Shinrei Tantei Yakumo

Volume 6 Chapter 3

Volume 6 Chapter 3

VOLUME 6 – TO THE LIMITS OF DESPAIR (2) file 03: separation ()




Gotou rubbed his eyes as he got up.

He looked at the clock. It was just past seven in the morning.

– It’s morning already?

It appeared that he had fallen asleep at some point.

Ishii was sleeping on the desk in front of him. He was probably tired.

Gotou decided to let him sleep a bit longer.

Gotou stretched out, making his bones crack loudly. A sharp pain ran through his back. It was probably because he had slept sitting down.

Gotou took one cigarette out of the case, bit the filter and had his first puff of the day.

He watched the trailing smoke.

– Wonder how they’re doing now?

Suddenly concerned, Gotou took out his mobile and called home.

<Hello, Gotou speaking.>

After two rings, Atsuko picked up.

She sounded cheerful early in the morning.

‘Ah, it’s me,’ said Gotou, feeling awkward.

<sWhat’s wrong?>

’I just wanted to know how you were doing.’

<Oh, so even you worry about me sometimes.>

Atsuko’s voice sounded wry.

Gotou couldn’t say anything back. He had never called home doing work to see how she was doing before.

Men were proud, obstinate, and really good-for-noting creatures. That was why they made women angry.

When Gotou kept silent for a while, Atsuko laughed aloud.


<I understand. You’re worried about Nao-chan, right?>

’That isn’t it.’

Though Gotou denied it, he himself knew that he couldn’t hide his true feelings.

<You don’t have to worry.>

’I see...’

<Nao-chan’s a really good girl. She even helps out.>

’She is.’

– Isn’t there anything else to say?

Gotou was irritated at himself for only being able to give curt replies.

<But... she really is forcing herself.>

Atsuko spoke in a quiet tone.

It made sense. No matter how brave Nao acted, she was still seven years old.

There was no way she would be all right with Isshin like that, since he was the one who raised her. However, she was still doing her best.

It was probably tough on Atsuko to watch.

Even though she wanted to do something for Nao, there was nothing she could do.


Gotou wanted to say something encouraging, but since he couldn’t think of anything, he just agreed.

<Oh, but are you doing OK?>

Atsuko’s casual words gave Gotou a start.

Nao had brought about some sort of change in the Gotou couple – he felt it directly.

He wouldn’t be able to answer if asked what had changed, but he felt like he was closer to Atsuko than he had been a few days before.

’Well, we’re managing...’ replied Gotou, making a conscious effort to act unruffled.

<You don’t have to worry about us, so go catch the criminal for Nao-chan’s sake.’

Atsuko’s voice had an encouraging tone to it.


Just as Atsuko said, what Gotou could do now for Nao was get to the bottom of the case as quickly as he could.

<But don’t overdo yourself.>

Atsuko’s murmur tickled Gotou’s ear, but at the same time, it felt pleasant.

She had often said things like this after they had just got married.

’Got it. I’m hanging up then.’

Gotou suddenly felt embarrassed and hung up after declaring that.

He had just let out his breath and pressed his cigarette into the ashtray when he met Ishii’s eyes.

Ishii was grinning, though Gotou had no idea what he thought was so funny.

’Ishii, how long have you been awake?’

Gotou glared at him.

’J-just earlier.’

’How long were you listening?’

’I just wanted to know how you were doing – about there.’

– Isn’t that all of it?

Embarrassed, Gotou’s anger peaked at once.

’You bastard – if you’re awake, say so!’

Gotou leant over the desk, gripped Ishii by the collar and shook him.

’D-D-Detective Gotou, your m-m-mobile is ringing.’

With a shaking head, Ishii pointed at the desk.

Gotou thought that Ishii was trying to trick him, but he was wrong. His mobile was vibrating on the desk. Gotou clicked his tongue and then thrust Ishii forward before answering the phone.

’Who is it?’

<Like I said, please fix your phone manners.>

Yakumo spoke in his usual tone.

He chose words purposefully to make people angry.

’I don’t want to hear that from a contrary brat like you!’

<You’re not a child, so it would be better if you stopped yelling just because things aren’t going your way.>

Yakumo’s smirk came up in Gotou’s head.

Even if he said more, he wouldn’t win against Yakumo.

’So what is it?’

It was Yakumo. He wasn’t the type to call to kill time. There was what happened yesterday too. He must have grasped a thread to solve the case.

Gotou expectantly awaited an answer.

<Please come to pick me up in three hours.>

’I’ve said this before, but I’m not a cab company!’

<Is that so? So you don’t want to know the truth behind the case then, Gotou-san.>


<That’s too bad. I’ll call the cab company.>

Yakumo hung up.

– He said that on purpose.

He really was a troublesome guy if you ticked him off.

Gotou called Yakumo’s mobile.

<What is it? I’m busy – I have to call the cab company.>

Yakumo said that immediately after answering.

– What an obstinate guy.

’Where should I go?’

<What are you supposed to say if you’ve done something bad?>

Gotou tried to change the topic, but Yakumo said that.

– This bastard keeps making fun of me!

Anger boiled up within Gotou, but if he said anything, Yakumo would get angry again.

’S-s-sorry,’ said Gotou in mortification, as if the words were being strangled out of him.

<So you can do it if you try, can’t you? Please come to the hospital’s front entrance. Ah, and could you also tell me Makoto-san’s contact information?>

’Makoto – do you mean the reporter?’

<Is there anyone else?>

– He always says one thing too much.

Why’s Yakumo need Makoto’s contact information – Gotou didn’t know, but since it was Yakumo, he was probably thinking of something.

Gotou took the business card he had received from Makoto in the past out of his desk drawer and told Yakumo her company and mobile phone numbers.

<Very well done.>

Yakumo said that mockingly and then hung up before Gotou could complain.

– He really just does whatever he wants.

As an outlet for his anger, Gotou hit Ishii’s head.




Haruka sat on the bench in the hospital’s waiting room.

She was waiting there because Yakumo had called her, but he still hadn’t arrived even though it was thirty minutes past the time they’d set.

– He might not come.

Haruka looked at the courtyard scenery through the glass in her resignation.

The lawn was a vivid grain.

The cherry blossom buds were bulging, like they would bloom at any moment.

It was so tranquil it made the events up until yesterday seem like a lie.

But the reality was different –

Haruka looked up and saw a girl standing there.

She had seen her before.

The girl had been standing there when Haruka was waiting for Isshin. If she remembered correctly, her name was Yoshiko –

’What’s wrong?’ asked Haruka.

Perhaps Yoshiko didn’t hear, because she just stood there with her gaze on her feet.

– I don’t know what to do.

’You could win the world championship for making stupid faces.’

Haruka looked up at the sudden voice.

Yakumo stood there, with messy hair and sleepy eyes.

– Who’re you calling stupid?

What was that tone of his, when he was thirty minutes late? If this were a date, she would have gone home a long time ago.

’You’re way past the time we set,’ objected Haruka as she stood up, thrusting her wristwatch in front of Yakumo’s eyes.

’Were you listening to me properly?’


’I didn’t say we’d meet up at ten – I said I’d leave house at ten.’

– What kind of reasoning was that?

In what world would somebody tell the person they were going to meet the time they were going to leave the house instead of the time they were going to meet? Haruka thought about complaining, but she decided against it.

There was no way she’d win in an argument against Yakumo.

’So who’s this kid?’

Yakumo looked at Yoshiko.

Yoshiko took a step back, perhaps afraid of that red left eye.

’Probably Yoshiko-chan... right?’

Haruka called out to Yoshiko, who was looking down as she stood.

However, Yoshiko made no response.

’You know her?’

’When I was here with Isshin-san before, I saw her, so...’

Yakumo crouched in front of Yoshiko.

Yoshiko looked away, as if trying to run.

’Is the treatment tough?’ asked Yakumo.

Yoshiko nodded.

’I see. Hang in there a bit longer.’

Yoshiko nodded again.

Yakumo looked like Isshin had a few days earlier.


Haruka heard somebody call for Yoshiko.

Sakakibara was walking towards them, searching for Yoshiko.

In response, Yoshiko looked up and mumbled something, but Haruka couldn’t hear it.

Yoshiko turned on her heels and walked towards Sakakibara.

’Let’s go then.’

Perhaps Yakumo had lost interest, because he started briskly walking away.

’Where to?’

Even though Yakumo had called Haruka to the hospital, she hadn’t heard anything about their plans.

’I have something to discuss with Doctor Mao.’

Yakumo ran a hand through his hair and walked at a leisurely pace down the corridor.

– It seems he really does suspect Mao.

Haruka felt that as she followed Yakumo’s back.

When Yakumo reached Mao’s examination room, he opened the door without knocking and stepped inside.

Haruka followed after him timidly.

’Yakumo-kun, you’re just on time.’

Mao smiled from her seat at the desk.

– Just on time?

That meant that Yakumo hadn’t been late- h e really had planned on leaving his home at ten from the start.

Haruka really wanted to complain, but Mao was in front of her too.

Instead, Haruka poked Yakumo in the side.

Yakumo leapt like a cat, stuck out his chin and glared at her, as if to ask ’What the hell are you doing?’, but Haruka ignored it and sat on a chair.

’Yakumo-kun, you sit down too,’ Mao urged.

Yakumo looked dissatisfied, but he reluctantly sat on a chair.

’You have something to discuss with me, yes?’ said Mao after Yakumo had settled in.

Mao had been looking back and forth for a while now, unable to relax.

’Yes. There is something I would like to confirm about my uncle.’


Mao cocked her head at Yakumo’s words.


’What is it?’

’It is about when my uncle was carried to this hospital.’

’What do you want to know?’

’You said that he stopped breathing for a while, but is that true?’

Though Yakumo’s tone was disinterested, it still sounded intimidating.

’It’s true. He had already stopped breathing,’ replied Mao after clearing her throat once.

Though she was acting calm, she was becoming visibly paler.

’There isn’t any doubt about it?’

’No, there isn’t.’

Mao’s lips were trembling slightly.

’I talked to the detective who had been in the ambulance with him. According to him, my uncle was unconscious on the ambulance, but he was breathing.’

’... What do you want to say?’

Beads of sweat were on Mao’s forehead.

’Doctor Mao, if both your testimony and that detective’s testimony are correct... that would mean that Uncle was breathing in the ambulance but stopped breathing when being carried to the surgery room.’

Yakumo’s eyes were clearly full of suspicion.

However, Haruka didn’t think that the conversation was that strange.

’That would be the case,’ replied Mao, licking her dry lips.

’I see. Assuming that was the case, please let me ask one more thing.’


’Why can you declare that my uncle had stopped breathing?’

’What do you mean?’

’You aren’t in charge of emergency. You’re not the detective in charge. In short, you weren’t present. Then why?’


Yakumo’s sharp gaze was piercing, as if he had caught his prey. Mao hesitated.

Haruka’s heart was pounding.

She finally understood what Yakumo was trying to get out of Mao.

’Doctor Mao, please answer honestly. Were you in the surgery room that day?’

Yakumo’s eyes were even more forceful.

Mao bit her lower lip and looked up at Yakumo.

It was a bitter expression.

’On that day, I was...’

After saying that much, Mao paused.

No matter how she tried to hide it, it was obvious that she wasn’t sure how to continue.

’I wasn’t there. I was at home when I heard that Isshin-kun was carried in.’

Mao leant back on her chair, seeming exhausted, and looked up as she said that.

– She’s lying.

Haruka felt that in her skin, but she didn’t dare to say it.

Yakumo must have realised it too. Haruka was sure that he would question Mao and reveal that lie.

However, contrary to her expectations, Yakumo stood up while running a hand through his hair.

’I see. That was all I wanted to confirm.’

After saying that, Yakumo turned his back to Mao.

– Why aren’t you questioning her more?

Haruka had that question as she stood up like Yakumo.

’Ah, that’s right.’

Yakumo had reached out to open the door, but he suddenly stopped.


Mao lifted her haggard face.

’I forgot to say something. About Uncle’s organ donation...’

Mao held her breath.

’I absolutely refuse. Uncle’s soul is still alive.’

After a long silence, Yakumo said that forcefully and left the room.

Haruka bowed to Mao and ran after Yakumo.

– Uncle’s soul is still alive.

Yakumo’s words went deep into Haruka’s heart.

Yakumo really hadn’t given up yet. Isshin would definitely come back from the dead. When Haruka thought that, tears welled up in her eyes.




Ishii drove into the hospital’s front entrance and saw Yakumo waiting there.

Haruka was there too.

She was in skinny jeans and a white lace dress. It had an incredibly spring-like vibe.

– She really is cute.

So many things had happened that he hadn’t had many chances to talk to Haruka, even though she had been nearby.

’Ishii-san, you’re right on time.’

Yakumo got into the backseat just as Ishii parked.

’Ah, yes...’

’Before that, explain what’s going on.’

Gotou turned around from the passenger seat and glared at Yakumo with the face of a demon.

However, Yakumo ignored Gotou and put his head out the window.

’I’m counting on you then,’ said Yakumo.

’Eh, wait.’

Troubled, Haruka’s brows furrowed.

– What’s going on?

’Ishii-san, please start the car,’ said Yakumo, closing the car window.

Haruka pressed up against the window and tried to say something.

’Is it OK?’



Ishii nodded at Haruka and started the car.

He saw Haruka’s shocked figure in his rear-view mirror. When he looked at her sad expression, his chest felt tight.

’Excuse me... Did something happen to Haruka-chan?’ asked Ishii after driving onto the main road.

’Nothing at all.’

Yakumo yawned, seeming bored.


’She’s much stronger than you think she is, Ishii-san.’

I know her better than you – though Yakumo might not have had that intention, that was what it sounded like, and Ishii was left with complicated feelings.

He wanted to say something, but in the end, he couldn’t think of anything.

’So where’re you planning to go today?’ interrupted Gotou, changing the topic.

’Please head to the detention house,’ Yakumo said, face blank.


’I’m going to meet with Nanase Miyuki.’

’W-what!?’ howled Gotou.

Though Ishii didn’t let out his voice, he felt just as surprised.

’Please don’t speak so loudly.’

Yakumo stuck his fingers in his ears.

He didn’t seem nervous at all.

’How could I be quiet!? And you always...’

’I’m going to explain, so could you be quiet?’ said Yakumo, interrupting Gotou. He ran a hand through his hair.

Gotou looked like he wanted to say something, but he collapsed back into the passenger seat, like he thought it would be pointless to retort.

Yakumo started his explanation after Gotou had calmed down.

’First, it is necessary to organise everything that we know so far.’

’Organise, is it...’ said Ishii, hands on the wheel.

’To explain this case simply, Nanase Miyuki declared that she would kill somebody from inside the detention house, and my uncle was actually stabbed.’


Just as Yakumo said, that was where the case started.

’The problem there is how on earth a crime was committed from inside the detention house, from which it is impossible to explain.’

’That is the biggest problem,’ replied Ishii, looking at Yakumo’s face through the rear-view mirror.

His eyes seemed filled with confidence.

– Have you already solved the mystery behind the case?

Yakumo’s expression made Ishii think that.

’I know the method behind the crime,’ said Yakumo, as if he had sensed Ishii’s thoughts.

’Oi! That true?’

Contrary to Gotou, who was agitated, Yakumo seemed bored as he yawned.

– How can you be so calm?

Ishii didn’t understand.

Even though Yakumo said he understood the method behind the crime, Ishii was sceptical.

He had felt personally when investigating that the case this time would not be solved by ordinary means.

There wouldn’t be a breakthrough this easily.

’The method she used was actually very simple.’

Yakumo put his index finger on his brow.

As if that were a switch, Yakumo’s gaze grew sharper.

’What method is it?’ asked Ishii after a gulp.

’A trap?’ interrupted Gotou.

’It wasn’t a trap,’ declared Yakumo.

’But something like a wire was found at the scene of the crime.’

It wasn’t like Ishii himself had been confident about the trap theory, but he wanted to object when it was denied so readily.

’That is probably a fake.’


’Yes. I discussed this before, but if a trap were used, there is a big problem.’


Ishii recalled what Yakumo had said earlier.

If a trap were used, it would have been set up before Miyuki was arrested.

Isshin used the temple daily to meditate. It would be difficult to time it so that the trap was triggered after Miyuki declared her killing intent.

But –

’Wouldn’t it be possible if she hid the trap somewhere and made it trigger if a special action were taken?’ said Ishii, changing his perspective.

’Ishii-san, do you know what the priest at a temple does every morning?’

– Something a priest does every morning?

Meditating, reading scriptures, preparing breakfast – but Ishii could tell that wasn’t the reply Yakumo wanted.

– Then what on earth does Yakumo want as a reply?

The answer suddenly came to Ishii’s head.

’Oh, cleaning.’

After Ishii said that excitedly, Yakumo nodded, seeming satisfied.

’What’re you talking about?’

Gotou looked confused as he stuck his neck in.

’The priest of the temple cleans the temple daily. Very thoroughly at that.’

’It would be unlikely for a trap not to be set off or found when the temple was cleaned every morning.’

Ishii explained further.

’I see.’

Gotou clapped his hands together in understanding.

Just as Yakumo said, this would eliminate the trap theory. Then there was one possibility left.

’So Nanase Miyuki really did escape the detention house and stab Isshin-san.’

Ishii said that with certainty, but Yakumo’s response was unexpected.

’That is also wrong.’

Yakumo quietly shook his head.


Ishii was disappointed.

If it wasn’t a trap, there shouldn’t have been any method but escape from the detention house.

’Nanase Miyuki did not take even one step out of the detention house.’

’How can you be sure?’ said Gotou.

’It would be better to hear it from the person herself rather than from me.’

Yakumo’s smile was full of confidence.

It certainly would be better to confirm with the person herself, but Miyuki wasn’t the sort of person who would answer questions honestly.

– What on earth is he planning to do?

With uneasy feelings, Ishii continued driving the car.




Haruka sat on the bench in the waiting room.

She sighed.

Yakumo had made a number of requests earlier.

Because of what happened to Isshin, she didn’t object to helping, but it didn’t feel great being asked to help without knowing anything – she felt like an accomplice to fraud.

It also made her sad that Yakumo wouldn’t tell her anything.

<Saitou-san, Saitou Yakumo-san.>

Finally, there was a call from the reception.

Haruka stood up and headed towards the reception in Yakumo’s stead.

’Excuse me... I’m here as Saitou Yakumo’s representative...’

After Haruka said that, the woman at the reception handed her a brown envelope.

He’d probably told her in advance that somebody would come pick it up for him. Inside the envelope was a copy of Isshin’s clinical records.

In the recent years, there was a movement to implement the browsing of clinical records.

It differed depending on the hospital, but if the person or the person’s relatives requested it, they could browse their clinical records.


Just as Haruka was walking away with the envelope, somebody called out to her.

She turned around and saw Hijikata Makoto standing there.

She wore a grey pant suit and had a large bag hanging from her shoulder. Her long hair was tied behind her elegant face.

Haruka didn’t often speak directly to Makoto, a newspaper reporter, but they had worked together on a number of spirit-related cases.

Makoto had helped out a lot during the last case too.

’Hello, Makoto-san.’

Haruka bowed.


’Are you here to gather material today?’

’Didn’t you hear anything from Yakumo-kun?’

Haruka was surprised by Makoto’s unexpected words.

’Not at all...’

’Actually, Yakumo-kun asked me to come here and hand something to you, Haruka-chan...’

Makoto smiled wryly.

– He really doesn’t tell me anything at all.

At this point, rather than anger, Haruka felt stunned.

’I see... I’m sorry for the trouble.’

Haruka bowed her head, but Makoto smiled pleasantly.

’It’s fine. I know what sort of person Yakumo-kun is too.’

’He really isn’t all here.’

Haruka pouted.

’Right, right. Let me hand it to you before I forget.’

Makoto held out a file.

’What is this?’

’You’ll find out if you give it to Yakumo-kun.’

’Is that so?’

’Since it’s personal information, be careful of how you use it.’

’Yes,’ replied Haruka, taking the file.

– I wonder what he’s looking into?

She might find out if she looked into the file, but she felt like she shouldn’t just look at it so she put it into her bag along with the envelope she had received earlier.

’Well, shall we go?’

After saying that, Makoto started walking towards the exit.

The way she said that made it sound like they were going together, but Haruka didn’t understand.

’Where are we going?’

’You’ve got something to bring to Hata-san’s hospital, right?’

’Eh, ah, yes...’

Yakumo had told her to get Isshin’s clinical records and bring them to Hata.

– Why does Makoto know that?

’Yakumo-kun told me to bring you to Hata-san’s hospital, Haruka-chan,’ said Makoto with a smile, like she had sensed Haruka’s question.

’I-I see...’

Haruka felt perplexed. A lot of things seemed to be going on without her knowing it.

’Yakumo-kun’s unexpectedly nice too.’

’I’m not sure about that...’

Though Haruka didn’t understand, she followed Makoto out of the hospital.

They went to the guest parking lot and got into a red family car.

’It’s quite a state of affairs,’ said Makoto as she started the car.

It really was..

’When I think that Isshin-san might disappear like this, I can’t stand it...’

Haruka felt a piercing pain in her chest.

It forced her to think how much having Isshin there up until now had saved her.

’I know...’

’I feel like I have to do something, but I can’t do anything...’

Haruka gripped her hands into fists in vexation.

She couldn’t help Isshin, comfort Yakumo who was suffering, or make efforts to catch the culprit.

All she could do was watch.

It was frustrating –


Makoto put her left hand on Haruka’s shoulder.


’Isn’t there something only you can do?’

’Something... only I can do?’

’Yakumo-kun is acting that way, but I think he’s actually suffering a lot. I think he wants somebody to save him.’


Haruka couldn’t think of Yakumo needing anybody.

No matter how much he suffered, he decided it all himself and just told Haruka after the fact. The words ’painful’ and ’sad’ had never left Yakumo’s lips.

He kept them to himself, as if those feelings were his only.

Yakumo was always alone.


’But Yakumo-kun won’t tell me anything.’

’That’s because you don’t tell him anything either, Haruka-chan.’

Haruka’s heart jolted when Makoto said that.

– That might be true.

Strangely, she understood.

Yakumo won’t tell me anything – while she grumbled about that, she acted strong herself and restrained her feelings.

Even though she really wanted to leap into Yakumo’s arms and sob, she held back those feelings.

’Well, I’m not good at being honest either, so I can’t say anything about anybody else.’

Makoto stuck out her tongue and smiled mischievously.

Haruka smiled back with complicated feelings.




’We’ve seen through your plan!’

Gotou yelled through the protective glass at Miyuki, who had a faint smile on her face.

However, her expression didn’t change, as if she hadn’t heard anything at all. Instead, Ishii, beside Gotou, leapt up from his chair.

This was the fourth consecutive day that they had visited her in the detention house.

– I want to make this the last.

Those were Gotou’s inner thoughts.

’Seeing you angry makes me very excited.’

Miyuki’s eyes narrowed as she let a long breath out of her half-open lips.

– This woman. She’s so confident she’s trying to provoke us.

Gotou ground his teeth together, making a grating sound.

’Just cough up the code behind your letter already!’

Gotou hit the protective glass.

However, Miyuki still did not stop smiling.

– If this glass weren’t here, I could smash her nose in and make her cough up.

’Code? What are you talking about?’

Miyuki shrugged.

’Don’t play stupid.’

’I’m not. i don’t understand what you’re talking about,’ said Miyuki with a sneer, eyes still narrowed.

This response. There must be something in the letter – so Gotou felt.

’The letter you sent to Furukawa. I won’t let you say you don’t know what I’m talking about.’

Gotou took the copy of the letter from his pocket and pressed it against the glass so she could see.

Miyuki’s expression still did not change.

’Gotou-san, this won’t be a visit if you do that – it’ll be an interrogation,’ said Ishii quietly.

’Shut up!’

Gotou hit Ishii’s head with a fist, emptying all the negative feelings that had built up within him.

Ishii curled up with his head in his arms, as if he were about to collapse.

– Might have hit him too hard in my excitement.

’No matter when I see it, your comedy duo is always funny.’

Miyuki made a Yakumo-like sarcastic comment and laughed.

– What the hell do you mean, comedy duo? Making fun of me.

’Shut up! Tell us already!’ Gotou said even more forcefully.

’It seems you are rather cornered. You’re so pitiful I don’t mind telling you. But I have a condition.’

Miyuki looked up at him with an inviting glance.

– She bit.

The response was just as they had planned. Yakumo had been right.

’Condition...’ repeated Gotou, acting troubled.

’If you release me from here, I don’t mind telling you,’ said Miyuki with a triumphant smile.

’Will you really?’ said Gotou, trying not to smile.


’Got it... I’ll negotiate...’

Gotou tried to restrain himself, but he couldn’t. He lost control and started laughing aloud.

Miyuki’s mouth went wide in surprise at Gotou’s response.

Ishii, who had been curled up for a while now, started laughing too.


Miyuki had thought she was in control, so she had felt superior and decided on a confident attitude.

However, Gotou’s and Ishii’s responses appeared to be unexpected for Miyuki.

Her eyes were uneasy.

’You’re a stupid woman.’

’What did you say?’

’Did you really think I’d accept that condition?’ said Gotou, grinning.

’What’s so funny?’

Miyuki’s eyes narrowed as she stood up.

It was exactly what Yakumo thought she would do. What a guy.

’What’s so funny? You don’t get it?’

Gotou put his nose up to the glass to provoke her.


’If you don’t get it, I’ll tell you. You just asked to be released from here.’

’What about it?’

’That’s a funny thing to ask for.’

Miyuki jolted. She had realised the true meaning of Gotou’s words.

However, it was too late to realise now.

’You escaped from the detention house to stab Isshin, right? If that were the case, wouldn’t it be easy for you to get out?’

There was no response to Gotou’s question.

That became evidence for one fact.

Miyuki had not taken one step out of the detention house. To put it correctly, she couldn’t. She acknowledged that herself.

Gotou could tell that behind Miyuki’s lips, in a thin line, her teeth were grinding together.

She was probably so frustrated she couldn’t help it.

’Too bad, isn’t it? I said it already – we’ve seen through your plan,’ said Gotou, sticking out his chin.

’It was Yakumo, right? He gave you this hint...’

Miyuki looked bitter.

– It’s too late to realise now.

Miyuki had let her guard down since she was talking to Gotou.

However, that had been part of Yakumo’s plan. Gotou had just been talking as Yakumo had directed him to.

Miyuki had gone along and talked too much.

Last time, Yakumo had said nothing and acted quiet as part of his plan to make Miyuki let her guard down.

’Yakumo has a message for you.’


A shadow came over Miyuki’s face.

’His uncle is still alive. You’re just a braggart. You can’t even kill a bug from inside the detention house – so he said.’

Miyuki’s head drooped and she started mumbling something.

At first, Gotou couldn’t hear what she was saying.

However, her voice grew firmer and finally the clear words reached Gotou’s ears.

’... I’ll kill you I’ll kill you I’ll kill you.’

Though she spoke quietly, the words had more pressure than an angry yell.

It was like there was a black aura behind Miyuki.

However, she couldn’t do anything from the other side of the glass.

’It’s absolutely impossible for you to kill somebody from inside the detention house.’

In response to Gotou’s words, Miyuki lifted her head and her eyes opened wide. Her bloodshot eyes looked like they would fall out.

’I can. This time I’ll kill Yakumo-kun.’

After saying that, Miyuki laughed uncannily, showing her canines.

’Really. I look forward to it.’

Gotou said that and then left the room.

Ishii hurriedly followed him.

’You did it, Detective Gotou.’

Ishii’s eyes were sparkling like a child’s, but there was something Gotou wasn’t satisfied with.

He’d provoked Miyuki just as Yakumo had told him to, but was that the right decision – it was like Yakumo was using himself as b ait to lure Miyuki.

– He can’t be rushing to his own death, right?

Gotou murmured that in his heart.




Haruka went into the hospital that Makoto had dropped her off at.

It was so different from the hospital Isshin was at that it could be called its complete opposite. With its old white walls, it looked extremely like a hospital. The truth was that Haruka would have liked Makoto to come with her, but they had split up at the front of the hospital since Makoto had something else to investigate.

Now there was nothing Haruka could do but go, even if she was anxious.

Haruka timidly stepped in from the front entrance, passed the reception and took the emergency stairs by the elevator hall.

A dim corridor went on in front of her.

The walls were stained and cracked, and the air felt unclean. Furthermore, the fluorescent lights were flickering loudly.

It made Haruka think that she had lost herself in a different world.

Haruka was going to meet with Hata, the coroner.

Hata had been involved in many cases with Yakumo and Gotou, so Haruka knew him, but it was the first time she’d gone to meet him on her own.

Though she knew she shouldn’t judge people by their appearances, Hata had a somewhat uncanny atmosphere to him – to put it frankly, he was scary.

– Demonic old man.

Gotou often described him that way, but Haruka agreed too.

Haruka took a deep breath to calm herself down and knocked on the door of the room at the very end of the corridor.

’Excuse me, my name is Ozawa. Yakumo asked me to...’

’Door’s open.’

A hoarse voice called out from inside the room.

’E-excuse me.’

Haruka obeyed the voice and opened the heavy door to peek inside.

She saw Hata sitting at his desk and leisurely sipping tea.

Though his face was as wrinkled as a dried persimmon, his eyes popped out like a fish’s.

’I heard from Yakumo-kun. Well, sit down.’

After Hata said that, he let out a creepy giggle.

It made Haruka think she’d be gobbled up if she let her guard down.

Haruka uncomfortably sat in a chair, as Hata suggested.

’You don’t have to be so afraid – I’m not going to eat you,’ said Hata, like he had read Haruka’s mind. He giggled again.

’No, that isn’t...’

’I’m not interested in living humans.’

Though he had probably meant that to be reassuring, it was even scarier.

Hata normally preferred dead people over living people – and burnt corpses were no good. He was an eccentric who boasted about how he liked fresh corpses.

’Hata-san just has a pure interest in the life and death of people as a coroner.’ Yakumo had said that, but to Haruka, it didn’t seem like that at all.

She brought up the topic at hand before the conversation went off track.

’Er, what did Yakumo-kun say to you?’

Haruka took Isshin’s clinical records from her bag and handed them to Hata.

’Oh, that’s right. Now, let’s see how he was stabbed.’

Hata took the paper and put it close to his face so that his nose was almost touching it as he read it, making hmm noises as he did so.

Could he really see it like that? It felt more like he was sniffing it than looking at it with his eyes.

’I see. This is just as Yakumo-kun said,’ said Hata, nodding his head a number of times in admiration.

’Er, what do you mean?’ asked Haruka, curious about what Hata saw. Hata turned his cloudy eyes towards Haruka.

It felt like she’d turn into a rock if he continued.

After a while, Hata slowly began to explain.

’When I look at these clinical records, it says Isshin was stabbed diagonally from beneath his ribs upwards, but...’

Hata showed the paper to Haruka and pointed at the picture in the shape of a human body.

The right part of the picture – at the stomach, there was a mark in pen.

That was probably where Isshin had been stabbed.

’Ribs, arteries, other organs – there’re no signs of injury. It’s like the stab avoided them.’

Haruka cocked her head, not really understanding Hata’s words.

’Is that strange?’

’If the culprit stabbed Isshin with the intention of killing him, this would practically be a miracle – the culprit would be an incredible dunce.’

Hata clutched his stomach and started giggling like he thought it funny.

’Does that mean the person who stabbed Isshin-san did not plan on killing him?’

’I don’t know. They might not have planned on killing him, or they might have been but missed the vitals by some miracle – both are plausible.’

Hata said that the vitals were missed, but the main problem of Isshin being in a coma continued.

Her head was a bit mixed up.

’Well, tell Yakumo-kun it was just as he thought.’

Hata handed the copy of the medical records back to Haruka.

She took them, still confused.

’Ah, that’s right. Yakumo-kun asked for something else too.’

After Hata said that, he took a large paper bag from under his desk and handed it to Haruka.

She took the bag and looked inside.

Inside there was a piece of clothing.

’What is this?’

’You can tell by looking, right? I got somebody I know to bring it,’ said Hata with a smirk.

What on earth would it be used for?

The colour was awful – it wasn’t fashionable. If Yakumo was going to wear this, Haruka would prefer to refrain from walking beside him.

’He isn’t going to wear this, right?’

’I just got what he requested. I don’t know what he’s going to use it for.’

Hata’s body shook as he laughed.




With a light heart, Ishii followed Gotou.

After reaching the parking lot in the back of the detention house, he saw Yakumo by the car.

He had his hands in his pockets and was looking up at the clouds in the sky in boredom.

– Yakumo’s plan went wonderfully.

They tricked Miyuki so easily. While that brain of his was commendable, at the same time, it was frightening.

The sort of guy you didn’t want as your enemy.

’Hey, we’re back.’

Gotou raised his hand and called out to Yakumo.

’You’re late. Were you eating grass on the side of the road? You aren’t a cow,’ said Yakumo with a yawn.

’The thing I hate most is being treated like a brat by a brat!’

’How pitiful; you haven’t realised that you’re the most brat-like person here.’

Yakumo snorted.

’You bastard! You talking about me?’

’There isn’t anybody else I would be talking about, is there?’

’You brat!’

Gotou’s face reddened in a flash and he grabbed Yakumo.

– Again.

He couldn’t beat Yakumo in an argument. Even though he knew that, it appeared that he couldn’t hold himself back.

’Detective Gotou, please stop.’

Ishii hurriedly walked towards them to stop Gotou.

’Let go of me!’

’Please calm down.’

’Shut up! I won’t be satisfied until I punch this guy!’

Gotou flailed even more violently.

Ishii felt like he was riding a bucking horse. He gripped on as tightly as he could, but he was flung away; he couldn’t beat Gotou in strength.

Ishii hit the asphalt.

’Don’t get in my way!’

At some point, Gotou had turned his anger towards Ishii instead.


Ishii managed to stand up in his stinging pain.

– Eh?

Yakumo had disappeared in the middle of the fight.

’Please don’t dawdle; let’s hurry up and go.’

Ishii heard Yakumo’s voice.

He turned his gaze and spotted Yakumo in the back seat of the car, yawning. It was like the matter didn’t concern him at all.

This made even Gotou lose his spirit. He kicked the car tire and got in.

Ishii felt tired.

’Oi! Ishii! Hurry up and start the car!’

Hurried by Gotou, Ishii sluggishly got into the driver’s seat and started the car.

’How was it then?’ drawled Yakumo.

It was like he had forgotten the earlier scuffle entirely.

’Just like you said. She didn’t say it outright, but that woman admitted herself that she didn’t leave the detention house.’

’So that really was the case then.’

Yakumo crossed his arms and looked up at the ceiling.

’Hey, Yakumo. How’d you know Miyuki didn’t leave the detention house?’

Ishii thought Gotou’s question was very appropriate.

In the end, Miyuki had admitted that herself, but Yakumo had realised before that.

– How?

’It’s simple. I knew because it was impossible.’

’That’s all?’

It was such a simple answer that Ishii was surprised and had to ask the question again.

’That’s all.’

’Is that really all?’ Gotou pressed.

’Of course. You should know more about the security at Tokyo Detention House than I do, Gotou-san.’

’Well, that’s true, but...’

Gotou nodded, though he didn’t look satisfied.

’Then you understand, right? Do you think it is possible to return to the detention house after committing a crime, let alone escaping in the first place?’


’And without being noticed by anyone.’

After thinking about it, Yakumo was right.

It might have been different in the past, but if you thought about it realistically, it was impossible to pass the detention house security, stab somebody and return without anyone noticing.

’It’s impossible...’

Gotou scowled.

’In the first place, she declared that she would kill somebody from inside the detention house as an act to direct your attention that way.’

’An act...’

Ishii thought over that word.

Now that Yakumo said that, it made sense. Miyuki’s words had been superfluous from the beginning.

’Furthermore, being carried to the infirmary was also a charade. She probably used some sort of drug to make it look like she had a fit. By doing so, it made it seem as if there was a period of time she could escape in...’

It was probably just as Yakumo said.

Ishii and Gotou had been led by the nose.

’But Isshin was stabbed. That’s a fact. How’d that happen?’ said Gotou carelessly, biting a cigarette that wasn’t lit.

That didn’t make sense to Ishii either.

He accepted that it wasn’t a trap and that it was impossible to escape from the detention house. How did Miyuki commit the crime then?

Yakumo’s eyes narrowed as his lips turned up into a smile. When Ishii saw that expression, a chill rain down his spine and he almost let go of the wheel.

Even though he hadn’t done anything, he was sweating.

Yakumo slowly put his left index finger to his brow.

’Isn’t it obvious? She didn’t stab my uncle. Somebody else did.’


Gotou rose from his seat in surprise.

Yakumo wasn’t moved.

’Is there any other method?’

’Well, I get what you’re saying, but...’

’No matter how unbelievable the truth, that is the only option.’

Ishii understood what Yakumo was saying.

But –

’How about the fingerprints? Her fingerprints were found on the knife’s handle,’ Ishii said quickly.

It was because of the fingerprints that they hadn’t doubted that it was Miyuki’s crime.

Even though they knew there was no other method, if they didn’t solve the problem of the fingerprints, they would just have to go back.

’The culprit had her fingerprints and put them on the knife,’ said Yakumo matter-of-factly.

Ishii wasn’t being stubborn, but he still couldn’t understand.

It was true that it would have been possible to use something like gelatine to preserve Miyuki’s fingerprints and make fake fingerprints.

You could make it with just a couple hundred yen. Frequently used by those illegally entering the country, it was a big problem.

However, that wouldn’t solve everything.

’Where did the culprit get her fingerprints? She was inside the detention house.’

Ishii spoke the question just as it came to his head.

If the culprit did not have the fingerprints in the first place, they could not make a fake.

Yakumo ran a hand through his hair.

It didn’t look like he was thinking. Yakumo already had the answer. Ishii felt that directly.

’Your question makes sense, Ishii-san. That was why there was a letter.’

’Ah! I see!’ Ishii exclaimed as he unexpectedly arrived at the answer.

’Don’t shout all of a sudden!’

Gotou hit Ishii’s head.

’I-I apologise.’

’I don’t care which one of you does it – just explain it so I can understand.’

Gotou was probably irritated about being the only one who didn’t understand. He crossed his arms indignantly.

’Ishii-san, please explain to the bear.’

Yakumo turned his eyes out the window in apparent disinterest.

Ishii fixed the position of his glasses with his finger before beginning to explain.

’The only thing you can send out of the detention house is a letter.’

’What about it?’ Gotou said disagreeably.

’She put her fingerprints on that letter and sent it to the culprit on the outside. That’s what it means.’

Ishii recalled the contents of the letter.

– The goal of all life is death.

Making it look like a code was just to turn their eyes away from the existence of the fingerprints.

Miyuki’s true goal in sending out a letter was to give out her fingerprints.

’I see. So that’s how it is...’

Gotou clapped his hands together, but he suddenly coughed, like a small bone had been caught in his throat.

’But wait... Wasn’t the letter examined? Other people’s fingerprints would be on it too, so the culprit wouldn’t be able to say which ones were Miyuki’s, right?’

Ishii was startled by what Gotou said so casually.

That was right. It wasn’t like there had been names on the fingerprints. If other people touched the letter, it would be difficult to determine which fingerprints were hers.

Ishii looked at Yakumo’s face through the rear-view mirror.

However, he didn’t seem concerned.

’She didn’t leave fingerprints on the letter. She left them on the inside of the envelope,’ he said disinterestedly.

– I see.

If she put her fingers on the inside of the envelope, nobody would touch them. The culprit would be able to get Miyuki’s fingerprints clearly.

That solved most of the mystery.

’Does that mean the person who got the letter, that nurse Furukawa, was the one who stabbed Isshin?’ mumbled Gotou.

Without replying, Yakumo stared out the window.

A question came to Ishii.

’Excuse me, but there’s one thing I don’t understand.’

’How the plan was drawn up, yes?’ said Yakumo, finishing Ishii’s question.

’What are you talking about?’

Gotou interrupted immediately.

’Ishii-san, please go ahead.’

Yakumo left the explanation to Ishii again.

’Ah, yes. Even if there is a culprit on the outside, how did they decide on using fingerprints – and also, Miyuki announced the crime ahead of time. The day and time would also become a problem.’

’Well, you know, they used that... Couldn’t they have talked on the phone?’

Gotou gave a negligent reply.

’That would be impossible.’


’Miyuki was in the detention house. The only people who came were the lawyer and Isshin-san. The only other sign of contact with the outside was that letter,’ Ishii said quickly.

’What’s going on then?’

Unable to come up with an answer, Gotou turned around and looked to Yakumo.

’Who knows? I don’t understand that either.’

Yakumo closed just his left eye and scratched his head.

It was a rather irresponsible answer since he had been the one who brought them to this conclusion.

’Ah! I see!’

A light bulb suddenly flashed over Ishii’s head.

How did Miyuki draw up the plan – Ishii had realised.

’What? You’re so noisy.’

Gotou frowned.

’Detective Gotou, Yamamura did it.’

’What did that guy do?’

– Why doesn’t he understand from what I said?

Though Ishii felt irritated, he started his explanation.

’Yamamura, the guard, met up with Furukawa. He can leave and enter the detention house.’

To be honest, he was confident this time.

With Yamamura’s cooperation, it would be possible to discuss the details of the plan. There was no other method.

’Ah, that’s very likely... OK, let’s go meet Furukawa now. Yakumo, you come too.’

Gotou leant back towards the backseat.

’I refuse. If you know that much, the rest is police business. Please work for your taxpayers’ money.’

’W-what did you say!?’ yelled Gotou as he tried to fly at Yakumo.

At that moment, Ishii was pushed and the wheel spun to the right. Ishii hurriedly turned the wheel back to the left, but Gotou was still flailing, so it was difficult.

The car veered right and left. Car horns started honking around them.

’Please stop! It’s dangerous!’ Ishii shouted, his anger apparent.

The car was silent.

Gotou had stopped moving in his surprise. His eyes were as large as plates.

’Er... I mean...’

– I never thought that I would shout at Gotou.

Actually, Ishii was the most surprised.

He might be hit once or twice for this. Ishii raised his shoulders in preparation.


For some reason, Gotou bowed his head, looking troubled.

Yakumo clutched his stomach as he laughed in the backseat.




– I can’t cheer myself up for some reason.

With gloomy feelings, Haruka waited in Yakumo’s secret hiding place, the <Movie Research Circle> room.

Yakumo wasn’t there.

Yakumo was sniffing something out, but Haruka didn’t know where he was headed.

Even though Yakumo must have been suffering a great deal what with what happened to Isshin, he wouldn’t express his feelings.

It felt like he was bearing with the pain all alone.

– That’s because you don’t tell him anything either, Haruka-chan.

The words Makoto said to her kept running through her head.

She wanted to deny it, but she couldn’t.

Unable to sort her fraying feelings, Haruka put her head against the table.

At almost the exact same time, the door opened and Yakumo came in.

’You’re late.’

Haruka wasn’t really angry, but she raised her head and complained anyway.

’You’ll make a good mother-in-law,’ said Yakumo as he sat in the chair opposite her.

Even if he didn’t say it, she could tell he was tired from his expression.

His eyes were a little red. Perhaps he hadn’t slept much recently.

’Why were you late?’ she asked, though she knew there wouldn’t be an answer.

’I’m fairly busy too.’

A vague answer, as expected –

Like that, he took everything on himself. Haruka would only find out once the case was over.

’So how was it?’

Yakumo asked for a report of her investigation as he yawned.

Haruka swallowed her swelling dissatisfaction and handed over the file Makoto had given her.

’This is from Makoto-san.’

’I see.’

Yakumo took the file and looked at it with a serious gaze.

Haruka didn’t know what was written on it.

I’m always kept out of the loop –

’How about Hata-san?’ asked Yakumo after reading the file once.

’Hata-san said that if the culprit had planned on killing Isshin-san, it would be a near miracle since Isshin was stabbed without injuring any of his bones or organs...’

Haruka explained just as Hata had told her.

’So that really is it.’

Yakumo nodded, seeming satisfied.

Haruka didn’t know what was ’really’ about it.

’What do you mean?’

’Exactly what the words mean. The culprit didn’t plan on killing Uncle.’

’Didn’t plan on killing him?’

Haruka’s brows furrowed as she mulled the words over.

’Correct. It would be troublesome if he died – perhaps that might be easier to understand.’

– I don’t understand at all.

Currently, Isshin was wandering the boundary between life and death.

To Haruka, it felt like there was a clear killing intent.

’Why did they stab Isshin-san if they didn’t plan on killing him?’

’Who knows? I don’t know either.’

Yakumo stood up while running his fingers through his hair. Then, he opened the refrigerator door and took a bottle of tea out.

– He’s lying.

Haruka felt that instinctively.

Yakumo’s attitude just made it seem like he was avoiding the topic purposefully.

Even though he knew everything, he wouldn’t ever talk about it. Yakumo was always like that. That was how he shouldered his harsh fate.

It hurt to watch him.

– Even though I’m prepared to shoulder the pain with him...

’Tell me the truth.’

Haruka spoke, even though she didn’t think she would.

Yakumo suddenly stopped.

’I did.’

– Another lie.

’Can’t you trust me?’

’I don’t think that.’

Yakumo slowly sat in his chair.

– He really is shouldering everything himself.

Haruka suddenly felt frustrated.

Being together wasn’t always full of good things. There was pain, frustration, and suffering. However, they could still share the burden.

People lived like that, while supporting each other.

I want to be that existence for Yakumo – she wanted that, but there was a wall she just couldn’t cross.

Haruka’s existence just circled that wall –

She would cry if she stayed with him any longer.

’I’m heading home. This is from Hata-san.’

Haruka said that quickly and stood up, leaving the paper bag from Hata on the table.

She hadn’t planned on saying anything special, but after those words that sounded like a farewell, she felt miserable.

– Yakumo won’t be tied down by anything.

Isshin’s words came up in her head.

It was just as he said. Yakumo was like a cloud. No matter how you tried to hold on to him, he would slip through, since he had no substance.

– I don’t know if I can do this anymore.


Haruka turned her back to Yakumo and opened the door.

’I’m still thinking about it.’

Yakumo spoke.


’That’s why I can’t say anything right now. This is a problem I have to solve.’

Yakumo’s words lit Haruka’s anger.

It flared up in an instant; she couldn’t restrain it.

’If you’re thinking about it, why not talk about it!?’

Before Haruka noticed it, she was yelling.

She tried to stop herself, but it was no good. It kept coming out.

’Nobody can understand me – you say things like that! Aren’t you just distancing yourself from everyone!? Always acting like you’re the only one who understands anything! Even though you don’t understand how I feel at all, Yakumo-kun! I’m sick of being pushed around!’

Losing herself to a wave of emotion, the words came out of Haruka all at once.

She hadn’t thought about it too deeply before. It was frustrating, it was sad – but this had to be how she truly felt.

Her body was trembling.

The tears that had welled up rolled down her cheeks, dripping one by one from her chin.

Haruka couldn’t look at Yakumo to see what sort of expression he was making.

’It’s not just me...’

She’d thought that she’d said everything, but words kept bubbling up from inside her chest.

’Gotou-san and Ishii-san and Makoto-san and Hata-san. Everyone – everyone’s worried about you and trying to understand your heart, Yakumo-kun... But what do you say? It’s got nothing to do with me, or it’s troublesome – how can you say that!?’

Haruka’s breathing was ragged, as if she were nearly drowning.

It felt like

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