90 – Delphine, the bitch
90 – Delphine, the bitch
As Harley and her compatriots fought through the ancient Nordic tomb, Ustengrav crawled with mages and Draugr, and the walking undead corpses of Ancient Nordic warriors were entombed within, but despite all of the dangers of the Nordic Tomb, including Draugr capable of using the Thu'um and mages capable of potent or annoying forms of magic. However, the worst by far still ended with it being Skeevers, rather large rat-like creatures that carry all sorts of nasty diseases that always ended with Harley having to visit a temple and paying a hundred septims just to get said diseases cured.
By the end, they made it through scores of Draugr and Mages, even finding a Word Wall at the bottom of a rather large chamber patrolled by skeletons and a few Draugr.
From there, Harley had to solve an annoying puzzle in which she needed to use the 'Unrelenting Force' shout to speed past a set of iron gates that would close within seconds of activating a set of triggers.
However, when she finally got to the horn, it was rather...stale.
"That's...it? Seriously?" Harley complained, looking at the strange monoliths that arose from the water as they walked down a pathway, only to see what was clearly not a horn on a pedestal in the shape of a stone hand.
Stepping closer revealed the object to be a...letter.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Harley cursed, exasperated.
Reaching out to grab the piece of paper, Lydia began to read off the message while Harley paced back and forth, annoyed.
I need to speak to you. Urgently.
Rent the attic room at the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood, and I'll meet you.
--A friend"
Harley let out a slew of profanity at how annoyed she was by whoever took the horn and prevented her from learning more 'shouting magic' from the 'old geezers' of 'ugly castle' atop 'fuck-off mountain.'
Annoyed, yet not wanting to give up the chance to learn more 'shouting magic,' Harley and her ragtag group of companions made their way south, past Morthal then Whiterun, before eventually making it to Riverwood, a multiple-day journey on foot, something else that made Harley grumble in annoyance at the time she lost because of this diversion.
Making their way into the Inn, Faendal frowned upon seeing his old crush while Uthegard paid for a drink. In the meantime, Harley approached the barmaid.
"Hey, I need to rent a room for the attic," Harley demanded.
The barmaid looked at Harley briefly before responding, "I see. Well, we don't have an attic, so the best I can give you is one of the free rooms. That'll be ten septims, please."
Grumbling, she reached into her pocket and paid the price for the room the woman led her into before closing the door behind her, which immediately made Harley go on guard.
"So you are the Dragonborn," the Barmaid spoke, revealing herself to be the one that stole the Horn from the tomb.
"And you're the bitch wasting my time," Harley remarked with a glare.
Not answering Harley's comment, the woman pulled out the horn from...somewhere and tossed it to Harley, who caught it.
"I believe that is what you were searching for, and now that you have it, would you hear me out?" The barmaid requested.
Looking at the barmaid with a sneer, Harley asked, "And you couldn't just hire a courier or something? All you did was piss me off."
"If I sent a courier, there was a chance that you'd never receive the message. Taking the horn was a...guarantee that you'd have to meet with me. As for wasting your time, I may have wasted only a few hours, but Riverwood is one of the routes you could take on your way to High Hrothgar," the barmaid explained her reasoning.
"Just hear me out. That is all I ask," The barmaid requested.
"Fine, but it'll cost you. 100 Septims for my time," Harley demanded with a cruel smile, getting a look of disgust and disbelief from the barmaid.
Sighing, the barmaid tossed a pouch of Septims to Harley and stepped out of the room.
Smiling, Harley pocketed the pouch and followed the women, subtly gesturing to her companions to be on guard and ready for action as she followed the barmaid into a rather large bedroom on the opposite side of the Inn before demanding that Harley close the door.
Raising an eyebrow towards the barmaid's intentions, Harley closed the door yet left it unlocked while the barmaid stepped up to the...wardrobe and opened it.
Before Harley could make any sort of remark, the barmaid pressed the back of the wardrobe, revealing a hidden door that slid open, revealing a set of stairs.
"Uh, I may be a bit of a crazy girl, but in no way am I interested in heavy BDSM," Harley commented as she looked upon what would clearly be a dungeon. The barmaid looked upon Harley in confusion, having no semblance of understanding what 'BDSM' was.
After several moments of silence, the barmaid moved on, "Now, we can talk."
Following the barmaid down the stairs, she was met by a small cellar. Several weapon racks, chests, and other furniture adorn the walls of the small room, which also has a small table covered in an old tattered map.
"The Greybeards seem to think you're the Dragonborn. I hope they're right."
"Hope?" Harley caught, annoyed by the wench's words.
"I hope so. But you'll forgive me if I don't assume that something's true just because the Greybeards say so. I just handed you the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Does that make me Dragonborn, too?" the barmaid replied dismissively and annoyedly.
"Are you stupid?" Harley suddenly asked.
"Excuse me?" The barmaid asked, offended.
"I asked if you were stupid," Harley pointedly asked again.
Seeing the barmaid's annoyance, Harley smirked, "There's an easy way to know if I am a Dragonborn or not," Harley began, only to be rudely interrupted by the barmaid, "You must slay a dragon."
"Are you serious?" Harley asked, annoyed, before continuing, "No. You can just ask the Guards at Whiterun who witnessed my battle with the dragon, or you could have a taste of a shout to the face. Your choice," Harley shrugged, a mocking smile on her face.
"No. I need to see it for myself. Dragons aren't just coming back; they're coming back to life. They weren't gone somewhere for all these years. They were dead, killed off centuries ago by my predecessors. Now, something's happening to bring them back to life. And I need you to help me stop it."
"More than likely, it was Alduin," Harley spoke nonchalantly, leaning against the wall.
"The World Eater?!" the barmaid shouted, getting a deadpan stare from Harley.
"You're bothering me, and you couldn't even do a bit of research? The thing has been roaming Skyrim and was personally responsible for the destruction of Helgen. Hell, that old crazy lady personally saw it after it fled from Helgen," Harley mocked her while also giving her some sources of information she could check with to confirm Harley's words.
"Then, there is even more reason for me to confirm that you are truly a Dragonborn. All across Skyrim, there are burial mounds filled with dragon skeletons. I've looked at which ones are now empty. The pattern is pretty clear. It seems to be spreading from the southeast down to the Jeralls near Riften. The one at Kynesgrove is next if the pattern holds," the barmaid pointed at the map.
"If we hurry, we can make it in time to catch whoever or whatever is bringing back the Dragons," the barmaid spoke with conviction.
"Are you stupid?" Harley suddenly interrupted the barmaid's train of thought.
"What makes you think I'll go with you? I'm busy enough as is, and you want me to rush to what could be nothing, distracting me from learning more from those old lizards?" Harley retorted, annoyed by the woman's demands from Harley. After all, Harley was already struggling to fight the giant lizards, so why in the hell would she want to do some other shit instead of learning more cool shit from the old hermits up the mountain and using those newfound shouts to kick some more dragon ass?
Besides, Harley could tell from just talking with the woman that she had a stick so far up her ass that Harley would honestly be tempted to kill them if they kept talking.
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