Chapter 10: Bone Crushing Pain 2
Chapter 10: Bone Crushing Pain 2
Jason immediately looked down in fright and soon he realised what it was. His clothes were covered in this dark and slimy gunk of a substance, and it was everywhere, staining his bed sheets and his skin.
Jason's sweat had plastered the grime to him, to his hand, and that was why Jason could not escape the smell. It was like he had wallowed in mud, all dirty and disgusting.
What the hell had happened in all this time?
Jason pushed himself out of bed and onto his feet, limbs slightly trembling. But he could not deny that he felt good. And then realising that he was on his feet, Jason was willing to change that earlier statement. He felt powerful!
For the first time in a while, Jason was free from the annoying ache in his chest. Clenching and unclenching his hands, and marvelling at the strength that pulsed through his body now, Jason smiled. So it was really a Bod moulding Pill. His body definitely felt like it had been moulded to perfection.
Now if only he could get rid of this disgusting stench that made his patient attire stick to his skin. Ugh...
A quick look out the window, Jason noticed that night had fallen. Damn it. How much more time had he lost? His landlord was probably having a field day, tossing his things out the window.
Jason moved the blinds on the window, looking outside and noticing that there was nobody out there. But it was a hospital, so he had to be careful still. Jason made his way to the shared bathroom, grateful it was empty and not occupied by some older citizen who was wiping his ass, or getting it wiped by some nurse.
He immediately entered the shower, taking off the grimy clothes and putting them on full blast. After washing away the oil exterior, Jason revealed a new, brighter skin... He could not see his face, but from his legs only Jason could tell that he had less Body fat, and his muscle definition was much more defined.
Jason rinsed himself clean, and he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror as he passed by... What the hell? Who was this? Hello, there Mister Handsome... He looked different. It was like his features that were already leagues apart from everyone else's had been sharpened, made more superior. And was it him or was he much taller than before? It was a bit hard to tell in the dim lighting.
The thought filled him with a bit of fear. His muscle definition was better, he had a better body... And he was taller? What did this pill do to him?!
Anyway, it didn't matter right now. What mattered most was that he had to go back to the room. Wait, he also had to change those disgusting sheets, did he not? After checking the store and finding the replacement stuff, Jason smiled. Thank you very diligent nurses for always preparing some spares. Throwing on some clean patient clothes and then tidying up his area, Jason returned to his room, where the smell still lingered despite his very quick cleaning efforts.
Jason barely had a moment to sit down when the door creaked open, and the doctor stepped in. Jason stifled a chuckle as he saw the Doctor's nose wrinkle. Sorry Doc, you should have smelled it before I cleaned it all up. Anyway, to whoever was doing the laundry, may the Universe guide and protect you.
"Woah, young man, could you not... ah... pollute the room right before I walk in?" the doctor joked, waving his notepad in front of his nose. Jason smiled sheepishly. He had nothing to say for himself. Well, the best he could do in this situation was apologise. After all, there was nothing for him to do other than that.
"Sorry, Doc. I felt a bit gassy all of a sudden," Jason said with a smirk that only another man would get. The Doctor narrowed his eyes and then in the next moment, he grinned.
"Just kidding, kiddo. With your body's state, I would be surprised if you didn't fart a few times. After all, you hurt yourself pretty badly." The Doctor began, directing Jason to sit down for another examination. "It's better if you let it out a few times. It's good for the body. Even better if it's on the face of a plump lady."
Jason stared at the Doctor, who was taking up his position, unlatching his stethoscope and putting it to his ears. This guy very clearly has a fetish for fat women. He also had a fetish for outrageous acts and talking about sex.
Anyway, that was none of Jason's business. What Jason was more concerned about was what the hell he was going to tell the Doctor about his injuries. After all, he was an injured man in the Doctor's books.
"Hey Doc, could I please leave? I cannot afford to stay here for too long," Jason said after thinking about some excuse he could use to dodge the examination. The Doctor was just about to start when Jason said that and when he heard that, he went into full-on counsellor mode.
"Hey, relax. I didn't want to tell you this before, but your care and stay here have been paid for already. Everything was taken care of by the nice lady you work for. So when you get out of here, you better get on your knees and use that pretty face of yours to thank her real good."
James blinked a few times, getting the image out of his head. This was telling him to give the boss lady head right? Was this doctor okay? Maybe he was the one who was supposed to tell the doctor how to do things.
"As I said before," continued the doctor, leaning down and panning at Jason with his equipment, "I wasn't going to tell you, but you're just too stupid. How could you let down such a thick, voluptuous lady like that? Playing around in the warehouse after hours? Seriously? Oh my god... When I was your age, I..."
Blah blah blah... Okay, the doctor had gone from counsellor mode to full-on yap mode. Jason sighed. He was conflicted about the situation. Not only had he been paid for, but he had been paid for by his biggest benefactor, his boss lady.
She was already nice enough to give him a job, and now with this, she had given him way more. How the hell was he going to repay this?
Jason got back to reality, seeing the doctor making some motions with his hands and squeezing something and that was when he knew he had skipped over way too much of the Doctor's story. Whose ass cheeks was he spreading apart?
Jason didn't even want to know. He was afraid some old lady out there was being sullied. Instead, Jason snapped his fingers in front of the Doctor's face, and said, "Doctor? Weren't you going to take my measurements down?"
The Doctor was dazed for a moment before nodding and saying, "You're right kiddo. Thanks for reminding me. It was just... Agnes... Those were the days."
Yeah, okay, thank you. The Doctor soon began working, for real this time, and Jason found it amazing how he could code-switch from some ass-eating villain to a friendly neighbourhood doctor so quickly.
"You've been through something, huh? I can see that you're holding yourself together a little better. That's good." The Doctor gave Jason an approving nod and then he paused, his gaze growing more curious. "Wait, you... you look fine. Wait, no. You're better than fine. It's like I'm looking at someone new," he mumbled, frowning.
Jason straightened. Well, damn, you caught me. Now he had two options. He could either brush off the doctor's words, or he could just convince the doctor that what he was seeing was not true. What option would he take? That was the interesting question Jason was met with right then.
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