Chapter 5: Character information
Chapter 5: Character information
Ye Yan looked around and saw a very long and spacious road with many people walking by, some wearing luxurious and other simple clothes and there are people just like him, wearing worn-out clothes and with confused looks on their faces. Each one of these has a mark above their heads indicating they were players.
Each NPC (Nonplayer character) looks so real that if it weren't for the absence of the mark, anyone would think they were real people. Their expressions vary from neutral to disgust while looking at the players.
System: "Welcome to Gaia. We hope that you will have a wonderful second life."
System: "As you are a new player, the system is starting the tutorial."
System: "Please use your mind to open your character information." Ye Yan tried to think about it and his character information appeared in his mind. It wasn't like a page emerged in front of him so he could look into it but more like he knew everything about it without having read. The sensation he felt wasn't particularly bad but uncomfortable like someone was invading his mind and reading his thoughts.
System: "First step: Open character information complete."
Player: Jun Xie
Level: 0
Class: Novice
HP (Health Points): 40/40
MP (Mana Points): 10/10
STA (Stamina): 10/10
AP (Action Points): 11/11
ATK (Attack): 1+0 (1~1)
MATK (Magic Attack): 1+0 (1~1)
DEF (Deffense): 3+3 (-0% dmg/ damage redution)
MDEF (Magic Deffense): 2.5+0 (-0% dmg/ damage redution)
HIT (Accuracy): 2
Flee (Evasion/Dodge): 2
ASPD (Atack Speed): 0.3
Critical chance: 0.2%
Chitical damage: +0.5%
Cast Time Reduction: 0.5%
Movement Speed: 6 (100%)
Drop rate: +0%
Weight: 3/100 (0,03%)
EXP: 0/300
Skills: 1 slot
Base Stats:
STR (strength): 1
AGI (agility): 1
INT (inteligense): 1
DEX (dexerity): 1
VIT (vitality): 1
CON (constitution): 1
RES (resistance): 1
FAI (faith): 1
CHA (Charism): 1
ATT (attunement): 1
LUK (special): 0
Base Points: 5+3
Racial traits: Human start with 3 BP(base point) bonuses; gain 1 extra SP (skill point) every 20 levels.
Class feature:
System: "You have points to distribute. Please allocate them."
As he intended to play a physical attack class, Ye Yan chose to allocate 3 points in strength, 3 points in agility, 1 in dexterity, and 1 in constitution.
Player: Jun Xie
Level: 0
Class: Novice
HP (Health Points): 43/43
MP: 10/10
STA (Stamina): 12/12
AP (Action Points): 11/11
ATK (attack): 4+0 (4~4)
MATK (Magic Attack): 1+0 (1~1)
DEF (Deffense): 4+3 (-0% dmg/ damage redution)
MDEF (Magic Deffense):3+0 (-0% dmg/ damage redution)
HIT (accuracy): 4.5
Flee (evasion/dodge): 4.5
ASPD(Atack Speed): 0.4
Critical chance: 0.4%
Chitical damage: +1%
Cast Time Reduction: 1%
Movement Speed: 8 (100%)
Drop rate: +0%
Weight: 3/103 (0,029%)
EXP: 0/300
Skills: 1 slot
Base Stats:
STR (strength): 4
AGI (agility): 4
INT (inteligense): 1
DEX (dexerity): 2
VIT (vitality): 1
CON (constitution): 2
RES (resistance): 1
FAI (faith): 1
CHA: 1
ATT (attunement): 1
LUK (special): 0
Base Points: 0
Racial traits: Human start with 3 BP bonuses; gain 1 extra SP (skill point) every 20 levels.
Class feature:
System: "Now open your status change resistance."
Ye Yan thought about it and the new information appeared in his mind.
Stun: 4%
Poison: 4%
Silence: 4%
Bleeding: 4%
Sleep: 4%
Stone curse: 3%
Freeze: 4%
Curse: 4%
Blind: 4%
Confusion: 4%
System: "Second step: Open status change resistances complete."
System: "Now open your equipment information."
Ye Yan began the game with only 3 pieces of equipment and one bag with 20 slots.
[worn-out panties] (Trash, armor: shirt)
Def: 1
Level requirement: 0
Durability: 10/10
Weight: 1
[worn-out panties] (Trash, armor: pants)
Def: 1
Level requirement: 0
Durability: 10/10
Weight: 1
[worn-out slippers] (Trash, armor: footgear)
Def: 1
Level requirement: 0
Durability: 10/10
Weight: 1
"No weapons. Maybe I will have to punch the monsters to death". 'It will be good to punch something. There is a lot of time since my last fight'.
System: "Third step: Open status equipment information complete."
System: "Now open your inventory." Ye Yan looked at how poor the characters began. He opened his bag and could visualize the items inside. There are four tabs in his inventory: consumables, equipment, tools, and miscellaneous. But every slot was empty. His possessions sum up to three worn-out pieces of equipment and 20 copper coins.
System: "Fourth step: Open status equipment information complete."
System: "Tips: Look for the Adventurers' Guild."
System: "Your tutorial has ended."
"Where is the Adventurers' Guild?" Ye Yan thought while scratched his head. "Maybe I should ask one of these NPCs." Ye Yan discovered that the city has four branches of the Adventurers' Guild', near the gate of each direction.
After asking around, he finally arrived in front of the biggest pagoda that he has ever seen with the name 'Adventurers' Guild' on a sign. This building is even bigger than Liaodi Pagoda, with a hexagonal shape, about 100 meters in height, 10 floors, and 80 meters wide. Its entrance faces the south like every important building of the city.
"Wow! This place is huge." He entered the building and was stunned by its interior and the number of players there. Inside there are two large counters, one next to the other on the right side, the notice board on the left, many large tables with many about ten chairs each, and in the back of the room, there is a stairway to the second floor. "It looks bigger inside. There are so many people and NPCs here."
"Hello! My name is Cheng Yongliang, and I am in charge of the newcomers. If you are interested in registering in the guild, you can go to that woman over there, the one with a nice ass."
"What?" Ye Yan just shook his head and went in the direction of the woman of the 'nice ass' that was at the counter closer to the entrance. There is a queue so he had to wait for about 10 minutes. In the meantime, he was looking at the other players to see if he can recognize one of his friends but Ye Yan gives up in the end because there are too many people and probably his friends had changed their appearance too.
"Please fill out this form."
He looked at the paper and his data was filled in automatically.
"Thank you. Now you go upstairs to a room on the second floor to receive instructions". Ye Yan follow the directions and arrived in a room filled with players. He sat down in one of the empty chairs while the instructor began to speak.
"My name is Li Xaoli, and I am the newcomer's instructor. You are inexperienced in how the world works, so I will be explaining the basics."
The NPC began to explain about the world and basic information about stats, like what each class needs to focus on and all that. Nothing new to players that are used to playing games.
"Each newcomer will receive a kit from the guild containing 10 bottles of [Novice Potion], 1 [Beginner's dagger], 1 [City of Ji Map], and 1 [Basic Teleportation Scroll] that can teleport you to the City's Teleportation Hall. Now you can go to learn some novice skills from instructor Yuan Heng and later look for quests at the notice board in the main hall."
Ye Yan looked at the map. The City of Jin was designed as a big square surrounded by high walls with three gates next to each other on each side. Within the city, there are nine north-south and nine east-west roads on what the north-south roads measure 20 meters wide while the east-west, only 15. If we divide the city into nine squares, three rows of three squares. The ones next to the vertices can also be divided the same way because of the roads. The others that draw a plus sign are organized in four by three with 12 areas in a rectangle format. The central square of the plus sign is located in the palace where the mayor and officers reside. The ancestral temple of the ruling house is to the left of the palace, the temple to the god of the soil is to the right. The palace and the other important buildings of the City of Ji face east direction to honor the Sun God (Tai Yang Gong), the guardian deity of the city. The central market is located behind it, west of the city.
After analyzing the map, he looked at the other items. 'Finally, I got a weapon'.
[Begginer's dagger] (wood, one-hand weapon: dagger)
Atk: 17
Description: A dagger forged for greenhorns.
Level requirement: 0
Class requirement: Novice
Durability: 30/30
Weight: 10
After equipping the dagger, he went to the instructor next door so he could learn some skills. There are two skills for the novice.
Skill: [Play Dead]
Description: You lay on the ground like you were dead and lose all agro from monsters. You can't recover HP or MP(mana points) while pretending to be dead.
Cooldown: 1 minute
Requirement class: Novice
Skill: [First Aid]
Description: Heal yourself for 5 HP or an ally for 10 HP.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Requirement class: Novice
Ye Yan could only learn one of the two skills because there is only one slot available, so he picked [First Aid] that could help him more than the other [Play Dead]. After learning the skill, he went down the stair and looked at the notice board for quests for his level.
The notice board has quests with various level requirements. Ye Yan saw four quests that he could do now.
Quest: [Kill 50 slimes]
Description: The number of slimes is increasing at an alarming speed resulting in problems in the harvest. They need to be eliminated before they destroyed all the harvest.
Requirement: level 0
Type: Repeatable
Difficult: D
Quest: [Collect 20 slime ball]
Description: The Alchemist Guild requires a lot of [Slimes balls] for potion-making. Drop from [Slime].
Requirement: level 0
Type: Repeatable
Difficult: D
Quest: [Collect 100 Mushroom spore]
Description: The Alchemist Guild requires [Mushroom spore] for potion-making. Drop from [Black Mushroom].
Requirement: level 0
Type: Repeatable
Difficult: D
Quest: [Collect 20 Poison mushroom]
Description: The Assassin Guild requires [Poison spore] for potion-making. Drop from [Black Mushroom].
Requirement: level 0
Type: Repeatable
Difficult: D
Ye Yan went to the counter further away from the entrance to apply for the quests. "I will take the [Kill 50 slimes], [Collect 20 slime ball], [Collect 100 Mushroom spore], and [Collect 20 Poison mushroom] quests.
After the attendant registered the quests, he left the guild and went in the direction of the East Gate.
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