Chapter 142: Arrogant Young Master 1
Jason didn’t bother with pleasantries as he entered the car; his mind was racing, analyzing the potential motives behind this mysterious summons.
Jason had taken the time to listen, but he only got a single thing. Just one sentence. And it had told him everything he neded to understand.
The stranger had introduced himself briefly as the butler of a family but hadn’t divulged much. "Our young master wishes to meet you, Mr Cross," the man had said with that same insincere smile. Jason didn’t need to ask who; he could feel the tension radiating from the man.
Whoever this young master was, he had influence and he must also have some dislike for Jason, but Jason wasn’t the type to be easily intimidated. After all, few had a connection to Amanda… and he figured he would be seeing someone he had seen only a day before.
The car purred smoothly through the streets, leaving the chaotic city behind as they climbed into the more exclusive districts. Jason leaned back, gazing out the tinted window at the sprawling mansions set behind ornate gates. He could buy any one of those now. Money was not a problem for him anymore.
"High-end," Jason mused to himself. "But are they real players or just wealthy posers?"
Jason knew one thing in life. Most people wanted to become rich, but the truly rich wanted to become wealthy. Wealth was all about limiting the number of decisions you had to make daily so that your mind could focus on all the things that were worthy of focusing on.
The rich were too busy spending money trying to look rich. The wealthy were buying the same pair of T-shirts and pants, just so that they didnt have to think about what colour shirt to wear on the following day. They could use that mental real estate for other things… like trying to take over the world.
The sedan rolled to a stop in front of a sprawling estate. High walls, manicured gardens, and a fountain shaped like a rearing stallion hinted at old money, but Jason could spot the cracks, a family living just on the edge of greatness, trying to maintain their image.
So they were rich posers... Good to know. Stepping out of the car, he adjusted his suit and glanced around, taking in every detail. It was impressive but it seemed… faded. Old money for sure… just that it seemed the newest generation were squandering it.
As expected. It was him…
A butler greeted him at the door, bowing slightly as he gestured Jason inside. The interior of the mansion screamed excess: marble floors, chandeliers, and paintings that tried too hard to impress. Jason’s sharp eyes swept over the decor, mentally calculating the cost and wondering how much of it was liquid assets versus vanity.
In the grand sitting room, a young man stood waiting. Jason recognised him immediately. Henry Kissinger—the brat from the dealership fiasco. He wanted to laugh at that moment just because of the memory from the previous event and the look on his face. Henry’s sneer was almost comical, his anger barely contained as he gestured for Jason to sit.
Jason took his time, his deliberate movements asserting control over the situation. Henry needed to understand who was truly in control of this situation. He needed to realise it, to know it so deeply, so well that he could not turn away from it.
But even after sitting down, Jason said nothing for the longest time, merely looking at him in interest. Henry even almost started squirming, but it seemed Jason was not willing to see him embarrass himself any further. After all, being with a woman like Amanda was embarrassing enough.
"So," Jason began, his voice smooth but edged with a hint of mockery, "nice place. Though I’m surprised someone as impulsive as you have managed to keep it so clean, especially with your bad spending habits."
Jason was talking about him keeping a woman like Amanda. And it seemed Henry was no idiot either. He knew what Jason was talking about. and the fact that Jaosn even dared to embarrass him and talk shit to him in his house made it even more annoying.
Henry’s face turned a deeper shade of red. "Because of you," he spat, "I was kicked out of the dealership. My father’s furious. Our family’s relations with the Ellis family are strained, and it’s all because of you!"
Jason stared at this man, trying to see if he was serious, but after realising that he was serious, he began laughing, shaking his head. What the fuck was this idiot saying?! Jason leaned back, a faint smirk playing on his lips. He steepled his fingers, letting the silence stretch uncomfortably before responding.
"Oh, Henry," Jason said, his tone dripping with feigned concern. "You’re giving me far too much credit. Your downfall isn’t because of me. It’s because you tried to impress someone who didn’t even value you. That girl… Amanda… she’s nothing special. You might not realise it now, but you will soon. And when you do, you will remember my words, and maybe you’ll understand my story."
Henry’s fists clenched, but before he could retort, another voice cut through the tension. "Henry, that’s enough."
Jason turned to see an older man enter the room. This man carried himself differently, his stride measured, his gaze calculating. His resemblance to Henry was unmistakable, but there was an air of maturity about him. Jason felt like this one was different, it felt like a person he could talk to, unlike this one who seemed more like an idiotic monkey.
Since there was someone, probably an older brother, who could rein this idiot in, it meant that Jason could finally have a hold on him. If he managed to use this new man to rein this man in and then put some pressure on Amanda, then that would lead to the best situation Jason had in mind, especially for his plans of making Amanda regret her decision to part with him.
Imagining Amanda and the state she would be in when she found herself dead and buried in the ground, having lost her wallet, Jason almost felt tingles run down his back. He held back the urge to smile as he regarded this man, who walked in slowly while regarding him too.
"Mr. Cross," the man said, extending a hand. "Allow me to apologize for my brother’s behaviour that day. I’m Terry Kissinger. It’s a pleasure to meet you."
Jason rose, meeting Terry’s handshake with a firm grip. "Jason Cross," he replied, his voice steady. "And apology accepted. It’s rare to meet someone in your position willing to admit fault. It’s a shame though… your brother and I cannot see eye to eye for some reason. It would be great if you could mediate for us."
Jason gave the man a smirk after saying this watching as the man’s eyes lit up in wonder and surprise. That was exactly the kind of effect he wanted to begin with. The fact that he rose to meet his handshake meant he respected him and his demeanour showed that he was willing to bury the hatchet. Jason was well-mannered and good, which was what Jason wanted the other side to think.
Terry chuckled, a glint of respect in his eyes. "I’ve heard about you, Mr. Cross. Your reputation precedes you. Please sit..." After saying those words, the man gestured for Jason to sit back down and then went ahead and joined his brother on the couch. Henry looked at all this in annoyance. Why the hell was his brother butting in at that moment?
"Let’s speak frankly. My father’s furious over the strained relations with the Ellis family, but I see this as an opportunity. Perhaps we can work something out. If you could offer a word for us, I believe it would smooth things over greatly. In the meantime, we will make sure to give you whatever you deserve in exchange."
Jason’s smirk deepened as he leaned back. "I’m listening." Terry smiled at Jaosn as if he had met a kindred spirit. Jason also smiled at the man. Straight to business. He liked that about this guy.
As they settled, Terry leaned forward. "The Kissinger family’s primary business is real estate. We have a few projects that need a strategic partner, someone who can bring in fresh perspectives, connections… and most importantly money. I’d like to propose a partnership. You and me, we can work something out, can we not?"
Jason’s mind worked quickly. Terry’s offer was genuine, but it was also a calculated move to mitigate their losses with the Ellis family. There the man was giving him "benefits" while also ensuring the future of his family through him.
If Jason caved in here, he would only be giving the Kissinger family what they needed all for nothing. Jason decided to push the buttons, trying to see what limits the other side truly had, and how much they were willing to lose to make it all happen.
"Interesting," Jason said, his tone neutral. "But partnerships require trust. And trust requires... commitment."
Terry’s brow furrowed. "What do you have in mind?"
Jason leaned in, his voice low but commanding. "Exclusive first rights on any new projects. I want Reno Ventures to have priority access to your portfolio. And we won’t let you down. If something needs investment we will be first in the building, and we will be the ones to give you money. We will be business partners from now on. So what do you think?"
Terry hesitated, his gaze flickering to Henry, who was scowling in the corner of the couch. After a moment, he sighed and nodded. "Done. I’ll draft the paperwork."
Jason smiled, finding himself impressed. There was something about a man who could make split decisions like this. Something about that last look told Jason that Terry was used to cleaning up his brother’s messes. It’s okay, Terry. I’ll help you clean up your brother too from now on...
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