[21] Start of Something Normal
[21] Start of Something Normal
The caravan was finally on the move, Bjorn sat in the slightly jostling cargo hold of Sabec’s wagon. The curtain was open so he could see Freja on the box seat with Sabec. He could feel her turmoil as Sabec gave her the reins to teach her how to drive.
“You have ridden a horse before, yes?” Sabec stated with a laugh. “Good, good, than this will be easy.”
“Sabec, this isn’t funny what do I do?” Freja responded almost shell shocked at the turn of events.
“Miss Sif must breathe, breathe. Sabec will show you.”
The first village was largely a farming community only about six hours away. The landscape had long since changed from thick forest to open fields. For the wendigo all farming outside of animal husbandry and textiles were cash crops since they didn’t eat any plants. The land in the kingdom of Yuhia was some of the most fertile on the continent only second to the blest lands of the Diredian Forest. It was harvest season so farmers, farmhands and work animals were out in force. These were Sabec’s main clientele so he was excited to sell.
The gnoll showed Freja how to stop and told her to watch the carriage while he jumped around back over Bjorn and rummaged through his things. He then hopped out the back with a couple of harvesting tools. Joha and the goblins continued around them on to the heart of the village. Bjorn could not help but watch the goblins suspiciously, but was stopped when Freja lightly thumped his snout.
“Don’t stare, it's rude.” Freja said. “You don’t have to be so suspicious. I know I was worried earlier but Sabec said he hasn’t seen them do anything. They haven’t stolen anything and they helped us.”
Bjorn was confused for a second how she knew he was suspicious of them but quickly remembered the delta familiar contract meant she could feel his emotions. He could do the same with hers but could also choose not to if he wanted. She was a torrent of warring thoughts and feelings. On the outside she was reserved now but it was a facade, Bjorn could feel her desire to just ball up and cry for a couple of hours.
The pair turned their attention to Sabec who now had a crowd. He showed off an orichalcum hand scythe that cut through stalks of wheat like a hot knife through butter. The crowd was thoroughly impressed as he continued to demonstrate other tools. After a few minutes he returned to the wagon assuring people he would be set up for a few hours in the village.
The village of Vatnaby itself was situated close to a lake. The village square was just a larger than normal dirt road with a well in its center. Curious villagers had already congregated around the quickly setting up Joha and the goblins who were all setting up stalls to show off their wares. Sabec quickly found a spot to park his wagon and jumped in the back. Freja followed him this time summoning her wind hands to help carry as much as possible.
Before they could even step out of the wagon there were already men from the field surrounding them. Sabec put on his friendliest face and directed Freja to which boxes to get while he jumped down with a crate of his own. Freja found the boxes she needed and soon followed. Bjorn on the other hand stayed in the wagon as there was nothing he could do to help.
“Failsafe.” Bjorn said.
“I haven’t forgotten anything else with your abilities. I double checked.” Failsafe responded defensively.
“No, not that. The dream, did you find anything I didn’t?” Bjorn asked.
Failsafe perked up.“Oh, plenty I’m sure, are you ready to talk about it?”
Bjorn was quiet for a moment then in an airy breath responded. “Just one thing really, what was the gate?”
“Ah, so that is tricky. It was higher plane magic called aether. I can't make out much more about it then that. Some entities they call the divine sky people made it to protect them by the looks of it.”
“You don’t think they mean True Humans do you?” Bjorn asked.
“Your guess is as good as mine. We don’t even know what True Humans are.” Failsafe stated. “If you grew up in a dome it makes sense that you wouldn’t know what wendigo are…”
Bjorn had a sick feeling. “I am pretty sure we saw the end of my life in that place.”
“Oh, right, the dome vanished… so, there has been something I have been wondering about and it has to do with your magic.” Failsafe stated.
“What is it?” Bjorn asked.
“You won’t be able to answer this, it has just been on my mind. Your magic is extremely potent, far greater than it should be. A spell that requires one point of magic shouldn’t be able to do what you can with it. I thought it was because of whatever you are now. But if you could manipulate aether in your past life it could explain some things.”
“So, can I manipulate aether now?”
“Well, thanks to your memories, I know what aether feels like. For now you can’t, but your magic remembers what aether was like and is trying to replicate it.” Failsafe said after some thought. “You still have a very long way before you will be able to use aether again… if at all.”
Bjorn sat up. “Wait, my magic remembers?”
“You have the same magic core, just much younger.” Failsafe stated. “But remember when I said Freja’s core is copying your magic. Well with the new delta bond, I can feel her core more clearly. Honestly, it is a chaotic mess. I am surprised she can use magic at all, but it seems to be correcting itself by using your core as a blueprint.”
“My core… my core that is trying to replicate aether?” Bjorn said thoughtfully. “So, eventually one or both of us may have the ability to use aether?”
Failsafe said in a self satisfied way. “Wishful thinking, but at the very least she is going to be one hell of a powerful mage one day. The Salstars really missed out on that girl. But again this is…”
“All based on observation. Yeah I know.” Bjorn said.
Bjorn felt Freja’s distress through the bond and decided to check on things. The girl looked nervous standing to the right of Sabec as he showed off some of his tools. He decided to jump down out of the wagon which caused some heads to turn his way. Bjorn walked over to Freja and sat at her side. He could feel her nerves settle a bit and thanks pass through their bond.
On the road a few hours west of Vatnaby, Freja could finally enjoy the ride without being forced to drive. Even though she felt far more comfortable doing it she was too emotionally spent to try now. She looked up at the large gnoll who was more than satisfied with the sales in the village. She even got to help with some of the transactions and was physically spent.
“So, Sabec, what brought you to Yuhia anyway?” Freja asked.
The hyena man chuckled. “Sabec am here because of Sabec's mate, Losi. She is a mercenary, and her company was hired by your king to assist in the war. She is a strong and powerful warrior, and Sabec is proud to be her mate, indeed.”
Freja paused at that. “Can you fight?”
“All gnolls can fight, but none like gnoll females.” Sabec said with a smile. “Have you ever seen our women, hmm?”
“You are the first of your race I have met in person.” Freja said.
“Ah, yes, gnoll females are bigger than males. They love to fight and war. Some males like it too, but none are as adept as they are. Sabec's mate is pregnant and currently home away from the war. So, Sabec must make more money to support her and my child now.”
“Your mate is taller than you?” Freja asked with surprise.
“Sabec’s mate is taller, yes.” He laughed. “Wendigo are different, your men are big and women are small. Sabec finds this funny.” He looked at Freja and pointed at her arms. “With your tiny arms and frame, how will you attract a mate? Men like strong women, stronger than themselves, yes?”
“I think that is a gnoll thing, Sabec.” Freja said, then flexed her arm a bit. “But when it is time for me to find a mate I will keep it in mind.”
Night approached and everyone was setting up camp a few hours west of Vatnaby. Freja was exhausted physically and emotionally; she didn’t realize traveling in a merchant convoy would be so demanding. Still she felt like she didn’t do much but help unpack a few tools here and there and drive the wagon. She still felt uneasy about driving but Sabec was a good teacher.
While she was trying to figure out how to set up the tent the sound of a startled horse followed by a scream rang across the camp. Everyone's head snapped to the sound of the commotion. The whinnying of the distressed horse tied to a tree quickly allowed them to find them.
Freja ran over and by the time she had gotten there Sabec was calming down the horse while the goblins were all around Wyatt who was on the ground unconscious. He was bleeding from the head and mouth which wasn’t good. Joha grabbed a garden snake in the bushes near the horse that must have startled the creature causing it to kick the young goblin. Helina was hysterical and Owen wasn’t much better.
“I have a potion I will be right back.” Freja yelled.
She used her mana muscle saturation to move much faster as she ran her belongings near her uncompleted tent. She rummaged around in her bag for the lesser health potion. On a goblin it would be more than enough to heal him completely.
“Damn where did I put it?” She said as she panicked. “Oh, I found it.”
She ran back to the group potion in hand. Owen had to pull his wife away so Freja could get to Wyatt. Joha knelt down beside her as she uncorked the potion. He held out his hand to stop her.
“He will choke if you try to get him to drink.” Joha said in a deep bellowing voice. “Hand it to me.”
Freja handed the potion to him and the liquid inside turned into a mist which he directed around the nose and mouth of the unconscious boy. As Wyatt breathed the mist would enter his body and soon he opened his eyes. Joha directed him to take deep breaths as the last of the mist entered his nose. Joha and Freja stood up seeing that the potion worked. The boy sat up only for his mother to nearly tackle him in a hug.
Freja was happy at the scene but looked up at the large tiger man who merely winked at her. He then threw the dead snake to Bjorn who snapped his jaws on it out of the air. This was the second time she has seen him use his magic but felt no mana at all, something that shouldn’t be possible. He walked off and Freja continued to watch him until Helina grabbed on to her, ugly crying onto her shirt and thanking her for saving her son.
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