Chapter 132 Lucian von Carstein
Leo lay on his bed, looking at the ceiling deep in thought. His mind couldn't help but go back to the incident of the previous night and the fact that they are yet to address it, and thus, the cause of the awkward atmosphere between the both of them.
As for addressing the situation, Leo has no idea what to do. He would actually be honest and say that he finds the situation very confusing.
He had also been scolding himself and asking himself why he did what he did last night. Why did he kiss her tears?!
But no matter how many times he asked himself that question, he couldn't find an answer to it.
He couldn't help but sigh as he snuggled into his bed. He really hopes that the situation between him and Ves could be resolved quickly.
But he was also scared. He was scared that if he doesn't resolve it in the right way, then he's going to lose Ves. And just the thought of losing her scares him very much.
Ves has been with him since the time when he was in the orphanage home and till now. They have gone through so much together, experienced so many things together, fought battles together, and laughed together. It can be said that she has become something like family to him as they have cared for each other since the apocalypse began.
And it was actually the truth because in this ruined world, Ves is the only one Leo has, and Leo was also the only that Ves has.
"Why does things have to be so complicated?" Leo asked himself.
Leo just wants to forget about everything and go to sleep, hoping that things would resolve themselves by the time he wakes up. But he was very much aware that this was just his wishful thinking.
Leo sighed once more as he finally decided to close his eyes and get some sleep. He was about to close start drifting off to sleep when he noticed a very strong presence approaching the base.
As if to confirm it, he heard one of the wolves' howl. And in addition to that, he could also sense multiple presence approaching.
Leo quickly got our of bed and grabbed Nightshade, before running out of his room. Outside, he met Ves, who had already sense the presence with her skills, and now has a solemn expression on her face.
"We need to move fast and get the others," she said, and Leo nodded.
Quickly, they two of them left the apartment and made their way to the elevator.
Just as they were about to reach the elevator, they heard shocking explosion which rocked the foundation of the whole building.
They felt the ground under shake as the whole building trembled.
They looked at each and they realised that the elevator won't be the best option anymore. And, so immediately, they rushed to the stairs.
Getting to the stairs, the blockades that they placed on the door was still there, but having no time to waste, all Leo did was slash Nightshade in wide arc, and everything was cut into two. The door included.
The blockades was split into two by Leo's slash, and they all started falling apart. But Leo didn't have the time to waste, and so, he rushed in and smashed his body into the crumbling blockades, sending them all flying. Including the door of course.
With the blockades now gone, the two of them rushed down the stairs from the eight floor, making their way down to the ground floor.
Leo and Ves were running at full speed, not caring to reserve their strength or stamina. Their base was under attack and if they reserve their strength and get there any slower, and the building is destroyed or taken from them, then what use would be the strength they are reserving?
Leo was moving as fast ws he could, jumping a couple steps and even a whole fight. But even with that, he still found it to be very slow.
It was at times like this that he really wish he could fly just like Tatiana, but he knew that it was impossible until he achieves the Exalted Rank.
Leo finally arrived at the ground floor and the first thing he saw chaos. Outside the building, the wolf pack was fighting against a huge number of people. With a rough headcount from Leo, putting them at at least 50.
With such huge disadvantage in numbers, it was natural that the wolves would be losing. And not only that, some of them were already on the floor, injured, and some... some may still on the floor, with Leo fearing the worst.
Leo was about to lose his composure and fall into rage when he saw this, but he quickly controlled himself. He walked towards the battlefield, while scanning it for any sign of Fiona. But no matter how he looked, he couldn't find her.
He was disheartened when he saw this but he also felt relieved. Since Fiona wasn't fighting with the rest of her pack on the battlefield, and she isn't one of the wolves lying still on the floor, then it means that she's fighting her own battle somewhere else.
With his thought, Leo gripped Nightshade tightly and started walking towards one of the group ganging up on one of the wolves.
He was forced the next moment, when he felt a strong presence behind his back. It was the same presence he felt previously.
He quickly turned and he saw dressed in attires he had only seen on Tatiana and Liliana—regal, elegant, but even more refined than theirs.
The fabric shimmered under the dim light, deep shades of crimson and black woven with silver embroidery. It was exactly the same as Tatiana's and Lilliana's.
The young man also bore all the features of a vampire. Pale, flawless skin that seemed untouched by time. Sharp, angular features with a beauty both mesmerizing and unnerving.
His hair was the same deep shade as Tatiana's and Liliana's, cascading down his back, but neatly tied with a silver clasp.
And his eyes—those piercing, predatory crimson eyes—held an eerie resemblance to Tatiana's.
Leo didn't need to ask.
This was another von Carstein.
But that was the shocking thing right now. The thing that caused Leo to clench his fist tightly and gripped Nightshade's hilt tightly, like he was going to break it is because Fiona is being held tightly by the neck by him.
He could hear her whimper as she tries to fight him off but with every struggle of hers, the young man increased the strength of her grip on Fiona's neck, causing her to struggle even more.
Leo nearly flew into rage when he saw this but when he remembered that the young man in front of him is an Exalted, and a very dangerous one at that, he knew that anger won't help him in his current situation.
Lucian slowly descended to the ground with a bland expression on his face, while gripping the neck of the wolf in his hand tightly.
He had come here with a single purpose: Leo. But what he didn't expect was that it was someone so young. Now, he's very curious as to how he was able to achieve the feat he did.
"So, you're the Leo? The one who defeated my sister and that bastard child, Tatiana's dog?" He asked, as he scanned Leo from head to toe, before looking away dismissively.
"I actually thought you would be more. But you're only a child. And now, I'm very disappointed in my sister. How could she allow someone like you, an ant like you, a scrap, a nobody from a backwater, forsaken planet that doesn't amount to much in the grand scheme of things of the Multiverse to defeat her? It's something I don't understand. But I guess I will find out soon enough, won't I?" He said with a mocking smile, as he tightened his grip on the wolf's neck, causing to her to let out strangled groans.
Leo saw this and he was about to rush forward, but he saw Lucian look at him and he found himself unable to move his body.
"You as so much take a single step, it dies," Lucian said, smiling coldly.
Every fiber of Leo's being screamed at him to move, to rip the vampire apart. But he knew... He could see it in Lucian's eyes that the moment he acted on that impulse, Fiona would die.
And the thought of losing her, of watching her small frame go limp in that monster's grip, made his blood run cold.
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