The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 24

My Villains Episode 024

7. Sewerage (2)

I yelled out in anger at the exquisite hit that deflected both the helmet and the sturdy leather boots.

“Hey, you crazy girl!”

“I’m sorry…!”

Before he could finish his apology, the corpse beetle made a creepy sound and floated up. In front of his eyes, his jaws filled with sharp teeth widened open.


While I was on one knee after being hit by the iron ring, I let out a pulse with only my arm strength. The posture was unstable, but it was a stab that contained the anger that welled up.



Bodily fluid splashing on the face with a heavy touch.

The stab pierced the man’s jaw.

Kiki Kiki!

The sword tip that had dug into his neck obliquely protruded into the air, but the corpse worm was still lifeless. He wriggled his whole body like a madman with his tail on fire.

Ugh, the power was so powerful that even my upper body swayed wildly with the movement of the corpse beetle.

Aww creepy!

I gritted my teeth and stirred the pulpion.

As he fell to the floor, spewing bodily fluids, I quickly stood up, closed my eyes, and trampled his head.


“Ugh Sii-Baal.”

I heard a creepy sound and a vivid touch came up on my feet.

Oh, my body is shaking.

But there was a bigger problem. The corpse worm was not one.

The hub we found was strewn with large and small corpses of rat men and cats, in addition to the people we saw at first. And the carrion worms, as numerous as the corpse, were feasting on them, and when I killed their kin, they attacked at once.

However, since I had already overcome the enormous wall of disgust, they were no match for me.

I regained my composure and

called them one by one – “Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!”

…What is coolness? I just ran amok for a while. I don’t know if I’m a blood machine or a photoelectric.

“Quaaaaagh! Bastards like dogs!”

Smash it with the blade of a shield, cut it in two, trample it on, slash it with a knife, kick it against the wall, and blast it…

After sweeping away the dozen corpse worms like that, I frantically took a canteen from my waist and washed away the bodily fluids they splashed. gave

As the bodily fluid of the corpse beetle flows down, the sound of teeth comes out again.

“OOO …”

Ah, I am still weak. Even after cutting down dozens of people on the dockside, I was fine, and yet I was shaken like this by insects!

“Ugh, that’s creepy. Oh right. And you dude.”

I brushed my shoulders off like that and looked back a little….

“What is it?”

Ellen, who was standing around with a large bag on her back, kept her mouth shut. There are big water droplets hanging around my eyes…

Oh that. This is the expression Jiwon made right before he got scolded by his sister.

“…I haven’t said anything yet.”

Ah, is this the secret technique of Seonjupilseung (先汗必勝) that we have only heard about?

But anyway, my anger was overshadowed by a ghastly grin.

I felt my hamstrings and it looked like it was bruised, but it was fortunate that there were no broken bones.

…for a moment. So, did this guy hit the bone exactly? In the middle of that crazy, dark time?

“Hey, talent is talent. How do you fit it so well? Did you aim?”

“…cold. I’m sorry.”

“Seriously, what did you mean by ‘I’m sorry’ when you apologized for the first time? You have to say ‘I’m sorry’!”

The boy rubbed his eyes and frowned.

“Did you tell me earlier? Are you sorry?”

” when?”

“As soon as you hit me.”

“…was it?”

It seems that it was.

Ellen bit her lower lip for a moment before speaking softly.

“Anyway, sorry. I made a mistake because I was a little nervous.”

Hmm. It’s not very like a guy to apologize so meekly.

What should I accept as an adult’s generosity?

“okay. That’s it. Instead, don’t try to hit targets close to me. It was fortunate just now, but if the situation was more urgent, it would be a really fatal mistake.”

“…Okay, I get it. I will shoot carefully now.”

After receiving Ellen’s assurance, we searched the hub again.

Water gathered from the various districts was gathering at the hub and flowing southward. Ankle-high barbed wire was installed in the canal that stretched in four directions, and all sorts of corpses and junk got in there, blocking the flow of water.

I looked around, but didn’t see anything of value.

It was just a heap of rotting corpses and non-functioning trash.

Yes, you can’t be full from the first drink.

I took out a map from my breastplate and opened it. It was a map of the second floor of the sewers he had bought from Mr. Oreg.

Anyway, today’s goal was not to go downstairs, but to completely search the second floor.

It was only in the game that I moved forward with no action, but in reality it was because of the judgment that it would be better to clearly identify the area and proceed.

After checking the map, on our way to the next hub, we ran into some corpses walking around.


“They’re zombies.”

As Ellen muttered as she aimed her crossbow, they were zombies, the lowest level undead monsters.

The zombies, who were born with unfortunate fate and evil energy in abandoned corpses, were not very strong opponents. Because his body was decaying, he couldn’t show his threatening physical abilities.

Of course, the tongue that came down to the pit of the stomach, the flesh of the eyeballs that came with the optic nerve, the gas-filled stomach, and the horribly peeling skin were disgusting.

Still, I find it easier to deal with zombies than corpse worms. It’s probably the influence of the killer’s successful debut.

Hey, I feel like I’ve gotten used to corpses even though I’ve only been in this world for ten halls. What a terrible thing.

When I put down the lantern and pulled out the pulse, Ellen spoke as if declaring.

“for a moment. I’ll shoot first.”

After saying that, the guy carefully aimed his crossbow at them.

…Wouldn’t it be easier to hit if there was something like a stock? For a while, I had a random thought.


The iron ring shot from the crossbow got stuck in the neck of the zombie in the lead. With a terrifying sound, the zombie broke its neck and collapsed.

” oh.”


Ellen let out a small sigh and quickly reloaded the second round. Thanks to the gloves woven from linen, he was able to pull the strings with great force, so he succeeded in reloading before long.

The iron ring, which was shot again, was precisely lodged in another zombie’s forehead.

“Turn it off-”

“ o O ” —1—r.

While I fired my crossbow twice, they came up to 2-3 meters in front of me.

The guys who were dragging their legs and approaching began to rush forward as if they were collapsing.

It’s my turn.

“Hey, don’t shoot the crossbow.”

“I know.”

After confirming Ellen lowered her crossbow, I jumped at them, kicking off the damp floor.

The zombies felt like their skin was a little hard, but it was not difficult to deal with because they were almost naked and their movements were dull. It was over when he cut off his head after avoiding or avoiding their touch with his shield.

When I returned after cutting the throats of the other four, Ellen was smiling triumphantly.

under. A beautiful girl with a happy smile after smashing a walking corpse.

It was a scene worthy of a B-grade zombie movie, so I laughed inwardly.

He didn’t say anything, but his sapphire-like eyes were shining as if a light had been turned on.

It’s a face that just wants me to say something… I should ignore it.

The search that followed was also very smooth.

The only monsters that roamed the second floor of the sewer were zombies and corpse worms, and no matter how numerous they were, it was impossible to injure me.

Ellen shot a crossbow to reduce the number of them, and I finished them off.

By the time I was hungry, I had succeeded in exploring all the hubs, passages and stairs on the second floor.

I was sitting with my backpack on my back and I was eating two biscuits when Ellen next to me asked with a tired look.


“huh? Just something to eat.”

Like I said, biscuits…or should we call them hard tack or biscuit?

Anyway, the amount I bought from the drunken pony was just enough to eat.

It didn’t have any seasoning, and it looked like it was made from grain powder, but it wasn’t so bad that I couldn’t eat it with water in my mouth.

All preserved food is like this.

I mumbled and glanced at the biscuit Ellen was holding.

I almost didn’t even say it.

“why? Can’t you eat?”

“of course. Do you have a good appetite in a place like this?”

Zombie remains strewn not too far away Continuing flow of sewage Deep darkness… Yes. Not a very good environment for eating.

“Hey, do you taste it? I just eat to cheer up.”

“I can’t eat. My jaw hurts and I feel like I’m going to vomit again.”

Saying that, he wrapped the dry weight again and stuffed it into his backpack.

…a bitch who doesn’t even know dining etiquette.

I tried to say something, but I was afraid that I would look like an old man. I don’t want to eat it, so why not force-feed it?

And there was no concept of lunch here in the first place. I only eat breakfast and dinner, and the rest of the time I eat onions or bites when I’m hungry?

I was horrified to see the owner biting off the raw onion like an apple. Isn’t it map?

Anyway, since I wandered through the dark sewer carrying a heavy backpack, I must have consumed more calories than usual, but…

Yeah, well. Aren’t you a guy in his prime? As long as you skip one meal, it will be fine.

but i’m not

I chewed the dry amount until the end and rinsed my mouth with water. It’s delicious. Anyway, my stomach is full.

Phoenix’s body seemed to eat three or four times more than Kim Seung-soo’s. Of course, considering the difference in physical ability by dozens of times, there is no such thing as crazy fuel economy.

“Okay then. Let’s think about it.” Six hours had elapsed since Ellen had entered the sewer system as she measured the time with her oddly shaped hourglass.

There were quite a lot of carp worms and zombies, but they were very easy opponents, so I attacked them much faster than I thought.

“First of all… how is your condition? Aren’t you tired?”

“What are you looking at me for? Isn’t that enough to be exhausting?”

…look at the crossbow stand, bitch. Right now, the guy who was lying sick yesterday and groaning.

And or not. Why are you throwing up for nothing?

I tried to suppress the urge to hit him hard, then asked with a calm face.

“Good luck then. Is it right to go back like this? what do you think about it?”

“well. It’s right to go up now that we’ve achieved our original goal, but…”

Ellen, who was refilling the oil in the bullhorn lantern, blurted out her words with a cautious look on her face.

It was not difficult to guess why he reacted this way. The problem we faced was… we had no income at all.

“Haha, I just cleaned the sewer to my heart’s content.”

As I sighed and put on my gloves, the rings on my hands came into view.

The ring on his left hand was a ring-like object made of aquamarine. It’s a magic eye item I picked up at Chapterte, but the options are…

…I can’t remember. Maybe it was magic resistance or property resistance.

oh i don’t know It was just a passing japtem. It would have been an option that wouldn’t bite me or make me sick anyway.

Now that I think about it, how do I get magic items and rare items?

In the game, when you catch a corpse worm or a zombie, money and various items pop out.

But the fucking reality wasn’t like that.

The monsters were not kind beings who just left corpses behind when they died and spit out items out of the blue.

So in reality, deuktem means picking up equipment dropped by a dead enemy or obtaining by-products from a corpse.

But all we caught while walking around the second floor were gross corpse worms and naked zombies. It is said that there is nothing to do with equipment or by-products.

As I thought about the equipment, my eyes naturally turned to my right hand.

A thick ring made of a mysterious material with a red aura. In fact, it looked so ignorant that it was more appropriate to call it a finger guard rather than a ring.

And no matter how it looked, this ring was a different dimension from the aquamarine ring worn on the left hand.

Should I say it’s something like a legacy

… inherited from ‘Pique application note’ ?

The name of the ring is ‘Seal of Dragon Slaughter’, translated as ‘Seal of the Dragon Slayer’.

It was a unique item obtained by accidentally catching a black dragon while playing Expedition (dimensional travel content enjoyed by characters who had cleared the campaign).

A great ring that gives resistance to fire and poison by 30%, accuracy by 15%, and agility and strength by 3 each.

For reference, Strength and Dexterity 3 is a fixed increase. It’s a scam option.

If you ask me what’s so good about going up by 3… I know if I look back at the stat system in the Dark World.

To put it simply, the higher the stat level, the higher the number of stat points required to rise.

For example, the strength and agility of ‘Pique Request’ were 50 and 52, respectively.

Both stats have reached 50, so 6 stat points are required to increase stats. In other words, even if you invest all the 5 points you gained from leveling up, you won’t be able to score even one.

But what if I put on the Dragon Slayer’s ring here?

Strength and Agility become 53 and 55, respectively!

In short, the two options of the ring alone have the same effect as taking 36 stat points.

36 stat points. It’s an amount that you can’t get even if you level up 7 times.

For this reason, the higher the stats of the character wearing the option to raise the stats to a fixed value, the higher the shine.

Of course, despite these fraudulent options, the last option was too poor for the main character to use, so I only used it for swapping (not always worn, but a spare worn depending on the situation).

However, thanks to that last option, this ring has now become an open item.

The sixth option for this ring was none other than ‘relaxation of wearing restrictions’.

It is also an option to ease the restrictions, which is so enormous that even the low-level blood knight ‘Nuke Saegi’ can wear it.

Ha, he said that all things human beings should not be new, and he was right. When I was playing the game, just looking at this option brought me to tears.

If the easing of wearing restrictions was to absorb life force or increase critical strikes, it would undoubtedly be a top-tier ring, regretting it.

…oh wait.

After PvP, Trickster gave back all the equipment?

Breastplate and shoe belt. And six trinkets, no, the dragon slayer’s ring is on now- five.

I’m sure I put it in the warehouse of the ‘Nuke-jaegiya’ character… but

where did all that go?

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