The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 82: Drinks

"Well Letho, that was a face I won't be forgetting anytime soon. Regardless, I am glad that despite your... voracious entrance to our family, that you are here now. Take care everyone, I am going to meet more friendly faces."

A few hours of mingling later and it was safe to say I was exhausted. "Talking to people is exhausting." I said to Sophia as she was guiding me to my room. "You have been alone with your mate for your entire life my sweet. It is a pretty natural occurrence you would find conversing tiring now."

Taking the elevator upstairs, The club had been closed for the rest of the day and the upstairs staff were cleaning. As we passed them, they all instinctively gave their respects to Sophia before she took me into another elevator this time going up.

As the dings inside the elevator kept going up, we finally reached the top floor of the building. The elevator door opened and I was beholden to a beautiful view. The living room of the apartment was designed and furnished with exquisite materials. Three couches shaped in a u around an expensive glass table to bring about an informal and homely sitting area.

The area was surrounded by plants and lamps to fill in empty space and make the apartment feel more lived in.

"Wow Sophia, your apartment is amazing." I said genuinely in awe of her living space. "Do you think? Even after living here for so long among humans, I am still not to keen eyed on fashion and usually have one of my assistants help with that matter."

"Well your assistants need a raise, I mean look at that view." From the apartment all the way to the horizon where the sun had just started to rise, Skyscrapers of myriad size jutted from the ground like a unique geographical landscape.

As I was admiring the landscape, the elevator door dinged once more and in came orchid with my bag. She eyed the room carefully making sure I was not being taken advantage of, before dropping the bag to make her way over to me so she could take advantage.

"Apollo, why don't you make yourself comfortable on the couch and I will make you a refreshment." Sophia said as she walked over to her built in bar at the other side of the room. I said nothing but took her words of wisdom and planted myself on the most comfortable couch in existence.

I could not help let out a satisfied moan which caused both of the females present to snap their heads in my direction.

Leaning back I closed my eyes with my head resting upon the back of the chair, not shortly afterwards a familiar weight had leaned itself against my arm, and her head rested upon my shoulder. "Hey Orchid." I started. "hmm?" she hummed, turning her head to face me. "What do you think of this planet?"

Orchid wanted to quickly reply 'disgusting' and 'would be better as biomass' but she actively thought upon the question for her loves sake. "The planet itself Orchid cares little for Apollo-mate. It would serve well as a meal for the hive with the excess of bio mass inside of it. Alas it is very well defended and would prove difficult to invade as it currently is.

However despite my dislike of the planet, The infiltrator Sophia has done a good job at making the areas she frequents smell like the hive and for that orchid is appreciative. That being said, Orchid would still rather be here, by your side than anywhere else in the universe."@@novelbin@@

Feeling sweet on Orchids words, I leant over grabbed the side of her face with my left hand and began to kiss her passionately.

Sophia had just walked back into the room with a tray of drinks and was surprised by the event. Slowly walking over, She placed the drinks onto the table in front of the couch and looked on while biting her lip.

Unlike the rest of the hive, Sophia did not seem to possess the extreme jealousy trait when watching her mate perform intimate acts with other bio forms. In fact Sophia found the sight in front of her titillating and her breath began to grow louder the longer she watched.

Realising Orchids and I's make out session had gained a witness I pulled back and commented. "Oh, my bad Soph, you weren't waiting there long right?" "Not at all my sweet, I just sat down." she said controlling her breath easily.

Leaning forward on the couch Orchid shot Sophia a death glare for interrupting but did not wish to worsen her everything's mood by being jealous and tried her hardest to forget the matter.

"So what have you brought your esteemed guest 'Lady Sophia.'" I said roleplaying a noble. Being the smart infiltrator she is, Sophia caught on what I was trying to do. "My lord, Only the best for my esteemed guest. A glass of Avantant gin and tonic water mixed with a secret ingredient that is guaranteed to make my lords alcohol resistance vanish."

My eyebrow raised at the secret ingredients side effect. "Is that so lady Sophia? Well in that case I must partake." As I picked up the glass, Sophia stared at me with extreme intensity. That intensity only grew as the glass took to my lips. The drink tastes very refreshing. A mixture of a berry similar to juniper and a citrus twist.

"Mmhh! That is delicious."

After taking that sip I could immediately feel a sense of inebriation seep throughout my body. "I assume the secret ingredient was some form of poison darlin'?" I asked totally unfazed by being poisoned. "Yes my love an extreme concentrated version of my poison. It loses Its psionic properties but increases its affects on the physical body.

From our conversation earlier it should take about 10 glasses of said drink before the effects prove fatal on your organs my sweet. but a few glasses should make you feel drunk."

An idea suddenly popped up inside my mind. "Hey soph, will your poison work on this gorgeous form next to me?" I said before drinking my whole glass and moving onto the next. "In theory yes, my poison is uniquely different than any other bio form as I used local ingredients to synthesise the effects for humans. As such, Orchid should have little resistance to it currently.

In fact in its concentrated form even I can be effected, though not as harshly." Sophia explained

A smile crept on my face as I turned to look upon Orchid. pointing towards the table and the pitcher of secret ingredient that was upon it I said with my 'puppiest' eyes "Orchid will you drink that please?"

Orchid wanted to vehemently protest as she wanted nothing that came from the bio cult infiltrator in front of her, but to her mistake She had made eye contact with Apollo and almost cried due to the amount of emotions that were being portrayed inside of them.

Turning away before she lost herself in those eyes, she grabbed the pitcher and began chugging the tasteless liquid. "Woah Orchid sweetie slow down only a drop was placed in Apollos drinks."

Orchid was already halfway through the pitcher before she heard Sophia's warning and stopped drinking immediately. Angry and with only a few seconds before the poison began to effect her, she rushed over to Sophia opening her mouth forcefully and making her down the rest before also making her drink from the glass on the table as well.

Feeling a nice buzz I decided to not stop what was transpiring as curiosity took hold of me and watched as Orchid pulled back from Sophia seemingly fine. She looked around the room as though taking in her surroundings. "Orchid are you ok?" "Orchid is Orchid my love, Some poison from a feeble infiltrator shall have no effect upon her." Orchids confidence had affected me for a moment.

That was until she attempted to take a step and fell flat on her face.

Sophia and I stared at each other for a short moment. I turned my lips inwards trying to prolong the inevitable, but Sophia's face also trying to do the same broke the last of my defence and we both started bawling with laughter.

In the laughter, Sophia switched couches and moved next to me with a small amount of difficulty as her concentrated poison had begun to affect her, though not nearly as bad as Orchid. She nuzzled herself up next to me in a similar fashion Orchid had done earlier while still laughing and took a sip from a non poisoned drink to calm herself down.

She took the brief respite of Orchid being down for the count to make up for the years away from her love by simply being close to him and talk about nothing and everything all at the same time.

Half an hour later, The Poison in everyone's systems was starting to take effect harsher and Sophia's short yet wonderful time was suddenly interrupted...

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