Rising up from a Nobleman to Intergalactic Warlord!!

Chapter 161

(AN: It is great to be back in the saddle after two weeks of grueling classes. I successfully passed my exam and earned myself a nice raise! Thanks, everyone, for your understanding, except for those of you who kept pestering me lol.) :P

Arriving at the palace fifteen minutes ahead of everyone else, I sent our new companions on ahead while I wandered off to the sleeping quarters. Wanting to find the casino’s cowardly general manager before the execution began, we had a bloody score to settle with one another. Having left his subordinates to shoulder his punishment for him, they divulged all they knew before I even opened my mouth.

“We both know how this is going to end, you son of a bitch. Trying to offer up a few of my wives to Jabba is the last mistake you will ever make in this lifetime. Come out now, and I will let you die with the last shreds of dignity you have left!”, I shouted, retrieving the Mace of Molag Bal from my inventory.

“Lord Stark, you have my sincerest apologies!! I… I have learned from my mistake and swear to never make it again!!”, the manager cried out, his voice echoing throughout the sandstone hallway. “Please have mercy and let me go.”

“I have no mercy for anyone that comes after my family.”, I stated, smashing a hole into one of the empty suites. “You are right about one thing, though; I am certain you will never repeat this heinous crime again once I am done with you.”

Howling like a banshee, the general manager began to frantically move the suite’s furniture around to barricade the door. Punching a hole into the next room, he abandoned his efforts and quickly ran over to his tiny window. Bashing the glass out with his elbow, instead of opening it like a civilized person, the candy-ass began yelling for the palace guards to save him. Growing more desperate with every hole I punched, by the time I stood outside his room, he had pissed himself and had snot and tears streaming down his face.

<My apologies for interrupting your fun, Master. Our targets are approximately five minutes out now. We should consider ending this quickly and rejoining the others.> (Luxion)

“Jeez, time certainly flies when you are having fun.”, I chuckled, observing the situation inside the room via a surveillance drone. “Very well, I will start wrapping this up then.”

Plowing through the sandstone wall with a single step, the general manager dove toward the far corner of the room, yowling like a cornered animal. Drawing a hidden laser pistol from under his vest, he began firing at me while telling me to die. Watching his laser bolts bounce off my shielding, as I continued to slowly approach him, the idiot refused to stop firing until his weapon ran out of juice.

“Cease your pathetic resistance. You are only embarrassing yourself more, nitwit.”, I commented, smacking the unusual weapon out of his hand with the Force.

“Wait a moment, please, Lord Stark!!”, the manager pleaded, making one final attempt to pacify me. “By how casually you have been destroying Lord Tiure’s palace, I suspect you intend to kill him today. As one of his most senior subordinates, there are a great deal of secrets that I can provide you with in exchange for my life. He has several hidden caches spread out across the galaxy filled with exotic women in stasis, political documents, priceless treasures, and untold numbers of exotic technology. All of it can be yours if you just let me go!”

“You are clearly uninformed about what I am capable of.”, I remarked, pressing the mace firmly against his throat. “As a peerless mage, I have access to a plethora of different magic types, including necromancy. In case you do not know what that is, suffice it to say that I do not need you alive to glean the information you have.”

Realizing that he was completely out of options now, the last remnants of his spirit and willpower broke. Slumping back against the wall, he began calling out for his mother while he suckled on his thumb. Retreating into the depths of his psyche, all that remained now was an empty husk. Raising the mace over my head, I brought it down upon him, causing his body and the surrounding area to explode with enough intensity to shake the entire palace. Resurrecting him immediately, over the next few minutes I continued to kill him repeatedly to vent my anger.

Cleaning the mace with fire, once my anger was pacified, I stowed it away and summoned his lingering spirit to me. Forcing him to give me the locations of the loot caches he mentioned, he gave me eight sets of coordinates along with the access codes to disarm the security systems. Curious how he came by this information, as Jabba would never have shared it with anyone, the spirit said he had seen the paperwork in Jabba’s office several years ago. Having intended to use the information to fund a lucrative retirement, all his plans were for naught as he was dead now.

As one final act of punishment for his misdeeds in life, I sent his soul to Coldharbour instead of allowing it to rejoin the normal reincarnation cycle. Assuring him that I would send his colleagues and employer there as well, he suddenly disappeared into a puff of smoke. With hardly any time left now, Luxion and I teleported to the reception area where everyone was patiently waiting for me.

“Holy Terra… he… he really is a Primarch!!”, one of the Sisters gasped, staring at me in shock.

“Stop gawking at him and show Primarch Stark the respect he is owed!”, Sister Superior Solsten snapped, rushing over and kneeling before me.

Following her example, Solsten’s subordinates got into formation and mimicked her movements exactly. Giving them a warm smile, I told them to rise, as now was not the time to stand on ceremony. Our targets were beginning to arrive outside the palace and would be walking in any moment now.

“Allow us to personally thank you for rescuing Lady Thistlebutton and us from the xeno filth.”, Solsten said as they rose to their feet.

“There is no need to thank me. It is a Primarch’s duty to protect the Emperor’s greatest treasure, his people.”, I remarked, before checking the cameras the infiltration team set up were working properly, “Now then, let us wrap things up here on Tatooine and get all of you sent back to Terra. Abbess Vahl and the other High Lords of Terra are eager to speak with you.”

“Lord Stark, forgive me for doubting your words, but can you truly cover such a vast distance in a few hours?”, Solsten inquired, trying her utmost to believe in my words.

Deciding to give her a demonstration, I opened a Force Storm to the Thistlebutton residence on Terra. Manifesting the portal just inside the entryway, their faces paled as they immediately recognized the place. Hurrying down the ornate stairwell to the second floor, several staff members were curious what the crackling noise they heard was. Startled by what they found, only one of the butlers dared to approach the portal I created.

“Lady Solsten is that… Is that you?”, a middle-aged butler inquired, hesitantly approaching the portal.

“Yes, it is, Gerald.”, Solsten answered in a subdued voice, “It is good to see you again, old friend.”

“Does this mean that Mistress Rose is- “, Gerald began to speak.

“Alive and kicking? I certainly am!”, Rose answered enthusiastically, walking over with a plasma rifle in hand, “Let my family know we will be home this evening. See all of you soon!”

“Understood, Mistress Rose!”, Gerald acknowledged, with a tearful smile, “We eagerly await your return home.”

Closing the connection, it took Solsten and her subordinates a minute to process what they saw. Giving them some time to mentally recover, I turned my attention to the people approaching the front entrance. Blissfully unaware that the guards on the rooftop were missing, Jabba and his entourage slowly entered the building as the other racers began to pull up.

“Alright Elma, Ilulu, and Tohru, it is showtime!”, Bo-Katan remarked, priming the explosive charge. “As soon as they begin opening the doors, I will detonate the charge.”

“We are more than ready to go on our end!”, Elma replied, as Ilulu and Tohru began fidgeting with excitement.

Deploying our helmets, as Boba Fett began pushing the doors open, Bo-Katan squeezed her detonator, triggering the C-5 affixed to the keystone above their heads. Throwing the doors open in a hurry, several individuals scurried into the room as the entryway ceiling came crashing down. Bathing the space in a sea of fire, the dragonesses descended upon those who fled outside and began massacring them.

“Lying to my face was a grave mistake, Jabba. You have been holding my missing people in your dungeon for some time now but told me you had never seen them.”, I spoke up as Solsten and her subordinates readied their Chainswords, “Not only did you withhold the information from me, but you also assaulted them and had obedience chips installed in their skulls. I deem your acts of aggression against the Imperium of Man as a declaration of war. The time for retribution is now!”

Opening fire upon Jabba and his entourage, those fast enough dove behind cover, leaving the slower ones to fend for themselves. Charging into the fray with a loud battle cry, Solsten and her people pounced on the Hutts with unrivaled fury. Hacking and slashing them asunder, their blood, guts, and reptilian scales flew in every which direction. Cowering under one of the food tables, Vikzel listened to their horrific scream while curled up in a ball.

‘All I wanted was a comfortable, cushy job. Why did things have to come to this?!’, Vikzel thought, covering his ears, trying to deafen the noise.

“Why are you hiding instead of fighting like a true Mandalorian warrior, Boba Fett?”, Bo-Katan berated him. “Come out and fight me!”

“A skilled bounty hunter knows how to pick their battles, and I am clearly at a disadvantage here.”, Boba Fett shot back, “Any chance I can persuade you to let me go in exchange for dirt on the Hutt Syndicate? I signed up to be Jabba’s bodyguard, not a soldier in a one-sided war.”

“Not happening; you are just as guilty as Jabba.”, Ahsoka refused, rushing forward with her lightsaber drawn, “You will be held accountable for your heinous actions!”

With a peaceful resolution out of the question, the only option Boba Fett had left was to fight his way out of here. Arming two of his plasma grenades, he shot up out of cover and prepared to chuck them in our direction. Using a strong Force Push to stop him, Ahsoka sent him flying backwards into the wall. Seizing the opportunity, Bo-Katan pointed her antimaterial rifle at him, aimed for the head, and fired. Blowing his head clean off and punching a hole through the wall, his body collapsed to the floor as the grenades detonated. Splattering its deadly liquid onto several of his colleagues, they began howling in agony as the plasma dissolved flesh and bone like paper. Putting them out of their misery with a flick of her wrist, Ahsoka cut their heads off as Solsten and her team finished dispatching the Hutts.

“Keep your filthy, fucking hands off my body, xeno scum!”, Solsten hissed, kicking Jabba’s lifeless body, “If hell does exist, I hope you burn there for all of eternity!”

“Sister Superior Solsten, calm yourself!”, Ionica commanded, firing her pistol before holstering it.

“My… my apologies, Canoness Superior Ionica.”, Solsten replied, slowly coming to her senses. “I… I just- “

“There is no need to explain; you have been through a lot these past few months.”, Ionica assured her, walking up and patting her friend on the shoulder. “While the Hutts may be dead, there is still a lot of cleanup needed in Mos Espa and elsewhere on the planet. Are you fit enough to lend a hand?”

Nodding her head in confirmation, Solsten wiped the blood from her face and gave her a resolute smile. With Jabba and his upper echelon gone, I gave the order to begin the assault on Tatooine. Reiterating that we were only eliminating people connected to the Hutt Syndicate, any slaves we freed in the process were to be sent to Coruscant or left to their own devices here on the planet.

“Supreme Commander, we have completed the extraction of the forced laborers from the casino. Everyone else was restrained and left inside.”, Commander Yoma informed me over the radio.

“Thank you for your hard work, Yoma.”, I replied, bringing up my holographic computer display. “Adios, motherfuckers!”

Targeting the casino with one of the New Genesis’ charged particle cannons, I vaporized it and the surrounding area with the push of a button. Feeling the ground shake as the beam made contact, the fight outside was quickly drowned out by the roar of the weapon. As the noise began to fade away, my wives retracted their helmets and began scouring the room to finish off anyone still alive.

“It looks like we missed one.”, Roxanne commented, sniffing the frightened Ishi Tib out. “What should we do with him?”

“Usually I would say put a bullet in their skull, but incinerating them sounds just as good. Ionica is really starting to rub off on me.”, Amallyn said, giving her a playful smirk.

Throwing the table across the room, Vikzel prostrated himself before Amallyn and begged for mercy. Considering crushing him under her boot initially, she stopped herself and suggested we leave his fate up to our new comrades. Agreeing with her suggestion, we stepped aside and let them make the call.

“You are giving us permission to do whatever we want?”, the Lethan Twi’lek clarified as they stood before him.

“Of course.”, I confirmed.

Without the slightest bit of hesitation, the women pointed their laser pistols at him and turned him to Swiss cheese. Firing into his body until he was just a scorch mark, they thanked us for allowing them to get a bit of revenge for their colleagues and friends. Sending everyone into Mos Espa to aid the extermination, I began searching the palace for any hidden goodies Jabba had kept here. Hoping to find something good to tide me over, it was unlikely that we would be able to hit any of the caches until after our meeting with the Algrand Empire.

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