The Non-Human Society

Chapter 12 - Eleven - Renn - Storm

Chapter 12: Chapter Eleven - Renn - Storm

My room was... better than it should be.

There was a nice sized bed, and it didn't even stink. It wouldn't be long before my own scent was all one could find upon it.

A decently sized window loomed over a large desk, where I was currently sitting. Right now it was too cold to open it, but I knew during the summers it was probably wonderful to open and sit before it. I could already imagine the breeze, as I read a book or wrote something while sitting there.

Another table sat near the large dresser near the window. The table was empty, and the dresser wasn't much different. Amber had said she'd go with me to buy some clothes but we've not been able to do so yet. Too cold.

And then of course, a few paintings. When I had first stayed here, the first night, there had been only one. A solemn scene. Now however, there were five. And each one was fancier than the last. Happy. Bright colors. One was a very detailed beach scene, with sea animals jumping from the waves in the distance.

I didn't know who put them in here, but I assumed it was Lughes. He was... odd, especially when it came to these paintings. He took so, so much pride in them...

Smiling at the room, I hoped to enjoy it for as long as possible.

This was what I was looking for.

Or at least... if it wasn't, I wasn't sure I'd ever find it otherwise.

After all, how could there be anything better than this?

"May this last forever," I whispered.

The bell dinged.

My ears perked, and I listened intently to the sounds from below.

Everyone was home. Amber and Lughes had left in the morning, to pick up some of their paint supplies, but had returned not too long ago. Crane rarely left, and as far as I was aware Shelldon was in the basement, and hadn't left it in years.

Normally someone entering the shop at this time wasn't that strange. Customers came often, and we also had people deliver supplies occasionally. Yet lately the only people, who came since the snowstorm started, were the young boys in the morning delivering fire wood, and one of Crane's human friends who sometimes visited in the afternoon for tea.

Yet there were two voices beneath my floor. Two I didn't recognize.

Customers possibly? Glancing to the window in front of me, I noted the haze on the glass, and the ever growing layer of ice and snow on the other side.

"Surely not," I said, and stood from my chair. This was no time to be shopping, especially for paintings.

Opening my bedrooms door, I noticed the footsteps above me. Light pitter-patters. Crane was walking to the stairwell on the floor above me.

Exiting to the hallway, I closed my door slowly. As I did, I watched the nearby stairwell. Sure enough Crane appeared, as she descended to this floor.

"That sounds like Vim," she said to me as she rounded the stairwell, to head to the first floor.

Did it? I could hear voices, but it sounded like Lughes and Amber. There was another voice, but it sounded young. Childish. A little girl.

Smelling the air, I realized I couldn't make out their scents. There were several fireplaces in this building, but only one was currently being used. The large one, near the kitchen on the first floor. That fireplace ran through the whole building, releasing warm air throughout it. The many pieces of wood inside it were most likely fresh, based off the smell. Because of that I couldn't smell much of anything else. Other than paint and wood.

Heading to the stairwell, I walked slowly. I wasn't too worried over meeting this so called protector... Especially since they've been talking more and more about his inevitable appearance... but it was strange. They somehow knew so little about him, yet trusted him completely. With not just their lives, but everything. Their homes. Their families.

It seemed... odd to me.

Why was he so secretive, when he was supposed to be the one who protected us?

Was I the weird one? Was I the one who was strange for finding it odd?

Maybe it was because I was a predator, and none of them were.

Either way... it was still exciting. Interesting. It made me anxious. Each step down I took, my heartbeat became heavier. My ears and tail a little more stiff.

Another member of our kind. To meet so many, so quickly, was... almost disturbing.

Was this all a dream?

Either way I needed to tread carefully. Not only was he a male predator, possibly far stronger than I, he was also...

Lughes and Crane hadn't outright said it, but the cold truth was plain to see. Especially for me.

They had been waiting on his arrival, to further judge if I was truly safe enough to keep around. It was why they hadn't really revealed much about the Society yet. I didn't blame them for it. Not at all. But now it was time.

He was here. I was here. So it was...

"Indeed so!" a loud Lughes laughed, and I paused at the middle of the stairwell to enjoy the sound of it. He sounded ecstatic, happy beyond reason.

Any doubt one had about the legitimacy in the trust they had for this so called protector was washed away with that heartfelt joy. It was too pure. Too real.

Amber sighed, and I noted the deepness of it. Was she annoyed?

"Poor girl!" Crane's voice was the next to be loud, but unlike the previous... sounded hurt. As if someone had just plucked a feather.

I found myself hurrying down the rest of the stairs at the sound of her discomfort. That hadn't been simple annoyance, but actual pain. Had something happened?

Reaching the hallway, I rounded to the front of the store. They were at the front still, not too far from the door.

"Don't strangle her now," Amber complained.

"Is she even strong enough to do so?" a man asked. A deeper voice than Lughes.

Reaching the storefront, I hesitated. It was odd to see a group in the store. There was barely any room for them, amidst the shelves and bookcases.

Yet... for as cramped as it looked, I felt as if I was suddenly looking at a new painting.

One that somehow fit in amongst the rest of the paintings. One of many. Yet special in its own way.

Amber and Lughes stood closest to me, with their backs to me. They were watching Crane, who had bent down to encompass what looked to be a child in a great big hug. She wore some kind of heavy duty cloak, and looked somewhat troubled by Crane's embrace. Not so much in pain, but worry.

Standing behind the clasped pair, was a familiar man. One I had never met before, yet somehow knew.

One who looked exactly like Amber had depicted him.

It was almost weird that he looked exactly the same. Was that the same set of clothes hidden beneath that coat? Even his hair looked the same, as if it had never grown an inch since Amber had painted him.

And he was looking straight at me.

Heavy eyes studied me, as I realized no one had told him about me yet. Was it wrong to have come down without a hat on? Without hiding my traits?

Amber noticed Vim's glare first, and coughed. "Vim, this is Renn. She showed up a little over a month ago," Amber said quickly, pointing at me.

The man's eyes never left my own, as Lughes turned to look at me. "Ah! Yes. Come here, Renn, this is Vim and little Lomi," Lughes gestured for me to join their little scene, and I felt almost embarrassed.

Did I really have a place in such an odd scene? Although Crane was seemingly crying, as she continued to hold the girl, the rest looked... happy. Joyful.

"Renn," Vim spoke my name, and it caused my foot to pause mid-step. I gulped as my back went straight, as if I was suddenly in front of my father.

Quickly tossing aside such an embarrassing thought, I glared back at the man who was looking at me as if I was some kind of enemy.

There was a heavy silence for a few moments, and then the man smirked with a nod.

"What?" I asked, and wondered why he was smiling like that.

"You're one of us. Now, Crane, please let her go. She might bite you if you don't, I've yet to break her of her nibbling habit," Vim said, turning away from me as if I was no longer a concern.

A little bothered, I watched as Crane laughed as she released the young girl. Who was as young as she looked. She had a strange smile on her face, but was also obviously bothered. Unsure of herself.

"I'd not bite her!" Lomi said with a complaint, looking back at Vim.

The gentle smile on the man told me he had indeed been just teasing. It made me wonder if...

Then her hat fell off, thanks to her cloak's hood falling off. The earlier hug must have dislodged it.

Revealing familiar ears.

Or at least, somewhat familiar ones.

Blinking at them, I almost stopped breathing for a moment. They had almost looked...

But no. They were a little too scraggly. A little too auburn in color.

A little smaller than my own.

She was similar to me, but not the same.

Before I finished calming myself down, I watched in awe as the young girl then ran up to Amber. The dark skinned woman hesitated for a moment, but returned the hug she got from the child.

"Nice to meet you too," Amber said as she and the girl spent a few moments in their embrace.

It was a nice gesture, even if the young girl looked a little awkward. She was smiling, but it looked forced... as if she was doing her best to not cry.

"Oh my, oh my!" Lughes grew excited as the young girl separated herself from Amber, then went over to give him a similar greeting. This time her hesitation was plainly visible. Did she think she had to give each of us a hug?

Lughes accepted the hug gratefully, he even bent down onto a knee. I saw the girl's ears twitch as his beard brushed against them. I knew that although his beard was mostly wool, and probably soft, it was probably ticklish beyond measure.

Pitying the poor girl, I went stiff when she finally released Lughes and stepped towards me.

When she did, she hesitated. Finally looking up at me, for the first time.

Her little red eyes went wide, and I knew it was because she noticed the ears on my head.

Quickly lifting my tail, and bringing it around to show her, I smiled gently. "Similar, in a way," I said to her.

The girl studied my tail, then smiled. A real one, full of joy. "A tail!" she stepped forward, and paused a mere inch from grabbing it.

"Go ahead," I said, and hoped she'd not squeeze it too tightly. Although it'd not hurt, it was a pain to get the hair to stop itching whenever it was messed with.

She touched it, but did so gingerly. Barely grabbing it as if afraid I'd snap at her if she did, when her fingertips touched my tail, I twitched.

How long had it been since someone else touched my tail? Before Nory, at least. She, although had loved me and never found me odd had always been off-put by my non-human characteristics. I had never faulted her for it, since humans found it so difficult to accept.

They waged war against others, over schools of thought, skin color, or even the languages they spoke... why then was it strange they waged war on us, who actually were different?

For the same reason I couldn't blame Nory for always being a little distant from me, thanks to her human instincts and fear... I could also do nothing but gently smile at the young girl who studied and touched my tail with awe.

I could very well be one of the first people she's ever met, like me. Like her. Who was I to deny her such a simple joy?

"Hm... are your ears this soft too?" the young girl asked, glancing up at my head.

Frowning, I glanced at the crowd watching us. In silence.

Glaring at them, I realized I found the placid expression on the protector the worst. Even though Crane and Lughes had stupid smirks, his blank face bothered me more.

Bending down, I realized she really was young. Couldn't be more than a handful of years old. Was she a fox? Some kind of cat like me? A dog maybe? I couldn't recognize her smell. What little of it I could smell, mixed in with all the other countless odd smells here.

Paints. Wood. Stone. Snow, old and new. Sweat. Feathers of a wet bird. Dirty wool of a sheep. A pond smell permeated the stone floor, from beneath. I could smell now also the leather she wore. Her hat especially smelled weird, even though it was still on the ground near Vim's feet.

Little hands gently brushed the top sides of my ears, and I went a little still. Yes. That was uncomfortable... but I had to endure it.

For that smile at least. For such innocence, I'd do far more than endure.

"Wow... Vim, she's soft!" the little girl turned to speak to the man who was glaring at me.

"I'll take your word for it," Vim said, and then glanced away from us. "Any other newcomers I should know about?" he asked Lughes.

"Oh shush, let us enjoy this," Crane though was the one who answered. And she did so with a stern tone.

You tell him!

"My name is Lomi," the little girl pulled her hand back, and smiled at me.

Seems I made a new friend.

"Renn. I'm a type of cat, or at least a part of me is," I said, smiling back at her.

"I'm a fox! A red one!" she then hurried forward, wrapping me in a hug.

Thanks to my bending down, like Lughes, she wrapped her arms around my neck. Unlike Lughes, I didn't have a large puffy beard to protect me from her large and thick coat. It was cold, and still had some snow on it.

Her embrace would have been wonderful if not for the cloak.


"Nice to meet you Lomi," I said, giving her a return hug all the same. I gave her a gentle squeeze, remembering how I had so much enjoyed such a thing when I had been young. It brought back memories of my parents. My older siblings, and especially my younger brother.

She giggled, and for the tiniest moment... I broke.

My eyes became watery. My breath caught in my throat. The sounds of Vim and someone else arguing, probably Amber, became distant.

Quickly controlling myself, I blinked a few times to get the water out of my eyes before Lomi noticed. Or anyone else.

Taking a small breath, the girl and I separated, and I smiled gently down to her. She beamed a happy smile back, and I was glad to see she hadn't noticed. Even though she had been wrapped around me.

Too young to have noticed a heart break.

Stepping back, and standing up, I glanced quickly to those who had watched us. My tail went still, and I felt the hairs on the tip of my ears stand up as I realized the reality.

They had all noticed.

Looking away from the mixture of warm smiles, and looks of pity, I took a small breath again and cleared my throat.

"So! A feast! Vim, would you please go get something fancy? Maybe a turkey?" Lughes asked, glancing down to the young girl... who had now retreated to Vim's side.

She had been excited to meet us, but yet it seemed that earlier awkward demeanor was her true self. Shy maybe.

"Turkey," Crane said with a flat tone.

"What? Look at her! Vim's dragged her through sleet and snow! She needs a hearty meal!" Lughes loudly declared, as if he dared anyone, even a fellow bird, to complain.

"I don't know if I agree there, but I do agree she looks cold. Come on in, child, let's get that layer of ice off you and a warm drink in your hand," Crane said, stepping towards the girl.

The girl stepped back, half a step, and glanced up at the man she stood near. For protection. For guidance.

Studying the look, I watched in awe as she calmed down when the man looked down at her and nodded. "I'll get our dinner. You'll be safe here," Vim said to her, in a calm voice.

Lomi visibly relaxed, and then nodded as she took Crane's offered hand. To be guided into the back of the building.

Amber waved gently at the girl as they passed, and we all watched Crane take her away. The way she guided the girl with her hand gently on the girl's back, reminded me of the way birds walked with their newborn young. Covering them gently, guiding them.

"Renn, would you go with Vim? The merchant down the street will have one. Get a big turkey; if they don't have one just get something you would like... I'm sure as a fellow hunter, you'd know best what she'd like," Lughes said, happily content with himself.

"Huh?" I went stiff.

"I'll get started on everything else with Crane. You lock the store up, old man. I don't know why you left it open in the first place" Amber grumbled as she stepped closer to Vim, as to bend down and grab the little girl's hat. It had been forgotten in the moment. After looking at it for a moment she turned and went to the back of the building to join Crane and the girl.

"Pha. Storm. Snowstorm. These humans have no idea what real storms are," Lughes grumbled as he too left the lobby. It took only a few seconds for me to be left behind, alone.

Staring at the empty hallway, devoid of the people who had just abandoned me, I slowly glanced to the man who was staring at me.

Doing chores was nothing I couldn't handle. I enjoyed it. Cooking was even something I really enjoyed... but...

"Well? Go get a jacket at least. And a hat," he said, gesturing for me to hurry.

"Oh... oh... okay," I nodded, and it seemed the embarrassment in the air wasn't done with me quite yet. Feeling stiff I hurried to the stairs.

I knew the reasoning behind it. I was the only other predator. She and I may not be the exact same, but we were far closer than anyone else I'd met.

Yet... Vim was a predator too wasn't he?

Grumbling at them, I wondered if it was not so much them utilizing me since I was available but for another, simpler, purpose.

They probably thought nothing of it. Yet at the same time, even as air-headed Lughes were... he was still far older than me. Still wise, in his own way.

He probably thought me spending some time with Vim would give him the chance to tell if I was a danger to them, or not.

Honestly I did want to talk to him. But...

I'd rather spend time with Lomi than him.

Hurriedly putting on the jacket and hat, the only things I owned, I hoped he'd not find me at fault for anything.

If the protector declared I was no good, I had a sinking suspicion they'd immediately cast me out. No matter what I said or did.

"Hhmghm," I made an odd noise as I left my room and headed back downstairs.

Keep it together, Renn. Even though you're feeling more emotions and excitement than you have in decades, don't let it get to you. Keep it together.

Vim was patiently waiting for me. I found him studying a painting, one that hung a little off-center on the center shelf. It was a painting that I found a little bland compared to the rest. Just a simple village, right before harvest. Most of the painting was a burnt orange, replicating the waves of wheat under a lazy summer dusk.

"I'm ready," I said to him, after a few moments passed and he ignored me.

"Hm." He turned, and for a moment studied me. At first I expected him to complain, or say something about my attire, but he said nothing and simply turned. He opened the door, and then turned to me.

Standing there, allowing the cold wind to buffet inside, I realized he was holding it open for me. Quickly leaving the store, I felt silly.

Yes. Men sometimes did that. Quickly stepping out, I flinched as the cold wind attacked.

Watching Vim close the door, I tried to think of the last time someone had opened a door for me. Or rather, a man. Nory had, surely. Before her I had been alone for awhile... and before then, I had been traveling with a pair of children. So...

Suddenly I felt out of place again, as I realized Vim was staring at me. I had gotten lost in thought, and we were standing outside in the ever growing snowstorm.

"This way," I said, and almost said it again when I realized he had probably not heard me. The wind was stronger now, and I had spoken softly.

His nod stopped me from repeating myself, and I was forced to remember that he was like me. Even if he looked completely...

Yes. He did. He had human ears. Human eyes. His pupils were normal. His body seemed normal...

I could see now why they couldn't tell me what he was.

He might not even know himself.

In fact, with the wind blowing at me from behind him... I should now be able to smell him. Being out of the building, and thus away from all the paint and smells.

Yet I smelled nothing but the stink of the city. The freshness of the breeze, and the chill of the snow.

He either had no scent, or it was so soft I couldn't smell it even while walking a few feet from him.

The wind picked up again, and I reached up to keep hold of my hat. It'd not fall usually, it was a little too well made for that, but it'd be my luck that it'd fly off when I was trying to make a good impression on the society's protector.

Walking with the protector, I hoped my heart would settle soon.

It wasn't right that I felt as disheveled as I probably looked, thanks to this storm.

I was too old to feel like this.

This was too important, too precious for me to ruin. I needed to ensure I secured my place in the Non-Human Society. At any costs.

I'd never be able to live with myself, if I ruined this opportunity. The mere thought of spending centuries alone, all because I failed to meet whatever standard they had...

Trudging through fresh fallen snow, I forced my head clear. Forced my thoughts away, and out.

It'll be fine. I just needed to weather this storm.

Nothing new.

I've done this before. Kind of...

Well, not really.

This was a first for me. Blatantly so...

Yet... I'd accomplish it. I'd find a way.

Or at least, I'd survive it.

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