Chapter 30: The Start of the End
Chapter 30: The Start of the End
The party was over after a few hours; they sang happy birthday to Isona and ate cake while she opened her presents. Neban barely participated as his mind was still stuck on what Siren told him. Theo had to get his attention many times to make sure his mind was still at the party.
Now, Owain fell asleep on one of the couches; playing dancing games tired him out. And Theo went to the sofa Neban was on, crawling his body next to him as he also went to sleep.
Neban's face softened at that as he ran his hands through Theo's hair before his expression began to turn grim. Siren's words kept hitting him, and he could not help but worry about Theo's safety if or even when the high-level creatures crosses over.
Even though there are many hunters, it is not enough to hold back an army of high-level creatures; there will be nothing but destruction and dead bodies covering the streets.
Neban's hands stopped moving as he thought about it, but when Theo moved in his sleep, saying "Papa," Neban unconsciously went back to petting his head.
As he continued, Wey and Isona entered his view. They stopped near him, causing Neban to remember that he told them that he would talk to them after the party.
He sighed before moving his hand away from Theo and kissing the boy's forehead. Neban took off his jacket and set it on Theo, so he wouldn't wake up from noticing that he was gone.
The boy grabbed the jacket, snuggling into it as he moved once again.
Making sure that he was still asleep, Neban stared at Theo for a few more seconds before looking at Wey and Isona. "Where do you want to talk?" He asked them.
Isona looked to be thinking for a while before saying, "My bedroom."
Neban was a bit nervous at her choice of location, but he nodded anyway. Isona turned, walking to her bedroom while Neban and Wey followed behind her in silence.
When they entered the bedroom, Neban did not look around because he felt like if he did, it meant he was trying to make himself familiar with the room. He was not ready to think about any of that if he wanted to hold a conversation with them.
Isona pulled the chair from her vanity desk and pulled it near the bed. She and Wey sat on the bed while Neban took the chair, silently thanking her for getting it for him.
Once they sat down, no one said a word as they were silent for a while. Isona and Wey looked at Neban while he still could not look them in the eyes. He started to drum his fingers along the chair as he already felt ready to use [Shadow Travel] to leave.
Seeing the expression on Neban's face, Isona spoke first, "If you did not want to be with us, you could have said so instead of ignoring us, Neban. I promise we won't be hurt. It only hurts when you act like we don't exist."
"We do not want this to ruin our friendship. So, if you want to say no, then say it, but can we still be friends in the end?" Wey added.
After speaking, they looked at Neban, waiting for him to say something.
Neban gazed at the ground, not knowing what to say because he was still lost. He has feelings for Wey and Isona; Neban will admit that but not once had he felt like this for anyone; he also never been in a relationship.
Out of 27 years of his life, he only slept with three people, but it was only once, and zero feelings were there. Neban only did it because he wanted to see why people talked about it being so amazing. He found that he did not like it, so he never did it again.
Not once, even when he was a teen, did he fall for anyone. Neban's emotions disconnected from the world all of his life (except when he was with his parents or until he had Theo). And to crush on not one but two people simultaneously, Neban did not know what to do.
How does one even date?
Neban would screw this up in a second, so he thought it was better to push everything back and ignore it. He did not want to lose Wey and Isona; he did not want to ruin their relationship with his low EQ and inexperience.
Neban opened his mouth, getting ready to lie and make an excuse before changing his mind while running his hand through his hair in frustration.
"I did not ignore you because I wanted to say no. I ignored you because that day made me realize that I had feelings for you both."
Wey and Isona looked surprised with his answer as their eyes filled with hope. "Then, what is the problem?" Isona said, sounding a bit rude due to her excitement with what Neban said.
"Isona!" Wey scolded before looking back at Neban. Isona, deflated while muttering, "sorry."
"We don't want to rush you, Neban. We only wanted answers. If you don't want to like us, that is okay. And if you do, but don't want to pursue anything, that is fine too." Wey answered.
Isona bit her lip at that, playing with the bracelet on her wrist that Neban gave her. She furrowed her eyes at Wey's words, not liking how negative they were.
"I-I." Neban stopped talking when he heard himself stuttering. He frustratingly sighed before speaking again, "That is not it. I have never been in a relationship; I never felt for anyone. I do not want to ruin anything between us because I cannot give you the same things both of you can give me."
"Oh." Wey and Isona spoke simultaneously as they finally understood before looking at each other and communicating with their eyes.
Neban wanted to get up and leave for admitting something so embarrassing. He felt that he talked more about his emotions than he ever did in his life; Neban did not want to do it anymore.
So, as he was getting ready to stand up, Wey and Isona quickly grabbed his hand, causing Neban to stop. His hands were warm in Wey and Isona's hold.
"We do not mind trying!" Isona practically shouted.
"If that is fine with you?" Wey softly added.
Neban stared at their hands for a while before looking at their faces. He wondered if he should try? Neban began to think of Theo and wonder if the boy would mind. His son did like them two, and they did not treat Theo wrong.
So, would it be okay?
After a minute or so of thinking, Neban opened his mouth to answer, but words did not leave his mouth as the ground started to shake. Wey and Isona let go of Neban as they almost stumbled off the bed.
Neban used the chair to catch his balance before running out of the bedroom to Theo. He almost tripped a few times as the ground continued to shake.
When he entered the living area, Theo was on the ground, trying to use the couch to pick himself up while holding onto Neban's jacket that was way too big for him.
"Theo," Neban called out to his son as he made his way over, picking up the boy, and his legs hit against the couch, almost falling on it.
The boy wrapped his arms tightly around Neban's neck as he held on tight; his body was trembling.
"What is happening?" Owain spoke as he was picking himself up from the other couch, holding onto the handles. Neban did not know what to say as Wey and Isona finally made it into the living area.
They could hear the sound of car alarms going off while dogs were barking outside as the ground shook for a few more seconds before stopping.
Isona took a few deep breaths before saying as she pulled out her phone, "Was that an earthquake?"
Before anyone could answer, all of their phones started making a loud beeping sound, causing them to look at them and read the message that appeared.
[Emergency Alert: Extreme
Dear Citizens,
A weird portal has broken out in the middle of Gernan Street; monsters are pouring out of the portal, and we advised all citizens, who are not porters or hunters, to remain indoors. Please hide where there are no windows, and keep all doors locked.
All hunters and porters near Gernan Street need to report to the site.
Heed are words, and we will make sure that casualties will remain at a low number. Thank you for your patience.]
Once they finished reading the message, Theo was whimpering in Neban's hold due to being scared at what he read. Neban's face turned dark as Siren started to speak again.
'It is happening.' Siren ominously spoke.
Owain's hands were shaking while gripping his phone tight before looking at Isona, "U-uh, Isona, isn't your home fifteen minutes away from Gernan Street?"
Everyone turned towards Owain and Isona after he spoke those words. And once Isona nodded her head, a loud blast sounded outside.
They all dunk down, Neban covering Theo with his jacket as the blast caused the windows in the living area to shatter.
As glass fell on the couch that Neban and Theo were next to, he glanced at his son thinking, 'What am I going to do?'
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