Chapter 87 COM DAY (2)
From the inside of the mansion, Lana came holding the sleepy Lily.
Lana: "Someone wants to talk to you, Lily."
Lily: "Hmmm, who?"
Ariana: "Why don't you come and take a look?"
Rubbing her eyes, she looked closely at the projected screen from the terminal. It took her a few minutes to register who was on the other end.
Lily: "BIG BROTHER!!!"
Alan: "Hello, Lily, did you miss me?"
Lily: "I missed big brother so much. Big brother is bad. Why did you not come and see Lily? Where is Nova?"
Alan: "Big Brother is working right now; after I finish my work, I will visit Lily, and I will bring so much candy that you won't be able to hide it in your drawer.
Nova also misses you very much; she asked about you a lot, and she told me to say hi.
Lily: "So much candy, like... like... 1, 2, 3, 4, more than 10."
Rosaline, Ariana, and Lana: "Hahahahaha."
Alan: "Yes, Lily, more than 10, much more than you can count."
Lily started imagining a mountain of candy, but suddenly she frowned.
Lily: "If there is so much, I can't hide it from Mom."
Ariana: "Hahahahahahahaha, Mom will make an exception and let you keep all the candy as long as you promise me that you will eat only three per day."
Lily: "Okay, thank you, Mama.
Big brother, please say hi to Nova. Tell her that Lily wants to play with her when you get back.
Alan: "Okay, I will tell her, be a good girl and listen to Mommy, okay?"
Lily: "Lily is a good girl, mmm."
He talked with everyone for almost 40 minutes before he decided to end the call.
Alan: "I have to go now; I will call again next month. Take care of yourselves."
Ariana: "You too, be careful and don't forget to eat; we will be waiting for your call next month, and don't worry about us; Rosa has been the most generous host to us."
Alan: "Thank you, Auntie Rosaline. And you too, Lana, please tell Uncle Mason that I said hi."
Rosaline: "Don't worry about anything and focus on your work. I'll be sure to tell my husband."
Alan: "See you in a month."
As he cut the call, He took a deep breath. Thankfully everyone was fine, especially his mother and Lily. They look like they were enjoying their time with the hunts.
He did not want to prolong his stay here, so he immediately made another call.
Staff: "Here is the report on the content of The Warehouse number 74."
Carla: "Thank you."
Carla held the report as she started reading it immediately; her new post at the headquarters was the director of Warehouse District Number 3.
Compared to being the head of a branch in a small town like Howler Town, the position was much more prestigious but was more demanding work.
With Laura by her side as the vice director, they did not have the leisure to enjoy their promotion as they immediately started working from the moment they landed in the capital.
Carla: "Why have they not finished appraising the goods yet?"
Staff: "It has only been 2 weeks since the goods arrived; they give us a projection of 4 weeks to finish appraising every single item inside the warehouse."
Laura: "4 weeks to appraise the items inside one warehouse. Are they slacking at the job or what?"
Carla had a headache as she was having a hard time acclimating to the new work environment, which demanded so much work but with little efficiency.
Carla: "How many items have been shipped?"
The staff had a nervous look on his face as he answered.
Staff: "113 items have been shipped."
Laura: "113!!And they want 4 weeks to appraise them; little brother did it in just one day!!"
Carla: "Huh, thank you for delivering the report. I will visit the warehouse later to discuss the deadline. You can go."
After the staff exited the room.
Laura: "Are they playing or wasting our time just to get paid more?"
Carla: "You can't look at it like this. The one who was impressive was Alan; in fact, after working for more than a month here, I noticed that the efficiency is horrible, but this is the norm not just in our chamber of commerce but in every commercial enterprise.
Alan was beyond amazing. He is an asset that major conglomerates will fight for."
Laura: "It has been almost a month since he called; I won't forget him unless he cooks a delicious dinner for me."
Carla: "Come on, give him some slack; you don't know how strict the army is. He probably isn't allowed to use communication."
At that moment Carla's terminal started buzzing.
As she answered without looking at the caller ID.
Alan: "You look like you have lost a lot of weight. Are you eating properly, big sis?"
Carla, Laura: "Alan!!!"
Alan: "Oh, big sis Laura's here too. I was about to call her after this. I'm so sorry that I didn't call earlier, but as per military regulations, we can only communicate once a month during our training."
Carla: "We miss you so much; I hope that you are doing well."
Laura: "I was just talking about you. When can you come back and cook for us? I salivate every time I remember that delicious food."
Alan: "After the training finishes, I promise you I will visit the capitol. How is the new post?"
Carla: "Everything here is at a much bigger scale, but everything also moves very slowly, so so much work with nothing to show for it."
Laura: "Listen to this, we have four appraisers working on a shipment of 113 items, and they say they need 4 weeks to finish."
Alan: "4 weeks is indeed too much."
Carla: "Enough about us, how was your training?"
Alan: "Intense and exhausting but highly effective. I'm glad that I signed up."
Laura: "Talking like a military man already."
Carla: "Correction, a little military man, Alan is only 16."
Alan: "Almost 17."
Carla, Laura: "hahahahahahaha"
Alan: "How is Grandpa Yan doing?"
Laura: "He's doing fine. He even asked us about you and was very surprised but happy for you that you were recruited in the military."
Carla: "With his new position, he can't even find time to scratch his hair, let alone meet us. The last time I saw Grandpa was one week ago at home."
Alan: "With bigger power and influence comes bigger responsibility. I hope that he's happy at the HQ."
Laura: "He's not just happy; after you helped him develop a new evolutionary route, his prestige in HQ and even the capital shot through the roof with so many sponsors trying to become the patrons of his research."
Alan: "As long as he's happy."
Carla: "So you can only call us once a month."
Alan: "Yeah, I'm sorry about that, but the military has strict regulations on this subject."
Laura: "They won't even let a new recruit call their family more than once a month; this is beyond strict."
Carla: "It can be helped, but it's good to see that you are doing well. Remember to call us every time you have a chance."
Alan: "I promise I will."
Alan talked for a little while longer on the communication device as he did not feel the time.
As he finished the phone call, he was surprised to find out that he talked for another 45 minutes. He has been in the communication center for more than one and a half hours.
When he stood up from his seat, he was surprised to find a long line had formed right at the door of the room.
So many people were waiting for their turn to use the communication booth.
When he took a look around the room, he was astonished to find so many people occupying almost every single booth available.
As he left his seat, someone immediately occupied it.
Almost everyone inside was a new face to him, but he did not expect that the base would have so many personnel.
As he was exiting the room, he was surprised to find the competitive number 17 walking out with him.
No. 17: "Number 33, did you call the family?"
It was refreshing for number 17 to ask or initiate a conversation with anyone in the group.
Alan: "Yes, I just finished the call. You also called your family. I have only seen you and number 9. What about the rest of the group?"
Number 17, who was highly competitive and always compared herself with number 9, did not like to hear anything about the latter.
No. 17: "The rest of them usually come in the evening after their self-training sessions."
Alan: "I had a question in my mind: Don't we have, like, a time limit to accommodate everyone in this base? I was surprised when I saw the line of people waiting for their turns."
Number 17 smiled as she answered.
No. 17: "Yes, for every individual, the maximum is 1 hour."
Alan: "But I spent almost 2 hours inside?"
No. 17: "First-time user privilege: you get to spend as much as you want, but only the first time, so from next month you will only have 1 hour.
After all, don't underestimate the number of people living in this base; we rarely see them as they live in different sections."
Alan: "I see, thank you for the information."
No. 17: "It's common knowledge you don't need to thank me, by the way. Are you interested in a joint training session?"
Alan: "It is a pleasure to learn from a senior at any time."
No. 17: "More like I want to learn from you. Your performance was spectacular, to say the least. We are supposed to be the geniuses of the federation, but compared to you, I feel that we're nothing."
Alan: "You are exaggerating, senior; I am merely trying my best to catch up with you. That's all."
No. 17: "Then follow me to the training room."
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