The Kind Older Sister Is No More

Chapter 44: A Brother Long Gone, But Not Forgotten

Chapter 44: A Brother Long Gone, But Not Forgotten

Long time no see brother. What a coincidence to meet you here. I happened to be on my way to see my grandfather. Then, suddenly Irenes view was blocked. Irene looked up at Noel who stood in front of her and obscured her view. However, Irene could not take her eyes off him because Noels face was so stern. Irene peeked through from behind Noels back and saw the man who had approached them before.He called Noel brother just now
But Irene had never heard of Noel having a brother. Was the reason Noel had become the sole successor not because his brother had died? Although, I must say that I am disappointed. Are you not pleased to see me? Well, you are not welcoming me at all. Despite Noels fierce face, the man responded with a smile. Then, he moved his head to the side and looked at the curious Irene staring back at him. He opened his mouth and talked to Irene who was standing behind Noel. Hello, Miss Irene Chase. Nice to meet you. Irene could feel Noels back tense up at the mans gesture. Noel seemed to be nervous. It was not seemingly obvious from the outside, but Irene could tell because she was standing near to him.Who is that person?
Who on earth was that person, to be able to make Noel so nervous? However, the man did not take his eyes off Irene, even after he had already greeted her. Irene looked at that man in wonder. Then, she realised that she had not answered and tried to open her mouth. Grandfather is inside. We are busy so we shall go back first. Noels voice, which had always been soft and friendly, was incredibly cold. It seemed like Noel wanted to get out of the situation he found so distasteful as soon as possible. So, Irene only bowed her head instead and followed his lead. Then, the man gracefully smiled and opened his mouth. I see. I just wanted to talk to you a little bit more since we have not seen each other in such a long time. But we will still have plenty of opportunities besides this. Then, Ill see you again next time, Miss Irene Chase. He spoke charmingly. After bidding polite farewell, he passed Noel and Irene and entered the main house.See you next time?It was just a greeting, but it felt like those words contained a different meaning for some reason. Irene looked at the mans back and then turned her attention to Noel. The man had already disappeared, but Noels face was still stiff. Tom, who was nearby, also appeared to be holding his breath. . The atmosphere was so cold to the point where the heat of summer could not be felt. Irene, who was standing behind Noels back, hesitated for a moment and then carefully asked Noel. Noel. At Irenes voice, Noels face slowly relaxed. He turned to look at her and then awkwardly smiled. Sorry to embarrass you. Oh no, not at all. It is alright, but who is that person Irene enquired after much thought. She had decided that in order to know him better, they needed mutual trust. After all, they were partners. In reality, Irene since noticing Noels expression had been worried. She wondered if there was a problem he was facing that he could not tell her. On the other hand, she was also worried that Noel would not answer this question. She knew that it had only been a month since she had gotten to know him. But Irene thought that she had already been quite open to him about her life and been vulnerable. Thus, she thought that Noel could equally open up to her. ... However, contrary to her hopes, Noel did not answer her question. He remained silent and turned his head as if he only wanted to avoid the topic of the conversation. Beside them, Tom also had a troubled look on his face. As the atmosphere became more awkward, Irene opened her lips and said with an awkward smile. Im sorry to ask such a question. ...No. Let us go back. We cannot be late. As if nothing had happened, Irene turned her back first. She had been in and out of the mansion for about two weeks, so she knew the road to go outside. She felt relieved by that fact. If she did not know the way, she would be completely like a lost child. Not knowing what to do and how to navigate her way home.I must take care of my expression.If it had been like before, she would not have been able to hide her expression of disappointment. However, now it was different. Things had changed for Irene, and she had learnt to be able to hide her feelings.

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