Chapter 10: Treasure the Body
Chapter 10: Treasure the Body
Sheele looked around Parc's room curiously. There wasn't much in it currently. Which made sense considering how new he was to Night Raid. And from what she knew the only things he had on him when Leone met him, was an extra set of clothes, half a dozen double edged daggers, a duffle filled with an assortment of items such as food and surprisingly enough, precious gems. Last thing he had, had on his person being a peculiar little pillar necklace no one had ever seen him without.
Though it was empty, she could see a sign of things taking a more personal look. A shelf to the side of the room was stacked with books he'd bought with his money on the bottom few shelves while the ones at eye height held a few knickknacks he'd collected over the months since his arrival in this world.
"Why did you bring me to your room?" she asked, lightly gulping as her mind wandered to a certain set of books the Leone had not so graciously stuffed into her own bookshelf when she wasn't looking.
Parc didn't say anything, instead leading Sheele to a small, one persons couch besides a two seater. "Sit," He said, gently turning and pushing her down onto the down filled cushion. Her butt practically sinking into it from how soft it was. Part of her jealous at this as her own wasn't as comfortable as this one was.
'Where did he get it?' she thought, looking up at him with a curious glint in her eyes that turned to nervousness when she saw the own, roaming look in his. Everywhere his eyes roamed growing warmer as if he could see though her clothing.
Parc nodded, pleased with himself. "I said I was going to show you how much of a treasure you are. So that's exactly what I'm going to do," He lowered himself to his knees in front of her.
"What do you mean by that?" she asked, wanting a certain clarification that might put her mind to ease if it was what she wasn't thinking a the time.
Parc chuckled, 'really going to make me say it, aren't you?' he could live with that. Bringing his hands down, Parc gently lifted her leg, on hand grasping the heel of her boot, pulling it off and laying it gently to the side before doing the same with the other.
By now, Sheele's mind was already fully aware of what was going on. The feeling only getting stronger when Parc brought his face to her exposed right thigh. Plastering a light kiss on it. Slowly moving down her leg while his fingers grasped the top of her white kneehighs. Slowly, but surely rolling them down all whilst he continued to trailed kisses down her leg. Only stopping by her toes once her stocking had been completely removed.
Sheele's leg was raised, her face a mix of confusion and embarrassment. She was enjoying it, even with the little he had done so far, the care he had just shown her, the way he lovingly kissed ever part of her leg. She wasn't going to say it wasn't getting her excited.
Parc, seemingly holding no qualms about kissing her feet. Began to lightly suckle on each one of her toes for a few seconds each, leaving a strange excitement inside of her. Though she was unable to vocalize anything but her own breaths and sighs.
Content with what the first had done, Parc lifted the opening at the bottom of the cheongsam, folding it over her side to reveal her other leg. As well as the erotic, purple thong she wore beneath the dress. 'one thing at a time,' Parc looked away from her thong, plastering kisses on and peeling the other stocking from her body.
He could feel her body growing hotter with every passing minute. The skin on her legs, growing a radiant red. Now done with loving her legs, Parc moved up, bringing a leg to kneel between her opened legs while his hands made quick work of the pankou buttons just above and crossing the opening that revealed the gracious curves of Sheele's breasts.
With them done, Parc hiked the cheongsam up, from her legs up, pulling it over her head and throwing it to the side. Sheele not showing even an inch of refusal, instead she lifted her arms up to let him get it off easier.
What Parc saw when he stepped back drew gim to awe. Her bra, filled out to the brim with two, large D-cup breasts. Practically bursting from within as they neatly held her chest in place. Parc licked his lips, wanting to have his taste of the two, delictable looking tits. But once again, he didn't want to get ahead of himself.
So he lifted one of her hands from limply laying besides her, slightly curling her fingers down. Kissing the back of them. Gently taking one into his mouth, twirling his tongue around the sensitive fingertips, letting them get accustomed to the warmth and slimy feeling his tongue brought them.
Sheele's body grew hotter and hotter, melting under his gentle caresses. Leaving small marks almost imperceptible to the eye down the entirety of her arms. Traveling up from her hand, to her shoulder, Parc left hickeys on her shoulder, plastering her collarbone with kisses. Down the centre of her chest until he felt the fabric of her bra on his chin.
Parc tilted his gaze up to her, asking for her permission to go any further than he already had. There was a fine line between treating a girl no woman like a true treasure and simply using her to release pent up urges. And forcing himself into her underwear would certainly cross that line.
A bit of hypocrisy he was more than willing to live with.
Sheele moist eyes and light, erotic pants and her melting expression were all he needed to pull her forward slightly. Hooking his hands behind her back, deftly undoing the strap and peeled the bra off her ample twin peaks. Two exquisite, pink nipples protruding from the apex of both her breasts.
Without her bra on, Sheele was feeling even more naked than she had when he had stripped her of her dress. So she shut her eyes and turned her head to the side. Feeling a small sense of calm overtake her now that she wasn't watching him.
But that feeling would only lead way to her mind relaxing, unable to properly keep a moan from escaping her lips when she felt a warm spark coursing around her nipple. Her eyes burst open and she shivered. As Parc continued his suckling his other hand softly pressing and massaging her other tit. Stroking against her exceedingly sensitive nipple every few seconds that only wade her quivers all the more powerful.
"Ohhh" Sheele's mouth lulled open, her breaths soft but ragged. Her body already on the cusp of ultimate pleasure. She had always hated her body for this, she was no stranger to self pleasure, especially after those books Leone had given her lit the fire of desire inside her. But even then she tended to avoid dealing with those urges from just how sensitive she was.
If she even so much as rubbed against her vagina with a little force, her mind would go blank and she would collapse onto her bed a quivering mess. It scared her, the way she could feel her mind disappear into bliss from just simple stimulation.
And even clothing was an annoyance to her. Wearing anything to form fitting and with rough fabric had always wound up a mess as she was growing. Until eventually her mother had introduced her to an old friend who was suffering from much the same condition she was. The friend just so happening to be a seamstress by trade who crafted all her undergarments from hand with a special Arachne danger beast thread that kept her sensitive nipples and vagina safe from the roughness of regular fabrics that would quickly grate at and start to hurt.
Parc's eyes curled up in satisfaction as he watched Sheele writhe, her eyelids flickering as her chest arched forwards wanting him to do more than just tease her to the cusp.
Parc stopped his suction, pulling her nipple from his mouth but wasting no time as his hand quickly replaced it, circling the trembling protrusion as his peckered kisses down her belly. Her eyes hazily looking down at him, unable to resist the want of watching him worship her body in its entirety.
A faint smell of musk rose as his mouth drew nearer to her holy place, hidden just behind a slightly damp pair of purple panties with a small black bow on the top of it. Parc grinned, looking down to the camel toe that had been formed by her labia pulling the soft, velvety fabric of her panties in as it trembled lustfully.
Letting his tongue fall from his mouth, Parc gently stroked it from the bottom of the slit, further separating the fabric covered lips as he pushed in deeper the further up her went. Sheele, gasping for breath, her hands unconsciously grabbing at his head for support while her legs locked on him.
Growing tighter the closer he got to her clitoris, which even with the special silk of the panties, was feeling an intense and overwhelming sense of orgasmic glee that shot straight to her head, sending her into the lands of bliss.
Her arms and legs falling limply in the aftermath, strength abandoning them even as she continued into convulsions, gushing small amounts of her girl cum into Parc's waiting mouth, revelling in the sickeningly sweet taste of the airheaded assassin.
Having had his full, Parc finally pulled away from the quivering honeypot. Which even through her moist undergarment, he could see opening and closing, searching for the right tool to fill it up. And oh, was he going to fill it.
Gripping the sides of her panties, he pulled them off her. Her body unable to even respond as it tried to lessen the residual miniature orgasms controlling it.
Sheele was too out of it to notice Parc swiftly undressing himself. Or even the large rod that was standing on end, curved up ready to plow into her in a moment's notice.
Parc lead the tip of his rod into her pussy. Sheele's breath hitching at just that, a sick sense of clarity consuming her as she relized exactly what it was that was entering her. "I almost forgot," Parc said, his face coming in closer to her own, taking in the mint smell of her breath before pressing his lips against hers.
Her eyes rolling into the back of her skull as they fell into a passionate kissing frenzy, all the whilst Parc was slowly pushing deeper into her, until it came upon the mark of her virginity, her hymen.
He pressed against it in a subtle takeover, letting it stretch and meld around the shape of his cock. The feeling of which Sheele couldn't even put to words, it felt nothing like what those stories had said, there was no pain, no blood, only satisfaction.
Parc broke from her lips leaving her panting for air, a strand of their saliva connecting their lips to the other, "I'm going to go in all the way, okay?" he asked with a kindly voice.
Sheele nodded, no words able to find purchase on her lips.
He smiled, once again pressing his lips against hers, letting her return to unconscious bliss before thrusting his hips forward, sheathing his entire shaft into her depths. Sheele screamed in orgasmic bliss, just a single thrust able to make her body go limp and her make her mind weaken into a puddle of horny assassin.
Parc pulled his hips back, thrusting forward seconds later in a slow, deliberate fashion so as to not overwhelm her with pleasure. But that seemed to have been a moot action as just the action of him pulling back, bring part of her tight pussy with it sending her into even stronger climaxes.
Had they not been connected at the lips, Sheele may have been a drooling, slobbering mess by now. Unable to even control her most basic body functions.
Her body swiftly molded to his shape, ingraining every inch of his manhood into its shape, becoming the most perfect and pleasurable place for it.
Parc softly bit on her lower lip continuing he slow, methodical undulations of his hips, drawing guttural groans and moans from the very depths of Sheele's body. Utterly dominating her very being, altering her mind and body, planting himself within its very core.
A surge soon escaped Parc's cock with a final thrust that burst through the floodwalls of her cervix, sending his cum cascading within it waiting hallways. Thirstily absorbing every droplet that he sent its way, letting not even one small bit escape it elastic interior, stretching to accommodate the sheer volume that filled it.
They both remained still, revelling in the feeling of eachothers flesh, a soft, purplish glow between their bodies, going unnoticed by both as a small, round cut amethyst rose on her belly.
[Conquest Accomplished]
[The Airheaded Assassin: Sheele]
Parc had lifted Sheele's near unconscious body, bringing her over to his bed to finally get some well needed rest after it hour long session of delectation.
Barely able to use what little consciousness she had to keep her awake. Resting her head against his chest with contentment. It had happened so fast, she barely had the time to process it fully. Let alone bring it into reason.
Yet now she cared not for any reason, she simply didn't have any need for it anymore.
"You are beautiful Sheele, no matter the markings left on you, you will always be beautiful." Parc laid besides her, her head falling to look at him with a smile brighter than any he had seen from her before.
Using the little strength, she could muster, Sheele shuffled closer to him, curling her nude body on his, taking comfort in his warmth as he did hers. She wasn't a very vocal person, that was something Parc had realized long before having sex with her, and even during it, she was relatively silent unless she truly was in bliss, at which point she'd let out a moan that could rival even Leone's.
Sheele slowly twirled a finger over Parc's chest in a circle, "Parc thank you" she muttered in a soft voice.
He smirked, "no need, no nee-"
He was interrupted by knocks on his door, "Parc? Are you awake?" he heard Mine's voice from behind it. She sounded nervous.
Parc's face grew pale, 'what's she doing here this time of night!?' he internally screamed.
"I I was hoping I could talk to you a bit about" she didn't need to finish that sentence to know what she wanted to talk about, and he could just imagine the bright red state she was currently in, "about what happened at the lake yesterday?"
His gaze fell to Sheele who had looked between him and the door, gaining a raised brow when they me eyes. Curious to what Mine was talking about. He mouthed, 'long story,' hoping that would quench her curiosity long enough for Mine to leave and avoid that whole tin of worms.
"I-I mean it is kind of my fault that that happened. I didn't mean to get you to talk about your past like that ESPECIALLY not like that." He could practically sense the heat of embarrassment radiating off her from behind the door.
Mine went silent. "I see I'm sorry for bothering you" her voice sounded downtrodden.
"Go," Sheele said, rolling off his chest, "Go talk to her," she spoke without her usual trailing end.
He looked to her with a sorry expression. Hopping of the bed and quickly running to his lost pair of pants, pulling them on and making his way to the door. Casting another sorry to Sheele as he arrived by the door.
Well, there you have Sheele done.
So, Thought I might just get this out there. I'm looking for series I could incorporate into Parc's homeworld which will act as something of an intermediary between main worlds. So get to suggesting those here or in discord. The home world will be something of a modern day fantasy setting. So everything that set in a modern day world is game. It can have fantasy like characters succubi, angel, demons etc. Mostly i'm looking for 'Cultural research' manga and normal manga. This won't really come into play for a bit,but i'd like to get ontop of it now so I don't have to panic search for characters.
Yo, so i've added a new aux chapter at the beginning of the story. So if at all possible go there to suggest any characters worlds etc or just do it in the chapters on discord.
What do you think?
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