Chapter 7
Chapter 7
The sun was still up and a carriage slowly moving on the dirt road, there were not many people, only two carriages and about ten people, inside of one of the carriages, the Frankor was sitting in.
These two carriages belong to Grape Village, they already going into the border of the Ceredrim City, and will going to pass towards the border of Werewolves.
After they pass the border they will notify the werewolves about the vampires inside of their region.
Frankor just smiled and started thinking after he looked the outside from the window.
"The vampires most likely already left the Prison, after they took the information of the Moon Wolf Hunters coming towards to their prison, and I knew that Blood Knights and Moon Wolf Hunters are going to fight, maybe they already finished their battle, before Werewolves take information from the Moon Wolf Hunters, I had to notify the Werewolves and create a battle between humans and werewolves because trespassing the borders"
Frankor just laughed a little, nobody knew why he was doing something like this other than himself.
Argar, Sermano, and Vilan sat on the ground and started resting, they were walking about for three hours, after about one more hours to walk they will reach a village called "Findol Village", this village was the most improved and strongest in the region of Ceredrim,
It was because this village was closest to the City Ceredrim, this fact made it strong and compared the other villages they had more trading routes, and every traveler passed from their village when they are going towards to Ceredrim.
When their economy is got strong , the Ceredrim City noticed that and started giving more resources to the village to improve it much further.
Argar Sermano and Vilan wanted to reach the village, and hire a carriage from there, so they could reach the Ceredrim City, after that only thing they had to do is go their organization base.
Their base was just on the outside perimeter of the Ceredrim City
Skraal stopped walking he smiled after looking at a woman, she had black-clothes on her body, with a green spell on her right hand.
The Woman was in her thirties but still beautiful with the long black hair and legs, her eyebrows were looked like hand-made with a beatiful charm on them, in the end she looked like a witch.
Skraal was going to talk but he noticed something after looking at the woman in front of himself.
"Witch (Human) (Female)"
"Level 1"
"PH Power = 1.0"
"Gis Power = 1.0"
"Poison Arrow" (Cast a arrow made up from "poison" to shoot the target)
Skraal understood that the system of his helped him to see the other people status too, not everbody just some of them and then he still talked.
"I did not expect to encounter a witch here, what is your purpose for walking in the forest"
The Woman looked at the eyes of Skraal and furrowed her brows, she was not expecting this kind of reaction from the human in front of her.
Because, most of the ordinary human got scared when they see a mage or witch in their normal times, but this man, not the mention scared, he was even looked excited because he saw herself.
"I have my things to do, sorry for my behavior towards you, my name is Elisia"
Skraal nodded and after that, he smiled.
"My name is Skraal, and you don't have to feel strange towards me, I am a mage myself that is how I know you are a witch."
After Skraal finished talking, two Undead Wolf, manifested in his right and left side respectively.
Witch Elisia, was surprised after she saw the two wolves summoned by the man introduced himsefl a mage and named Skraal, but she now understood why the man was not afraid of herself.
It is possible the man in front of her had more magical power and spells than herself, there is not a reason to be afraid anyway.Of course Elisia was not stupid, she did understood the man in front of her not only a mage, even a mage belongs to "evil" side most likely.
After about ten minutes of talking, there is a trust manifested between the Skraal and Elisia, at that time Elisia started to talking about the real reason why she was in the forest.
"I am just an apprentice witch, who entered the Purple Poison Coven, for more magical spells and power, but the day I entered the coven, there was an attack from the Holy Paladins and Holy Magic Champions"
Skraal started to think about what the Elisia said.
In the mage circles, there are three sides, these sides are called "Evil" "Neutral" "Good", most of the natural magic casters, and holy magic casters getting the inside of the "Good" side, but this does not necessarily mean that they have good nature on them.
The witches, dark mages, or skeleton mages like himself directly join the "Evil" side, but most of them could be recognized as "Neutral", or the mages accept them as such.
Of course, a mage at the "Good" side, still will harbor bad intentions about the "Evil" side, so this is what happened between the Holy Paladins and Holy Magic Champions,
They are created a plan to attack and destroy the Purple Poison Coven because of a coven is the place for Witches to meet up, and their organizations.
Elisia had the chance of escaping from the Coven because she newly entered the coven, only spell she knew was a pretty basic Witch and Poison-Mage spell called Poison Arrow, like his own Bone-Arrows
Skraal then started talking.
"What are you going to do now ?"
Elisia thought a little bit and she then smiled and answered.
"I am thinking of going into a city of Mages, and find another coven for myself, I am sure you already know that without a coven I could not imagine getting stronger."
Skraal nodded, then he asked.
"Which city, do you planning to go to?"
Elisia thought a little bit then answered.
"I am thinking of going towards to "Anderwhol"
Skraal took a deep breath and nodded.
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