoka.”
“I hope they have not said anything too bad about me.”, Amidala laughed, as we exchanged handshakes, “While I have you, I would like to personally thank you for risking your life for the refugees along the border. It is good to know that there are still good men and women out there that are willing to help those in need.”
“It was no trouble at all, I look forward to working with the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order for many years to come.”, I said, noticing another familiar face behind her, “Duchess Satina, this is an unexpected surprise. I hope progress is going well in the Mandalore System.”
“Everything is going better than I could have anticipated. Minister Vizsla has embraced his new position with open arms and has begun performing tactical operations to safeguard our cherished secrets and people. Crime has plummeted to an all-time low, and the people are beginning to see a new way forward.”, Satina remarked, with a smile, “You have picked quite a breathtaking location for your wedding. I wonder what sort of venue you will pick for us, once I win you over.”
Opening my mouth to answer, I noticed a brief, pained look on Obi-Wan’s face. Wondering if there was a connection between the two of them, that I was unaware of, I felt bad because I was not the sort of person who took women from good men. Leading the group into the building, as everyone began to intermingle with other guests, Obi-Wan and I approached the bar. Asking point blank if there was something had happened between the Duchess and him in the past, I made it clear I had no desire to expose them if that was indeed correct.
“I first met Satina when I was a young Jedi Knight. We encountered one another during a peacekeeping mission to the Mandalore System. She was one of the loudest voices calling for peace and an end to the centuries of bloodshed and violence.”, Obi-Wan elaborated, “There was a spark between us the moment our eyes met, it is safe to say it was love at first sight for us. We did briefly court one another, but we both parted amicably soon afterward. I could not give her the life she deserved as marriage is banned in the Order, and the Mandalorian people needed her to lead them into an era of peace. I would have left the Jedi Order for her back then, if she had asked me to, but now it is too late for me to step away.”
“I…I am sorry…”, I said, feeling a bit guilty I had not immediately shut her down, “If you still love her, I am more than happy to step back and leave you to rekindle your romance. It is never too late to step back and pursue your love.”
“Victor, please do not walk away from her on account of my feelings. If you have feelings for her, court her and give her the happiness I could not.”, Obi-Wan stated, with a serious look, “House Kryze has two main family members left, Bo-Katan and Satina. Bo-Katan is a warrior through and through, I seriously doubt any man will get her to settle down and start a family. That leaves just Satina, but she has incredibly high expectations for any potential partner. To my knowledge, you and I are the only two men that have ever caught her eye.”
“While we are just at the stage of getting to know one another, are you sure you are truly fine with it? Do not give me that bull crap about duty and honor, I want the real answer, the one that comes from your heart.”, I told him, looking him dead in the eyes, “Tell me as a man, not a Jedi or anything else. I consider you a good friend so do not bullshit me.”
“Honestly, Victor, I would leave the Jedi Order right now if she asked me too. Getting to see her again brought back a wave of emotions that I thought I buried back then, but I cannot allow myself to pursue her again. While the High Council will not acknowledge it, at our current loss rate, our Order will be in shambles within six months. Leaving them would only further compound things as a few High Council members are nearing retirement age and will likely step down in a year or so.”, Obi-Wan explained, looking at his glass, “They will need people like Anakin, Ahsoka, and I to step up and help rebuild the Order. Seeing Satina with a man that makes her happy will allow me to lay my feelings to rest and focus on where I am needed most.”
Hearing the pain in his tone, I felt the marriage restriction the Jedi Order had in place was complete bullshit. The Cerean members of the Order were exempt from the marriage restriction as their race’s birth rates were incredibly low. Moreover, because of that low birth rate, it was very common to harems to further improve their chances. In my mind, the claim that establishing loving relationships created a greater risk of falling to the dark side was utter garbage. It was simply a dated mindset that would have led to the downfall of the Order without my intervention.
“In other news, Obi-Wan, you are not the only Jedi Knight to have fallen for a Senator. Your former Padawan is in the same position with Senator Amidala, and Palpatine is fully aware of it. They were married last year on Naboo.”, I told him, “The reason I am telling you is because he intends to use Amidala to manipulate Anakin into becoming his apprentice. Here soon he will request Anakin be made his personal guard, do not allow that to happen under any circumstance. He will worm his way into Anakin’s mind and turn him against all of you.”
“Why not quit the Jedi Order and make their marriage public?”, Obi-Wan inquired.
“Anakin feels he is duty bound to see this war through to the end and wants to make a difference for the good of the people. You have been with him since he was a child, you know better than anyone that he has a big heart for the abandoned and the innocent.”, I remarked, with a smile, “To circumvent Palpatine, I believe we use Anakin to figure out who in the Senate is under his mind control. Under the guise of being Senator Amidala’s bodyguard, he can get close enough to most Senators to confirm whether or not they have been manipulated.”
“He protects his wife from Palpatine while also aiding the Jedi Order, I like your plan. Once we end the fighting, Anakin and I can discuss a more permanent solution for his situation.”, Obi-Wan said, looking back at the two of them, “Thank you for coming to me with this information and not informing the High Council. I will take the necessary steps to safeguard both from the Sith Lord.”
Sharing a pint of ale together, the two of us began swapping stories with one another of our escapades throughout our lifetimes.
Performing our beautiful ceremony, with a picturesque sunset as the backdrop, the five fathers handed their daughters over to me before taking their seats. Exchanging our vows with one another, my wives poured their hearts out to me with each word they spoke. Desiring to travel to the very ends of the universe with me, they swore to remain faithful to me and love me for the rest of our days. When it was my turn to speak, I cleared my throat and spoke concisely to them.
“Aela, Angelica, Clarice, Deirdre, Lucoa, Mylene, Olivia, Roxanna, and Serana, as I stand here looking upon each of you, I feel truly honored and fortunate to call myself your life partner. While some of you have been in my life longer than others, I love each of you with every fiber of my being and cannot see a future without each of you in it.”, I said, with a smile, “No matter what anyone says, no one in the whole of creation can ever take your places in my heart. All of you are unique, quirky women who I adore and love above all else. I thank you for joining me on this crazy voyage called life, and I look forward to building a wonderful family together with all of you.”
Moving faster than the marriage officiant could speak, my wives each took turns kissing me before all ten of us pulled ourselves in for a hug. Clapping and cheering for us, once we let go of one another, we began a night long celebration with our friends and family.
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