Chapter 13: Three Ways To Murder Your Boss (10)
Chapter 13: Three Ways To Murder Your Boss (10)
There was a momentary silence. This situation was so absurd that the response for it ended up being slow.
What did that man say now?'
I turned my head to see if I had been yelling at someone other than myself. However, there was no one except for those who were watching from afar.
Looking at her like that, Minjun sharpened his teeth.
"This bastard. Has he really turned around?"
At this point, the embarrassment had quickly turned into anger.
"What?! How dare you"
"Hey, don't you know who I am?"
Edeline still regarded Minjun as Jenkinson's servant. In reality, it proved inconceivable for her that the two of them were close to a relationship that was almost symbiotic.
Minjun licked his lips as he spoke up. "But what do you do? I know you well."
The dragon practically began to explode with anger, but Minjun paid this no heed and continued.
"Edeline. 64 years old. You obtained conditional citizenship six years ago and moved to Earth. The reason why you couldn't obtain a permanent citizenship was because of an accident that occurred at the level of your origin."
Bloodlust was evident in the dragon's eyes.
The person in front of her was casually talking about her flaws. It was as exactly as Minjun had said. Edeline had caused a scandal in the world in which she lived and then migrated to earth in an effort to flee.
The conditional approval of the committee was possible because the victim gave up the accusation in order not to take her to the law, thereby leaving no criminal record, and crucially because of the active lobbying of Edeline's parents.
"But you don't know me, do you?" She scornfully asked.
"When was the last time you even attended the dragon clan meeting?"
Words she had never imagined coming out of a human's mouth now attacked her today.
"Can you get information on the topic, since you seem to know how to avoid elder dragons?"
"You bastard!"
Edeline didn't care as to what the other person's identity was. Humans were human, a weak and humble race. She tried not to take these insults any longer and took the opportunity to gather magic power.
"Are you going back to the main body here? Are you going to debut with the first tap of the 9 o'clock news today? No measures, no thoughts Don't talk, and don't follow me," Minjun said as his body floated due to the magic in the air.
"If you go to a place where one can't see, you definitely wouldn't feel comfortable, either. If a dragon were to fight with the main body in a residential area, destroyed a building, and killed people, would the elders really like it?"
That was indeed a stumbling block. Edeline couldn't help but cope with the aftershocks that immediately changed, after her eyes begun to slant. She felt uncomfortable in his presence for some reason, but he couldn't help it. She then spoke in an attempt to appeal to him.
"You Whoever or whatever you are, you're going to regret this terribly now!"
"Stop being so obvious and follow me. Do you know how to do floating magic?"
A few minutes later, the dragon floated up, her thoughts taking the form of the human in front of her begging her to kill him.
After a brief flight.
They were in the mountains right outside the city, where Min-jun had been luring Edeline in. This was an open field where hikers couldn't even enter by accident because the road was cut off.
As soon as he stepped on it, Minjun spoke up, "Really, are you sick in the head?"
"I told you to follow me, did you really follow me?"
Upon hearing this, Edeline couldn't contain her anger any longer.
Light flashed across her entire body as she transformed into a dragon in an instant. Seeing that, Minjun couldn't help but think, How old is this dragon?'
The dragon then began to enter orbit, almost immediately rushing forward.
About 3 meters tall She's definitely young. Her floating magic's way too clumsy. She's probably the type who's never studied her spells properly while trying to live on her own.'
It was common for young dragons to neglect their training, simply because they had a lifespan of thousands of years. Of course they also held some beliefs, such as that their race had an innate weapon much like a magical fortress the moment they hatched out of their eggs. They apparently had a barrier of resistance that naturally spread over their bodies as naturally as breathing.
Until this was dismantled, Minjun's main specialty, the status ailment type curse, couldn't be applied. One could only deal with physical attacks.
A roar then began to ring out. The cliff which Minjun had his back facing towards then shattered to pieces. His body bouncing, he tightened his hold on the stone sword in his hand.
His left hand looked as if it had been mummified. Recovery was so slow that it seemed like such a big order.
If it's a hand you won't be able to use for a while, anyway'
The decision was quick.
Embarrassment was formed in the eyes of the dragon that had chased and flew away so many others before her.
Following the black line that he had swung, the entire lower part of Minjun's elbow ended up getting cut off.
"I knew you were a crazy bastard, but you've completely turned around!"
The greater the sacrifice, the greater the effect of the spell. Minjun did not intend to prolong this fight. One of his arms turned into blood mist in the air and thusly disappeared.
A black shadow then began to form over the magician's body, created in the form of a bank robber-like monster. However, it was far different in terms of scale.
There was immense pressure. The dragon felt bewildered when he saw the monster bigger than himself.
A suicide attack?!'
He summoned such a thing using the black magic of self-sacrifice. A magician couldn't possibly avoid death.
This is the last strike!'
On the other hand, the appearance of the shadow was far different from before. The monster looked disorganized and tangled up into a black cloud. In addition to this, it was being absorbed through Minjun, mouth, and pores.
A tense momentum began to spread from Minjun, who had completely absorbed the shadows in his body. It ended up absorbing 100% of the monster's power.
If you want to fight a dragon, this is the best and most efficient way.'
Darkness began to emanate from the base of the severed left arm, creating a replacement hand.
Lightning bolts began to protrude from the dragon's horns. Reading the obvious magical flow, Minjun began to turn around. Dodging the dragon's lightning strike, he began to kick the ground. The distance between the two of them narrowed in an instant.
With a speed that could break through the limits of human beings, Minjun pierced through like a single arrow. Then, with the left hand the shadow had created, he vigorously struck the dragon's snout and ground it.
From then on came an unstoppable uppercut!
A scream then erupted, one which could shatter one's eardrums. The giant dragon bounced into the sky, unintentionally getting into flight once more. She managed to balance her body mid-air.
She could see a familiar human flying and following him. The dragon felt greatly shocked.
How can a human make such a move? How do you get this power?'
There was no time to think any further.
She felt both underestimated and shattered. She did not have the mental capability to properly understand the situation.
Thus, she instinctively unleashed her abilities. Even if she was not able to memorize magic properly, but a ranged attack was still possible. This was a weapon that anyone born as a dragon could use.
The surrounding air ended up getting sucked in sharply from the center of Edeline. There were flames engulfing her lips. Upon seeing that scene, Minjun's face turned pale.
He hurriedly consumed a chunk of black magic, increasing his speed as if exploding a booster. The wind began to rip in his ears. The dragon's face, still gathering fire, began to grow bigger in an instant.
Closing the distance, Minjun began to exclaim in a terrified tone. "This bastard is about to start a forest fire!"
He aimed another perfect hit on the dragon's snout.
The dragon staggered once more. That was how powerful Minjun's kick was. He then began to memorize a spell, all while aiming at a point beyond the path that had been spinning and falling like a top.
The dragon got thrown in the air, looking like a bug that had been caught in the spider's web.
A strong gravitational field began to form on both sides of her body. It had been waiting between flight orbits, snatching Edeline up in the process.
The dragon couldn't seem to come to her senses.
There was a vortex of gravity continuously rotating one by one on either side of her, pulling her in opposite directions. All wings and legs began to spread wide, her skin and scales tearing apart. Her long neck was being bent to the left, and then to the right repetitively.
And there was Minjun, who was flying towards her at a rapid speed.
"Oh, no!"
Minjun clasped his left hand, which was trembling black. He took onto an offensive position, holding back a strike. That lowered the dragon's head!
The sound of teeth fluttering, as well as the cracking of the hard one could be heard. The dragon then began to fall with a shriek.
Like a meteorite, a large crater began to form within the mountain. Min-jun's analyzing eyes roved over the fluttering dragon in his eyes.
The part he had just hit was the posterior pons, one of the six brains present in the dragon's skull. This was the area responsible for the output, reflection, and balance of magical power. After all, there was a reason he had been aiming there.
You got it!'
Edeline, who had received a great shock from there, temporarily showed symptoms of concussion, and the innate resistance barrier that had been covering her body wavered and distorted.
Minjun did not miss the opportunity. He got down on the floor and aimed right at the wriggling dragon, throwing the ritual stone knife he had been holding this entire time.
A sharp sound cut right through the wind, and the dagger stuck itself into the dragon's wing.
It looked like an insignificant attack compared to its size. It was like being cut by a smaller cutter blade, so therefore, the reaction had to be limited to that level.
However, Edeline did not.
A terrible scream ensued, one that could not be replaced with linguistics. She screamed as if her soul was being ripped apart.
Minjun simply laughed.
That worked, too!'
It was unknown how many human sacrifices had been made with that dagger until it came to him. The resentment of the sacrifices began to pile up on the blade of the sword, and after going through Minjun's hand, it was eventually completed with a pretty terrible curse.
This curse manifested itself by inflicting unbearable pain on those who ended up getting stabbed by the dagger.
This was why the warlock was illegal in many countries, and the list of well-known warlocks formed the perfect subset of Interpol's first-class wanted list.
The source of black magic proved to be the pain and vitality of living beings, and it was not the kind of power that could be easily recharged like Minjun. most of the magicians abducted these sacrifices, tortured them for both days and nights, then killed them in order to wield their magical powers.
On the other hand, Minjun was charging his black magic through a self-sacrificing method, one which included absorbing his own life force and thusly inflicting pain on his own self.
In other words, every time he killed someone with that dagger, he also had to suffer a similar pain.
Edeline began to scream, twisting and rioting around. Her movement reminded one like the iron wheels of a road roller compacting the pavement. As the dragon rolled, dozens of trees ended up getting crushed. After a few seconds in that state, Minjun could sense her tone changing.
The dragon's vocal cords, which were usually tougher and more durable than rebar, had just been torn.
"Aaaaaaah! Stop! Maaaaan!" The dragon began to roar in a hoarse voice. After all, that ritual dagger digging through her barrier was a wonderfully cursed sword.
Minjun approached with calm steps. On the traces the dragon made by scraping and digging the ground, blood remained, leaving behind crooked little lines.
He must finish this early before the curse effect were to disappear. Minjun began to reminisce about the dragon's anatomy. There was a point in her nervous system that paralyzed the lower body when damaged.
Long shadowed fingers were pressed against shiny scales.
Like a drill, it pierced and dug through the skin. The skin itself ended up getting crushed just like mud.
At this, the dragon's body began to tremble. At that point, she began to convulse.
Minjun removed the nerve strands with blood-stained fingers. The dragon had stopped rolling at this point. Just in time, the curse of the dagger had finished its effect. Minjun retrieved the knife with a calm gesture.
The two then met each other's eyes.
The human gaze was directed downwards, while the dragon's gaze was directed upwards. Over the oblique intersection, the dragon's mouth opened.
At this, the dragon began to form sentences that she had never once uttered in her life.
"Sa Save me!"
The paralyzed dragon tried to move its arms to drag itself away. The direction proved to be opposite to that of Minjun. The dragon trembled, wept, and crawled. There was overwhelming fear in her expression. She had to try and get away from him somehow.
"Don't come Go away!"
However, Minjun had no intention of ending it in this manner.
Instead of the severed left hand, the attached shadow hand was called the shape. It was large enough to hold the dragon's tail with one hand. As it approached, Edeline desperately pushed herself from the ground. Of course, it was of no use.
Minjun clenched her tail tightly and then began to speak in a flat tone.
"It's not a sin to be stupid."
At this, Minjun pulled his hand back vigorously with sharp snaps, almost as if he was recalling the whip. The dragon's body was then lifted into the air, being pulled and stretched by centrifugal force.
Minjun then shrugged as he held her tail.
Her body, which had no barrier at this point, collided with the earth with a defenseless bang. The earth cracked, and her feet began to shake heavily.
The dragon couldn't even scream anymore.
"It's not a sin to be a sick person," he murmured lowly, this time turning his shoulders in the opposite direction. At this, Edeline's body flew into the air again, much like a balloon being fixed with a thread.
"But, if you're too stupid"
Her body floated to the sky once again.
In mid-air, her body began to curve like a bow. The gazes of the human holding her tail as well as the inverted dragon then intersected. Edeline was trying to say something with her eyes. Minjun then decided not to understand it.
"You shouldn't be squeamish in the first place, you bastard!"
The dragon then landed on the bedrock with a loud, clattering sound. Her entire body was already bloody.
Her scales had shattered and had burrowed into her body, and her structure itself was twisted in a strange shape, almost as if it had broken a few bones. His breathing was rapid, and his chest was pounding irregularly. She was also babbling.
However, Minjun had no intention of stopping here.
He held the stone sword in his hand.
"Do you really dare to touch my realm?"
Minjun didn't want to move on from there. He intended to take Edeline as a sample. Since the Commission's contact with humanity, the dragon population on Earth had grown steadily. He couldn't guarantee that something similar wouldn't ever happen again.
Therefore, he intended to do something about that now. With this, Minjun grabbed Edeline's wing and spread it out. This was also the same moment when he began to direct the ritual dagger to the dragon's bottom.
= I wouldn't recommend doing that. =
However, out of the blue, a mental wave echoed in his head.
What do you think?
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