The Peacekeepers

Chapter 3

[//Chapter 3 - Entrance Exam Part.1//]
[Date: September 24 ACF 441]
[Time: Wednesday Morning 05:30AM]
The Next Day around 6:30 John woke up and decide to go for a run, since today the entrance Exam into the Peacekeeper Academy. John woke up brush his eyes put on his glasses and stood up from his bed, He looked over to see Penelope still asleep. He Smiled warmly and went to get ready quietly so as not to disturb her.

John went to the elevator and went down to the lobby and exited the building, He Ran around the nearby park area feeling the calm breeze around him. He stopped by a nearby vendor, He ordered some hotdogs grabbed his cash and Paid . John ate as he walk around enjoying the sun rising in the distance, The View of the Ocean beautiful the water crystal clear. John breathe in heavily and exhale feeling refresh from the freshness of the air.

"Ah...what a nice day today."

John sat on a beach eating the hotdog, He stared out into the ocean mesmerized in it's beauty.

As John was almost done with his hotdog, his phone rang he picked up his it was his Father.

"Hello Dad."

John said with a slight smile.

"Do You Know the Trouble You caused!"

Nicholas said angry threw the phone which made John ears rang.

"I Know I Know."

"You Fought a Gang Leader and almost got hurt badly if Mrs Yu didn't arrived in time!"

Nicholas huffed and sighed.

"I'm Just worry John."

John looked down with a small fear down his cheek.

"I Know dad, But i'm fine don't worry."

"How Penelope?"

Nicholas said in a warm fatherly voice.

"She fine and so am i."

In the Distance through the phone John heard a door opening, the sound of the two twins could be heard as they entered.

"Is that Big Brother!"

Juniper shouted as the voice got closer.

"HELLO Big Brother!"

"Hello Juniper Where June?"

John put a smile on his face.


"How is it over their!, We Missed you."

Juniper had a sad tone in her voice, John just chuckle

"I'm fine and its only been a day...well few hours."

"Alright Alright, Why don't you two go eat breakfast first, i have to finish talking with your brother."

The Twins left the room closing the door.

"Anyway today the Entrance Exam....I Wish you good luck Son, Your Mother would have been proud of you."

"Thanks Dad it means a lot."

John smiled knowing that his dad supported him he stood up and ended the call, He looked at the time.

"Aww Man better get back to Penelope!"

John stood up from the bench and ran back to the Hotel, He Entered The Room. He Found Penelope awake in the shower getting ready.

"You back John?"

Penelope shouted from the shower due to the sound of rushing water.

"Yes, back from my Run."

John sat on his bed, He stared out the window then at his shield.

"Let Do this."

John grabbed his shield light dent due to combat from yesterday, He heard the Shower door open.

"You Finished?"


Penelope busy drying her Purple Red hair with the Hair blower, But due to the shampoo she used from the hotel it will take awhile.

"Darn, This might take awhile. Why Don't yo-"

Before she could finish, John Already headed to the Shower. Penelope just smiled, as she continue to dry her hair she noticed John got them breakfast.

After awhile Both John and Penelope finished getting ready, as john put on his helmet. John sat by the bed looking at his shield again.

"You Keep Looking at that shield."

Penelope smiled as she finished making her hair into a ponytail. John turn toward her.

"Because It's amazing."

Penelope laughed at John a big smile on her face, her arms hugging her stomach.

"If its amzing why not marry it!"

"Alright Alright, Stop it."

He got up and put on his helmet adjusting his glasses.

"Already, I'm Ready!"

"How i look?"

Penelope wore a Red Jacket Purple Dress shirt, Tight leather small pants with high white compression stocks and a dark boots.

"Look nice" He blushed a little.

"So if i may ask Where your weapon?"

Penelope turned toward John in confusion.

"My Weapon...? Oh yeah i forgot about it!''

Penelope grabbed an a weapon case, it looked battle damage for years of combat. She opened it to reveal a Red Dark Spear. The Midnight Rose legendary Spear passed down through generations of warriors, The Spear also imprinted with the Rosemary seal.

John looked at the Spear with a surprised looked on his face.

"Is that?"

"Yes....The Midnight Family weapon."

Penelope spins her spear with her hand and held it still.

"This been passed down to me for this day....The next generation guardtress who will take it to war."

"Yeah, but we're not at war."

John said with a unsurprised look, Penelope scoffs at John.

"they might be one."

Penelope walked up to John and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Alright let's go!"

Penelope excitedly dragged John toward the elevator, they got it and slowly went down listening to "The classic elevator music."
They arrived at the lobby, John and Penelope carried their belongings to the taxi waiting outside after they checked out. They got into the taxi outside and drove across the city toward the academy. Once they arrived they saw many students walking in today the big day.

"Alright Penelope lets go"

John got out of the taxi followed by Penelope.

"Ready John Let's do this together"

Penelope smiled as the both of them fist bumped each other and walked into the academy.

John and Penelope looked everywhere the sight the tall white building infront, so many students there weapons were amazing to look at.

[Location:PK Academy]
[Time: Morning 06:12AM]
"WOW So many weapons and gears!"

Penelope ran around staring at everyone weapons and gear, John just smiled following her.

"Penelope watchout!"

But it was to late, Penelope bumped into someone causing a loud thug, The girl in question turn toward Penelope with an angry look. She had White Eyes and White Light blue hair a white dress skirt with booths. Her Large bags fell onto the floor.


Penelope turned toward the white hair girl, The White hair girl angerly shouted back.

"Watch where you're going idiot!."

"Alright Alright let calm down."

John tried to defused the situation, The White haired girl turned her attention to him.

"And who are you?!"

"John Arcknight Her Friend."

John looked now annoyed at the white haired girl, She was looking very furious right now.

"I Suggest you calm yourself now."

"Calm myself your friend here bumped into me, making me drop my belonging!"

The White haired girl pointed at her bags on the ground.

"And she said sorry let me help you"

"You Don't to seem to Understand She Caused this she needs to pay!"

The White haired girl looked at Penelope, Penelope stared at her back.

"Look We Don't want trouble."

John said holding his hands up.

"Let us help you"

"You both already cause trouble for me! And Don't you Know who i am i'm Y-"

Before the White Haired girl could finished,

"You're Yuki Xue Yamamoto of the Yamamoto Clan The famous Lancer Girl from Victoria."

A Stranger Jumped into the conversation, A Girl walked up her long green hair blowing in the light cold breeze, she had emerald green eyes and a mask walked up to them, her green black uniform said she a highly train Assassin.

[Yuki Xue Yamamoto]
[The Snow Queen, Age 19]
"Thank you."

Yuki said to the Green haired girl.

"Her Clan is also A Middle tier class status in most Federal Nation States, Due to her lost in the last Season Global Battle Tournament"

"Why you!, Taking there sides!"

Yuki angry grabbed her bags and walked away fluming.

"Yeah you better run!"

Said Penelope laughing a little, John smacked the back of her head.


"That not nice."

John sighed then turn toward The Green haired girl.

"Thanks, My Name John Arcknight this is my friend Penelope Rosemary."

He smiled at the Green haired girl warmly.

The Green Haired girl turn toward John and Penelope,

[Krystal Yeon]
[The KeyEye, Age 18]
"Krystal Yeon"

Krystal walked away after giving her name. She had a cold uninterested emotional vibe.

"That Green Girls Doesn't seems to trust anyone."

Penelope stared at her, She then grabbed John hand and pulled him to the meeting hall.

[PK Academy Hall]
John and Penelope entered the meeting hall, there was a large statue of warriors around and a large stage. Many Student Recruits arrived there, some of them from various Federal Nation States. From Arcadia to Magadan From the Mountain plains of Asia to Oceania.

"Who so many People here."

John looked around observing the large room, Penelope was busy looking an other Peoples weapons and clothing.

"Look there gear looks amazing!"

"Ahem...May i have everyone attention."

Headmaster Odin stood on the stage speaking to the microphone. Everyone turned to look at him and the Professors behind him.

"Welcome New Recruits to the Peacekeeper Academy, Where you will all learn to become Guardsmen and Guardtress!"

Everyone had missed Emotions Some happy, sad, excited and worried. They all know that the Exam ahead will be hard, Training Learning and more.

"Since this is the first day we will allow everyone to get to know each other, You will be all sleeping here for now."

As Odin Finished staff arrived to hand out sleeping bags.

Each Student got a sleeping bag, As The Staff Finish handing out sleeping bags. Odin stood up to the microphone again.

"Toilet and bathing facilities are available for use. food will be provide, Make sure to not sleep late, tomorrow will be a hard exam day."

The Rest of the day was full of fun and laughter, People talking to each other. from Different Cultural areas and languages. John and Penelope looked at everyone around them, Penelope like the energetic girl that she is went to talk with the other participants. John just stood by the walls, he noticed Headmaster Odin walked up to him.


"Hello John How you feeling?."

Odin put his hand on John shoulder.

"Good Sir Getting to know many people"

"That nice to hear John."

Odin walked off as he was called to somewhere else, As He walked off John noticed the two hoodied figures at the back. John decide to go up and talk to them.


The two hoodied Figures turned toward the look at John, John extended his hand out to them.

"My Name John Arcknight what are yours?"

"My Name Genki...Genki Midori.."

"And I'm Whitney Wilhelmina Nice to meet you."

[Genki Midori]
[The Greeninja, Age 20]
[Whitney Wilhelmina]

[The Miracle Medic, Age 19]

They both removed their hoods, Genki had white hair his face covered by a metal mask with a green visor not showing his eyes or mouth wearing a Green Ninja Uniform held by a black belt. Whitney had pink blonde hair brown eyes, wore a white jacket a heart shape pink white shirt and a battle skirt, she also had a medic kit bag .Whitney grabbed John hand and shoke it with so much energy, Genki had to stop her.

"Anyway Looks like you're nervous to."

"Yeah...First day."

"You Okay?"

Genki turn toward John and nodded and went back to looking around, John turned to Whitney

"Sorry about him, he's always like that."


John noticed Genki Sword on his back.

"So your weapon a sword huh?"

Genki Nodded.

"And Mine this!"

Whitney Turned and grabbed a large white hammer with a medical cross on it.

"This is my Boy, The Hammer of Healing!"

John Jumped back at the sight of the hammer.

"Surprised you can carry that"

"i Know right?"

"Here my Weapon of choice."

John loosen the shield straps and held the shield for Genki and Whitney to see.

"Oh Nice Shield looks strong!"

"Maybe i ask John what is that made of?"

"Special materials."

"I See"

Genki looked closer at the shield and nodded, while Whitney had an excited look on her face, like Penelope these two will surely become good friend. After awhile of talking Penelope came over to see how was John Doing.

"Hey john. Who are your new friends?"

"Hello! I'm Whitney Wilhelmina!"

Wynnie ran up to Penelope shook her hand with energy, Penelope smiled back and gave the same energy vibe.

"And i Am Genki midori."

Genki nodded as john chuckle at the interaction, The Four Friends got to know each other and spent the hole evening together walking around the academy grounds. As The began to get dark they got ready for bed.

[PK Academy Hall]
[Time: 07:43 PM]
Later that night, Most of the Recruit Students already went to bed early resting up for tomorrow. John was busy getting ready when he heard a familiar Voice.

"And that how i got my strength."

Michael entered the Restroom on the phone, to find John there. John stared at Michael, Michael stared back at him.


"Hello There John, What a surprised to see you here!"

Michael smirked and laughed, he put his phone down.

"Surprised to see you to"

"Aww don't give me that cold look we are friends after all?"

"No we are not."

Michael looked at John angerly.

"Anyway Why are you here Michael?"

"To Become a Guardsmen of course, ill become strong and mighty!"


John gave an unfazed looked making Michael more angry.

"I Will Make sure to beat you tomorrow!"

"You mean The Combat Duel Tomorrow, I'll win?."

John Smiled not afraid of Michael anymore.

"Grrr No you Wont!"

Michael left angerly, John just smirked and shook his head.

"Who was that?"

Genki Walked out from one of the shower rooms, he still wore his mask and jacket.

"Michael, and you ever take that mask and Jacket off?"


"Ah Huh."

John And Genki went back to the sleep area, Penelope and Whitney Were talking to each other. They were laughing together having fun and smiling.

"Hello Ladies what's up?"

"Oh Nothing Just Talking about Childhood life."

"Yeah Whitney had an amazing stories to About her life training as a medic and playing with medicine."

"That Seems Nice."

The Four friend sat down together talking for hours. Till it was time for bed. The Four of them Are In there sleeping bags looking up at the star, Threw the sealing windows. Whitney spoke up.

"Hey Have a Question for you two?"

"Oh ahead what is it."

"What are your Dreams?"

"For Me to Be a Strong Guardtress and Have fun with friends!."

"As For Explore...Help."


"Yeah Help and Protect the world.."

John smiled as he said those words looking at the shooting stars, Penelope smiled and chuckle.

"Nice Dream, My Dream is to Be Ze Medic!"

John and Penelope looked at each other and chuckle, Whitney turn toward them with a confused face.


"Well it's a bit obvious you dress as a combat medic."


"It's my moment! To show my passion!"

The Three of them laughed, as all of them feel asleep.

[Next Day]
[PK Academy Training Hall]
[Time: Thursday 07:30 AM]
The Recruits woke up about Six in the morning and ate breakfast and got ready to train hard to pass the exam tests, First was Physical and mental combat. Running around Doing push up light weight etc, Most of the Recruits have dropped out due to not being able to handle it, The Last one was Combat Test 1v1 Duel testing there strength and skill,Currently Penelope was Dualling with the Snow Queen Aka Yuki.

Clang! Woosh! Thud!

"Seem i got the upper hand surrender now."

Yuki looked toward Penelope on the ground, she just smirked and got up and spun her spear upright.

"Not a Chance."

"It seems you are more tougher that i thought, tho it wont make any differences."

Yuki Ready her lance in a battle Stance, Penelope pulled her spear behind her ready to launch it with force.


A Gust of strong wind came blasting as Penelope dashed toward Yuki, Yuki using her Lance to block Penelopes attacks. The Sharp blade edge of her spear slashes with the lance sending sparks flying. John and Genki were together watching them fight, While Whitney enjoying some popcorn.

"Woah look at them go!"

"Both of them are trained and focused."

Genki Looked intensely at the battle, Both Participants skilled in there own way.

Woosh! Thud!

Penelope Kicked Yuki sending her flying, Yuki Manage to recover and Used her lance as a hook to safely stop. Yuki stood up pointing her lance at Penelope with a smirk.

"That all you go?"


Yuki glared then charged at Penelope, Pointing her lance at her ready to strike. Penelope placed her Spear in a Defense Stance. But to her surprised Yuki swung her spear around and used the handle butt to smash Penelope spear away, And was ready to strike again.


Penelope quickly did a backflip and grabbed her spear mid air, Her Eyes glowed for a Brief second and then.

Boom! Woosh!

Penelope sent the spear flying, it flew toward Yuki so fast she didn't have time to react.

Woosh! Ka-Boom!


Yuki was on the ground shocked, She turn toward Penelope spear behind her. She then touched her cheek a small cut on her face.

"Oops i didn't i put to much strength on that throw."

"You Think! My Face!"

Yuki angry got up and walk toward Penelope, Headmistress Yu Stepped in between them.

"Alright Enough no need to start a Brawl, Miss Yamamoto go get yourself treated."


Yuki stood up and went to the nearby infirmary tent to get treated. Yu Sighed and looked at board.

"Winner Miss Rosemary! , Now for our Last Duel Mr Arcknight and Mr Mager."

John got up grabbed his shield and walked toward the Combat Stage, Penelope gave him a good luck wave as she walked passed him. John just nodded and got on stage opposite of him Michael.

"The Last Dual Shall commence, You Two Already know the rules so Let's begin."

headmistress Yu Walked over to the podium and watched there skills unfold, She Looked at the Hologram board.

"So You use a shield huh, Mine this!"

Michael Pulled out his Broadsword using for cutting and slashing. John just stare at it didn't flitch he raised his shiel.

"Hahh You are using a Shield, That not gonna even an offensive weapon it won't even Kill any Korrupted!"

"It's Maybe a Defense Weapon but it will protect people and that my goal."

"Let see about that!"

Michael Smirked getting into a battle stance, John remained calm and collective.


With Headmistress Yu signal the two began to There Combat Test.

Michael charged at John, John Used his shield and blocked Michael as he swung his sword. John Blocked it with his shield.

Clang! Click! Bang!

Everyone looked in shock, John Pulled out a Pistol from is leg Holster. Shot Michael with Shockray Rounds stunning him for 10 seconds.

[A Few Minutes Ago]
[Locker Room]
As the Combat Dual was going on outside, John was getting his things ready in his locker, He Pulled out a Box. He opened it inside was a Leg Holster for his right leg, and a Pistol it wasn't just any normal pistol, A Modified G-17 Glock It fires ShockBlast Rounds small metal hook, stunning enemies with electricity

"This might come in handy."

He Fitted his Holster on his Right leg and slide the Pistol in and safety locking it into place.

John got up and went to the Stage area for his turn.

Michael was frozen in place with electrical sparkles moving in his body, John took the Opportunity and crashed Michael with his shield sending him flying backwards, Michael used his Broadsword and pinned in to the ground sliding and stopping him from leaving the stage.

"Nice Trick!"

Michael is now fired up, John just stared at took shield stance, Michael charged at John at speed. John Blocked his attacks with his shield and using his other hand to punch Michael, They continue onwards.

Clash! Bang! Thud! Woosh!

Sparks fly from the clashing on metals, There strength nearly equal. Michael used an upper cut move and sent John flying. John Saw Michael rushing toward him. John quickly ran toward him at speed.

John Jumped as might swung his sword, Using his ankle john hit Michael face with force sending him flying toward the ground. Michael tried to get up, John Pointed his Pistol at Michael.

"You know the Rules, Now Say Goodnight!"

Bang! Zap! Zap!

Michael was Electrocuted again, he Passed out. John Adjusted his glasses and clean his face with his arm. He turn toward Headmistress Yu.

"Alright The Winner is Mr Arcknight!"

John Smiled and walk up to Michael offering his hand to him.

"Hmph! I Don't want your help."

Michael stood up and walk away to the Locker room, John just shook his head and sighed. John walked off the stage to be greeted by Whitney talking about how Amazing the fight was.

[Few Hours later]
[Grand Hall]
The Recruits Arrived at the Grand Hall, Headmaster Odin waited for them to arrive. A Smile currently visible on his face.

"Alright Everyone, All of you are the Ones that didn't drop its time for the Final Challenge."

Odin turned around to a screen, he clicked a switch and it came to life.

"Searching for your Kores."

John smiled at this.

[//End Chapter 3 - Entrance Exam Pt.1//]
A Crow Landed by one of the Grand Hall Window, It's Eye Glow Red flicking watching everyone.

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