The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers

Chapter 1


“AuntLin, Aunt Lin, wait! You forgot to take your cell phone! “

"Aunt Lin!Your phone! “

A lame,about 20-year-old young man shouted while running in the scorching sun andchased a middle aged woman across the road.

However,the woman walked in a hurry and didn’t seem to hear his voice at all. She goton the bus and disappeared into the crowd in a flash.

The youngman couldn’t catch up. He gasped and stopped at the side of the road. He staresat the cell phone that doesn’t belong to him. Sigh. He takes it as a fan andgives himself several blows. Then he goes back to the Buddhist shop across theroad.

His limp rightleg seemed a bit heavy when he walked, so that when a truck running against thetraffic rules suddenly rushed to him, he failed to avoid it in time. Then heonly heard the “bang” sound, and the noise around him disappeared asif he had been pressed the pause key.

Le Yaosuddenly woke up.

He wassurrounded by darkness. There were no street lights, no buildings, no cars andno people. He felt some wetness under his buttocks, seems like he was sat onthe grass. It’s quiet, cold, and the rustle of leaves driven by the wind madehim feel plunged in this thick forest. He’s alone, like the dying old man hangingwith his last breath.

All thehairs of Le Yao’s body suddenly stand up. He quickly touched his pocket, tryingto find something to light his surroundings.

But hefound nothing.

He hasalways been brave enough to avoid fear of these strange things. He wanted toshout for help, but not far away he heard some “whine” of an unknownbeast, made his whole nerves tense to the extreme.

Cold sweatran down his forehead. He tried hard to calm down while biting his fingers.

The bloodjust came out a little, suddenly there was a shout in front: “I smell it!Over there!”

Thensomeone said, “Alphas, stand by! Let’s go and have a look!”

“Yes!”a group of people shouted.

It was astrange language, yet Le Yao could understand it. And that raised the tensionin his heart.

But what isalpha?

Hearing thefootsteps coming closer, Le Yao suddenly felt pain in his brain like a needle.With this pain, many unfamiliar memories flooded into his mind. He can’t help butsquatting down with his head in his arms when his mind is about to explode.

“Thirdyoung master, you can really run away.” At this time, a pair of army bootsappeared. The owner of the boots pointed a flashlight at his face, with a hintof sarcasm in his tone: “You know that you can’t escape, aren’t youtired?”

“You...”Le Yao looked up. “What did you call me?”

“Isaid, third young master, why are you pretending? Did you forget what troubleyou made?” The man said, “Tsk, we have been looking for you overnight!”

“...”Le Yao subconsciously got up and took a few steps back.

This is notright. Even if his head feels so hurt right now he felt something was really wrong.How could he become their third young master? Moreover, he was born disabled,and now he doesn’t even walk limp. Why he has a stranger’s body and memory!

The ownerof the body is also called Le Yao, who is an Omega boy and the son of General LeFeishan of the Tarot Empire. In order to escape the marriage arrangement, heran away all night. Unexpectedly, he lost his life in this deep wood.

“Reportto the General, the third young master has been found.” At this time, Le Yaosaw the tallest man in the crowd talking at the communicator and said calmly,“Yes, General, it’s in the broad-leaved forest five miles away from thenorth slope. Yes, it doesn’t look like a big problem. We’ll take him back assoon as possible. “

“You,come here!” The man added, “Bandage the third young master’s wound!”Then he put down his communication device and glanced coldly at Le Yao, turnedaround and left.

“Thirdyoung master, where is your wound?” A medical staff came to ask Le Yao.

“My hand.”Le Yao held up his broken finger and showed it to the medical staff. He saidnothing more.

Now that hehas the memory of the original body, he has understood what alpha, beta and omegaare and more clearly saw the medical staff put a sealant on such a small wound,which is not out of concern, the smell of pheromone in his blood will affectthe soldiers who come out to search.

The medicalstaff put away the things: “Third young master, please.”

Le Yaofollowed these people into an airplane in silence, and found that there weremany people looking for him. The aircraft is intelligent and does not need apilot. After all the passengers come up, there are twenty-one of them. At thistime, everyone’s expression except him looks very hateful.

Thesepeople’s dissatisfaction with him has not been shown, but it has been writtenon their faces.

Le Yao feltlike a dream now. His new memory told him that it was 2555 years by theperpetual calendar. In 2261, there was a natural disaster on the earth thathuman beings could not resist. Human beings were forced to move away from theearth for as long as 15 years. When they arrived at Tarot, they combined theirgenes with Tarot’s people and started a new civilization.

It’s March2 year 279 new astronomic calendar, 536 years after he left the earth.

Thisconclusion sounds crazy. Le Yao can’t help clenching his fist in his pantspocket.

It’s justthat the general’s residence is come to view after a long time of flying. Asthe aircraft slowly descended, Wang Hao, the special service captain who hadstared at Le Yao, and the medical staff took Le Yao out of the aircraft.

Le Yaowalked into the hall, and before he could stand still, Le Feishan walked over quickly,raise his hand intend to slap Le Yao.

“Pat!”No good! Le Yao quickly blocked the other side with his small arms and facedthe angry middle-aged uncle. He pressed down the tension and his uneasiness,said: “Don’t casually hit people! We can talk about it first!"

“Youdamn kid!” Le Feishan angrily looked at the pale, but still breathtakingbeauty of his oldest son, “You still have face to come home!”

(T/n: Don’t be confused guys, you’ll know later he’s the oldest orthe third~~)

“I......”Why am I ashamed to come home?

Le Yaowanted to argue back, but when he thought of what the original owner had done, hewas speechless for a while.

There is anunwritten rule in the Tarot Empire that omega with prominent genes, no mattermen or women, as long as they do not enter into marriage before they reach theage of 20, they must follow the arrangement of the Marriage Center and marrythe designated high gene matching objects. The fundamental reason for this isto breed as many genetically excellent humans as possible.

Most Omegaswill accept such an arrangement. If they don’t find the right person, they willmarry the person with a highly matched gene. But the original body didn’t likeit. So in order to escape the marriage arrangement from the Marriage Center, hehad to toss his old father in the opposite direction.

This time,the original owner took illegal drugs that were said to destroy Omega glandsand fled at night.

Well, then hewas caught.

JiangXinduo, his stepmother, got up from the sofa and came to hold Le Feishan:“Ok, don’t be angry. The child may not understand before. Now he’s alreadyback, don’t be mad anymore. ” Then she grabbed Le Yao’s arm: “Le Yao,why don’t you apologize to your father?”

Le Yao knewthat at this time, the man who was angry with the opposite face and whoseeyebrows were all wrinkling out of the deep pit was his father and would onlybe more harmful to him. He said “Sorry” with his teeth clenched, thenstared at the woman who looked so concerned to him. He then turned to go upstairs to his room.

He wasafraid, that if he say and do something else, it would make people suspicious.

Le Feishan gaspedfor breath and shouted: “I’ll tell you Le Yao! You have to register themarriage tomorrow! If you don’t go, I’ll break the relationship with you!“

“Bang!”A loud sound came from upstairs.

Le Feishanstared at Jiang Xinduo: “Look at his attitude! It’s all because you spoiledhim! “

JiangXinduo said with a smile, “Yes, I’m responsible for it. You need to calmdown first.”

As soon asLe Yao locked the door, he heard this sentence. He couldn’t help roll his eyes,and then found a place to sit down and force himself to calm down.

JiangXinduo is the step wife.

The birthmother of the original body died when he was two years old. Later, Le Feishanmet Jiang Xinduo, who was widowed with a child, and they formed a new family.The death of the original body is directly related to Jiang Xinduo. Knowingthat the original body didn’t want to accept the marriage arrangement, JiangXinduo told him that there was a drug that could destroy Omega’s glands. Theoriginal body went to the doctor in a hurry to find this medicine. After eatingit, he escaped at night and died in the forest.

Le Yao lookaround his bedroom, not bad. At the thought of Jiang Xinduo’s white lotus actbefore, he puffed his cheeks like a puffer fish. But at the same time he was alittle flustered.

When youfirst come to a strange environment, you don’t have to be afraid at all. He thoughtabout it, like lying with your eyes open. He heard the barking of dogs outsidethe window and the footsteps of some guards. He knew that unless he died heretonight, he would have to register for marriage with someone he had never seenbefore tomorrow. Although he knew from the beginning that he liked man, hedidn’t want to married a stranger casually.

What shouldI do?

Le Yaostands up and rushes into the bathroom. He closed the bathroom door and closedthe gap as close as he could with a towel. After doing this, he hesitated alittle then bit his finger again. He squatted on the ground and endured thepain. He drew a long and thin rune on the beige tile quickly. He said: “Theland is the most spiritual of the gods. It can reach the heaven and the earth.It can go out of the seclusion and into the hell. With my blood, I sincerelyworship you. If you hear this sacrifice, come to gather quickly!”

The voicefell, and a small whirlwind slowly blew in the bathroom. Le Yao’s eyes burstwith ecstasy, hoping for chat with his familiar friends in the underworld ofearth. However, after the wind blew, there was nothing, and everything wasrestored to its original shape.

Le Yao:“???” What happened?

Look downat the rune, there’s no mistake! This rune was studied by his father, whotaught him how to draw it! It should be working!

Because ofhis disabled leg and walking problems, not long after he was born, he wasthrown to the door of a Buddhist shop. The owner of the shop picked him up andraised him. He also taught him many things that he could not learn outside,especially metaphysics. In the past, he never made a mistake in doing this onthe earth. Is it because he left the earth that now he couldn’t call the deadof the earth?

Or is JiFengyu reincarnated? After all, many years has passed...

(T/n: you’ll know later who he is yo~~)

Le Yaotried again, refuse to give up. Anyway, the blood is already flowed. Herepeated the invitation again. But it turned out to be the same. There wasnothing after a gust of wind.

Suddenly therewas a noise at the outside.


When hekicked the door, Le Feishan almost roared: “Le Yao! Tell me what are youdoing inside? “

Le Yao wasstartled. He subconsciously covered his bleeding fingers and opened the showerto let the water wash away the rune. The second time when he drew the rune, theblood didn’t flow very much. He bit it again but turned out that it was a bittoo hard, and the bleeding still couldn’t stop. The room was full of pheromone smell.

Thesuppressant the original owner had taken before was already passed the validityperiod, and with his bleeding now, the pheromone smell was no less than thetaste of Omega in heat period.

Le Feishan’sface was as black as a pot. When he smelled blood coming from his son’sbathroom, he thought his son was going to commit suicide. He quicklyordered people outside his family to get out of the house. Then he said,“I’ll count to three. If you don’t come out, I’ll break the door!”

As soon as LeYao saw that the rune had been scattered and there’s no blood trace on thefloor, he quickly opened the door.

When JiangXinduo saw him coming out, he touched his chest with relief: “You scared usto death, you child! What are you doing? Are you alright? “

Le Yaodidn’t answer.

His stepbrother,Le Tianyu, also go upstairs to his bedroom. He said weakly, “Brother, pleasedon’t hurt yourself any more. It’s not just you who are suffering, we as yourfamily and the guard outside also feel the same. Why did you doing that? “

Under theinstruction of Jiang Xinduo, the medical staff came to bandage Le Yao again.Hearing that, they looked at Le Tianyu and seemed to agree with him.

JiangXinduo also said at this time: “Yes, Le Yao, don’t be willful any more.Although you may go to his residence after you get married with General Xu Yao,I heard that the environment in Huaxia star is a little tough. Outsiders alsosaid that General Xu Yao is a bit fierce. But you are his future wife. He shouldtreat you different from the others, so don’t worry, and don’t anger yourfather again. “

Le Yaodidn’t want to confront Jiang Xinduo and Le Tianyu at all, but at this time hecouldn’t help turning his head: “What star did you just say he wasstationed in?”

The wordsare from Le Feishan. He frowned: “Huaxia star. What do you want to do?“

(T/n: Huaxia is ancient name for China)

Le Yao saidin low voice, “Huaxia star, isn’t that’s what these people call the earth?”Then his eyes brightened: “No! I won’t do anything! I’ll register themarriage tomorrow! “

Le Feishanlooked at his son suspiciously: “Are you sure?”

Le Yaosaid, “Sure!”

If youdon’t marry, you will still be forcibly marked by someone. If he doesn’t takethis chance to marry, there’ll be another arrangement in the future. Moreover,Omega with suppressant in the heat period is too miserable. It’s better tomarry first. What if he could find a way to return to his original world afterhe went to Huaxia star? It’s okay if 500 years has passed, earth still earth!No matter how developed it is here, it’s not his familiar environment!

Le Yaorepeatedly promised that he would not do something reckless again. Finally, hegot the approval from Le Feishan and took all the guard out, without ordering themto watch him in the room. It’s finally got quiet. He took a bath and fellasleep in bed.

His master,the adoptive father who opened a Buddhist shop, had two sons, both of whom werenot bad. So even if he dies, he doesn’t have to worry about the future of hismaster, if that world is still going on. So the most important thing for himnow is to think about what to do next.

Le Yaopicked up the light brain and searched for the memory of the original owner onthe Internet for “Xu Yao”. A minute later, the light brain fell underthe bed with a bang.

He lookeddown at the picture on the ground. Look at the big man with a bloody scarbetween his eyebrows, fierce eyes and a sinister face, he was dumbfounded. Whatthe hell!!!


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