Strongest Superhuman System

Chapter 649 The Reason For It All

The world that Freya had created was cruel. Putting angels and demons in the same space and giving them such a deep-seated hatred for each other was not only wrong but sadistic. And the fact that Freya did not give any of the minor races a means to fight back against the cruelty of those two races was even worse.

The world had been doomed to fail from the start.

Freya seemed to be thinking something over as she regarded Mark for a moment before she shook her head and pulled Mark forward with his hand so that they would continue walking.

"I don't think it was cruel at all. I created this world five hundred thousand years ago. The races did not possess the same amount of potential, but they all had their chance to gain power and grow into something worthwhile in that time. Any of them could have grown to become the dominant power, and it is only chance that led to the current circumstances. They are all my children and I would never try to make one child suffer for the sake of another. What they did with the gifts I gave them and how they used those gifts is not in my control. It is something only they could decide for themselves. And besides, is this world not exactly the same as yours?"

Mark's eyes narrowed.


Freya smiled at Mark's confusion as they passed a large field of white roses that all seemed to ripple and sway at Freya's presence. Freya reached out and picked one of the roses. She brought it to her nose and took a whiff of it with a large smile before putting it under Mark's nose for him to smell as well. Mark felt like sighing again, and he just indulged her and took a whiff. Mark felt like a child who was being led around by his mother at that moment, and from how much Freya was smiling, Mark could tell she was enjoying herself.

"It's nice, isn't it?"

Mark nodded.

"It smells very nice. What did you mean by what you said?"

Freya pouted once more at Mark's dismissive attitude before she sighed and threw the rose to the side. The rose landed perfectly on the tip of its stalk. Its stalk dug into the earth, and Mark watched in utter confusion as it seemed to grow roots and increase in height extremely quickly to match all the other roses around it.


Freya spoke up.

"You shouldn't be surprised by what I said. There are many similarities between your world and the world of Rosario. I modeled the angels after the humans, upright and just, but capable of much evil so long as they believe what they are doing is right. The demons were modeled after the anima. They possess a violent and bloodthirsty nature, and although many of them give in to their emotions, they are more true to themselves than the angels. The other races were reminiscent of the smaller creatures in your world. The less dominant ones who did not possess as much skill, intelligence, or power. Do you understand why I said what I said now?"

Mark's brows furrowed. Freya was making a lot of sense, and Mark could see the similarities that she pointed out between the two worlds, but there was something else that Mark still didn't think was similar at all.

"You said the demons were like the anima. But the anima in my world don't have the organization that the demons have. I could tell the demons to attack in a certain way, to use a certain maneuver, or even to carry out a certain task. The anima don't have that amount of intelligence, they're just mindless killers."

Freya patted Mark's bicep as she nodded knowingly. Her voice came out in a soft tone.

"It is true that you could tell the demons to do certain things and they would do it, but that was only due to the fact that the demons saw you as their leader and had a certain level of belief in your ability to lead them. The anima in your world do not possess such a thing. Most of them are the way they are because they do not see anyone that they can call their king. You never know what might happen in the future. Do not rule them out just yet."

"You make it sound like you're on the side of the anima."

Freya shook her head.

"Oh no, nothing like that. I simply do not enjoy seeing children suffer so much. Whether they are humans or anima being killed, it pains me. When the humans were being killed, I felt horrible, and I was glad to see them fight back with the powers granted them by the gods, but now humans have gained the upper hand because they possess you as their king. Don't you think it is only right that the anima have a king of their own?"

"No, I don't."

Mark stopped and faced Freya, and Freya was forced to let go of his hand so that she could look up at him. There was a certain level of annoyance in Mark's gaze as he looked down at the shorter goddess, and Freya knew that she had struck a nerve in Mark.

Freya understood. No one wanted to hear that their enemies could get even stronger in the future, so hearing that the anima could become even more organized was obviously not going to sit right with Mark. His anger was justified.

Mark spoke up again, and this time, there was an undertone of annoyance in his voice.

"What did Sozin mean by his message? What is going to happen with the anima in the future?"

Freya's smile never dimmed as she spoke. Freya could tell that she had annoyed Mark with her last statement, and she told Mark to calm down. She didn't mean to make him annoyed, she was only speaking her mind. But Mark didn't look like he was going to calm down. There was no clear indication of anger on Mark's face at all, but from the way he was no longer indulging her and keeping his distance, Freya knew that Mark was not happy.

Freya decided to stop beating around the bush and just speak up.

"Humanity has reached the crossroads of its evolution, Mark. Wait, don't interrupt me. Just let me finish what I want to say. Humanity has reached the crossroads of evolution. Have you not wondered why humans have not evolved any more than this over the past few thousand years? It's because there is no more evolution to be done for you. The people of your world think that they are the only ones alive in the universe, but you and I both know that this is not the case due to the existence of other dimensions. Every dimension possesses a single dominant race that takes control of it and guides the rest of that dimension's inhabitants to grow in strength and numbers. They will be responsible for protecting it, guiding it, and going out to inhabit other dimensions."

"So, you're saying that we are the dominant race in our dimension?"

Freya shrugged.

"Well, yes and no."

Mark frowned at that answer, and Freya bent down to pet the head of a@@novelbin@@

slow-moving tortoise that was passing beside them.


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